Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 412: Progress and unpredictability

   "Brother. The heat dissipation system of the Flame Sword has completed the final test. That trick can basically be stabilized."

  A single accidental hit and collision caused the Flame Sword to have an unplanned attack method. For Lei Mingkai, this is indeed a surprise.

According to Mira’s analysis after the incident, this may be due to the violent mental fluctuations caused by the λ drive system carried by the Flame Sword against Lei Mingkai at the time when the body was rapidly overheated. A reaction was made, which led to a physical phenomenon that is not yet clear.

   This may not be a complete analysis, or even a speculation. But for now, this may already be the explanation for why the Flame Demon Sword was able to burst out the intense heat that was enough to plunge the body into a downtime after that accident.

   Lei Mingkai didn't care about this.

  As a pilot, what he cares about is whether this accidentally born kill can be transformed into permanent equipment of the flame sword.

   Obviously, Mira did not disappoint Lei Mingkai.

   This girl, who has been wholeheartedly developing a new body for Lei Mingkai, has devoted all her mind and energy to the development and transformation of the Flame Sword during this period of time. Behind every surprise is the result of Mila's hard work.

   "Good job! Thank you. Mira."

   Lei Mingkai stood on the lift and thanked Mila, who was a little tired.

   "No. This is what I should do."

  Mila shook her head, the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, and the eyebrows were filled with satisfaction.

  Mila’s wish is very simple.

   As long as it can help Lei Mingkai, Mira will do it without hesitation.

There was a time when Mira, who was still in the research institute, was surrounded by many demons and suffered cruel experiments and endured pains that ordinary people could not imagine. Maybe she also had the whisperer talent she possessed. The emotion of hatred, right?

   But now, Mira is thankful that she has the gift of a whisperer.

   is to be able to design and manufacture a body that can make Lei Mingkai invincible on the battlefield.

   "Welcome back! Your Lord Knight!"

   Under Mira's gaze, Lei Mingkai, who entered the cockpit of the Flame Sword, greeted AL's welcome words.

   "AL. Report status."

   Lei Mingkai nodded slightly, and asked AL to report the current status of the Flame Sword.

   "Yes! According to the renovation schedule of the Earl Lloyd and Miss Milla during this week, the first phase of the renovation project has been completed for this unit."

   In the voice of AL, a small screen rose on the right hand side of Lei Mingkai. What is shown above is the technological transformation completed by the Flame Demon Sword during this period.

"The first thing to be modified is the power system of the Flame Sword. According to the highly compatible general-purpose concept of Earl Lloyd at the beginning of the design, after the first actual combat test, the Flame Sword began to be formulated based on the joint efforts of Earl Lloyd and Miss Milla. The power system transformation plan of the company is to upgrade and replace the power system."

"The most noteworthy aspect of this plan is that the limb drive method of the Flame Sword has been replaced from the mechanical transmission structure used by the original Britanian imperial pilots to the unique electromagnetic muscle structure of AS. According to speculation, the current one The flame sword can burst out ten times more power than the original mechanical transmission structure in an instant."


Lei Mingkai was not surprised that the transmission structure of the Flame Sword was replaced with electromagnetic muscles. But according to what AL said, it can burst out more than ten times the force of the original mechanical transmission mechanism, which is somewhat surprising.

   However, I recall that among the many airframes in the AS series, even the barbaric model worker who was beaten has a maximum speed of 120 kilometers per hour. Lei Mingkai's surprise in his heart faded a lot when he was able to achieve such an astonishing speed, and the electromagnetic muscles were indispensable.

   "AL. Can it simulate the maximum speed that the Flame Sword can reach when it is fully maneuvering?"

   In my mind, recalling the data about the maximum speed of many ASs, Lei Mingkai asked casually.

   In the next second, a group of simulation data and a high-speed maneuvering simulation demonstration video calculated in real time by the rendering engine appeared on the small screen.

   I saw in this real-time calculation video that the simple model representing the flame sword can be flexibly and quickly maneuverable on flat ground, hills, and even in complex mountain forest environments.

  Especially on flat land, the speed of the flame sword almost reached an astonishing index.

   "Is it 280 kilometers per hour? This is not much different from the original flame sword."

   Lei Mingkai looked at the conclusion drawn on the screen and fell into deep thought.

   However, such a conclusion is not unexpected.

   After all, compared with the original Flame Sword, the current Flame Sword not only doubled the body size, but also means that the body's own weight will increase in accordance with the increase in the body's rules. Although this design allows the body to obtain more equipment attachment points and increase its adaptability to weapons, the increase in weight cannot be ignored.

   Even if the current flame magic sword adopts the power system built by the new Sakura Stone nuclear fusion reactor, it will still be affected by the weight, which cannot be ignored.

   Despite this, under various trade-offs, Lei Mingkai also approved Mira and the others' transformation plan.

   Although the current maximum speed of the Flame Sword on land is not far away from the original Flame Sword, it has abilities that the original Flame Sword cannot have.

   That is the light wing system.

   In the face of the increase in combat power brought about by autonomous flight, no matter how fast it is, it is only a younger brother.

   "Where are the weapons?"

   Lei Mingkai who came to the conclusion spoke again.

   "Yes! Now it is determined based on the results of the actual combat test of the knight commander. The most suitable weapons for the knight commander are the 165mm howitzer, the head Vulcan X2, the hook X4, the radiation vibration sword X2..."

   The conventional armament of the Flame Sword has not changed much.

   The only thing worthy of Lei Mingkai's attention is that Lloyd seems to have transplanted the radiant vibration sword used by Lancelot to the Flame Sword. This is undoubtedly good news for Lei Mingkai, who has been fighting close combat from time to time.

   In addition, Lei Mingkai’s attention is more focused on the flame sword on his shoulders and 4 more mounting points on the upper back.

   From the point of view of specifications, this does not seem to be a mounting point for equipment used by conventional weapons.

"Your Excellency Knight Commander. This is the mounting point of the new detachable auxiliary manipulator arm of the Flame Sword. According to the tactical concept of complex environment and multi-purpose proposed by Earl Lloyd, the Flame Sword can be equipped with up to 4 to 6 auxiliary manipulators. , To increase the upper limit of the body’s firepower in a short period of time by increasing a considerable amount of armament, or in certain specific complex combat environments, using physical shields and installing disposable radiation energy shields to enhance the body’s defenses."

   As soon as the doubt on Lei Mingkai's face appeared, AL responded to it.

   "Oh? The attachment point of the auxiliary robotic arm? Did Lloyd think of this?"

   Lei Mingkai was a little surprised when he heard that this was the attachment point of the auxiliary robotic arm.

   I didn't expect Lloyd to have this kind of bold design thinking.

   Presumably, when this guy was playing Gangplan, he inevitably had to toss about the body with the auxiliary mechanical arm. Otherwise, in a short period of time, he might not have thought of the auxiliary manipulator, which is a simple and convenient way to increase the combat performance of the airframe in a short period of time.

   Finally, Lei Mingkai's gaze fell on the last line of names on the weapon list.

   "SL-01, sword in the lake, beam trial rifle."

   "SL? Sir Lancelot? Still named after the sword in the lake? Lloyd's heart is really big..."

  Simple English abbreviations are not difficult to guess what they mean.

   Especially after combining the words after the abbreviation, Lei Mingkai's brows were slightly frowned, but they were loosened again.

According to legend, Lancelot did have the sword in the lake, but after hesitating many times, he was never able to return it to the fairy in the lake. It was not until the death of the king that Lancelot took it. Return the sword in the lake to the fairy in the lake.

   This allusion, perhaps in Lloyd’s eyes, is somewhat similar to the unfinished product of the beam rifle obtained from the warehouse of the research institute?

   Thinking of this, Lei Mingkai shook his head suddenly.

   No matter what I think, I'm afraid I can't keep up with Lloyd's peculiar and leaping thinking.

   After dispelling the slightly divergent thoughts, Lei Mingkai refocused his attention on the sword beam rifle in the lake.

   "AL. Hasn't this weapon been tested yet?"

   Lei Mingkai discovered that besides power and other related data, there was no other combat data that should be listed for this beam rifle.

"Sure. Your Excellency Knight Commander. The SL01 Lake Sword is still in the laboratory stage and has not reached the relevant standards for actual combat. What you see now is the most perfect armed state that can be used in the Flame Sword Project. ."

  AL gave an answer that was not unexpected.

   It's a good deal.

   Only half a month has passed since the unfinished beam rifle was found in the warehouse of the research institute.

   No matter how powerful the technology Lloyd currently possesses, he still faces the lack of existing weapon development equipment on Avalon, which makes it impossible to achieve satisfactory results in the shortest time.

   "I see. Then, except for the sword in the lake, other weapons can be used normally?"

   Lei Mingkai finally gave up his plan to test the beam rifle named as the sword in the lake.

   "Definitely. Your Excellency Knight Commander. Except for the SL01 Lake Sword Beam Trial Rifle, all other weapons can be used normally."

   "Hmm. I see. Let's start the simulation test!"


   Facing a decisive battle, Avalon and even Mithril have more work and preparations waiting for them to prepare.

That night.

   Avalon at high altitude has not been affected by the high altitude cold.

   For the "ideal town" that can make Avalon disappear from the world's sight and has more powerful defense capabilities, isolating the cold air currents in the high altitude is nothing more than a trivial matter.

   Outside is an endless sea of ​​clouds reflecting the faint moonlight.

   The sky above is the dazzling brilliance cast by the ancient Milky Way across the firmament.

  Walking on the deck of Avalon, Euphemia slightly raised her head to look at the similar but different night sky, and let out a slight sigh.

   "Yufie, what are you thinking?"

   At this time, Lei Mingkai's voice came from behind.

   Yu Fei turned around, shook her head slightly, showing a slight smile.

   "No. I didn't think about anything. I just regretted the academy life that had just started but was about to be suspended."

   Although Euphemia’s academy life in this world was very good, it ended after Leonard’s declaration of war.

   Neither Lei Mingkai nor Fiana would agree to expose Yuphemia to the enemy's sight at this critical moment.

   Even if Leonard might not know the identity of Euphemia, Lei Mingkai did not dare to take the risk.

   In this regard, Euphemia just accustomed to accepting Lei Mingkai and Fiana’s suggestions and returned to Avalon.

   "It seems that it will take a while to return to Jindai High School."

   Although Euphemia did not express anything, there was a trace of regret in her tone.

   speaking of it.

   In this world, no one knows that Euphemia is the Queen of Britannia. Even if they knew it, they would probably ask with a smile: "The Britannia Empire? Where is the country? Why haven't they heard of it?"

   In this state of almost isolating Euphemia’s identity, Euphemia finally got a life similar to that of ordinary people.

   This may be the most comfortable life for Euphemia during this period of time.

   "Yufie, Chidori will be here in a few days."

   Lei Mingkai told Yuphemia unexpected news.

   "Chidori wants? She wants to come here too?"

"Yeah. Although Mithril has begun arranging the transfer of the Whisperers they protect, the existence of Chidori is special. We dare not care about it. Therefore, what we can do is for Chidori to come. Here, accept our protection."

   One thing, Lei Mingkai did not tell Yuphemia.

   That is the truth about the fact that Chidori is the key person who started Tartaros.

   Actually, Lei Mingkai has been thinking about one thing since returning from that battle.

  Why did Leonard not control the Chidori in the first time after successfully resetting many times, even more than a plural world. Isn't it the quickest and most convenient way to do this?

   Moreover, according to Lei Mingkai’s memory, the Whisperer will not be affected by the reset of the world.

   How much clues he has so far puzzled Lei Mingkai.

If the whisperer will not be affected by the reset world, then why can only Leonard bring Lei Mingkai’s weird and inexplicable sense of time and space confusion, Chidori wants it, but Teresa doesn’t Will it?

   Bewildered, Lei Mingkai inadvertently remembered what he had heard before setting off.

"In Space-Time Singularity, people you know and even things will undergo unpredictable changes. If you still look at the world in Space-Time Singularity with your original view, I am afraid you will suffer a catastrophe that cannot be turned back. "

   Following this line of thought, Lei Mingkai thought of a movie he had seen before—"Butterfly It was a science fiction thriller movie.

  It is about a boy who can go back to the past and change the future through old video tapes.


   No matter how the boy goes back to the past and changes the future through old video tapes, the future he changes will always make the boy desperate under unexpected circumstances.



   once again went back to the past, constantly changing the future, and constantly falling into despair.

   After countless changes and despair, the boy finally collapsed.

   In the last choice of going back to the past, the boy chose to kill himself during the fetal period.

Lei Mingkai doesn’t know if Leonard has experienced despair again and again like the boy in "Butterfly Effect", but Lei Mingkai is now certain that it is unpredictable in the time and space of constant resetting and modification. One of the impacts of the download may be that Leonard has lost his foresight of the key person who can start Tartaros.

   Therefore, it is necessary to protect the Chidori early.



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