Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 324: Change, bystander

   "Miss Aina. Miss Aina."

   A hoarse but reassuring voice came from the darkness.

   Aina opened her eyes with difficulty, and found that the face that appeared before her turned out to be a face she was familiar with.

   She thought not long ago that the owner of this face had already died in the battle.

   "Norris. Are you... still alive?" Aina frowned and called out the name of the face, enduring the pain from all over her body.

   Then, a big warm hand helped Aina up and gently placed it on the other side leeward.

   "Miss Aina, drink some water first! Now, this battle may have nothing to do with us."

   As the cold water ran across her throat, Aina's gaze also fell on the owner of the face holding the kettle.

   The blood-oozing band wrapped most of the slightly fierce face, and also wrapped the thick and powerful arms and thighs tightly.

   Aina, who knows a little about medical knowledge, can tell at a glance that with this kind of injury, ordinary people can't move half a minute at all.

   However, the man named Norris in front of him came here without blinking his eyes and rescued himself.

   "Norris. Your injury?"

   Facing Aina's inquiry, Norrison laughed, not at all the debilitating appearance of a severely injured patient in Aina's memory.

"Hahahaha. Miss Aina. I'm fine. Compared to this injury, Miss Aina should be more thankful that my opponents are merciful. Otherwise, I will dedicate myself to the glory of the Sakhalin family with the old guys. ."

   "Norris, you..."

   Looking at Norris who was laughing, Ina didn't know what to say for a while.

   "Stop talking about this. I'm afraid that man is Miss Ina your sweetheart, right?"

   seemed to divert Aina's attention, and Norris turned the topic to the figure lying on the other side in a blink of an eye.

   Aina looked back after hearing the words.

   found out that it was Shiro Amada!


   Aina exclaimed, and ignoring the severe pain from all over her body, she rushed to Shiro Amada. That eager and worried look gave Norris a gratified smile as if an old father saw his daughter finally found his sweetheart.

   Ina who pounced on Shiro Amada didn't know. When Norris found her, he watched Shiro Amada use his body to protect Aina in his arms, even if there were extensive burns on her back.

   The swearing-to-death will also protect Aina and decisively, so Norris can't help showing a glimmer of admiration.

   Later, Norris felt the determination of Shiro Amada again in practice.

   Even if Shiro Amada had passed away in a coma, but the subconscious that kept Aina firmly protected did not abate at all, and Norris's strength to waste the music boss separated the two and carried out emergency treatment.

   "Norris, Shirou is okay?"

   In fact, even if Norris didn't say anything, Aina, who has medical knowledge, could see the current situation of Shiro Amada's injury at a glance.

   There are extensive burns on the back and arms. If you drag on like this, even if you can escape from the light of the particle cannon, you will die in the subsequent inflammation and infection.

   "I have given him the antibiotics I can find. Now it depends on the man's luck and when the battle will be over."

   Norris shook his head and motioned Aina to look in the other direction.

   "Then, that is Apsaras 3? How could it happen? It actually fell?! Also, what are the two beast monsters and the minicomputer?"

   Aina's gaze followed Norris's gaze, and she was shocked by the battle on the mountainside.

Whether it’s Apsalas 3, Lancelot, a small machine that has never appeared before, and the Tooth Lion Zero that is still rubbing the skeleton on the ground, they are constantly impacting Aina’s Cognition of the world.

   At this moment, the battlefield has entered another stage.

   "Kinhas. Does your work look at this level?"

  MISS.Q let go of his hands slightly, sighed and said.

   Kinhas was speechless.

Because in the imposing pursuit just now, Kinas thought that he could rely on the power of Apsaras 3 to roll Lancelot, small and exquisite, but also with powerful maneuverability. Lancelot was on the spot. Ginhas slapped a big loud slap.

   "It's just a buzzing fly!"

  Kinhas is unwilling, but he is not forgiving. However, this sentence hit the key of MISS.Q.

   "Hmph. Kinhas. You are right. No matter how annoying the sound of fanning the wings, it cannot change the fact that it is still an insignificant fly."

  MISS.Q chuckled, and raised his finger slightly.

   "How long are you going to play? My cute pet."


   MISS.Q's voice has not yet fallen, the Mukuro who was pressed on the ground by Tusk Lion Zero slammed into force, and in the blink of an eye, it unfolded a force field that was enough to force Tusk Lion Zero back.

   "Roar! Come on!"

  The tussled lion zero pose, which had risen so much, saw that Mukuro had spare power to resist, and suddenly let out a roar, all his limbs exerted force at the same time, and he rushed towards Mukuro again.

   However, Mukuro did not spray hard with it. Instead, when the tusks lion jumped up in Zero Style, he immediately turned around and ran.

  The speed is so fast that even the Longtooth Lion Zero can not react.

   "Kay! That monster ran to your side."

   Seeing the prey ran away, the Tooth Lion Zero was so angry that he couldn't get out on the spot.

   Lei Mingkai frowned slightly, obviously unable to see through the intention of this biochemical monster, but he couldn't stop Lei Mingkai from intercepting it.

   It's just that this biochemical monster that is running fast has no idea of ​​entanglement with Lancelot. Seeing one raised his head, he sprayed a strong beam towards Lancelot, then suddenly turned around, quickly bypassed Lancelot, and rushed towards Apsaras 3.

   "Hey. What does it want to do?"

   The Tooth Lion Zero body flashed with blue light, and the hunting gull gear was immediately worn on him, speeding up and chasing him, trying to intercept Apsalas 3 before the corpse touched it.

   However, the plan of the Tooth Lion Zero is destined to be impossible.

  Because, at the moment when the Gull-toothed Lion appeared, the Apsalas 3 that fell to the ground had an action.

   "Om! Om! Om!"

I saw that the mud in front of Apsalas 3 burst one after another, and countless particles full of huge energy wandered around along the cracks that tear the earth, until these cracks could no longer accommodate their wanton wandering, and turned away. Scattered in the air.


   At the moment when the energy peak of this torrent of particles tearing the earth reached its highest point, a huge beam of light slammed towards the hunting gull tusks chasing the skeletal lion.

   "Zero type! Get out of the way!"

   In mid-air, Lancelot, who tried to join forces with the Orion and Tusk to block the skeleton, quickly pulled up, and at the same time, Lei Mingkai's reminder sounded in Zero's ears.


   Gull-toothed lion broke out with an unwilling roar, and the two high-power plasma engines it carried were fully deployed, and instantly gave the Gull-toothed lion all the thrust that it could explode.


A weird sound was instantly submerged in the huge sound wave made by the huge beam of light emitted by Apsalas 3, but the Orion Gull tusks that made this weird sound was pulling out several afterimages. , Escaped from the firing axis of Apsalas 3 at a distance.

   "Huh! Run fast! Just that, but nothing has changed! Iron Lion!"

   Seeing the Gull Tusk escape from the shooting of Apsalas 3, MISS.Q just snorted and didn't care about the failure of this attack.

   "Kinhas. Do you really want to fulfill your ideals, dreams?"

   Suddenly, MISS.Q's voice became low, as if it was like a devil who tempted a mortal to give his life and made a contract with Kinas' ears.

"Dream? Ideal? Huh. Maybe it is! But now, I think my ideals and dreams have been completed. Apsalas 3 is successful, and it belongs to me. Ms. MISS.Q, thank you for your cooperation ."

   The temptation of MISS.Q didn't seem to be successful, Kinas' expression was still calm, and his thinking was still rational.

   "Really? In front of them, do you also feel that your ideals and dreams have succeeded?"

   MISS.Q's eyes flowed, pointing up at Lancelot and Orion Tusk who were trying to attack together.

   "It's just a fly."

  Kinhas’ answer was decisive and resolute, just as resolute as the diffuse particle beam cannon emitted by Apsalas 3.

   Upon hearing this, MISS.Q raised his brows slightly.

   "Really? But, even if Kinhas thinks that your ideal has been realized, in my opinion, you still have a long way to go from your ideal."

   MISS.Q paused, her voice suddenly changed, becoming majestic, as if from this moment on, she was a queen with supreme power.

   "So, now, you must listen to me. Kinhas!"


   Kinhas tightened his whole body, and found that his body began to tremble at some unknown time, as if the woman sitting in front of him was a fierce beast from ancient times.

   "Don't show such an expression! Kinas. I still like that sane and calm Kinas!"

  MISS.Q turned his head and smiled self-righteously at Kinas.

   "Now, we are done. If I help you fulfill your ideal, you have to do something for me. This is the principle of equivalent exchange that I respect."

   "Madam, what do you want to do?"

   Kinhas opened his mouth, and suddenly found that the monster named Mukuro was gone. When he was shocked by the aura of MISS.Q, he had disappeared.

   "Hehe. Did you find it? My little cutie is a perfect match for your Apsaras 3!"

   MISS.Q smiled mysteriously and called out softly.

   "Wake up! My little cutie!"


An earth-shattering roar instantly resounded through this world, and at the same time, Kinas, who was sitting in the cockpit, dimmed his eyes and buzzed in his ears. There was no resistance at all, only this roar. Among them, like a flat boat, struggling to survive in the huge waves.

   "That's it? Is it fit?"

The loud roar caused Lancelot, who was hovering in mid-air, for a long distance, and Lei Mingkai witnessed the monster named Skeleton hitting Apsalas. 3, the moment when an abnormal change occurs on the body.

   "No, it's just got its power back in time. In other words, this monster ate one of the innumerable fragments out of our world."

   On the ground, the Gull Tooth Lion looked solemnly at Apsalas 3, which was quickly flooded by the skeleton's biochemical tissue.

   "Shards? Zero type. Let's do it!"

   With the sound, Lancelot and Gull Tooth Lion moved together, attacking Apsalas 3 from the sky and the ground together.


   Facing Lancelot's radiating vibrating sword and the laser claws of the hunting gull tusks, MISS.Q just gave a cold sigh.

   A force field turned on at full power in an instant, and it just blocked Lancelot and Orion's long sword and claws out.

   "Mukuro's force field?!"

   Lei Mingkai narrowed his eyes and immediately felt bad.

   If Apsaras 3, which already has an I force field, plus Skeleton’s force field, wouldn’t it be a hard bone that is hard to gnaw off?

   "Zero type, withdraw!"

   Without a hit, he immediately retreated.

   Lei Mingkai knows this very well.

   Especially in this unclear situation right now, Lei Mingkai didn't want to lose his life in a hurry.

   "Kay! That monster is about to swallow that piece of debris!"

  Zero is also unwilling.

   "I know. Come again!"

   The joint attack of Lancelot and the Gull Tooth Lion began again.

   On the other side, Aina and Norris, who had witnessed the whole battle, were unable to make a sound for a long time.

  The rapid changes in the battle have continuously challenged Aina and Norris’s cognition.

   "Norris. Is Apsalas 3 really made by my brother Kinhas Sakhalin?"

   Aina put down the binoculars, UU reading couldn't help falling into silence.

   "If the Kinhas Sakhalin is still the Kinhas Sakhalin we know, then this Apsaras 3 was designed and manufactured by him."

   Norris shook his head and sighed.

   Now, Apsaras 3 was swallowed by that monster. Neither Aina nor Norris could accept such a change.

  Even though, these changes are really happening in front of them.


   Suddenly, a faint voice came.


   A hint of surprise appeared on Aina's face immediately, and she quickly turned and fell down, and helped Shiro Amada, who was gradually awakening, up.

   "Ai···Aina. We are going!"

   Shiro Amada, who was enduring great pain, said the words that made Aina confused.

   "Shirou? Where are we going?"

   "Go, go there!"

   Shiro Amada raised his finger with difficulty and pointed at Apsalas 3, which was being swallowed by the skeleton.

   "In my mind, there is a voice telling me that I must go there! Cooperate with the second lieutenant, and solve Apsalas 3 together! Otherwise, this world will be over..."

  :. :

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