Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 273: Progress, Acting Director

Still the same.

   Well, maybe there is a difference.

Unlike the previous experience of white cat zero type being placed in a glass jar, now white cat zero type only needs to wear a small vest with five red, green and green pipelines to connect with the coffin. Linked up.

   "This little thing really works?"

   Not to mention that Lei Mingkai is puzzled by the little vest, even the White Cat Zero himself is puzzled.

   Just put on a small vest to connect with the mysterious substance covering the surface of the coffin? Is it a bit too joke?

"Don't worry. It's just a preliminary verification. Although we have completed the preliminary analysis of the mysterious substance, there are actually more mysteries waiting for us to carry out the next and in-depth research. So, now, I will wrong you. First wear this little vest to cooperate with our work."

   The chocolate bar swayed up and down with the flap of the lips, and the Xing Department Shi Huiya quickly tapped the keyboard without lifting his eyes, while explaining the origin of the little vest to the white cat Zero and Lei Mingkai.

"This is the synchronous resonance suit that we developed in the process of analyzing the mysterious substance. Although it is a bit small, it is the best we can do so far in view of time. So, please Bear with me, zero pose."

   The white cat looked down at the little vest that had wrapped most of his body, and pulled his mouth slightly, then stopped speaking.

   And Lei Mingkai asked: "Next, is it going to develop a larger synchronization suit that can be worn by adults?"

  Xingbu Shihui groaned.

   "The development or not depends on whether the analysis work this time is smooth, and whether it will happen again in the days to come."

  Xingbu Shihui raised her hand to remove the chocolate bar held by her mouth, and pointed at the coffin far away.

"To be honest, we still don’t know if this is a special case, or there is a considerable amount of imaginary existence. According to our analysis, although the mysterious substance is very strange, it is not difficult to see that these mysterious substances have appeared. Affected by human factors."

   "Human factors?" Lei Mingkai frowned, and then told the information he had previously obtained from the church elders to Shie Kou of the Criminal Ministry.

   "PS? Artificial soldiers? Maybe it is also possible. However, those mysterious substances are not the products that can be mastered in the world you went to before."

   The chocolate bar in the hand of Xingbu Shie swayed slowly, while she thought, she explained:

"Although I have not been to that world, I can calculate from the level of technology contained in Titania. The result is that the world is impossible to produce on its own, no, even the development of mysterious substances It's impossible. The appearance of this mysterious substance, I am afraid, suddenly appeared in that world like a foreign object from the sky."

   "A foreign object from the sky?"

   This statement made Lei Mingkai's heart suddenly tense.

   "Could it be that there are outside forces other than me hiding in the dark, affecting the pace of development of that world?"

   "I'm afraid, that's it."

   Xingbu Shihui nodded, pressed a button on the keyboard casually, and pointed to a data graph that popped up and said:

   "This is the result of a side-by-side comparison after analyzing the bodies of Fiana and Titania. Can you see what's wrong?"

   At first, Lei Mingkai couldn't see what was wrong with this comparison result, but when Lei Mingkai saw the last item of "life expectancy", he found out what was wrong.

   "Fiana's life span?!"


   Because Fiana is the No. 1 PS, she can only have a life span of only two years. If not, she would not fall asleep forever in Qi Ligu's arms while welcoming Qi Ligu who won the final victory in the glorious heresy ending.

   At this moment, the result shown in front of Lei Mingkai is that Fiana has at least 30 years of life.

What exactly is going on?

   In Lei Mingkai's suspicious gaze, Xingbu Shie shrugged his shoulders, and his eyes also revealed a light of inquiry.

   "I'm surprised, right? A person who has been dead for a long time has been detected to have at least 30 years of life. I don't believe this change if it is not related to the mysterious substance."

   Then, Xingbu Shie looked up at Time.

   "Okay. I won't gossip. Zero type, if you are ready, we will start."

   The zero formula that had been prepared a long time ago nodded.

  The experiment began.

   But this experiment unexpectedly took several days.

   But when the artificial sun of the Star City switched between day and night modes for the fifth time, the tired Xingbu Shie only spoke to let the subordinates who were also in a tired state temporarily disband and enter the rest time.


  After all his subordinates left, Shie of the Xing Department bit down a large piece of chocolate bar with all his strength, and said with some irritation:

"Our speculation is correct. This mysterious substance is indeed artificially placed in that world. Humph! Although in previous experiments, a counter-program hidden in the mysterious substance was put in place, we still gained something. "

   "Only this little thing?"

   With the help of Lei Mingkai, the white cat, who took off his vest, jumped on the table next to him in zero style, and shook his head slightly when he looked at the crimson crystal placed on the table.

   "Too little."

   For White Cat Zero, even if you want to eat, you have to eat a bigger one. Such a small fragment in front of him could not make the white cat zero interest.

   "A lot. Zero type. Don't be too greedy. This is the result of the doctor's hard work with everyone."

   Recalling the sudden crisis two days ago, Lei Mingkai still has lingering fears.

   At that time, the link between White Cat Zero and Coffin was very smooth, and the further optimized analysis program also ran very smoothly.

   But just as the analysis program was about to break through to the core of that layer of mysterious matter, an accident happened.

   "Warning! Warning! Warning! Huge energy response detected! Huge energy response detected!"

   "Suspected self-detonation! Suspected self-detonation! Please respond immediately! Please respond immediately!"

   The sudden warning issued by the AI ​​core monitoring the entire research institute made everyone frightened, but also moved quickly in accordance with the emergency procedures.

   Disconnect the energy link!

   Actively reduce the link frequency!

   Raise the energy shielding force field!

   Under the steady command of the Ministry of Justice, all emergency measures were completed perfectly, but these emergency measures only suppressed the sudden high-energy response for less than ten minutes, and the warning sounded again.

   "Warning! Warning! The high-energy response is about to break through the critical point! The energy barrier force field is about to fail! Evacuate now! Evacuate immediately!"

   "Doctor of the Criminal Ministry, in accordance with all regulations of the No. 0 emergency plan, it is recommended that the doctor withdraw from the institute immediately! Evacuate immediately! The institute will complete the self-destruction procedure in five minutes and start the self-destruction procedure!"

   AI's voice screamed, the situation is very urgent.

   But the next situation stunned everyone.

   Suddenly, the high-energy response that was about to explode, breaking the shaky energy shielding force field, disappeared.

   disappeared silently.

   After this, the high-energy response that AI had detected, except for an abnormal response record, never appeared again.

   In view of this unusual situation, the Criminal Ministry Shie decided on the spot to cancel the slightly radical plan before and replaced it with a steady and steady plan that is gradually advancing.

   And as a result, the little stone that was disliked by the white cat.

   "Zero type. If you dislike it, I will make something with this rock that almost made us blow up into the sky."

  Xingbu Shie didn't feel much dislike for the white cat's zero-style dislike, but it just made this little stone useful.

   "Doctor, do you want to?"

   "Hehe. Remember the disc that I gave you before? Although it was just a trial work, with this little stone, it should be able to perform good functions."

   squeezed the little stone, and the corners of Xing Department's mouth rose slightly, and he said his plan.

   "You know, we were put together. The commander of the legion once said that it is not impolite to come and go. Since the other party has put on a posture, we have to be courteous, right?"

   "Doctor, do you mean that you want to use the crystals extracted from the mysterious substance to perfect the function of the disc?"

   "Correct answer! That's how I think."

do as promised.

   After making the decision, Shihhui, who was immediately put into work, expelled Lei Mingkai and White Cat Zero from her laboratory, so as not to disturb her work on the reformation of the disc.

   "It looks like someone is going to suffer."

   Lying on Lei Mingkai's shoulder, the white cat looked back at the slowly closing door and shook his head.

   "Perhaps! But if what the doctor said is true, then we might be able to use the modified disc to find the debris."

   Lei Mingkai said while thinking.

   "Moreover, we also learned one thing."

   The white cat glanced at Lei Mingkai in zero form.

   "Kay, are you saying that besides us, there are people who are eyeing the debris?"

   "I'm afraid that's the case. From the moment Fiana's coffin fell from the sky, the whole thing was shrouded in a layer of unclear mist."

   Lei Mingkai pondered and recalled the details of the battle at that time.

   "I still remember that when I was looking for the enemy's commander, that suddenly came out with some familiar signals. Don't you think it's weird? Zero."

   "Indeed. Logically speaking, in that world, we are just outsiders. No one knows us at all, but the appearance of the signal has a familiar feeling."

   White Cat Zero also nodded in agreement.

   "Who do you think it will be?"

   "I don't know. But maybe the answer is already in sight. It's just that some places are ignored by us."

   The work of reforming the discs of the Xingbu Shihui may not be completed in just a few days.

   Therefore, Lei Mingkai also took advantage of this time to complete some of his own affairs.

   For example, go to the headquarters of the Administration to report the results of this mission.

   After handing over the inspector's badge to the front desk for review, Lei Mingkai received a notice summoned by the director.

   This may be Lei Mingkai’s first chance to see the true face of the legendary Bureau Director.

   During the time he became an inspector, Lei Mingkai had heard a lot of rumors about the director of the administration.

   Mysterious and powerful.

   often uses masks to show people, appearing in ghosts and ghosts.

   Except for a few close friends, almost no one can see the true face of this mysterious director with his own eyes.

   In addition to these more and more mysterious rumors, there are more rumors that make Lei Mingkai dumbfounded.

   Of course, this is just a rumor of after-dinner tea.

   "Didi! Please show the inspector badge."

  As soon as he got out of the elevator, Lei Mingkai was stopped by the defensive robot guarding the gate.

   "Hey. These iron bumps are really annoying."

  The White Cat Zero lying on Lei Mingkai's shoulder looked at the robot in front of him with disdain when Lei Mingkai took out his badge.

   "Warning! Metal life form fangs lion style zero, your existence is not much different from ours. Please stop using insulting words! Because, while you insult us, you are also insulting yourself!"

   When the robot standing on Lei Mingkai’s left hand heard White Cat Zero’s words, he immediately turned his head and stared at White Cat Zero’s words and said something that made the White Cat Zero’s words choppy.


   The fluff on the White Cat Zero's body suddenly exploded, and the sharp claws were also ready to go, as if the next moment, the White Cat Zero would violently violently teach the two robots.

   "Stop! Zero pose! There is no need to be so angry."

   Lei Mingkai raised his hand and pressed it on the white cat Zero's head. UU reading

   If the White Cat Zero’s attack is not prevented in time, the killing of these two robots may be a trivial matter. It would be a terrible thing for the Administration to be mad by the tusks.

   "Identity confirmation! Inspector Lei Mingkai, you can enter. However, please pay attention to your pets and do not let them run around in the office to avoid unnecessary damage."

   "You! You guys!"

   As soon as he heard that he was treated as a pet cat by those two iron bumps, the white cat zero-style violent on the spot.

   "Alright! Alright! Let's go in! Zero formula! Go back and ask Veretta to bring the Sakura Stone prepared in advance."

   Lei Mingkai's eyelids jumped wildly, and quickly calmed the white cat in zero pose.

   When entering the floor where the office is located, he also subconsciously turned his head and glanced at the two robots.

   "Damn! This AI is too smart, right?! Who designed the robot?"

   This doubt did not last long. The moment the door of the office opened, Lei Mingkai calmed down and prepared to meet the mysterious and powerful director,


   The moment he stepped into the door, he was surprised to find that the person sitting behind the desk was Ray, who hadn’t seen him for a long time, Ray Za Barrell.

   "Long time no see! Kay. I am the Acting Director, Ray Za Barrell."

  Lei introduced himself after showing a bitter smile of helplessness.

  :. :

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