Lux's Magic Penetration Rod

Chapter 963 【0954】 The Unification War of Shurima

This may be the first time that Kalya can observe a war taking place on the continent of Shurima without being a participant.

And sometimes, some things can only be understood more clearly when you stay away from them.

When the billowing smoke began to spread along the Shurima River, with Shurima City as the center, upstream and downstream, what Kalya saw was a huge surge of water.

The old order was like a fragile piece of cloth, being torn apart easily. Countless Shurima soldiers, with their loyalty to the emperor, swept away the unwilling people along the river with a momentum that was more violent than the water of the Shurima River. The city of surrender.

One after another.

With little need for Nasus and Renekton to intervene, those cities that tried to resist and persist in slavery were completely overthrown.

For these cities, the history of the Shurima Empire has given them a lot. Whether it is the foundation of city construction or the many regional specialties that have been preserved to this day, they can all be traced back to the ancient glory of the Shurima Empire.

But in addition, the history of the Shurima Empire has also been distorted into many heavy shackles, tightly strangling the necks of the slaves. When the rulers relied on the monopoly of knowledge to destroy the past glory and slavery system, , and when it was bound to the theory of blood, even if the slaves' cries were full of anger, it was of no avail.

It was only now that Azir appeared, and as the most orthodox heir of Shurima, announced the abolition of slavery and put forward the declaration of "restoring Shurima's true glory", these shackles were completely invisible.

Of course, in the midst of a great situation, Kalya also clearly saw the hidden worries of New Shurima. It was easy to liberate slaves, but it was not that easy to let freed slaves live like individuals.

Even if New Shurima can eliminate slave owners in a short period of time and give these slaves better treatment and status, if New Shurima does not develop further, then in the final analysis this will be just a flip of the table, or even If Azir fails to fulfill his promise to make the Shurima Empire great again, I'm afraid he will face backlash in the future.

Don't forget, his goal is to unify Shurima, not to "unify the Shurima River Basin" - if after unifying the Shurima River Basin, only the slaves will be better off, and the living environment of the free people will not be improved. If there is any change, if he wants to send troops to Northern Shurima later, the difficulty will increase exponentially.

It was destined to be an expedition across the desert, and unlike the isolation of cities along the Shurima River, the cities of Northern Shurima could completely rely on the resources on the sea to defend the city.

Moreover, although slavery has not been completely abolished in the cities of Northern Shurima, the number and scale of slaves are not at the same level as those along the Shurima River. It will be a very difficult battle.

Kalya didn't know if Azir was fully prepared or if he had any complete plans for the follow-up.

But no matter where Azir ends up, he doesn't plan to go to New Shurima City to remind him, because for him, there is a more important thing to do at this time.

Go to Targon and meet Zoe.


During the Howling Abyss, one of the most important reasons Kalya said for Zoe to leave was that "now is not the time to take action."

When Zoe asked Kal'ya when he could take action, Kal'ya's answer was "when the Titans and their lackeys face the threat together."

And now, judging from the situation of the Shurima Unification War, the cities along the Shurima River, including Faraj and Wekaura, cannot stop Azir's army no matter what.

Under such circumstances, as the only city along the Shurima River that has the strength and reputation to compete with New Shurima, the residents of Nerimaji will not sit back and watch Azir advance.

Moreover, the sun disk on Mount Targon has risen, and there is a faint trend of merging between the Nerimajie and the Rakkor people. Once Azir's troops point at the Nerimajie, no matter whether it is the Rakkor Neither humans nor the giant gods behind them could sit back and watch Nerimajie being knocked down in one fell swoop.

Once the war begins, the situation in Nerimajie will become chaotic, and the attention of the Rakkor and even the giant gods will be attracted to the battlefield. If there is any chance to deal some cruelty to the giant gods, then it will be inevitable It's this time.

The only problem is that according to Kalya's original prediction, this incident may take place ten years or more later, but because of the solar disk, everything has been accelerated suddenly.

There was no time to plan more layouts, Kalya could only go all the way west, and soon came to Mount Targon, and began to look for traces of Zoe.

Finding Zoe wasn't easy.

Although her image features are extremely obvious, and her rainbow-colored hair is extremely impressive, Zoe, who is good at teleportation, is mainly a person who does whatever she wants. She may have been drinking tea in Ionia in the morning, and she may have appeared in the afternoon. Kamaviya.

There was no way for Kalya to know where she was based on the traces she left behind.

And even if he finds it, he may not be able to arrive in time, because by the time Kalya arrives, Zoe no longer knows where he has been teleported.

However, just because Kalya can't find it doesn't mean that others can't find it either.

Kalya believed that Soraka, the son of the stars who liked to observe the starry sky and weave destiny, and abandoned the body of a giant to come to Runeterra, would definitely discover the comet that disrupted the situation in Runeterra.

Kalya has always been full of respect for this unique giant. Even when the relationship between the Shurima Empire and the giant was at its worst, Soraka's seclusion was not disturbed, and the information about her has always been Kalya took charge personally and never let it out.

Although he does not agree with Soraka's concept of destiny, Kalya still quite recognizes her ability.

Since Kalya couldn't find Zoe herself, why not ask Soraka?

Moreover, in the next game about the future of Runeterra and Heaven, the Son of the Stars is also the one who is qualified to stand on the card table!

My hands are numb and a little shaky, so I went to check.

I originally thought it was an aggravation of cervical spondylosis or a problem with my lumbar spine, but I didn't expect it to be hyperthyroidism.


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