Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 45: Terrible Asmode

   huge pit,

  Metal shards scattered all over,

   and the remains of limbs submerged in flames,

all of these,

   had witnessed a battlefield occupied by the armored brigade and roared from it, how everyone who was destroyed in an instant felt the shock of that trembling soul.

   "There was such a terrible attack!" Cornelia looked at the huge pit scattered with the remains of the armored brigade with cold hands and feet.

   "Governor! Time is running out! Please attract Asmody's attention as soon as possible!"

   At this time, Lei Mingkai's voice came from Lancelot who launched the attack in the first place.

   "Asmodei? K, do you know the origin of this monster?" Cornelia asked.

   "I don't know! But now, please let the G1 mothership evacuate Narita Mountain. If you continue to stay here, Asmodei will probably focus on it!" Lei Mingkai's voice was eager.


   He knows.

   As the outline of the monster that became clearer appeared in front of Lei Mingkai's eyes, more and more memory fragments appeared in his mind.

   Among them, the memory of a snow-white steel giant lion and a dark steel giant wolf jointly launching an attack towards Asmodern is the clearest.

In this memory, Lei Mingkai saw that the Asmodai in the memory not only has a huge mountain-like body, four giant energy beam cannons on the back, and a pair of terribly strong legs that support it. The mountain-like body allows it to move quickly.

With the help of the dark steel wolf, the white giant lion quickly broke through the defensive line of Asmodai, rushed to Asmodai's front, and after a burst of white light flickered, it turned into a blue lightning. Leaped.

   a few ups and downs,

  The giant steel lion that turned into blue lightning jumped to its back at the moment when Asmodeus didn't react at all.

   A golden flash of light flashed between the claws of the giant iron lion. Behind Asmodei, an object between the four energy beam cannons was shattered.

   At this point, the remaining picture in the memory fragments has disappeared.

   "Weakness, is it behind?"

   Lei Mingkai was puzzled, but there was only this way before him.


   Suddenly, several white smoke skyrocketed from the huge monster in front of him, drew several semi-arc trajectories in mid-air, and then turned and swooped towards Lancelot.

   "Missile!? Is it aimed at?!"

   Lei Mingkai's pupils shrank slightly, and Lancelot raised the variable VARIS rifle in his hand and aimed it at one of the missiles, which was a shock bomb.


   The powerful impact bullet burst into the air with a peculiar buzzing sound at the moment it was ejected.

   one second.

   The missile that swooped in and the shock bomb that broke through the air collided in the air between Asmodeus and Lancelot at the moment when the short one-second countdown was completed.


   The missile hit by the shock bomb exploded.

   The shrapnel shock wave formed by the intense blast also affected other missiles that were closer to it, and a series of blasts took place.

   "Boom! Boom! Boom!"

   In the bursts of explosions, Lancelot raised his left hand, blocked the energy light shield in front of him, and plunged into the fiery and deadly fireball.


   This scene made Cornelia, Gilbert and others see clearly.

   "Your Highness! Do you want to support Lancelot?" Gilbert asked.

   "Well! Do your best to limit this monster! Don't let it have free time to observe its surroundings, otherwise the G1 mothership will be dangerous!"

   "Yes! Your Highness!"

With an order, Gloucester and Sunderland, who had gathered next to Cornelia, immediately separated the two groups and moved forward at full speed in the opposite direction, while constantly firing at the huge monster, firing howitzers, and trying to kill His attention was drawn, and he tried to create opportunities for Lancelot.

   Lei Mingkai, who had just rushed out of the fireball, immediately realized this change, but he didn't say anything, but accelerated again and rushed to Asmody at a faster speed.

   "Om! Om! Om!"

   An unknown trembling sound came from the air, and at the same time dozens of white smoke also skyrocketed from Asmodei's body.

   This time, the target of the missile was not Lancelot, but Cornelia and the others.

   "Come on! All the members spread out and cover each other!!"

   Gloucester and Sunderland's teams separated again, relying on the bumpy terrain caused by three consecutive days of bombing to evade and cover each other.


   A Sunderland that could not evade was hit by a missile.


   Gilbert drove Gloucester and rescued a subordinate.


Cornelia gritted her teeth and drove Gloucester with long horns and jumped into the huge crater in front of which was blown out by the aerial bomb, letting the missile that was bitten behind him fly over his head, and finally hit the ground in vain. , Smashed.

   Thanks to Cornelia and the others' attracting action, Lancelot successfully rushed to Asmody's feet.


   At the moment he rushed there, Lei Mingkai was surprised by the sight in front of him.

  In my memory, Asmodai has strong and powerful legs.

But in the present reality, this monster, which is very similar to the Asmodi in memory, has no legs. Instead, the entire lower body is like the roots of a crouching dragon, which is deeply rooted in the ground underneath. among.

"how come?"

Lei Mingkai shook his head vigorously, forcing himself not to entangle the relationship between his legs and the roots of the tree, and controlled Lancelot to raise his hand and shoot alternately with the claws on his arms, so as to stop Ass. Climbing on Modi's body.

However, even if Lancelot relied on his agile maneuvering and sprinted towards the back along the root-like lower body of Asmodeus, it did not represent the terrifyingly huge figure of Asmodeus. The monster would ignore the existence of Lancelot, which was a little bug relative to it.




   With a series of clicks, frantically dancing tentacles popped out of Asmody's body without warning. While whipping the air, they swiftly attacked Lancelot.

   "Hey! I don't remember that there are these disgusting things on Asmodai!!!"

   What happened before my eyes, there is no way to find the matching fragments from the memory fragments.

   In other words, although Lei Mingkai can rely on the memory fragments to determine that the monster in front of him is Asmode, it does not mean that Asmode or Asmode is.

   "Are you really changing? Asmodei!!"

   Suddenly, Lei Mingkai subconsciously said this sentence that he couldn't understand himself.


   A tentacle twitched in the air, and it lashed towards Lancelot's cockpit like lightning.

   Lancelot shrank his left hand, retracted the claw that had penetrated Asmodei's body, and slammed it backward.


   The sharp claws broke through the air, and the moment there was a buzzing sound, they cut off the tentacles attempting to launch a sneak attack.

   Seeing this attack worked, Lei Mingkai made a decisive decision and immediately changed his strategy.

   I saw Lancelot put his hands together and flicked. As soon as the two claws retracted a certain distance, they flew out with a more rapid force.

   The sound of the wind suddenly rises,

   The tentacles broke off at the sound, and fell densely toward the ground like a downpour.

   And Lancelot, who cut off all the tentacles that were blocking the road mercilessly, relied on the granulation that was regenerating at a high speed, but whether there were any new tentacles, stepped on it flexibly, and swiftly jumped upwards with force.


   As the claws flying from below pierced Asmodei's back, Lei Mingkai knew that the weakness was in sight!

   As long as Lancelot's radiation vibration sword is severely attacked by Asmodeus's weakness, then this sudden and disparity in strength battle will end.

   The steel cable linking the claws quickly drove Lancelot soaring into the sky, flying straight to the top of Asmody's back.

   In the blink of an eye, a gloomy light appeared in front of Lei Mingkai's eyes.

   is a weakness!

   is the weakness that Lei Mingkai saw in the memory fragments, it is the weakness of Asmodei!


   The moment Remington's voice sounded, Lancelot retracted his claws, raised the pair of red long swords in his hands, and pierced straight towards the gloomy position of Asmodeus's back.

   "Kang Dang!"

   There was a loud noise.

   is a long sword!

   is the radiation vibration sword in Lancelot's hand hitting an invisible "wall"!


   Lei Mingkai was slightly surprised and found the key to the problem.

   This is not a memory error!

   is the body currently being driven by Lei Mingkai, which has a huge difference in power from the pure white steel lion with powerful power in his memory.

   The radiation vibrating sword in Lancelot's hand may be unprofitable when facing other black rogues, Sunderland.

   However, when facing Asmodei, who has a huge disparity in body size, he appears extremely weak!


   Lei Mingkai gritted his teeth and controlled Lancelot to replace the radiation vibrating sword in his right hand with a variable VARIS rifle hung on his waist.

   Immediately afterwards, the body of the rifle changed, and it became the most powerful shooting mode.

   The muzzle hit the invisible wall, and the trigger was pulled.





   two shots,

   Three shots!

   Under the fire of a shock bomb, the invisible wall finally remembered the cracking sound.

   "Kaka Kaka..."

   The crack in the spider web version appeared in an instant, and the last impact bullet of the rifle burst out.



   The invisible wall shattered.

  Lancelot's sword pierced the gloomy light again.


   in front of Lei Mingkai,

   On Asmody's back, a number of gates were opened, and a gun barrel protruded from it.

   in an instant,

  Lancelot was enveloped in violent storms.


   The explosions that shook the sky continued to explode.

   The violent flame engulfed Lancelot.


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