Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 42: Break through!

   "Da da da da da da da!"

   The machine gun is roaring!




   The grenade is roaring.

   While the five Gloucesters attacked, they retreated to the bottom of a six-meter-high boulder protruding from the ground. And around them, the black rogues are like hungry wolves smelling blood, swarming around this area.

   "Governor! Time is almost up." Gilbert took a look at himself and the scarred body of his colleague, and then reminded him.

   "Well. Then, prepare to break through!" Cornelia nodded and said.

   But there is no possibility that they can break through the situation in front of them. Whether it is the swarming enemies or the situation of the body it is driving, there is no trace of favorable conditions for breaking through.

   The only thing that can give Cornelia a little more peace of mind is that the black wave surging down from the gap in the middle of the mountain seems to have lost its strength.


   This has no effect on the enemies in front of Cornelia and the others.

   "Governor! Please stay behind! Let us open the way!" Gilbert said unexpected words, and there was a consciousness in his words!

That is,

   Awakening called sacrifice!

   "Gilbert!! Do you think I'm just a shivering woman hiding behind the man?" Cornelia frowned and snorted coldly.

Gilbert shook his head and said from the bottom of his heart: "No, Governor. Your Royal Highness is our beacon, our supreme Valkyrie. How could she be an ordinary woman! Only, if the Princess died now On the battlefield, then the situation of Her Royal Highness Euphemia will become severe!"

   Gilbert uttered words that forced Cornelia to accept their enlightenment.

   "His Royal Highness! Now, not only are the nobles in the 11th area getting in the way, but also these weird mechas are lurking. For the 11th area, and for the sake of Her Royal Highness Euphemia, please forgive her and accept our consciousness!!!"

   "Gilbert!!! You!!!" Cornelia was taken aback, and finally had to grit her teeth and accepted Gilbert's suggestion.

"Thank you very much! Our Royal Highness!" Gilbert, seeing that Cornelia had no objection, shouted: "The knights who follow His Highness Cornelia! Now, it is we who are dedicated to the Princess. A moment of supreme glory! Are you ready?"

  "AllHailBritannia! AllHailCornelia!!

   Amid the enlightened shouts of the knights, four purple-painted Gloucesters surrounded the long-horned Gloucester driven by Cornelia in a prismatic assault formation.

   "Knights! Break through!"

At the moment Gilbert, who was in the position of the sharp knife in the triangle formation, gave the order, the four Gloucesters with long horns in the center started the high-speed driving wheels, straightened the knight's guns in their hands, and straightened. He rushed towards the relatively weak position of the black wave that flooded the woods.

   "Attack! Attack! Don't stop! Even if we die, we will send His Royal Highness Cornelia and our Princess back to His Royal Highness Euphemia!"

   The Gloucesters kept firing, shooting grenades, raising the knight's gun in their hands, and piercing the black rascals.




   In the explosion,

   In the billowing flames,

   In the smoke rising into the sky,

   Gloucester is full of wreckage behind him, full of gray and white sand.

   However, no matter how brave the knights are determined to die, they cannot scare away the enemies that besie them.

To know,

   In this short match, Gilbert and the battle-tested knights have already seen a hint.


   These black rogue pilots do not seem to be humans!


   Suddenly, the Gloucester behind Cornelia screamed.

   "Pastor!!" Cornelia was about to stop, but was yelled by the pilot of the Gloucester.

   "Don't stop!! Your Highness!! Leave it to me here!! This is my last battle!! Your Highness! Please go away!!"

   I saw that the cockpit of the Gloucester was cut off by a sword blade, revealing a corner of the cockpit.

   Cornelia can see from this gap that the pilot named Pastor was pale, gritted his teeth, and endured great pain.

   His left arm was cut off by the enemy with a sword just now, along with the corner of the cockpit.

"Let's go! Ching Gilbert!! Your Royal Highness is pleased to you!!" The knight named Pastor roared. In the blood spattering from the wound on his left arm, he drove the car and turned around. Into the pile of enemies chasing behind him.

next moment,

   A dazzling light burst.


  The powerful energy shock wave released by the explosion of Sakura Stone rushed the black wave that followed it to pieces, and it was unable to gather again for a while, chasing Cornelia and his party.

   "Chance! Hurry up!" Gilbert gritted his teeth and shouted in a dumb voice. Even before that, I had already prepared and realized, but when my colleagues dedicate their lives to this, they were still a little bit reluctant.

Thanks to Pastor’s sacrifice, Cornelia and Gilbert’s breakthrough was not more blocked, but in order to ensure the speed of the breakthrough, Cornelia eventually took Gilbert. The special sharp knife position personally opened a way for everyone to break through.

   Kill all the way.

   Cornelia, Gilbert and others are almost numb. Even if they had already established a reputation on the battlefields of the Middle East and Europe, and made a lot of military exploits, it was the first time they had killed them like this.


   as if it can't be killed.

   Killed one batch, and another batch came.

   If it weren't for the changes in the surrounding terrain and withered trees, Cornelia and Gilbert hadn't realized that they had already rushed a long way from where they started to break through.

   "His Royal Highness! Hold on! I will break through immediately!"

   Seeing the breakthrough in sight, Gilbert couldn't help but lift himself up.

   At this moment, the sudden change occurred.




   During a burst of electric spark jumps, Gloucester’s knee blew continuously to varying degrees.

   seems to be a malfunction caused by the impact in the breakout just now. However, the timing of the outbreak is really not the time.

  Moreover, the Gloucesters that had this malfunction turned out to be three Gloucesters including the long-horned Gloucester driven by Cornelia.

   In other words, with the exception of Gilbert's Gloucester, all Gloucesters have fallen into a situation where they cannot act because of this malfunction.

   "Your Royal Highness!" Gilbert gritted his teeth and immediately shouted. "Your Highness! Please use my Gloucester to break through immediately. Let's stay here for your highness!"



   Suddenly, a faint blue light flashed and exploded in the black wave.

   In the smoke and dust, the white knight came by the wind.

   "Here, Lancelot!!! K?!" Cornelia and Gilbert shouted almost in unison.

   "Governor! I am on the orders of Vice-Governor Yufimia to come and support!"

   When Lancelot put away the variable VARIS rifle in his hand and replaced it with two radiating vibrating swords, Lei Mingkai's voice was also transmitted to the ears of Cornelia and others via the communication channel.

   "K! It really is you!" Although Cornelia was a little surprised, she was relieved quickly.

   After all, in the previous combat arrangements, the talented Lei Mingkai was deliberately ignored by Cornelia, because she wanted to see what extent Lei Mingkai could do without being bound by combat orders.

   As a result, Cornelia is satisfied,

   "Governor! Please keep up!"

  While Lei Mingkai spoke, Lancelot was driving the three black rascals in a whirlwind.

   "Wait! K! Your Highness and their Gloucester can't act anymore!" Gilbert hurriedly told Lei Mingkai about the situation.

   "What?" Lei Mingkai was taken aback, and subconsciously looked over. Indeed, Longhorn Gloucester's left knee had been blown apart, and he could no longer provide any help for the operation of the body.

   "Secretary Gilbert. You can drive the body to lift the Governor's Gloucester up and walk together! I'll make the road ahead."

   While preventing the black rascals from surrounding, Lei Mingkai offered another way.

   "Well, that's the only way to do it. Hugh, Eppa, you guys try this too." Cornelia couldn't allow Gilbert to refuse and gave the order hard.

   "Yes! Your Highness."

   Lei Mingkai’s approach is effective.

   Although it can't increase the speed to the fastest, it is much better than the embarrassment of being unable to move.

Especially with the support of the powerful combination of Lancelot and Lei Mingkai, any black rascals who came up surrounded by its radiation vibrating sword and variable VARIS rifle turned into a sprinkle all over the floor. White fly ash.


   Suddenly, there was a huge and dense roar from the sky.

   "This voice? Is it the Air Force?!" Cornelia listened carefully, and said with some surprise.

   "The air force is dispatched? Is it the deputy governor?" Gilbert said subconsciously. But soon, I realized my mistake.

   "No. Gilbert. The Vice-Governor did it right!"

   But Cornelia did not have any negative emotions towards Yufimia, but instead had a feeling that her sister had finally grown up.

   "Governor! Veretta and the others have come to meet us!"

   A message came from Lancelot, who was driving ahead.

   Then, countless artillery fire swept across the sky and fell densely in the black wave that stopped in front of Lancelot and Gloucester.




   All the black rascals who had caused Cornelia and the others a headache were overwhelmed by the "justice" that fell from the sky.


   Amidst the artillery cover of the mountains and plains, the Air Force planes lined up bombing formations from far to near, from small to large, to the sky above the mountain.

   In a blink of an eye,

   Big and small bombs poured down.


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