Machine Girl: From Contract Schoolgirl To The Strongest Commander

Chapter 28: Flying Monsters Appear, The City Is In Crisis! (Four)

"How can this be?

How can it be so fast! "

Millie looked at the radar analysis device and said anxiously.

Then, the alarm sounded.

Then, a city-wide announcement sounded!


A large number of flying beasts have appeared. The military is unable to intercept all of them. They may cross the buffer zone and enter the base city. All citizens, please evacuate to the underground city as soon as possible.]


A large number of flying beasts have appeared. The military is unable to intercept all of them. They may cross the buffer zone and enter the base city. All citizens, please evacuate to the underground city as soon as possible.]


The alarm of the invasion of beasts was broadcast on a loop.

The entire city fell into fear. The citizens panicked and ran around, exuding a sense of loneliness and fear.

Every time such a large surprise attack happened, many people would fall brutally.

"Flying beasts?

There were only a few of them before. Why are there so many of them suddenly? "

Millie said, a little surprised.

"Millie, you go back to the camp first. I'll go there directly."

Lin Feng said, and the Blade Chariot disappeared from the street instantly.

At the edge of the forbidden area, at the headquarters.

"Chief, there are still new servant beasts swarming into the forbidden area. More and more are escaping!"

"Have the artillery and anti-aircraft machine guns gone out?"

"They've all gone out, but the Thunder Eagle is too fast. We can't lock onto it."

Su Yunpeng looked serious and nervous. "How many air units haven't gone out yet?"

"Currently, 30 female mecha operators below three-star have all gone out. More than half of them are injured. Including you, there are only five commanders who haven't gone out yet."

"Let the four-star Ning Ming stay. The rest will go out with me!"

"Chief, we need your command here. What if there are more aberrant mecha behind!"

"Give the command to the four-star Ning Ming for now. The escaping Thunder Eagle has far exceeded the limit of what the maintenance can handle!"

A fighter jet transformed into a mecha couldn't have the ability to fly.

The five-star mecha couldn't fully utilize its advantage when attacking in the carrier state.

Attacking directly meant that Su Yunpeng had predicted that the situation was very urgent.

Buffer zone, E zone.

Lin Feng had already entered the battlefield.

He looked at the radar scan and then looked at the situation in the sky.

This time, it wasn't Zone F where Millie was, but Zone E where Liu Qi was in charge.

At this time, all the ground artillery troops in Zone E had entered a state of engagement.

All kinds of anti-aircraft cannons had been deployed. Every unit that could be used to pin down the enemy had been deployed.

However, the results were not great. Even if they were lucky enough to hit him, they would not be able to break through the tough steel armor.

The three helicopters hovered in the air, but with only machine guns and a few rockets, it was completely inadequate.

One helicopter had already been damaged, and soon another was on the verge of collapse.

Seeing more and more Steel Thunder Eagles appear, the crowd became engrossed in the battle, unable to see any hope.

The Thunderhawk's speed had exceeded their expectations.

Liu Qi's beautiful face also froze slightly. She knew that this time, the odds were against her.

However, he was still trying his best to boost their morale.

"Hold on a little longer. Reinforcements from other regions are already on the way!"

"Even if you have to die, you will still have to guard the bottom line. Behind us are several tens of millions of the Fire Country's citizens!"

Under Liu Qi's encouragement, their morale increased by a lot.

However, the fear in Liu Qi's heart did not subside at all.

She suddenly thought of someone. "Although he is very strong, he doesn't seem to be good at dealing with flying magical beasts!"

On the other side, the police also entered a state of combat readiness after hearing the news. All the armed forces were gathered at the edge of the buffer zone.

Lin Feng didn't hesitate at all after quickly deciding on the battle route!

"Qing Yun, transform!"

Lin Feng jumped into the Mech, connected to the system, and checked that all the equipment was normal.

Activating the Dubhe Wings, he flew out.

At this time, the maintenance troops had already seen Lin Feng who suddenly appeared in the sky.

Under the shining sun, it was dazzling, as if a new hope had been ignited.

"Look, what's that?"

"It looks like a Mech!"

"Have you seen a Mech that can fly?"

"No, but if it's not a Mech, then what is it?"

"Look, his speed is even faster than the Thunderhawk!"

Liu Qi recognized this figure because she had seen it yesterday when she went to provide reinforcements to Area F.

"I didn't expect him to be able to fly." Liu Qi's eyes suddenly lit up.

She quickly deployed: "All combat units, cover the Mech with all you've got. As for the ground troops, pay attention to the magical beast corpses falling from the sky."

Liu Qi's words stunned everyone.

Pay attention to the corpses?

Just as they were doubting, a Thunderhawk's huge body had already landed.

It lost its life in an instant.


Lin Feng's extreme speed allowed him to quickly close in on the Thunderhawk. With a crescent moon, he slashed down.

Lin Feng looked at the Thunderhawk that he had just killed.

"Although it's dead, it's still not that bad."

[Killed Servant-class Thunderhawk. Received double reward. Servant-class Energy Crystals x2. Points increased by 2 * 10]

"It's time for you to see blood. Devour." Lin Feng directly summoned Soul Devourer, ready to test the difference between A and S class.

He directly leaped forward and quickly locked onto the next unlucky fellow. Similarly, he slashed down with a normal slash.

The ear-piercing sound of metal clashing and the smell of burnt flesh instantly filled the air.

The Thunderhawk with a wingspan of more than two meters was instantly cut in half.

Its wings flapped twice before it fell heavily into the ground.

"This is the effect that it should have!"

[Killed Servant-class Thunderhawk. Received double reward. Servant-class Energy Crystals x2. Points increased by 2 * 10. Soul Devourer's Soul Power increased by 20!]

"Soul Power also received double reward. Not bad!"

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