Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 177: Hot! Gunpla! (Five thousand words)

Piles of smoke and dust wandered past the black wreckage that shone red from time to time, and drifted towards the void beyond this large piece of rubble.

And at the beginning of the plumes of smoke and dust, on top of the numerous black debris that peeled off, the whole body was mainly white in color, and the Gunpla with a light wheel on the back slowly straightened his body, making Makoto Iori He Lingji was able to see its appearance clearly.


I saw the white Gunpla's face mask suddenly opened, revealing a face somewhat similar to a human face. In the meantime, at the joints of the white Gunpla, bursts of golden light appeared on the edge of the body.

"Sorry! Makoto, Reiji. Maybe I should apologize before starting."

Makoto Iori's gaze was very accurate. When the white Gunpla appeared, he saw what the power of the white Gunpla was about to explode. However, before he could speak to remind Reiji, he was thundered. Mingkai's sudden apology was interrupted.

"What? Kay. What the **** are you doing?!"

Although Makoto Iori's reminder was interrupted by Lei Mingkai, Reiji, who had been not dealing with Lei Mingkai, was keenly aware that Lei Mingkai seemed to be engaged in a conspiracy.

"Fuck you?"

Lei Mingkai was taken aback, then smiled.

"Haha! Reiji, Cheng, that's right! I'm just doing a ghost! From the beginning of this finals, I have been engaged in a conspiracy! In order to complete an irresponsible father's commission!"

As soon as Lei Mingkai said this, a man sitting in the audience suddenly exuded something wrong, and even the wife sitting next to him turned suspicious eyes on him, who hadn't been home for a long time. Once, the man who left the entire shop to take care of himself and his son.

"Eh...Rinchan, no, that's not what it meant? No, it's not like that?" Iori Yi was stunned, subconsciously trying to explain something, but no matter how he fanned his lips, he couldn't tell why.

At this moment, a burst of laughter suddenly came from behind them.

"Hahahaha! I didn't expect the famous Yizhiyi to have such a day! Boss. Yi did this for a reason. Please don't blame him."

After the visitor laughed a few times, Yi Zhiyi defended him. After that, the visitor also sat down on Yizhiyi, and said with a deep face while watching the changes on the court.

"Yi. Although your idea is correct, it seems that the person you are requesting is not the kind of person who treats Gunpla as a real battle!"

"General Lal."

Although Yi Zhiyi was surprised at the appearance of Lambara, he nodded in response to Lal's answer.

"Yes. I have entrusted it to inhuman. However, based on the current situation, there may be another result."

"Haha! Maybe! After all, in this Gunpla vs. World Tournament, the Gunpla vs. Battle will be planned as a real battle, and only the brothers from Britain are controlled. Other than that, it's just that. Even Lei Mingkai, a warrior who was born to death on the battlefield, is addicted to the Gunpla battle."

The corners of Lal's mouth curled up slightly.

"Let me guess. When you first started, you must have asked Lei Mingkai to hang your sons Makoto Iori and Reiji in a cruel fighting method, right?"

Enduring the coldness piercing from his side, Yi Zhiyi nodded with twitching corners of his mouth, barely admitting his plan.

Lal secretly glanced at the "volcano" that was about to erupt next to Yi Zhiyi, and muttered, "It stands to reason that Lei Mingkai, who was born and died on the battlefield, is indeed the best candidate for this task. However, Yi, you missed a bit."

"Forget it?" Yi Zhiyi suddenly felt a tingling pain in her waist. While eating pain, she managed to maintain her facial expression so as not to be distorted by the sudden pain.

Lal showed a look like this. After a face that is not surprising, he raised his finger at Lei Mingkai and said, "The point you missed is that Lei Mingkai himself is also a Gunpla fans. So, everything is done. It goes without saying."

"Yes, is it?"



Lei Mingkai's voice was steady and bright.

"It is because of an irresponsible father that you are standing here against us in the Gunpla battle?" For some reason, a anger suddenly rose in Lingji's heart, but he soon suppressed it. Went down and shouted sharply

"Kay! I just want to ask you one thing! Is this Gunpla battle going on?"

"Reiji. Wait!"

Iori Makoto yelled quickly and turned to look at Lei Mingkai.

"Kay. Isn't the irresponsible father you talking about..."

"Yes. It's your father Iori Takeshi. Makoto. The reason why I refused your invitation is because at that time, I had accepted your father's entrustment to become your opponent in the World Series. The purpose is to participate in this Gunpla vs. World Championship!"

Lei Mingkai's answer made Makoto Iori stunned, almost speechless.

"It turned out to be like this! Kay, you refused my invitation because of my father's entrustment!? This, this is a scheduled Gunpla match?"

Gradually, after Lei Mingkai's simple words, Makoto Iori, who began to shake, slowly fell into the whirlpool of self-doubt.

"Honesty! What are you in a daze! This, this guy, this **** is disturbing your sight! Honest!"

Unlike Makoto Iori,

Lingsi, who had sensed Lei Mingkai's intentions from the beginning, stared at the white Gunpla standing on the black wreckage all over the floor.

at this time,

Originally only wandering at the joints, the golden light around the body has spread inward, and in this short conversation, the whole body of the white Gunpla has almost been covered by the golden light.


Reiji gritted his teeth and stretched out his hand abruptly. In the midst of groping, he grabbed Makoto Iori's shoulder and shook it vigorously.

"Honesty! What are you thinking! This is Kai, the bastard's conspiracy! Even if it is your father's commission, so far, the Gunpla battle we have experienced together, is it your father's arrangement? "

"Cheng, open your eyes and see that Gunpla!!! You have been cheated!"

"What, what?"


Under the shaking of Reiji, Makoto Iori, who was still a little confused in consciousness, raised his eyes and glanced over.

In an instant, when Makoto Iori saw clearly the white Gunpla that was almost shrouded in golden light, the confusion was immediately swept away.

"Kay! You are lying to me!"

Makoto Iori understood.

He understood.

The remarks of Lei Mingkai just now were aimed at his own trap.

"Haha. Have you reacted? Honestly, you are exactly what your father said, you are still a bit too tender! Compared to Reiji, who discovered my intentions at the beginning, you are not even worse!"

Lei Mingkai smiled lightly, and slowly pushed the control ball forward with his right hand.

The white Gunpla, already shrouded in golden brilliance, stepped out of the black wreckage and walked slowly towards the Interstellar Creation Strike Gundam.

"Yes. I'm lying to you! Makoto. But this is also a matter. The reason why I stand here is also because of your father Yizhiyi's entrustment."


Two steps,

As the golden Gunpla approached, Lei Mingkai's voice kept ringing in Makoto Iori and Reiji's ears.

"Before the finals, your father Iori Yi once approached me and asked me to let you, his beloved son, Iori Makoto see what the soldiers who walked off the battlefield should bear in the cruelest way. The cruelty that should be experienced."

"Warrior? Cruel?"

Lingsi's eyes condensed, as if he had some understanding of the meaning of Lei Mingkai's words. Compared with Makoto Iori, who was born and grew up in a peaceful age, what Reiji has carried and experienced is unimaginable for Makoto Iori.

"Oh? Reiji, you really are the prince of Aryan. It's just a simple remark, have you heard what I mean?"

Lei Mingkai's words made Ling Si suddenly let out a chuckle.

"Cut! What's the big deal about this. I don't care what you are talking about. I only know that now is the finals of the World Series! And my opponent is you, Lei Mingkai!"

Ling Si pushed with his right hand, and the StarCraft Strike Gundam lifted up and walked towards his opponent step by step.


"Honesty. Don't worry about what the **** said. He is just disturbing your sight! Now, what we should do is try our best to win this game!"

An extremely serious look appeared on Reiji's face, which made Makoto Iori couldn't help forgetting Lei Mingkai's words.

"Right! All we should do now is to win this game! Lingji! Let's go!"

"That's it! Kay! You bastard! Wait and see!"

Interstellar created Strike Gundam at the moment when the two of Reiji and Makoto Iori reached a new level of tacit understanding, they rushed forward and swung their iron fist straight to their opponent.


The iron fist of StarCraft's creation of Strike Gundam was once again blocked.

"It seems that I am really not suitable for this skill!"

In Lei Mingkai's self-deprecating sound, the golden light-shrouded Gunpla simply raised his hand to take down the iron fist that was created by the interstellar assault Gundam.

"What! The iron fist of Interstellar Creation Assault Gundam was actually followed?" Lingji was startled, and immediately controlled Interstellar Creation Assault Gundam to kick his whip again, trying to drive his opponent away.

But what is strange is that before the whip kick of Interstellar created Strike Gundam kicked to the target, its iron fist was actually released by the opponent.

"Riji. Be careful! I'm afraid this Gunpla has already activated the super mode."

"Super mode?! Is that golden light?" Lingji watched guardingly at the golden Gunpla, who had no action after releasing the Interstellar Creation Strike Gundam.

"Yes." Yizhicheng nodded, his expression particularly solemn. "The reason Kay said just now to stimulate me with those remarks is probably because he wants this Gunpla to get the time to activate the super mode."

At this point, Yizhicheng couldn't help but smiled bitterly.

"Sure enough, I'm still too immature. I can't see such simple traps."

Reiji didn't comfort Makoto Iori at this time. What he could do was continue to control the Interstellar Creation Gundam and once again launched an attack against his opponent.





No matter how Reiji controls the StarCraft Strike Gundam to attack, the iron fist of the StarCraft Strike Gundam will be easily blocked by the opponent's whip leg. Even the opponent just uses his left hand to attack the StarCraft Strike Gundam. Take the attack.


After an offensive was over, the Interstellar Creation Strike Gundam, who subconsciously distanced himself, stepped on a small piece of gravel. As the rubble was flying, Ling Si's face became more and more gloomy.

"So strong!"

"But, being so powerful, you still have to use the rhetoric just now to beat Cheng. Lei Mingkai! You really are a bad man!"

Lingji yelled, and once again controlled the Interstellar Creation Strike Gundam to launch a new round of offensive.

"Is it strong?"

Facing Lingsi's words, Lei Mingkai shook his head gently.

"No. In this world, I am not strong. People who are stronger than me are everywhere. It's just that you now have no access to the world I'm in."

"So, what I can do at present is to do my best to show you what the world I have experienced is like! Reiji, Makoto! This will be the final blow! If you think you can beat me If you do, then let’s do it!"

"Let's give the next step the strongest attack of the pirate Gundam God form that I can create!"


The voice hasn't fallen yet,

The Interstellar-created Assault Gundam that kicked out a whip kick was caught by the pirate Gundam covered in golden light and slammed to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the pirate Gundam raised his right hand, clenched his fist, and slammed down toward the assault Gundam that he had thrown into the interstellar creation.

"Cut! Honest!"



With a call from Reiji, Interstellar created Assault Gundam to increase the firing frequency of the head Vulcan cannon to the highest level, and fired frantically at the right fist of the pirate Gundam hammered down. The power of the thruster was pushed to the limit, and it was able to be out of danger just before the golden fist of Pirate Gundam hit him.

"It's really fast to escape."

Lei Mingkai shook his right hand firmly, and the Pirate Gundam raised his right fist again. With the raising of the right fist, a looming pattern appeared on the back of the right fist.

At the same time, the pirate Gundam's chest armor from which the skull had been erased opened upwards, revealing the red steel heart that was firmly protected under the heavy armor.

"That is!? Reiji, this is the final attack!! We have to do our best!"

Makoto Iori shouted as soon as he saw the posture of the pirate Gundam.

"Received! The last blow? Just what I wanted! Honest! Don't keep your hands! Let's slap Kay's stinky face fiercely!" Lingsi raised his hand and wiped his nose, and his fighting spirit gradually began to burn.

"Yes! Beat Kay's stinky face! To use his father's words to lie to me! Must teach him severely!"

"The biggest liberation of the rg system!! Reiji!!!"



The Paravsky particles that were originally filled in the assault Gundam body created by the interstellar became extremely surging with the liberation of the rg system.

After the particles were tumbling, the outer armor of Interstellar Creation Strike Gundam that had been shattered was finally torn apart by the crystals that emerged from the inside of the skeleton after a cry of unwillingness, and shattered into pieces. Scattered in the void.

"Om! Om! Om! Om!"


A gloomy blue light rushed out,

With the interstellar creation assault Gundam, it shoots straight into the void.

"This, this is all the power that Cheng's Interstellar Creation Strike Gundam possesses?!"

Celebrities Kawaguchi can't sit down anymore.

They are afraid that once they sit down, they will miss any wonderful moments that will appear.

"Om! Om! Om! Om!"


Opposite the blue gloomy light, a golden light arbitrarily declared its own existence, and it shot straight into the void just like the blue gloomy light.

It's a pirate Gundam!

"It looks like you are ready to use the last hole cards! Cheng, Reiji!"

Lei Mingkai's right hand clenched the control ball firmly, and the looming coat of arms became clearer on the back of the pirate Gundam's clenched right fist.

"Yes! This blow is our last blow! Take it!! Kay!!!"

Lingji and Makoto shouted at the same time

"Take it! This is our Gunpla! Interstellar rg iron fist!"


The afterimage suddenly appeared,

The figure created by Interstellar Strike Gundam was like a phantom, suddenly disappeared from the blue gloom, and at the moment when several afterimages bloomed in the void, it rushed to Pirate Gundam.


The Iron Fist of Interstellar Creation of Strike Gundam has arrived!

But it did not hit the Pirate Gundam, but was caught by the Pirate Gundam's left hand again.

"Is the only level of interstellar rg iron fist?"

Lei Mingkai asked in a deep voice.

Reiji gritted his teeth and slammed the left straight punch of the Interstellar Creation Strike Gundam, and went straight to the right hand of the Pirate Gundam.

He saw it!

The high right hand of the Pirate Gundam must be the last blow. As long as they are interrupted first, then this game will definitely be their victory.


Things will not be so simple.


Lei Mingkai snorted and laughed.

"The eyes are sharp! But they are not flexible enough."


Afterimages emerge suddenly,

Interstellar created Strike Gundam that straight left fist that went straight to the right fist of Pirate Gundam was knocked into the air.

Ling Si was surprised at first, and then took a closer look.

It was discovered that it was a kick from the right leg of the Pirate Gundam.


Suddenly the body of Interstellar Creation Strike Gundam was hit by a strong force, and it flew backwards uncontrollably.

"Reiji, hold on!" Iori Makoto constantly adjusted the control program, trying to help Reiji restore control of the Interstellar Strike Gundam as quickly as possible.

However, as they worked hard, Lei Mingkai's louder voice suddenly sounded.

"Listen! Makoto, Reiji! This is me, the last blow of the pirate Gundam God form!"

"My right hand is as hot as a red fire! It is yelling for me to seize the victory!!!"






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