Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 147: The Civil War of the Reserves

During the shock, the beam saber that kept screaming cut open the billowing flames and pierced toward the deepest part of the flames.


The low roar caused by the collision between the harsh particles entrained a fierce shock wave, which swept away the flames and smoke remaining in mid-air, exposing the beam saber that was as high as MK3 piercing straight out, and the side that cut it. The beam shield firmly blocked.

"Stab it!"

At this moment, the lightning leaped frantically at the junction between the beam saber and the beam shield, shining brightly to illuminate the faces of Gundam MK3 and Pirate Gundam.

Between the light and dark, Ella Platon let out a low voice.

"Don't think that Gundam MK3 only has this kind of program!"

Seeing Ella Platon's right hand pulled, Gundam MK3 followed the beam saber in his hand and severely cut the pirate Gundam's beam shield to the right.

Sparks exploded in an instant, accompanied by the pulsating lightning, continuously spreading on the beam shield. At first glance, this scene is quite shocking.

But the Pirate Gundam, and even its controller Lei Mingkai, remained unmoved. Instead, he stubbornly framed the beam shield on his left arm to prevent it from being pulled by the beam saber in the hands of Gundam MK3, and then he sank into his right hand The beam saber, looking at the opportunity, along the gap left under the beam shield, headed straight towards the waist of MK3.

As long as this blow is stabbed, the fate of Gundam MK3 will end here.


Ella Platon had been prevented.

At the moment when Pirate Gundam's beam saber was about to stab Gundam MK3's waist, a beam sword suddenly ejected from the outside of Gundam MK3's legs, and the particles buzzed and blocked the Pirate Gundam's beam saber.

Without a hit, Lei Mingkai had no nostalgia. He simply let the Pirate Gundam use his left arm forcefully, and after he forced the beam saber in Gundam MK3's hands away, he immediately rushed back.


In order to avoid the pursuit of Gundam MK3, the rushing pirate Gundam took advantage of his lack of preparation, and the two claws on his waist were ejected from the lightning.

Together, they headed straight towards the beam saber in the hands of Gundam MK3.

The other one flashed across the ground like the whistling of the wind, and went straight to the beam saber on the outside of the leg up to MK3.


It is undoubtedly the action that the pirate Gundam wanted to capture the melee weapon up to MK3.

Twin snakes attack,

how to respond!

Ella Platon's eyes flashed, and his fingers on both hands quickly clicked continuously on the control ball, allowing MK3 to complete dozens of commands in just one second, allowing it to accelerate and retreat and lift. The beam cannon on the shoulders and feet respectively locked the two hooks shot by Pirate Gundam, and then shot and other actions.



A beam of light instantly blocked the forward path of the two claws, and then quickly extended forward, trying to explode the two claws.


At the moment when the beam was about to hit the two hooks, a sudden change occurred.

The claws that should have just rushed in a straight line suddenly seemed to come alive, and they ran around under the dense offensive formed by the beam of light, as agile as a snake swiftly moving on the surface of the sand.

"There is such an operation?"

Seeing those two weird, but surprisingly surprising claws, Ella Platon was slightly taken aback, and at the same time once again felt that in the death match, he was holding a flying eagle sword and beating iron violently. The feeling of a glimpse of Austria's pirate Gundam.


Ella Platon sighed and responded quickly. If you can't stop the progress of the hook...

Do not.

Fight snakes,

It’s about to hit seven inches.

No matter how flexible the hook is, it must be the Pirate Gundam himself that controls it.

As a result, Gundam MK3 did not retreat and moved forward. While swinging the beam saber in his hand to try to resist the attack of the claws, he even directly moved the muzzle of the beam cannon on the shoulders and legs up, locking the Pirate Gundam.


The particles once again bloomed dazzling light in the muzzle of the beam cannon. This time, it was no longer aimed at the flexible and strange claws, but to control the claws themselves, the Pirate Gundam.


The beam flickered, and the beam shield held by Pirate Gundam once again lit up its tough light, once again stopping the beam offensive of Gundam MK3 in front of Pirate Gundam.


Just for a moment,

Only at the moment when the spear and the shield fought, the claws flying close to the ground lost the restraint of the beam offensive, and they rushed along the undulating ground to the height of MK3, pointing directly at the one in his hand. The beam saber, and the beam saber on the outside of the leg.

"Don't think about it!"

Ella Platon looked cold.

The moment Gundam MK3 swung the beam saber in his right hand, he bounced the beam saber on the outside of his left leg and held it in his left hand, forming a cross-attack with the beam saber in his right hand, slashing towards the attacking claws.


Gundam MK3's right-handed beam sword hit the target, but in the next explosion, the hook that was a step behind was covered by the smoke generated by the explosion of the previous hook, and rushed up, in the blink of an eye. Kung Fu firmly clamped the left hand up to MK3.


Ella Platon was about to make Gundam MK3 swing the beam saber with his right hand and chop off the claw that clamped his left hand, but unexpectedly, the claw that clamped his left hand exploded first, and was blown up together with the left hand of Gundam MK3. Become crushed.

Ella Platon, whose eyelids throbbed sharply, did not scream, but began to make the Gundam MK3 retreat quickly, while maintaining a intensive attack of four beam cannons, trying to suppress the Pirate Gundam in place.



The flames and smoke from the crazy explosion submerged the figure of Pirate Gundam. Even if it is still shining with the brilliance of the indestructible beam shield, it cannot escape the fate of being submerged.

After a while,

The flame subsided, and the thick smoke fell, revealing the figure of Pirate Gundam again.

In the plumes of smoke, the beam shield on the left arm of Pirate Gundam unexpectedly showed rare signs of flickering, seeming to be in a state of unstable output.

It is conceivable that the attack power of the full burst of up to MK3 just now is amazing.

"It turned out to be able to increase the output of the beam shield to the limit. Ella Platton, the Gundam MK3 you made is really good." Lei Mingkai tapped his right hand to make Pirate Gundam cancel the beam shield on his left arm.

"Yufie, have you locked up Gundam MK3?"

The semi-passive beating just now was not because the pirate Gundam could not defeat Gundam MK3, but Lei Mingkai's strategy to avoid Gundam MK3's unfavorable situation and resolutely dived into the rainforest and once again started a troublesome guerrilla war with himself.

"It's locked!"

Above the high altitude, the sharp eyes of the steel flying eagle have penetrated the heavy rain forest, and firmly locked the figure of Gundam MK3, which quickly shuttled left and right in the rain forest, and was advancing rapidly.

"Ahead, three kilometers away! Now I have sent the coordinates to the Pirate Gundam system."

Under Euphemia's operation, Lei Mingkai quickly saw the small dot representing the MK3.

"Then the hunt begins!"

The X-type thruster exploded, and the figure of the pirate Gundam disappeared in place. In a blink of an eye, it rushed into the rain forest and disappeared.

Even the cameras located in every corner of the entire Gunpla competition platform could not capture the figure of the pirate Gundam in a short time. The only thing they can do is to pull up the wide-angle lens as much as possible, overlook the rainforest, and track the whereabouts of up to MK3.

Because no matter how high-speed the Pirate Gundam moves, its ultimate goal will still be Gundam MK3.


Suddenly, the camera's overhead shot caught an explosion.

It was a violent explosion that blasted the entire small lake large enough to hold three MK3s high.

Immediately afterwards, before the water splashed in the sky, the overhead shot suddenly switched, and the pirate Gundam, who had reappeared on the lake surface, had been captured.

At this moment,

Steam rose from the lake where there was only a little water source, and the whole shot became hazy.

The increasingly hazy shots not only caused the audience to squint their eyes and concentrate on distinguishing the figures on the screen, but also made the silhouettes of the pirate Gundam and Gundam MK3 on one side of each station more hazy.

This process continued until the moment when the entire picture was completely covered by a white mist, a roar suddenly exploded.


It's the sound of the thruster's full burst!

who is it?

Up to MK3?

Or pirate Gundam?

Because the lens is completely hazy, the audience can't see the changes on the field clearly, and can only distinguish the movement on the field by sound.


This is the vibration of the beam saber! "

This is the movement of Beam Cannon launching!

"Bah! Stabbed!"

This is the peculiar trembling sound of beam saber collisions.

With these roars and tremors, it was impossible to see the fiercely fighting audience on the court. Some emotional audiences even couldn't help their emotions, yelling at the organizers for ineffectiveness.


Just as the audience's dissatisfaction was about to erupt, a ray of light tore away the haziness that lingered on the camera, and once again presented the situation on the field before everyone's eyes.

But just looking at it, the audience was surprised to find that Gundam MK3, which caused a lot of trouble to the Pirate Gundam from the beginning, was seriously damaged.

The beam cannon on the shoulders and feet was destroyed at some point, and the armor on his body was full of cracks, and there were even a few potholes in it.

On the other hand, Pirate Gundam, except that a corner of the anti-beam cloak was burned, a few holes were burned, and two hooks had been lost before, it didn't have much damage.

In this way, a conclusion is made about which one wins and which one loses.

However, under the gaze of the audience, Gundam MK3 did not admit defeat. Instead, he raised his right hand and held the last beam sword mounted on his right leg in his hand, exploding with the power of the thruster, rushing like the wind. Pirate Gundam.

In the face of the enemy’s decisive blow, the pirate Gundam sinks his waist with a sword, and just before the beam saber in the hands of Gundam MK3 hits himself,

Raise your hand,

Swing a sword,

One cut, two breaks!


"The battle is over! Lei Mingkai, Euphemia wins!"

"Congratulations on your qualifications for the finals!"

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