Machine Girl: From Contract Schoolgirl To The Strongest Commander

408: The Whole Army Is Arrayed, Divine Domain’S Test!

City of Desire, comprehensive entertainment city.

The party is still going on in full swing.

The picture is extremely comfortable.

Of course, this party is not just for carnival and deepening the relationship with the girl.

The most important thing is to improve your strength.

On the one hand is the hardware, updated with the latest accessories.

On the other hand is the machine girl's own strength.

That is, special training in divine power.

Not just for the decisive battle with Mechanical Source.

It is also in order to deal with the kingdom of gods that is about to set foot.

In order to ensure that all the robot girls can fight, Lin Feng did not slack off at all this time.

It can be said that you must be meticulous and take good care of every girl in the girl group.

After the core machine girls completed their special training, the other machine girls were already a little impatient.

Of course, some machine girls have begun to worry.

After all, there were so many people and they were worried that Lin Feng wouldn't be able to arrange it.

Lin Feng seemed to see their worries and said loudly.

"In this party, we must have a lot of fun, and we must be fully prepared for the upcoming decisive battle."

"Don't worry, the party will last for three days and three nights. I will conduct a high-intensity special training and upgrade modification for all the machine girls and ship girls!"

When everyone heard this, they immediately became energetic.

Lin Feng quickly summoned all the machine girls and ship girls and started an intense and orderly special training.

Look at the dazzling beautiful scenery.

Lin Feng played various fancy games and pampered her like a wolf.

He first conducted a detailed analysis of the characteristics and weaknesses of each machine girl and ship girl, and then formulated a personalized training plan.

In the pool.

on stage.

on the instrument.

on the grass

He personally guided them in various tactical drills and skill training.

From water fighting to long-range attacks, every item has strict requirements and there is no room for error.

Of course, Ji Niang’s spirit of unwillingness to lag behind also brought a lot of energy to Lin Feng.

It can be seen that the machine girl has not been (bfej) idle recently.

He also spent a lot of effort to please Lin Feng.

Lin Feng couldn't stop at all.

The sun and the moon fly by!

The stars are changing!

After completing the special training of the machine girl.

Lin Feng used his own technology and resources to carry out targeted upgrades and modifications to the machine girls and ship girls.

He personally designed new weapon systems and defense devices to enhance their combat effectiveness and survivability.

After working hard day and night, the combat power of all the machine girls and ship girls has been greatly improved.

After all members were redressed and upgraded, Lin and Murong Dian began to deploy a decisive battle plan with Xianyuan.

Based on the characteristics and advantages of each machine girl and ship girl, they reasonably allocated combat tasks to ensure that everyone can play their best role.

A simple deployment Lin Feng originally planned to take a good rest.

However, the enthusiasm of many prostitutes made it difficult for Lin Feng to refuse.

The fighting spirit of the girls on all planes and ships is even higher.

So, under the moonlight, the pool party turned into a large battlefield.

The machine girls and ship girls wore brand-new battle uniforms and armed with upgraded weapons, and began an intense battle...

Their eyes shone with determination, as if they had seen the hope of victory.

Murong Shuang said loudly, "Sisters, are you ready?"

"Ready!" All the aircraft girls and ship girls replied in unison, their voices resounding throughout the night sky.

Murong Shuang looked at Lin Feng and gave Lin Feng a sympathetic look and then turned around and said.

"Then, let's start this decisive battle! The goal tonight is to completely defeat our strongest commander, go ahead!"

Following Murong Shuang's order, all the machine girls and ship girls immediately took action.

A group of beautiful girls swarmed over.

They were like lightning piercing the night sky and launched a fierce attack on Lin Feng.

"Damn it, are you serious?"

"Of course, we are going to see where your limits are today?"


Little did they know that since Lin Feng mastered the growth of all things.

This will only make him braver and braver.

At this moment, the pool party has completely turned into a battlefield full of fighting atmosphere.

On the battlefield, machine girls and ship girls showed their most beautiful and touching sides...

Let’s talk about it in two parts.

Here Nicai has joined the army of machine girls and is thinking about how to defeat Lin Feng.

The many goddesses in her Divine Domain are already a little overwhelmed.

Eternal radiance Divine Domain.

It is the most mysterious and noble realm in the kingdom of gods.

The brilliance here never fades.

Above the sky of the Divine Domain, the stars flow in fiery trajectories, forming a spectacular celestial picture.

In the center of the Divine Domain, stands a majestic temple, its light illuminating the entire Divine Domain.

It makes this place full of sacred and solemn atmosphere.

This is the eternal temple of Nicai.

Ni Cai decided to set off to Blue Star to enhance the status of Divine Domain in the Kingdom of the Gods.

I just didn’t expect that it would never come back.

Before departure, Nicai temporarily handed over all affairs to the four goddesses.

But now he has directly lost contact with Nicai.

"Sister, make up your mind this time!"

Three of them all set their sights on a wise and beautiful goddess in the middle.

Goddess of Wisdom.


With long silver-white hair and deep blue eyes, he wears a robe woven from stars, shining with the light of wisdom.

It seems to have a kind of magical power that makes people sink.

Of course, the most impressive thing is not only her beautiful face and proud figure.

But her calmness and wisdom.

She knows the lore and secrets of the Divine Domain like the back of her hand.

Serena is also the first goddess to become the main goddess among the four goddesses of the Divine Domain.

She witnessed the rise of Divine Domain and was Nietzsche's most trusted advisor.

"Let's try again!".

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