Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 924: Outer War

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The title is 933 Outer War!

Gee! Accidentally made a typo!



A thunderous roar resounded throughout the sky.

It is the terrifying movement of countless BETAs rushing to their goals, and it is the intensive drumbeat when the war comes.


Ahead of the direction BETA is heading, one of the powerful fleets formed by the human beings in this world, the fleet led by the Rakelam, is waiting in full force.

The images scanned by the radar, the data is constantly refreshed, and finally converged on the main screen of the Rakelam bridge.

One hundred thousand!

Such a terrifying amount is enough to make ordinary people feel terrified.

However, those who live here have become accustomed to it.

Especially after getting intelligence sharing from Mafti, such a number of enemies only surprised Brad, who was the commander-in-chief of this operation.

Just a hint of surprise.

It's just why the enemy will only send such a number of troops to block their own side.

"Captain! Mafti, there is a communication from the Aonbery side, requesting to fight."

At this time, CIC, who was in charge of contacting Mafti and Aoun Bailey, looked back at Brad.

Brad pondered for a moment and nodded silently.

"Let's go ahead with the original plan! Before the laser zerg is confirmed..."

Brad paused, remembering that the Federal Headquarters had adopted the decision of the intelligence shared by Mafti, and then changed his name.

"Until it is confirmed that the Light-class BETA appears, it is forbidden to penetrate deep into the enemy's line. All operations must be carried out within the fire support range of the fleet led by the Rakelam."

After confirming the information about BETA, the Federal Headquarters responded quickly.

Within hours of receiving the intelligence, the action plan had been revised and the information on BETA was fully communicated to all units involved in this massive operation.

The battle plan is handed out to everyone.

Lei Mingkai stood in front of Kexi Gundam's cockpit and took over the next battle plan from Kiki's hands.

"What a conservative battle plan!"

Kiki blinked and thought for a moment.

"Is the Federation worried about those big bugs digging holes?"

The existence of the mothership-class BETA, Kiki can be said to be very familiar with.

After all, on that night in Orn Bailey, Kiki used her keen intuition to find out all the mothership-class BETAs hidden under Orn Bailey, and guided the Federal Fleet to name them one by one and obliterate them. .

"No! Not so."

Lei Mingkai smiled.

In this desert, the mothership-class BETA's attack is of course sudden, but it will not have enough deadly threat.

For the federal fleet that has entered the desert area and gradually moved towards the depths of Oceania, towards the BETA's hidden lair in the depths of Oceania, the most deadly is the light-level BETA.

Lock to launch, completely destroy the target and launch it again. It only takes 12 seconds of light-level BETA, which will definitely be the deadly nemesis of the battleship of the Federal Fleet.

Especially flying over the land fleet, the Rakelam, as the front-line commander, is more vigilant about these light-level BETAs that may destroy itself at any time.

Therefore, today's conservative action plan has only one purpose.

That is after finding out where the light-level BETA is, and actually eliminating it, this conservative action plan will not proceed to the next step.

It has nothing to do with the guts of the Federation fleet.

Rather be cautious.

No one knows how far the BETA has developed on this piece of Oceania, which is alone in the Eurasian continent and other traditional human forces, when the Federation is busy dealing with other continents, or even threats from the universe.

Even though, the Federal Headquarters has obtained relevant information about BETA from Mafti and Lei Mingkai.

Those generals in the Federal Headquarters have not dared to be careless.

At this moment, the Earth Federation is no longer the one it used to be.

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The Earth Federation, which has been involved in many factions with great effort, resources, and manpower, has magically completed a moment of near unity under various coincidences.

Under Speaker Ronan's speech, the Earth Federation Forces invested almost all the troops and resources that could be invested on the earth, and even the fleet in the geolunar circle had drawn a considerable part of its troops and quickly approached the low-Earth orbit over Oceania. , waiting for the breakthrough moment of ground warfare.

"Kay. Time's up!"

Next to Keshigoda is the Mesa Commander driven by Hathaway.

I saw Hathaway standing next to his Mesa Commander, waving at Re Mingkai, indicating that he was ready to attack.

After it was determined that Mafti was replaced by Reminkay Hathaway to deal with Brad, Hathaway's trust in Reminkay has grown significantly.

"Okay!. Kiki. You stay on the Garsezon No. 1! If you feel anything, be sure to let me know as soon as possible."

Originally, Kiki was supposed to stay on the Valiant, stay behind, and wait for the end of the war.

But what Lei Mingkai didn't expect was that Kiki's attitude was very firm, insisting on coming over, and listed the important role she played among Aoun Bailey.

Therefore, Lei Mingkai could only agree to Kiki's request.

"Understood! I'll stay on the Garcezon 1 and keep an eye out."

The strangeness of the mothership-level BETA's actions does require Kiki's strong and keen sense of power.

Probably, that is one of YPE's abilities.

Half an hour later, the sound of cannons roared, the missiles cut through the sky, and fell wantonly toward the desert below. There were bursts of dazzling and shocking explosions, obliterating all the BETAs, big and small.

This was a massive bombardment, and it was a massacre that turned the enemy into ashes.

It's just that the human who pulled the trigger didn't feel the slightest joy.

Even at the moment when the battle started, there were quite a few soldiers and the pilots shouting slogans of revenge and scolding BETA, but at this moment, these curses gradually disappeared.

That terrifying bombardment, which was enough to destroy a human legion's will to fight, could not stop the **** BETA from rushing into the bombing zone one after another.

Looking at the big and small BETA, who did not know what death was, the moment he stepped into the bombing zone, he was torn apart by a terrible explosion and turned into smashed flesh and blood. Some soldiers couldn't help lowering their heads and covering mouth.

They are not soldiers who have faced BETA.

It is the soldiers who have never been mobilized in the area where BETA has fallen and invaded.

"All cheer me up! These are **** bugs! Even if they have the same bright red blood as ours! But bugs are still bugs! You must remember! This Oceania is the land of human beings! They are , is a group of robbers, a group of burning and plundering, an alien race that treats us like prey!"

The sound of the commander scolding the soldiers was constantly heard on the front.

In the sky, in addition to the Rakiram, which was firmly occupying the rear and commanding the fleet to provide fire support to the front line, there were many MS units waiting for the order to attack.


There is also a body.

At the moment when the battle started, he bypassed the main force of BETA from the flank early and rushed towards the rear of Beta.


It's a repeat of the same trick.

Relying on the high-speed maneuvering of Mach 2, Lei Mingkai was not as apprehensive as the Federal Fleet was about the existence of Light-level BETs.

"Is the Federation's satellite still hanging in the sky?"

Although he was in the cockpit of Cauchy Gundam, Reminkay could still feel the peep from the sky.

"Kai. How's the situation? The bombing here is still going on, but the number of BETAs is still above fifty thousand."

Flying at an ultra-low altitude, Cauchy Gao suddenly pulled up, climbed, and rushed to the height of a thousand meters in one breath, taking the entire battlefield into his eyes.

Suddenly, before Lei Mingkai could see the image on the screen in front of him, he instinctively pulled the joystick to control Cauchy.

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Gundam made an emergency evasive maneuver.

Immediately afterwards, Lei Mingkai did not stop to look around at all, but chose to continuously control the rapid descent of Cauchy Gundam and maintain irregular maneuvers.

In the sky, among the low-pitched roars of the Minovsky's flight system, invisible rays of light ripped apart the sky that Cauchy had swept across.

"Light-level BETA! Has it finally appeared?"

Even though Lei Mingkai couldn't see the light-level BETA hidden in the depths of the desert, when he acted instinctively, lightning-like warnings sounded in Lei Mingkai's mind.

It's a sign of danger!

It is a signal of the appearance of the enemy!

At the same time, the spy satellites moving along the orbit locked the location of the murderer who attacked Kosy Gundam at the moment of Kosy Gundam's action.

"Captain! Found the target! It's a light-level BETA! Number 500! Position 5221, 6355."

CIC, who was in charge of processing the data returned by the spy satellite, was shocked and hurriedly shouted.

"In addition. Moved at the location of the light-level BETA, and found no less than 100 special individuals. According to the comparison with the data in the BETA information database, it is very likely that the upper-level existence of the light-level BETA, the heavy light-level BETA!"

When he heard the news, Brad clasped his hands together and said solemnly.

"All ships, change ammunition in turn according to Plan B! All MS units, go out!"


When the Rakelam conveyed Bride's order to the entire battlefield, the Mesa team, led by Hathaway, took the lead.

The scrambled look surprised the Sanlianxing who was on guard near the Rakelam.

"Are all Mafti's men so brave?"

"Idiot! If it wasn't for a few brushes, would it be possible to kill so many high-level federations before?"

"Shut up! You two, focus on fighting for me!"

After Nigel, the captain of the Three Stars, scolded his subordinates, he looked solemnly at the Mesa Squad who had taken the lead in tearing a hole in the BETA army.

"Looks like we and Mafti will have some experience fighting side by side."

"Hopefully, we'll get along well!"

At the same time that Hathaway started the battle, Lei Mingkai was also behind the spy satellite, and UU reading discovered the location of the heavy light level.

"Heavy light level?"

The power of the heavy light-level BETA is certainly more frightening than the ordinary light-level BETA.

But it consumes much more energy than ordinary light-level BETA.

Moreover, the appearance of the heavy-beam-level BETA probably means that the head of BETA has noticed the spy satellites over Oceania, and even the Gripps 2 satellite cannon that may shoot at HIVE at any time. Want to neutralize the threat over Oceania with the terrifying range of a heavy-beam BETA that can knock out satellites?

However, even so, it also represents a certain answer.

In the vicinity of the heavy light-level BETA activities, I am afraid there will be a BETA base - the existence of low-level HIVE.

"The first line of defense before the final HIVE attack? Interesting."

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