Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 1031: Unlimited Faith (The Finale)


J gem,

G Gem,

Their brilliance is so strong, so dazzling!

It turned out that the hot blood he was talking about was them!

Lei Mingkai pressed his hands on his chest, tightly grasping the two red and green rays of light, and a steady stream of power poured into Lei Mingkai's body from the contact part.



so loud,

The extremely shocking roar of the lion shook the world.

The King of Braves, whose chest was pierced, stood up again, and raised his finger to Yishen Shiyin.

"Now, round two!"

Amid the intertwined red and green radiance, a huge lion's head emerged from the King of Brave's chest again, repairing all the pierced wounds.

At the same time, the shape of the King of Braves has changed even more.

The original body began to disintegrate.

In the process of continuous disintegration, several figures rushed out from the endless void, rushed into the ultra-ancient floating fortress with a mighty hurricane, and summoned, incarnated, and driven by the surrounding councilors. Huge humanoid weapons and monsters are all swept away.

Seeing this, He Meimei, who tried her best to contain some enemies, stepped forward decisively with her younger sister He Nana, and separated the final councilor and the brave king first.



"Music armed, extreme mode! Full power deployment!"

A series of smaller and more flexible drones fell off the void walker, followed the instructions of the program, and formed a huge light film around the void walker.

During the transformation of the light film, He Meimei's singing voice and her spiritual power were continuously enhanced.

The singing voice that contains powerful spiritual power is constantly impacting the surrounding enemies like a stormy sea.

In particular, Mr. Final Yan, who maintains the shape of a monster, has a deeper experience of the power contained in singing.



Even the burning from the soul level made the final member who controlled the monster and turned into a monster struggle endlessly.




"This, this **** singing!

! "

Among them, the powerful one left the Void Walker and the King of Braves behind, turned around and flew to Yishen Shiyin, trying to pray to him for protection.


A cold light flashed.

Those monsters who turned to the Winged God Shiyin to pray for blessings were cut in half.

"Anyone who is timid and afraid of fighting will be killed without mercy!


At some point, the speaker finally stood on Yishen Shiyin's shoulder, overlooking the renewed battle.

"Your Excellency Speaker!


The action was half a beat slower, and the representative of the final Yan who narrowly escaped the ultimate move of the chairman of the final Yan exclaimed.

"Now, our new world is before us. Those who retreat here, the new world will forever reject them."

Although the words were soft, the councilors who were overwhelmed by He Meimei's singing could not help but hesitate.

"The song of the end is about to be completed. The daughter of the pioneer, can't stop this..."


Finally, the chairman's eyes narrowed, and a cold light appeared in front of his eyes.

If it weren't for a layer of invisible shield blocking the chairman of the final Yan, I am afraid that the chairman of the final Yan will be cut in half by this cold light.

Just like the last member of Parliament who was killed by him before.

Finally, the speaker's eyes were cold.



The cold light in front of him came from the King of Brave's armament.

And the second the cold light was stopped by the shield, it shattered.

"Have you said enough?"

flying dragon,

giant shark,


And, the snow-white majestic lions, under the fusion of J gem and G gem, they completely outline the miraculous and powerful existence named Siyuan King of Bravery.

But at this moment, in the gradually dissipating storm, the mighty and majestic black giant raised his fist, facing Yishen Shiyin from a distance.

"I was taken care of just now! Now, it's my turn. No problem!"

no doubt.

This is provocation!

Not to mention the speaker of the final Yan, the members of the final Yan suddenly exploded.

In particular, the monster and the steel giant who had teamed up to impale the King of Brave just now took decisive action immediately.

Taking advantage of the opportunity that the Void Walker was besieged by other final councilors and had no time to take into account the situation on the ground, they moved quickly and approached the King of Braves in lightning speed by taking advantage of the broken buildings around them.

"I was able to pierce you, you arrogant guy last time! Then, I can do it this time."

A series of bone spurs shot out from the monster's body, drawing a net above Siyuan Brave King, making Siyuan Brave King nowhere to escape.

At the same time, under the cover of the bone spur rainstorm, the steel giant quickly changed its position, trying to attack from the blind spot of King Siyuan's vision.

"Wither trick!"

Lei Mingkai looked around and snorted coldly.

Such a battle, in terms of the state not long ago, is indeed worthy of his vigilance.

But now, it's just a trick like a withering insect!



! Gar”

The black miracle giant clenched his fists with both hands, pumped up his strength, and his fists collided before his chest.



Countless beams of light burst out from all over the body of the King of Braves.

In an instant, the sky was filled with dense bone spur rain.

Underground, there is even a forest of light beams that is a few points denser than it.

With each beam of light passing by, all the bone spurs were broken.

Every light beam flickered, and all the surrounding buildings collapsed.

The sky above the King of Braves, Siwon, was instantly emptied.

The area around the King of Braves, Siwon, suddenly became flat.

Only the stunned monster and the steel giant who had nowhere to hide remained.


Even though the threat level of the Siyuan Brave King was raised, it was never expected that the Siyuan Brave King would destroy the cooperation between the two with a gesture of his hands and feet.



The icy killing intent swept over, and the steel giant flickered, but he couldn't escape from the shadow that was rushing towards him.

"Is your attack over?"

On top of the huge lion's head, countless long hairs fluttered from the steel head wearing the golden crown.

Councilor Final Yan, who was driving the Iron Giant, could clearly see the cold murderous aura bursting out from the unyielding eyes of the King of Brave Siwon.

"Don't underestimate people!


Out of fear, the final congressman chose to resist.


Just when the steel giant unfurled its armor and tried to bombard the Siyuan brave at close range with concealed weapons, a golden whirlwind suddenly ripped open the steel giant on the spot!

The golden flash tore apart the Iron Giant, and also strangled and smashed the final councilor driving it.



The steel giant that lost its master fell powerlessly.

In the dust, the murderous Siwon Brave King turned around and looked at the monster.

"How, how is it possible? To kill our MP so easily?!"

Councilor Final Yan, who turned into a monster, took two steps back again and again, but he didn't know that the King of Braves he saw was just an afterimage.

And the real Siyuan Brave King has already stood behind the monster.

As the black shadow swept across, the right hand of the King of Brave Siwon had already caught the hideous head of the monster.

As soon as King Siwon the Brave exerted his strength, the unprepared monster fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, King Siwon the Brave flicked his right hand, and the monster with a body length of 100 meters was thrown away like a strip of cloth that was rubbed at will.







There was a crackling and tearing sound, and the 100-meter-long monster suddenly became soft, becoming a whip in the shape of a monster in the hands of the King of Braves in Siyuan.

Holding the "monster" whip, Siyuan the Brave King raised his head again, looked at Yishen Shiyin, and at the Chairman of the Final Yan.

The former, ignoring Siwon the King of Bravery, continued to sing the song of the end.

But the latter's face became more exciting.

Not long ago, under the joint efforts of the members of the final Yan, the brave king who was finally impaled was able to be resurrected to this point.

With a gesture of his hand, he killed Councilor Zhong Yan who had joined forces to kill him not long ago.

The chairman of the final Yan raised his eyes with a gloomy expression, and looked at most of the final councilors who were blocked by the void walkers.

Odd number!

Odd number!

It is indeed an anomaly!

Originally, he thought that the odd number was He Meimei, the daughter of the pioneer, so he took corresponding measures to imprison her, allowing the song of the end to proceed smoothly.

But he underestimated Lei Mingkai, the second odd number hidden behind the pioneer's daughter.

"He Meimei. You really surprised me. I didn't expect you to hide such a killer move."

Finally, the chairman raised his hand, and when he swung it down, a huge crown broke through the void and landed on the sky above Yishen Shiyin.

The appearance of the crown surprised He Meimei and stopped singing on the spot.

"That, that is..."

Taking advantage of He Meimei's flaws due to the appearance of the crown, the finally Yan congressmen who had been blocked by him saw the opportunity and launched a general attack.

"Sister, be careful!"

He Nana issued a warning, and tried to drive the void walker to escape from the siege of the final councilors.

At this moment, a golden energy shield enveloped the void walker.

The sisters took a closer look and found that Siwon the King of Braves had arrived in time.

"Be careful! Now, I'm afraid only the two of us can fight."

The Siyuan Brave King who activated the energy shield blocked in front of the void walker.

"Understood! But fighting these councilors will only waste our time. Moreover, that crown may be the ultimate speaker's trump card."

crown? !

Lei Mingkai also saw the crown.

It seems that this is the thing that controls the Yishen Shiyin, or enhances the Yishen Shiyin?

"The song of the end, it's done!"

After the crown fell, this world was still filled with grayness after all.

"At this time, it is the time of chaos!"

"At this time, it is the time of creation!


Finally, the speaker's figure swayed and appeared on the crown.

"Mr. Final Yan, my brothers and sisters. Call! Welcome the God of Creation!

! "

The crown fell, and finally the speaker's figure melted and merged with it.

Then, the crown was firmly placed on Yishen Shiyin's head.

"Variables, so what? No amount of variables can stop the creation of the world at this moment!"

When the huge wings unfolded from the back of Yishen Shiyin, thirteen rays of light emerged one after another, and a huge tree-shaped coat of arms was outlined behind Yishen Shiyin.

"This is supreme!"

"This is supreme!


"This is the God of Creation!

! "

"Daughter of the Harbinger. You can't stop this from happening!


Under the tree-shaped coat of arms, spread out huge wings, and the coercion emanating from Yishen Shiyin shrouded in thirteen halos is so terrifying and depressing.

moving like thunder,

Quiet as a mountain.

Bursts of fiery red halos spread from the thirteen halos, stirring up ripples, causing ripples in the gray world.

In the ripples, there seemed to be various images emerging.

It's the echo of the world!

It is the birth of the world!

Just as the speaker finally declared, this moment is the time of creation!

At the same time, it was also the moment of the end of the old world that Lei Mingkai and He Meimei knew well.

"Blast Flying Fist!


Siwon's attack from the Brave King followed closely behind.

But it was still blocked by an unknown shield.

"Is it the power of creation?!"

He Meimei narrowed her eyes.

"Sister Meimei, Lei Mingkai don't attack that crown! Now the only way to stop the creation of the world is to deprive the core of Yishen Shiyin from the body!"

He Nana's voice came from the mental core.

At the same time, a schematic diagram lit up in front of He Meimei and Lei Mingkai's eyes.

"The crown is just an increase controller. As long as the core is deprived from the body, the creation may be delayed or even stopped."


He Meimei was surprised.

"Could it be Anna?!"

"I'm afraid it is."

Lei Mingkai understood what He Nana meant.

Then, the next thing is simple.

Rush forward, create an opportunity, and let Siwon the King of Braves deprive the core.

"I'll cover! Void walkers are not only good-looking!


No need to negotiate,

No need to ask,

After determining the next action, He Meimei took action immediately.

"Void Walker!"

The broken golden hole erupted with intense brilliance.

The innate power was fully activated by He Meimei at this moment.

"Trans-AM system, activate!


The GN Solar Furnace equipped by the Void Walker suddenly exploded with powerful power.

Countless torrents of particles erupted from the GN solar furnace, centered on the void walker, and spread outward rapidly, turning the surroundings of the void walker and the Siyuan Brave King into a sea of ​​GN particles.

Wherever the particles flowed, the huge humanoid weapons driven, transformed, and controlled by the councilors were finally destroyed. The monsters were almost paralyzed and could hardly move.

This is suppression from the power level!

It even comes from the suppression on the spiritual level!

"Chance! Come on!

Lei Mingkai! "

When He Meimei's voice echoed in Lei Mingkai's mind, Shiyuan Brave King had already spread his flying wings, turned into a streamer, and rushed towards Yishen Shiyin on the wave created by the rush of GN particles.

On the way, there was naturally Councilor Final Yan who wanted to stop Siwon the King of the Brave from advancing.


Under the torrent of GN examples, the actions of Mr. Yan finally became ridiculous.

No matter how hard they try to resist, they will only be suppressed by the rush of GN particles and He Meimei's singing in the end.

"How is it possible?! Our Creator God is behind us, how could we be suppressed by this little girl!

How can it be!


The back of Siyuan Brave Wang Yuanqu is so dazzling.

"Daughter of the Pioneers!

Do you think this will stop us? madness!


Among the Yishen Shiyin, the voice of the final speaker rang out.

Lei Mingkai remained unmoved, and continued to drive Siyuan Brave King to launch an assault.



As long as he gets closer, Lei Mingkai can activate the power of the Siyuan Brave King, and use the J and G gemstones as the basis to launch an attack called Siyuan Heaven and Hell Break!

Only, this way!

Lei Mingkai was able to deprive Yishen Shiyin of his core!



The breath of death rushed over.

Siwon Brave King decisively used the energy shield!

Wanjun's thunderous attack landed with a bang, making Siyuan the Brave King back again and again.

Lei Mingkai tried his best to look up, and found that the King of Brave Siyuan was forced back a long distance.

"Only these abilities?"

Finally, the speaker sneered.

The divine punishment-like thunder condenses from the thirteen halos behind Yishen Shiyin, and then locks onto Siyuan Brave King and bombards continuously.

The attack was massive and terrifying.

But Lei Mingkai won't back down just yet!

"I can see it!

I can see it!


In the space filled with thunder, Siyuan King of Brave, who fully drives Siyuan's flying wings, moves more and more swiftly and sensitively, wantonly shuttling through the tens of thousands of thunders.



Siwon King of Braves once again shortened the distance from Yishen Shiyin.



Suddenly, a wall of light separated Siyuan Brave King and Yishen Shiyin between the two worlds.

"Space barrier?!"

At this time, in the waves of ripples caused by the thirteen halos, countless world images are constantly blending, melting, and finally integrated into a whole.

Blessed by the space barrier, Yishen Shiyin opened his arms to welcome the birth of the prototype of this brand new world.

Time is running out!

"Siwon armed!"

Siwon Brave King's tailbone snapped at the sound, and moved forward quickly, then fused with Siwon Brave King's left hand.

"Siwon Screwdriver!


The power of JG fusion surged like a tsunami, and Lei Mingkai roared angrily.

"Don't think that if you hide here, you won't be able to hit you!


"Siyuan Bolt!


The lion's head on the chest of King Siwon the Brave burst out with blood, and a huge cone shot out!

This is Lei Mingkai's countermeasure.

The King of Braves, Siwon, broke the power of this space barrier!

The King of Braves, Siyuan, charged with all his strength, quickly concentrated his power on the Siyuan screwdriver in his hand, charged it to the extreme, and then stabbed at Yishen Shiyin's space barrier in one fell swoop.

The two different forces frantically collided, tore, blended, and twisted, and then, a huge gap burst open under the full force of Siyuan's screwdriver.

"Caught you!


Wanjun Thunder followed closely.

But Lei Mingkai, who had been prepared for a long time, immediately activated the energy shield of Siyuan Brave King, blocking all the thunder.

However, within that thunder, there was a trace of hidden killing intent.

When Lei Mingkai noticed it, a huge palm had already appeared on the head of the Brave King Siyuan.

Under the instinct of life and death, Lei Mingkai controlled Siyuan Brave King to resist with all his might.

The Siyuan screwdriver in his hand was raised abruptly, pointing straight at the huge palm that could almost cover the whole body of the Siyuan King of Braves.



The shock wave from the explosion made Siyuan the Brave King fall a certain distance, and the Siyuan screwdriver in his hand was torn apart by cracks and finally disintegrated.

The two fought against each other, Siyuan the Brave King paid the price, and so did Yishen Shiyin.

Lei Mingkai looked up, and a hole appeared on the huge palm, and the power of the Siyuan screwdriver still remained on it, constantly twisting itself.

In this blow, the two sides were evenly divided.

It's getting close.

Siwon the Brave King jumped up and raised his right hand.

Seeing, it was another blow that exploded Flying Fist!

Yishen Shiyin suddenly opened his mouth, and an attack with terrifying power erupted instantly, blasting straight at the King of Braves, Siyuan.


In the face of a terrifying attack that could turn an ordinary body into a pile of scrap iron, Siyuan the Brave King did not retreat but advanced.

Facing this terrifying attack, he opened his palms!

red flash,

green flash,

When Siwon Brave King's palms exploded, the palms of Siwon Brave King grew a bit bigger.

An incomprehensible murmur sounded from Lei Mingkai's mouth, and the hands of the King of Brave Siwon were clasped together.


It is the moment of victory for the King of Braves, Siwon!


Yishen Shiyin's attack drowned Siwon King of Bravery.

But in the end, the speaker did not feel any joy of victory.

The light from the attack suddenly shattered, revealing Siyuan the King of Braves with both hands clasped together.

"not good!"

Yishen Shiyin raised his right hand and slapped Siyuan Brave King.


Lei Mingkai stared angrily and roared loudly.

"Siwon-Heaven and **** broken!

! "

The monstrous hurricane swept from behind the King of Braves, Shiyuan, and submerged Yishen Shiyin.

"District strength!

How could it be possible to touch the Supreme God of Creation!


Finally, the speaker snorted coldly, and Yishen Shiyin showed signs of resistance.

The thirteen halos behind it quickly moved forward, shrunk, and covered the King of Braves, Siyuan.

This is blocking!

It is the final act of the Speaker to prevent Shiyuan Heaven and Hell from attacking Zhongyi Shen Shiyin!


All the Siyuan Brave Kings who activated Siyuan Heaven and Hell Break forward and smashed them to pieces!

Second floor halo!

Siyuan Heaven and Hell Breaker exploded with full power and smashed it to pieces!

Three layers of aura!

unstoppable! Boom!

Four halos!

Siwon King of the Brave is getting faster and faster, smashing!

Five floors!

Six floors!

Seven floors!

Layers of halos are constantly superimposed, and continuous obstructions can't stop the progress of the Siyuan King of the Brave!

Seeing that Siwon King of Brave was about to break through, finally, the speaker ruthlessly condensed the few remaining halos into a larger and more staring halo, blocking Siwon's front of Brave King.

As soon as this aura came into contact with the Siyuan Brave King, several halos immediately disintegrated, covering all parts of the Siyuan Brave King's body in one fell swoop.



Between the halo and the burst of force, Siwon King of the Brave's progress finally slowed down and stagnated.

When the shimmering red and green radiant Shiyuan Heaven and Hell Breaker was only a thin line away from hitting Yishen Shiyin, the aura bursting out with full force pushed Siyuan Brave King away.

"It's not over yet!


Siwon the Brave King split his hands, focusing on the strength concentrated in the left and right hands, and broke free from the shackles of the halo with all his strength.

"So what if you break free! Now, you don't have any chance!"

Yishen Shiyin's huge wings stretched out, quickly retracted, and protected him in front of him.

At the same time, eyeball-like light spots emerged from the huge wings, and between opening and closing, they locked onto the Siyuan Brave King neatly and launched bursts of violent light beam attacks.

"Opportunity?! It's not over yet!


Facing the attack, Siwon the Brave King exploded with full speed.

Its left hand stretched forward, and the energy shield was excited again, resisting the torrential rain of light beams from the huge wings.

The right hand is extended to the extreme, and the surging energy of the two gemstones of JG converges on the right hand in a blink of an eye.

The brilliance of gold outlines.

The weapon called the Golden Destroyer Hammer was then held in the hands of the Brave King Siwon.

The beam rainstorm in front of me is so dense and terrifying!

But Siwon the Brave King has nothing to fear!

Holding the golden hammer in his hand, the black God of Destruction broke through layers of obstacles like a thunder from the Nine Heavens, and hit the Wing God Shiyin.



Under the violent impact, Yishen Shiyin took half a step back.

And this half step just gave Siyuan the King of Braves a chance.

"Golden Destroyer Hammer!


The moment the black **** of destruction swung the golden sledgehammer and fell, Yishen Shiyin's wings followed closely behind, but he failed to protect Yishen Shiyin, and finally ended up being smashed by the golden hammer.

With this blow, Yishen Shiyin's body retreated violently, and at the same time, his movements were sluggish, unable to respond to the signs of the final speaker's manipulation.

The moment the shining awl was pulled out from the golden hammer by the black **** of destruction, finally the speaker finally understood what the real purpose of Siyuan the King of Braves and even Lei Mingkai who controlled him was.

But, it's too late.



The moment the shining awl was knocked into Yishen Shiyin's body by the golden sledgehammer, the new world that was about to be born suddenly stopped moving.



armor shattered,

blood splatter,

muscle breakdown,

A spherical object with a diameter of several meters was dragged out of Yi Shen Shiyin's body.

"He Meimei!


Siwon the Brave King swung the ball high and high.

A red flash followed, and the ball was precisely caught in the hand.

And this red flash is the void walker who turned on the Trans-AM system.

"Our gods!

! "

Finally, Chairman Yan watched the ball where An Nai was being taken away by He Meimei's Void Walker, and struggled frantically.

However, Yishen Shiyin is still controlled by the power of the golden hammer.

"Give me!


"Become the light!


The core has been stripped!

Then, Lei Mingkai unceremoniously gave the final blow to the final speaker!

With a full blow from the huge golden Hammer, it smashed **** the crown of Yishen Shiyin.



In an instant, the brilliance of gold shone across the universe.

The crown shattered.

Yishen Shiyin was completely dark at first, and after turning into a dead stone withered, he was shattered under the spread of tearing cracks.

At the same time, the brand-new world that was bred fluctuated sharply, sometimes expanding, sometimes shrinking, sometimes twisting, and finally exploded.

Although this is not a complete world, the power of its explosion involved Siyuan the King of Braves in it.

"Lei Mingkai!


He Meimei only had time to issue a warning before being overwhelmed by endless, dazzling brilliance.

This is the end of the world.

This is the breaking of the world.

Even if, this is just a world that has never been successfully conceived.

Under the impact of this broken and destructive force, the universe eroded by the grayness began to regain its own deep black.

The time that was stopped began to roll gradually.

As the death radiance of world destruction subsided quietly, He Meimei finally saw the trace of the black God of Destruction.

"Lei Mingkai. We..."


The battle is not over yet!


Lei Mingkai's expression never became relaxed.

Yishen Shiyin has been destroyed.

The crown is no more.

But the aura of the enemy has not disappeared.

Lei Mingkai still felt the presence of the enemy.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

! interesting!



In the deep and dark universe again, the voice of the final speaker echoed.

"I didn't expect that the moment the plan was successful, the situation would be reversed!

interesting! interesting!


"Finally, Speaker!

You are not dead!


He Meimei looked around in shock.

He Meimei is very clear about the power of the Brave King Siwon.

Under that absolute power, finally, the speaker is not dead yet!

"Hahahahaha! Daughter of the pioneer. You never knew that even your father didn't kill me completely!


"This time, we failed! But, the price of failure, I must pay you back!


Finally, the speaker's voice suddenly became crazy.



Speaker, stop it!


The surviving final councilor struggled in horror.

He, she, it, they twisted in horror and struggled in fear.

Under the shocked and cautious gazes of He Meimei and Lei Mingkai, they melted into streams of fluid, rushed to a certain place in the universe, and finally gathered together.

A strange, distorted, and ferocious figure rose rapidly under the confluence of the fluid, and finally formed a huge monster with a height of one thousand meters.

"Do you think that without Yishen Shiyin and Annai, our final council will have no way to kill you?!"

Finally, the speaker's voice became distorted.

At this moment, the gigantic monster with a height of one thousand meters was indescribable, and its strange aura hit Lei Mingkai's spirit like a tide.

"The power of the abyss."

He Meimei recognized the root of the indescribable monster.

She took a deep breath and looked at Siwon the Brave King.

"My strength is almost exhausted. What about you?"


Lei Mingkai's expression was calm, and he didn't seem to feel any anxiety or fear due to the exhaustion of his strength.

As the Siwon Brave King, what is it if you just lose your strength?

Among Siwon King of Brave's records, was there a time when he withdrew from the battle due to loss of strength?

The answer is no.

"He Meimei, send your friend back to the throne of **** first! Here, leave it to me!"

When the golden sledgehammer lost its strength and dissipated, Siyuan the Brave King once again dealt with the monster incarnated by the final speaker alone.

This battle is probably the last one.

"Pioneering the daughter of the pioneers."

Finally, the speaker said so.

"Really? Then I'm honored!"

The battle started instantly.

The redundant words have already been said.

Whether it was Lei Mingkai who prevented the creation of the Last Yan Council, or the Last Yan Speaker as the defeated party, the two sides no longer needed to attack each other with words.

All that was left was to kill the opponent with all his might.

The bone spurs all over the sky, as well as the light beams mixed in, constantly blocked the range of activities of the Siyuan Brave King.

The power of the thousand-meter-high monster far exceeded Lei Mingkai's imagination.

Compared with Yishen Shiyin who needed to be distracted from creating the world just now, the monster that exists for destruction at this moment is so difficult to deal with.

"Kay! Behind!"

Zero's reminder is timely.

But the consumption of energy and stamina made Lei Mingkai a little weak.

And this slight flaw became Siwon King of the Brave's subsequent weakness.



spurs and beams,

Even the tentacles whipped from monsters,

Became the tribulation of Siwon the King of Braves.

The armor begins to crack,

The brilliance of the J and G stones gradually fades.

Lei Mingkai's line of sight also began to show a trace of embarrassment.


The limit has been reached.

Taking advantage of the situation to seize the weakness of the King of Braves, the monster incarnated by the final speaker fluttered its tentacles, and decisively captured the King of Braves.

"Energy Shield!"

The King of Braves, Siwon, exhausted his last bit of energy to destroy the wildly dancing tentacles in one fell swoop.

Unexpectedly, he fell into the trap of the final speaker.

The frightening power set off a frenzy, and struck a fatal blow at Siwon the Brave King with overwhelming momentum.

did not dodge,

Can't dodge either,

The only choice Siwon the King of Braves can make after exhausting his last trace of energy is to face this fatal blow.

The crack in the abyss once again tore the universe apart.

It's just that this time it didn't trigger any abyssal things to invade this universe.

The only thing is that Siyuan Brave King who once again fell into dead silence.

"Hmph! Overthinking one's abilities!"

Siwon, the King of Bravery, was silent again.

Then, in the end, in the eyes of the speaker, only He Meimei who returned to the ruling throne.

As long as He Meimei is eliminated and An Nai is taken back, then the final council will have the possibility to initiate the creation again.

The thousand-meter-high monster moved towards the ruling throne at a seemingly slow, but incomparably swift speed at the thought of Speaker Final Yan.

The previous performance of the ruling throne was quite astonishing, but he would not be taken seriously by the final speaker.

As a result, before he had gone far, a burst of energy fluctuations appeared from behind.

Several tentacles flew out from behind the kilometer monster, knocking down the energy fluctuation.

"It's really lingering!"

In the end, the speaker didn't need to look back, and knew exactly who was stopping him.

"Sorry! I have some bad habits! I won't let go of unfinished things easily."

Siwon the Brave King slowly straightened his body.

Among the collapsed armor fragments, streams of light flowed quietly.

What caught the speaker's attention the most was that there seemed to be something brewing in the right hand of the brave man Siwon.

"Forget it! This time, I will completely destroy you! Together with your fleet."

Finally, the speaker just finished speaking.

Several cracks appeared in the space behind the kilometer monster.

These cracks not only tore apart the space, but also spread and expanded rapidly in the blink of an eye.

The ominous, weird, terrifying atmosphere once again shrouded this space.

"This is the abyss!"

"This is destruction!"

"Let the power of destruction bury this place!"

The fiery red breath swarmed over, enveloping all the thousand-meter monsters in it.

Then, the whole world began to shake.

"What a big fight!"

Seeing this, Lei Mingkai sighed.

Siwon the Brave King raised his right hand, and the engraving of the King of Hearts was clearly visible.

This is the belief that Dongfang Bubai entrusted to Lei Mingkai before.

"This blow! It will be earth-shattering!


The energy of Siwon King of the Brave has indeed been exhausted.

But Lei Mingkai still has power!

The universe is shaking,

Heaven and Earth are howling,

The abyss roars,

The ominous fiery aura that poured in from the crack was like a hurricane, sweeping through everything, swallowing up the space between the thousand-meter monster and the Siyuan Brave King, leaving only two confronting figures.

"Abyss - Destruction!"

The final speaker, who had finished gaining momentum one step ahead, launched an attack decisively.

This is an unreserved fatal blow!

Not only the Siyuan Brave King, but even the human fleet in the distance and the earth were destroyed together.

As for An Nai, finally the speaker was not worried.

As a person who once slept in the deep abyss, An Nai was almost unafraid of the power of the abyss.

The universe is broken.

The world is destroyed.

Under Lei Mingkai's gaze, common sense such as the world and the universe in human cognition were all shattered and turned into nothingness under the abyss attack launched by the thousand-meter monster.


It was indeed the last blow!


Let it burn!

Burn up all my courage!

Lei Mingkai's right hand,

The right hand of King Siwon the Brave,

The sigil of the King of Hearts they present is so dazzling!

Facing the fatal blow of destruction, Lei Mingkai uttered a passionate roar.

"My right hand is as hot as a red fire!


"It cries out to me to hold on to victory!


"Genre! Undefeated in the East!


"Stone Break!


"Heavenly Fist!


This is Lei Mingkai's blow of burning courage!

It was an extremely dazzling, powerful, and fiery blow!

With one blow, the abyss-destruction of the thousand-meter monster was abruptly stopped.


This is not enough!

Just stopping this fatal blow will not win the final victory!

For this reason, Lei Mingkai kept pumping his blood, burning his courage, and squeezing the power in his body, in order to win the final victory under this blow.


But cruel!

Facing the power from the abyss, Lei Mingkai alone is strong but weak.

"It's over! This blow is unstoppable!"

"Feel it! This is destruction from the abyss!


Lei Mingkai's right hand became heavier and heavier, and the power loss in his body became more serious.

He can't hold on anymore!

In front of us, the abyss-destruction is approaching.

only one step away,

Lei Mingkai and Siyuan the Brave King will be on the spot.

On the nick of time.

A new energy suddenly emerged from Lei Mingkai's body. It seemed small, but it was continuously gushing out, flowing towards Lei Mingkai's body, constantly filling him and the power of the King of Braves.

"If Kay's courage alone is not enough, how about adding mine?"

In the ruling throne, Euphemia, who woke up from the creation of the world, learned the process from He Meimei, and once again used her CODE power.

"Soldiers of the Empire! Now, for His Highness the Prince of the Empire, offer your courage!!"


Follow the will!


The soldiers of the empire, headed by Veletta, responded one after another.

In the next second, Lei Mingkai heard the loud shouts from the soldiers of the empire, and felt the courage of the soldiers of the empire.

A person's strength may be weak.

But what about the strength of ten people?

The power of a hundred people?

thousand people,

million people,

What about thousands of people?

Once again, using C's world power as a bridge, the voices of the soldiers of the empire on this battlefield, and even some ZAFT soldiers who wanted to assist Lei Mingkai were connected without hindrance. Based on this, Lei Mingkai Ming Kai gained a steady stream of courage.

This is the courage of ten, hundreds, thousands or even tens of thousands of people!

This will be infinite power!

This is the infinite power called courage!

"Final blow!


At this moment, the words that Lei Mingkai was thinking surfaced in everyone's minds, prompting them to shout in unison.

"This right hand of ours is as hot as a bright red fire!


"It cries out to me to seize victory!








"Stone-shattering Fist!!"

This is the cry of the humans on the battlefield!

This is the power of humans on the battlefield!

This is an extremely powerful force!

This is an invincible belief!

The destructive power from the under this invincible and invincible power withered on the spot.


! The power of the abyss...cannot fail!


Infinity-Courage-Wherever Shi Potian's shocking fist passes, everything is annihilated.

The thousand-meter monster turned into ashes and disappeared into this world under the scream of the final speaker.

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