Machine Girl: From Contract Schoolgirl To The Strongest Commander

Chapter 79: If You Don't Understand The Situation, Try It First!

He took a quick look at Klass's information.

Lin Feng was a little confused because this was different from what he knew.

Was this different from the settings of the game?

This was slightly different from the Siren Fleet in the Azure Sea Route world.

There were various Guardian Prefectures in the Azure Sea Route that represented various factions, alliances, or countries.

Donghuang, where Yi Xian was, was equivalent to the Fire Country.

The main Guardian Prefectures were: Donghuang, White Eagle, Royal, Northern United, Sardinia, Iris, Heavy Cherry, and Iron Blood.

The Sirens were the mortal enemies of the Guardian Prefectures.

The Sirens mainly lived in the deep sea area and often ambushed passing ship ladies on the sea route.

They might even attack the Guardian Prefectures under the leadership of high-level Sirens.

There were also different divisions and organizational structures in the Sirens' camp.

For example, testers, observers, purifiers, arbiters, and so on.

The purifiers usually did not have a name, and there had never been a white shark-shaped submarine before.

Most Purifiers were of the Hammerhead Shark family. They were mainly black with a white belly.

Once the purifiers were produced, they were completely obedient to the higher-level Sirens and usually acted as' errand boys'.

However, this purifier was injected with the consciousness of a ship lady.

"Is this a model that the Sirens used to test the characteristics of transmigration?"

Lin Feng gave himself a relatively reasonable guess.

He was a little hesitant now.

He was not sure about the strength of the two worlds, but from Xuefeng's situation and the settings of the Azure Sea …

He judged that he should still be able to fight.

However, if he attacked now, the stealth of the Ocean Mirror would be broken.

If he did not succeed in one attack, he might be counterattacked.

The other side was also equipped with boomerangs and laser cannons.

He could intercept the boomerangs, but the laser cannons were a little difficult to deal with.

After storing energy, the laser would be fired in a fixed direction, causing continuous penetrating damage.

Qin Xuerou also asked curiously, "Is this a bionic submarine from the Mechanical Abyss?"

"No, it should be from the same world as Yi Xian. Jian Wei should have told you about it!"

"Hmm, a little, so she's also a ship lady?"

"I guess so, but she should be the mortal enemy of Yi Xian!"


Should we fight? "

Lin Feng was also a little hesitant. She was a Siren, but she was a little special. He did not know if there was a difference between her strength and what he knew.

He wanted to know how she came here.

Lin Feng had asked Xuefeng and Yi Xian before, and they both said that they were looking for the commander.

Then, he really came here by accident.

There was no reference to this kind of situation at all, because it was metaphysical.

"Then let's try it out first."

His questioning tone was filled with certainty.

"Then let's give it a try!" Qin Xuerou was also eager to give it a try.

This could be considered her first real battle.

In order to have enough room to maneuver, Lin Feng pulled the distance to a distance of one kilometer.

Then, he released a huge missile launcher.

"The target has been aimed. Requesting to fire!" Qin Xuerou said excitedly.


A Wave-2 missile broke through the waves.

He brought out a string of sparkling pearls.

At this moment, Kras was still strolling lazily.

Chris seemed to have received a warning, but it was too late to stop him.

Because the distance was too close.

She was so scared that she quickly transformed into a ship girl and tried to shrink her body to avoid it.

But this was a missile. How could he dodge it when it was locked on?


There was a huge muffled sound.

The explosion blew her ship into pieces.

"It's over, it's over, it's over!"

Looking at the shattered ship, it was as if her heart had been shattered into pieces.

"Hey, hey, hey, why is the engine broken too?"

"What kind of missile is so powerful?

I'm so angry! "

"Why can't the backup power system be turned on? How are we supposed to live?"

"The stealth system is broken too. There's no hope now."

"Luckily, my beautiful hair is still here!"

Kras looked at her white ponytail that was about the same length as her body and patted her full chest.

"It's over. I can't breathe … Am I going to die?!"

Qin Xuerou, who was approaching, asked with uncertainty.

"Did it work?"

"It hit, but the other side seems to have dodged it!"

"Continue forward. Her ship is broken. There should be no threat."

Since the ship was broken, there was no way to materialize a ship.

Lin Feng looked at the opposite side on the control panel. The life force on the other side had not disappeared.

Qin Xuerou also turned on the observation system.

However, she saw a somewhat surprising and amusing scene.

"What is she doing?

Is she preparing to surrender? "

Qin Xuerou saw that Kras, who was not far away, had a piece of white cloth tied to her hand.

Her snow-white slender hand was waving in the water.

At this time, Lin Feng also saw this dramatic scene.

The ship that was a hundred meters long was now so petite and cute.

It looked a little cute, but her figure was very tall and her appearance was also very awesome.

"This guy's life is pretty tough!"

"But why would there be a Siren who surrendered?"

Lin Feng was a little confused.

In his impression, low-level Sirens should not be very intelligent. Usually, they were set to fight to the death.

"Commander, what should we do?" Qin Xuerou was a little uncertain.

Lin Feng thought for a while and said.

"She looks quite beautiful. It's a pity to kill her. Let's bring her back and ask Yixian and the others."

"This kind of unique beauty is indeed very tempting. You won't do anything to the ship girl, right?

There are two equally beautiful ship girls at home, but I don't see you doing anything? "

"Uh, I haven't thought about that yet!" Lin Feng facepalmed.

"I just think that she looks very attractive to men. After all, this only one (Zhao Qianhao) has a very seductive body in the 2D world!"

"It's okay. We're used to it. You can be more direct!

If you really want to do something to her, it's fine too!

A ship girl should be similar to a machine girl, right? "

Qin Xuerou said with a hint of ridicule.

"Remove all your weapons and come up!" Lin Feng's cold voice sounded.

The Deep Sea Phantom stretched out its huge palm.

Kras looked at the huge monster in front of her. She was a little confused. She struggled to look up at the direction of the voice with her big eyes.

At this moment, she felt very small. It was as if the mech opposite her only needed to pinch her lightly to take her life.

However, all her equipment was destroyed. She could not stay underwater for long.

She had no other choice.

She took off her clothes and showed them to Lin Feng.

After showing that she did not have any weapons, she walked up to the huge palm.

The Deep Sea Phantom brought Kras to the surface.

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