Ma’am, Your Little Dragon Cub is Four and a Half Years Old

Chapter 276: Kiss me, or I'll kiss you! 1

  Chapter 276 Kiss me, or I'll kiss you! 1

  Memories tumbled out of his mind, the year Mo Yinhe himself became the real power prince of Atlantis, he was sixteen years old and she was fifteen years old.

  At the state banquet, she said that she would dance a song for him, wishing him that after he became the powerful prince, he would govern Atlantis more prosperously, and the country and the people would be safe.

  She turned all her blessings into dancing postures, which not only amazed him, but also everyone at the state banquet!

   It is said that it is the most sacred dragon dance in the Mu continent, which has long been lost and is only recorded in the murals of the Dragon Temple in the Mu continent.

  But she can, show the dragon dance on the murals of the Dragon Temple vividly, and become famous in one dance. I don’t know how many people envy him for getting her!

  Others said that he had found the treasure, and he also felt that he had found the treasure, but for some reason, watching her dance for him made me feel more distressed than happy.

  The pain was inexplicable.

  He should have complimented her on dancing well, women love compliments.

  He couldn't do it, tears could not be controlled from the corners of his eyes.

  When she came down to the song and walked in front of him in a dazzling manner, he instinctively shouted: "No more dancing!"

  At that moment, the baby was extremely wronged.

  After the state banquet, she was sulking and didn't want to talk to him, so she shut him out and placed a row of unpeeled durians outside the door.

  He broke in and she hit him with a pillow.

  For this dance, Bao Bao had a cold war with him for half a month. Even when he thought about it, he felt that he was quite an **** at that time.

  At this moment, Mo Yinhe stood quietly by the side admiring it. After being amazed, his heart ached again.

  Mo Yinhe strode over, hugged the girl who was sweating from dancing, and hugged her on the tatami mat: "Mingjing, don't dance."

   "What? I dance badly?"

  Si Mingjing panted slightly, she learned from herself in memory, she thought she danced well, but Mo Yinhe frowned, it was a disappointment.

   "Looks good!" The surprise in Mo Yinhe's eyes was undisguised.

  He stood in front of her with a tall and straight figure, but the color of his brows was still stained with thick mist, pulling a dull pain in his heart: "But I don't like you dancing this dance."

   "You know this dance?" Isn't he reincarnated and doesn't remember the memory of his previous life?

  Mo Yinhe did not speak.

  Si Mingjing didn't wait for the answer, closed his eyes, and continued to detoxify the new memory in his mind.

  On the screen, as a dragon girl, she dances a dragon dance to pray for the peace of the country and the people, and wins the enthusiastic support of all people.

  As soon as the dance was over, the sound of the drums rang loudly, and everyone worshiped her devoutly, shouting: "The saint grants the dance, the country is peaceful and the people are safe."

   Voices of awe came and went, and even the princes and nobles who watched the grand ceremony of worshiping heaven on the high platform worshiped her devoutly.

  The grand occasion was empty for thousands of people.

   After the dance, she was sweating, and there was only one man in her eyes. She raised her head slightly and looked at the man standing with his hands behind his back on the tall tower.

  The man's beautiful eyes were as charming as obsidian, and his eyes fell on her. The two looked at each other, as if there were sparks flying in the air.

  The rich and imposing man, with a face of Mo Yinhe, spread his arms and gave her a hug from the air.

  The past self raised his eyebrows slightly, with an uncontrollable smile at the corner of his mouth, and the beauty of the world paled under the sunshine.

  After a ceremony to sacrifice to heaven, she dragged her long skirt and climbed up the steps one step at a time, wanting to fly to the front of Mo Yinhe.

  But when she finally walked all the steps and came to the high city wall, expecting to fly into Mo Yinhe's arms, a man suddenly caught up and grabbed her wrist, preventing her from being with Mo Yinhe.

  The man was so handsome that he clasped her wrist and said sharply, "Ming Jing, I'm not allowed to find him, you will never be together, because you are the most honorable girl in Mu Continent, but he is..."

The self on the screen did not wait for the man to finish speaking, and shook off the man's hand vigorously, saying: "So what! As long as we truly love each other, no one can stop us from being together. I have already reached a dragon contract with Mo Yinhe. No one can separate us!"

   "What did you say? How dare you! Are you crazy?"

  The man wanted to give her a slap.

Not to be outdone, the self in the picture raised his head and said, "If you have the ability, hit me, and I know that you are no longer the brother who loves me! If you want to beat the mandarin ducks, I will sever the brother-sister relationship with you. Just give it a try." try!"

  The man's hand was raised high, trembling with anger, but the raised hand did not fall on her face after all.

  The man growled: "Why are you so stubborn? You know it's impossible for you..."

The self on the screen didn't want to hear it, and said firmly: "The end of the world is coming, our country and the whole world will perish, and you still want to stop me from pursuing true love. For the rest of the day, I just want to be with my most beloved man. Together, no one can stop it!"

   After finishing speaking, she shook off the man's hand vigorously, and flew into Mo Yinhe's arms.

  She put her hands around Mo Yinhe's neck, and took the initiative to send her small lips up, with a proud voice: "Kiss me, or I will kiss you!"

  Mo Yinhe laughed.

  Pinched her nose and said, "You can pick as much as you want."

  The self on the screen is enthusiastic and unrestrained, and really takes the initiative, standing on tiptoe and kissing Mo Yinhe vigorously.

   Without the restraint of a girl, she is wanton and flamboyant.

  It was an indescribably charming and lingering relationship.

  They love each other and enjoy everything intimately.

   Let each other enjoy each other, and dig out the sweetness in each other's mouths.

In the end, she lied in his arms, stared at the people who had not completely dispersed under the tower, and said: "Mo Yinhe, the high priest has predicted that there will be a big flood in the near future, and everyone will have no way to escape , the whole world will be submerged by sea water, do you think the blessing dance I danced can really bless them?"

  The high priest predicted that the end of the world was coming.

  The sea water will destroy the whole world.

   And their dragon clan is born to be the master of the ocean, with infinite power. If that moment really comes, even if she tries her best, she will protect the people.

   "If the end of the world comes, you have to hold me like this, then I won't be afraid of anything."

  Mo Yinhe reached out and hugged her tightly, stroking her flowing long hair, wanting to tell her that no one can stop the coming earthquake and tsunami.

  The only thing he can do is to take her out of here and keep her away from disaster.

   "Mingjing, come with me, I will protect you."

   "Okay, no matter what happens at that time, we will always be together, never leave, you will always hold me like this, I like you holding me like this."

  She pressed against his chest very greedily.

   This is not the first time he said he would take her away.

  She promises well every time,

   But she knew she couldn't go,

   Can't leave these devoutly believing her people,

  She has her own mission and responsibility.

  (end of this chapter)

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