Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 375: Unexpected arrival

   the same arrangement,

   the same room,

   There are the same people.

   The only difference is that between the three people in this room, something happened in the short time before.

   "Qian Shanwu. Have you figured it out?"

   Lei Mingkai looked at the face illuminated by the lamp, the only light source in the entire room, and slowly asked.

   "What if I figured it out? I am just a prisoner imprisoned by you." Qian Shanwu's voice became very hoarse, completely opposite to the previous appearance.

   "Are you sure MR.AU is here?"

   Teresa took out a map, placed it in front of Qian Shanwu, pointed to the place marked with a red triangle and asked.

"Yes, or maybe not. The only place I know is here. Only here, MR.AU is most likely to appear there. Because there is an important research institute here." Qian Shanwu slightly raised his head and looked After taking a glance at the location Teresa pointed out, she responded slowly.

   "Institute? What kind of institute?" Lei Mingkai frowned, as if vaguely caught a certain point.

"I don't know. Even though I am MR.AU in the eyes of most outsiders, and even inside the amalgam, in fact, this research institute is managed by MR.AU himself. If it weren't for some earlier By a coincidence, I'm afraid I won't know the existence of this research institute either." Qian Shanwu shook his head slightly.

   Hearing Qian Shanwu's explanation, Lei Mingkai and Teresa looked at each other, and they had reached a consensus.

   Qian Shanwu's cooperation is expected, but still need to be cautious.

However, after Lei Mingkai and Teresa finished their interrogation of Qian Shanwu, they went to deal with the follow-up matters, and Richard, who had been hijacked and used to attack the son of Danu, to conduct a safety investigation took him with him. I found it with a piece of information.

   "Captain. This is an intelligence file found in the computer on that ship. I think it is necessary for you to look at it."

   In Teresa's puzzled eyes, Richard handed over the papers in her hand.

   "Huh? This is?"

   After opening the file and taking a look, Teresa showed a hint of surprise, and then handed the file to Lei Mingkai.

   "Knight. Take a look at this file. It seems that someone is revealing the location to us intentionally or unintentionally."

   Lei Mingkai took the file from Teresa and took a look.

   The location of the research institute mentioned by Qian Shanwu was printed at the beginning of the document, making it particularly eye-catching.

   At this, Lei Mingkai couldn't help but smile.

   "Indeed. It seems that someone wants to make our Mithril a quick knife."

   "Who do you think it will be? Knight."

   Obviously, Teresa has guessed the identity of someone hiding behind the scenes.

"Probably, I have guessed it! After all, there are not many people who can expose the secret location of a certain amalgam leader. It just so happens that we know only one. Deputy Captain, this document is just Found it on the computer?"

   After returning the documents to Richard, Lei Mingkai asked smoothly.

   "No. In addition to this document, we also captured a technician. Fortunately, our rangers arrived in time. Otherwise, this intelligence document might be destroyed."

   Richard revealed all the things he knew, with a hint of luck on his face.

   Because, in the communication between Theresa and Lei Mingkai, Richard already knew that the information recorded in this document had been confirmed by Theresa and Lei Mingkai.

   "Can I meet that technician?"

   After pondering for a moment, Lei Mingkai made this request.

   Teresa readily agreed, but like Lei Mingkai, she wants to meet this technician.

   After half an hour, Lei Mingkai and Teresa returned to the aisle again, who had found nothing.

   "It seems that this person doesn't know much."

   There was a color of disappointment on Theresa's face.

   This is inevitable.

   Whether it is Qian Shanwu’s confession or the information extracted from the computer, there are amazing coincidences. Under this coincidence, the only technician who might know something is asking three questions. How can this not disappoint?

   "Actually, this is not worth disappointing. After all, we have roughly guessed the hidden pusher."

   Lei Mingkai said while thinking.

   "I am afraid there are signs of infighting within the amalgam. This may be our opportunity."

   Teresa glanced at Lei Mingkai, and said somewhat irritably: also

   "I was treated as a sharp knife by that man? Are you afraid of being hit by the inside and outside?"

"Fear! But, as mentioned earlier, this may be an opportunity. An opportunity to see the strength of amalgam. Besides, do we have other options? If we miss this opportunity, I am afraid that the amalgam Infighting will end because of this. At that time, what we are facing is probably the integrated amalgam."

   "Does risk and benefit coexist?" Theresa pondered for a moment, but she could not make a final decision.

   "Knight. I need some time."


   Theresa's hesitation is not unexpected.

  As the captain of the Son of Danu, Teresa's shoulders are naturally heavy.

   What's more, the next action is not to use the boundless sea, the home of Danu's son, as the home field, but to go deep into the land and launch a surprise attack on the secret research institute hidden in the mountains. Under the reversal of offensive and defensive, the force that Dannu's son can dispatch is obvious.

   Under such circumstances, every decision will be a life or death decision for the offensive team sent to the mountains, so Teresa had to be cautious.

   The moon sets and the sun rises.

   A new day has arrived.

   The hijacked ship was escorted secretly by the Son of Danu, and returned safely to the port under the control of Mithril, waiting for follow-up arrangements.

   At this moment, Lei Mingkai, Kalinin, and Sagara Sosuke are standing in the middle of Gnako, pointing at the remains of the smashed miniature AS Avengers.

"Knight. This is the new enemy we encounter. This thing is really terrifying. To the effect, three or two well-trained soldiers are probably not its opponents." Kalinin remembered the encounter during the defense of the ship. The situation of these avengers, until the end of the battle, the casualties that occurred on the Son of Danu came from the battles with these avengers. Fortunately, due to the active activities of Melissa, Cruz and Sagara Sosuke on the deck, these terrible things did not enter much.

"Major. If these micro ASs carry heavy weapons, I am afraid that M9 will also fall into a siege." Unlike Kalinin's situation, M9 relied on M9 to carry out a rolling attack on the micro AS Avengers from beginning to end. Sagara Sosuke also gave an extremely cautious conclusion.

"This is a masterpiece created by a certain leader of amalgam. It has a power beyond ordinary understanding and a high intelligence that can handle most of the master's commands. Therefore, the major and Sergeant Sagara's views are correct. In the future, we may encounter more enemies of this type. Major, let our Marines get ready!"

   Lei Mingkai didn't directly name the Avengers and was made by Leonard, but Kalinin had already understood it.

"Well, I will make arrangements. To solve this big guy, I am afraid that some heavy weapons will be needed. The power of the rifle alone may not be able to penetrate its armor. As for the M9, in these cases where the Avengers are not equipped with heavy weapons. However, it can be ignored. I am afraid that this will be a difficult problem encountered in subsequent operations."

   "No. Major. Maybe in the next action, we won't encounter these tricky guys." Lei Mingkai denied Kalinin's idea.

   "Huh? Is it because of infighting?" Kalinin suddenly guessed what Lei Mingkai meant.

"Well. The existence of these micro ASs is undoubtedly unique to someone. In the imminent or even the infighting of amalgam, these unique existences may not appear beside our target. Therefore, our target has not yet So courageous, dare to carry these uncontrollable existences with him."

   "It is true. However, the pre-plans that should be there must be done. Sergeant Sagarasasuke, come with me!"

   After Kalinin nodded, he pulled Sagara Sosuke to arrange the tactical arrangements for the next encounter with the Avengers.

   Lei Mingkai, who stayed in place, glanced at the wreckage of the Avengers, and did not care about what the fate of the wreckage would be. He turned and walked towards the strong crossbow that was undergoing maintenance.

   "AL. Report on the status of maintenance."

   As soon as he entered the cockpit of Qiangbow, Lei Mingkai began to check the situation of Qiangbow's maintenance.

   In the previous battle, Lei Mingkai was secretly alarmed afterwards by the power erupted by the strong crossbow.

The   λ drive system can even burst out such a powerful force.

   If this continues, I am afraid that even the Star Slashing Sword can be played, right?

   "Confirm the identity of the lander. Welcome back! Knight."

   At the moment when Lei Mingkai’s voice was recorded, the AL, which was on standby, immediately activated the Qiangbow system and began to report on the maintenance of the system.

   "Knight. One hundred and sixty major and minor faults, such as unbalanced posture and damage to the cooling system caused by previous battles, have been eliminated. Now, the ARX-7 is in good condition and can be put into combat at any time."

   Lei Mingkai manually called up the system interface while listening, and checked the various fault items listed in the AL. The result was peace of mind.

  In that battle, all the faults that occurred have been eliminated, and there are no more troubles.

   "Very good! AL, can you call up the previous operating data of the lambda drive system?"

   Strangely, AL was silent.

   But soon, AL spoke again.

   "Knight. The data of the lambda drive system seems to be abnormal and cannot be recalled temporarily."

   "Why?" A hint of surprise flashed in Lei Mingkai's eyes.

"Insufficient data to answer." AL again gave an ambiguous answer, and AL later added: "If you want to ask the Cavaliers if you can reproduce the previous attack, the answer is no. ."

   "Why?" Lei Mingkai was not surprised that AL was able to guess the question he wanted to ask next. Surprisingly, AL gave a negative answer.

   "Heat dissipation."

   The reason given by AL was unexpected but a reasonable answer.

   Lei Mingkai thought about many reasons, but he didn't think about heat dissipation.

  Because, when the blow broke out, the memory of Qiangbow did not fail due to the overheating of the lambda drive system misled Lei Mingkai's judgment.

   "Is it the weather and the reason for being on the bottom of the sea?"

  AL's answer immediately reminded Lei Mingkai and let him understand why Qiangnu didn't crash on the spot.

"It is very likely. According to the extreme weather and the temperature changes of the ocean currents at that time, it is very likely that this was the reason why the crossbow was able to explode that amazing blow. If the environment where the crossbow was on land at the time, I am afraid it was attacking. Halfway through, the downtime has already occurred."

   "In other words, can't reproduce the blow?"

   Reality has a cruel face behind the subtle coincidence.

   "Sure." AL said affirmatively. But then, AL added: "If the cooling system of the crossbow can be upgraded by one to two levels, it may be able to reproduce that attack."

   "Really? I see."

   This is an answer that seems to be tangible, but untouchable.

   The heat dissipation technology in this world does not seem to be able to support the long-term explosion of the lambda drive system. Therefore, the shocking attack before the crossbow may not be able to reproduce again in the future.

   "If Lloyd is here, there may be some way."

   Lei Mingkai couldn't help thinking like this.

  The technology of one world is not enough, so start with the technology of another world, looking for new routes and new methods to transform the cooling system.

  Perhaps, in this case, the shortcomings of high temperature overload and downtime caused by the long-term outbreak of the lambda drive system may be solved.

  It's just that Lloyd is still in the world of Lelouch now.

   Suddenly, the broadcast on the ship suddenly sounded.

   "Emergency broadcast! Emergency broadcast! Attention all! Attention all!"

   The emergency broadcast suddenly sounded so that everyone stopped their work and looked up in the direction of the broadcast During the broadcast, Teresa's voice seemed a little anxious.

   "Attention everyone! Attention everyone! Now I have received an urgent notice from the combat headquarters. The ship will set sail and return to Merida Island for avoidance in 6 hours. All personnel must do it well! Above!"

   "What? Why are you suddenly returning to Merida Island?"

   Once the news was announced, it immediately caused everyone's confusion.

   But in the midst of the crossbow, Lei Mingkai received an encrypted communication from Teresa.

   "Knight. It seems that our action will be delayed for some time."

   "Why?" Lei Mingkai was also a little puzzled like the people outside.

"Because NASA suddenly released an internal message. The asteroid number Z00061 has broken through the orbit of the Earth and the Moon, and will fall into a certain area of ​​the Western Pacific in 72 hours. In order to avoid danger, the Son of Danu had to choose to return. Return to Merida Island to resist the possible tsunami disaster."

   "?! Did the asteroid hit the earth?"

   The news of Teresa made Lei Mingkai a little confused.

  The all-metal world in memory, it seems that such a big scene of an asteroid hitting the earth has not happened yet, right?


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