Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 302: Roaring lion

   Heavy footsteps sounded rhythmically, and the body covered by the cloak also walked from the shadow to the light.

   With the squeaky sound of a cloak being lifted, a dark muzzle appeared in front of the white cat Zero's eyes.

   That is a right hand forged from cold steel. Above this right hand is a gun barrel that extends outward from the forearm that opens upwards.

   There is no doubt that this right hand is not the right hand that creatures should have.


   The next second, a muffled sound that can hardly be heard tore the air apart.

   Immediately afterwards, a burst of sparks suddenly exploded at the original position of White Cat Zero.

   "Puff puff puff puff!"

   The white cat moved in zero position.

   Behind him is the cold, huge figure shooting bullets constantly on the ground, bursts of sparks exploded from the elevator platform.

If it weren’t for the muffling effect of the muffler tube extending outwards from the cold forearm, I’m afraid at this moment, apart from the white cat’s figure scurrying all over the floor, there are bursts of tears. The huge gunfire in this space.

   The white cat zero-shaped figure flashed, and rushed into the back of the console placed next to him like lightning, blocking the rain of bullets that had bitten its figure to the outside of the console.

   "There is no breath of life. Is it to transform people? Or is it a robot."

  The golden pupils of the white cat zero-style looked from the gap between the console to the huge figure who had lost the goal and lifted up again, gradually walking towards this side.

   As the distance approaches, the White Cat Zero finally sees the red eyes from the shadow of the hood.


   is not the light that humans can use,

   is not the eyes that humans should have.


It's just eyes forged by cold electronic parts and steel. Moreover, under these eyes, there is no face that humans should have. What appears in the white cat's zero-style gaze is just a mere The icy steel mask with red eyes gleaming.

   "Tap! Tap! Tap!"

  The heavy footsteps are getting closer.

   When the right hand raised from under the cloak had not yet fallen, the left hand also raised.


   A faint sound of mechanical operation sounded, and two dark muzzles were aimed at the console where White Cat Zero was hiding.

   "Puff puff!"

   There was another gunshot that was suppressed by the silencer.

   Although the gunshots were suppressed to a low level, the console was hit by bullets with strong kinetic energy, and the ripped sound was very noisy.

   "Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

   Numerous bullet holes appeared on the originally neat and orderly operation table, and the documents placed on the table were knocked out by bullets, flying all over the sky. And under this chaos like falling snow, is the console quickly occupied by the stray sparks.


   Suddenly, a white lightning burst out from behind the almost smashed console. The icy body that was arrogantly smashing the console immediately turned his gun and fired frantically at the white lightning.

   At this moment, the flickering frequency of the flame tongues in front of the two long silencers suddenly increased a lot. As if in the previous shooting, this cold body intentionally retained some strength.

   Therefore, after discovering the appearance of white lightning, it immediately released the firepower on its arms.

   However, even with full firepower, they couldn't catch it, and even hit the white lightning that rushed out from the back of the console. The seemingly ferocious rain of bullets is nothing more than a spark that adds a bit of color to the white lightning.


   The speed of the white lightning was extremely fast. Before the cold body had poured most of the ammunition in the magazine, he had already rushed in front of him, and then raised his claws with a strong wave.


   A sharp metal crash broke through the air.

   "There are so many hidden gadgets!"

   Under the cold golden pupil, is the sword blade that pops out of the steel arm.

   White cat zero pose, no, it should be lion zero pose now.

   In the impact that was launched just now, the White Cat Zero Form released part of its power and became a more powerful, faster-moving lion body.

   Facing the lion's zero-style claw attack, the attacker only raised his arm and used the ejected blade to easily block it.


   As the cloak swelled, another cold blade went straight from bottom to top towards the soft abdomen of Lion Zero.

   With a kick on the lion's zero-style hind leg, he stepped on the pierced sword hilt without any difference, and jumped back, and easily escaped from the threat of the blade.

   However, before the Lion Zero's body settled, the shooting followed one after another, and there would be no time left for the Lion Zero to stabilize its position.

"Puff puff!"

   The dull gunfire struck the Lion Zero once again in the flames.

   The lion's limbs exerted strength in zero form, and easily escaped from the bullet's firing axis.

  Although the bullet is very fast, the Lion Zero knows that as long as he sees the movement of the huge body covered by the cloak, he can easily see through his attack routines.

   During a few ups and downs, the Lion Zero Stance had already circled behind the enemy.

   "Let me see how **** you look!"

  The enemy who was always one step behind just turned around, and the lion who was looking at the chance kicked it sharply, waved his sharp claws, and suddenly tore the enemy's cloak that was used to cover his identity.

   "Tear and pull~"

  When the broken cloak fell, a body of ice-cold light circulated, and a body made of cold steel and composite materials all over the body appeared in front of the Lion Zero.

   And those red eyes and the iron mask that can't see anything related to human beings are clearly reflected in the eyes of Lion Zero.


   is undoubtedly a robot built by humans, with a certain degree of intelligence.

   "Hey! It really is just a bunch of useless scrap!"

   The lion smiled contemptuously, once again used his limbs, and took the lead in launching the offensive.

   Lion Zero is very fast, but the robot that has exposed its real body is not weak.

   I saw the red glowing electronic eyes flashing, and his arms immediately opened several baffles in succession, unfolding all the barrels hidden inside, and locked the Lion Zero in an instant.

   The next second, the gunshots were heard loudly.


   This time, the gun barrel extending from the robot arm no longer has a muffler tube to suppress the gunfire. The crazy sound of gunfire became the only sound in this underground space.

   The flashing fire light even illuminated the faces of the Zeon soldiers who fell on the ground.

   screaming bullets blocked the road ahead of Lion Zero. As long as the Lion Zero takes another step, it is bound to be attacked by more and denser barrage.


   Lion Zero-style cursed secretly, and with a flash of his body, he dexterously changed his forward posture to turn to the right, and once again rushed to the back of the pile of wooden boxes stacked aside.


   There is no reason, and there is no hesitation.

   As soon as he saw Lion Zero hiding behind the pile of wooden boxes, the robot pointed its muzzle directly at the pile of wooden boxes, and madly poured out all the ammunition he had stored.


   In the sound of gunshots, the pile of wooden boxes with a height of several meters could not stop the progress of the bullet at all. As the wooden boxes were torn apart by the howling bullets, and the broken sawdust was splashed in the air, the pile of wooden boxes several meters high collapsed in a crash.


   Sawdust, wood scraps all over the sky.

   The pieces of wooden blocks, boxes and boxes of wooden boxes cannot avoid the fate of being torn apart by barrage, becoming one of the many wrecks that have covered the ground.


   Among the sawdust scattered all over the sky, the lion zero-style hidden behind the pile of wooden boxes exerted its strength again. In an instant, it once again transformed into white lightning, raised its right paw with lightning speed, and ran straight towards the robot's arms.


   There was a sound of metal and iron fighting, and two more sounds of metal objects falling to the ground followed.

   is the arm!

   are the arms of that robot.

   At that moment, Lion Zero severely tore off the robot's arms with its claws capable of tearing most of the metal.


  The rapid movement of inertia caused Lion Zero to draw long traces on the sawdust ground. At the same time, Lion Zero raised his head and looked at the robot that had lost its weapon with a sneer.

   "Is there only these skills? Iron bumps."


As if feeling the lion’s ridicule, the red electronic eyes of the robot flashed suddenly, and the cold armor on its chest suddenly unfolded, revealing the two four-barreled Gatling machine guns hidden inside. .

   "Buzzing buzzing!"

   In the blink of an eye, a deep buzzing sound rang again.

   Lion Zero Style is once again shrouded in dense barrage.

   "Hey! I don't have a big body, and there are so many things to hide."

   The male lion cursed in a low voice, and when he shook his figure, he rushed dozens of meters away. In the previous contest, Lion Zero has discovered the weakness of this robot.

   Although its attack is fierce, it has at least two weaknesses.

   The first point is that it seems to have been given a certain order, and it can't hurt the Zeon soldiers lying on the ground unconscious, otherwise, at the beginning, these Zeon soldiers would have been killed by him.

   The second point is that although the robot’s barrage attack is terrible, its movements are not agile enough. As long as the Lion Zero poses a little bit of force, it will not be able to keep up with the Lion Zero pose at all, and it will always be one step behind.

   Therefore, the Lion Zero pose only needs to go around behind him again to solve it.

   "Die me!"

   The lion who successfully circled behind the robot once again raised his right paw, slammed his force, and slapped the robot's head.

   "Pop! Noisy!"

   Amidst the sparks that erupted between the cracks of steel, the two Gatlin who roared wildly became dumb and fell into eternal silence.

   "Da! Boom!"

   The central system was crashed to the ground by the robot that was slapped by the lion's zero palm.

   Looking at the green liquid gradually flowing out of the gap in the crack, the Lion Zero was lost in thought.

   Even though he can easily kill this robot, the technology possessed by this robot shouldn't be the technology that humans from this world can possess.

   The only person who can make this robot is that woman, MISS.Q.

   "Have you been exposed?"

   Lion Zero raised his eyes and looked at the aisle that was not far away.

   The noise caused by the fight just now was big enough, even if the base did not arrange more troops to be on duty because of the celebration banquet, so that no one would notice the situation here.

  Thinking about it, the golden pupil of Lion Zero suddenly burst out with a golden bright light, and the sharp claws pressed on the remains of the robot popped out and plunged deeply into its body.

   Then, a faintly invisible light flashed quickly from the lion's zero-style claws, and it had already wandered through the wreckage of the robot a few times.

   "Slap! Slap! Slap!"

   A series of slight blasting sounds exploded in the remains of the robot one after another. Obviously, the electronic components and database of this robot have been destroyed by Lion Zero.

   "This may be able to buy some time!"

   Lion Zero turned his head and glanced at Apsalas, which was not affected by the battle, and finally gave up the idea of ​​continuing to look at it.

   Even if no one has come to check the situation here, but if this robot is really the woman, I am afraid she should have noticed the situation here.

   Staying here will only increase the risk of exposure.

   The white light flashed, and the Lion Zero Form returned to the weak and poor body of the White Cat Zero Form.

   After the little white cat turned his head and glanced at Apsalas, he jumped, and after several ups and downs, he jumped onto the ceiling pipeline and disappeared.

   A few minutes later, a mess of footsteps sounded.

"Hurry up!"

   Sure enough, it was really like White Cat Zero's guess that the Zeon army at this base had discovered something wrong with the underground hangar.

   No, under the leadership of the fiery red woman in Ms. Zeon's military uniform, a support team consisting of hundreds of people quickly rushed into the underground hangar.


These Zeon soldiers rushing into the underground hangar saw their own soldiers lying on the ground at first bullet holes all over the place, wood chips all over the floor, and the one lying between the wood chips. With a cold metal body.

   "Except for bringing your people down, you are not allowed to touch anything else! Then let Kinas come here."

   When many Zeon soldiers were shocked by the sight in front of them, the cold female voice instantly awakened them.

   "Yes! Now, do it now!"

   There is no need to look back at his face or ask questions. As long as he hears the cold voice, the Zeon soldiers immediately know what they should do and what they should not do.

   So, after the Zeon soldiers hurriedly carried out their comrades who were lying on the floor, they all exited the underground hangar and guarded the door, leaving all the space to the flaming red woman.

   After everyone had left, the frosty woman slowly stepped forward, walked to the robotic body that had lost all reactions, and bent over to check.

   "Even the database was destroyed. Who is lurking here? The EFF does not have such technology in this world."

   The purple pupils under her long fiery red hair gleamed with thoughtful light.

   "It's just that, I didn't expect that even the small AS Avengers can be easily solved. Will there be humans in this world who shred mechas with bare hands? Or, what species I don't know about sneaking into this base?"

  :. :

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