Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 483: Defeat Dios Curry again

Remember in one second【】

The cold light on the blade was flowing slowly as if it had life.

The tusks, clad in flame-like steel armor, let out a low roar.

This is not a threatening roar.

It suppressed the enemy's roar of victory.

In the confrontation just now, Dios Curry's plasma beam sword not only failed to hit the Tusk, but was violently counterattacked by Tusk, and the missile pod on the left leg was blasted by it. At the same time, the power of the sabotage also blasted the left leg.

Thick black smoke continued to emerge from the broken foot, and Dios Curry, who had lost the ability to support, retreated, and finally relied on the help of the propeller to barely levitate above the ground.

Although temporarily freed from the immovable predicament, this is not a long-term solution.


In the battle between the mechas, Lemurina couldn't help at all.

She didn't understand why Dios Curry, who should have the advantage, was violently counterattacked by the Tooth Lion in an instant.

Until Dios Curry pulled out the second plasma beam sword, the tusks could only support it under Dios Curry's sword.


Questions flooded into Lemurina's mind like a tide.

But even if the problems in her heart kept emerging, the battle continued.

Dios Curry, who had lost his left leg, waved the plasma beam saber in his hand, and continuously attacked Schnida the Tusk.

However, the indestructible plasma beam sword was unable to make the two handles owned by the tusk lion Shunida seem to be thin, but in fact they are extremely hard and cannot be destroyed by the plasma beam sword, even leaving even one on it. No trace can be done.

At the same time, every time the plasma beam sword collided with the blade of Schnida the Tusk, there was a sign of extreme instability.

It seemed as if it had suffered something terrible, forcing the plasma bound by the force field generator to scatter and flee.

The reason for this picture is not because of how hard the toothed lion Shunida's sword is.

Rather, every time Schneider the tusks swung the blade, the Zero type quietly added the power of the lambda drive system to the blade.

At the moment when the weak rays of light symbolizing the power of the lambda drive system were covering the blade, the blade of Schnida the tusks not only had a stronger attack power, but also a terrifying defensive power.

As long as the enemy's strength can't break through the zero-type mental strength, then the blade of the tusks Nida is a terrible weapon that cannot be destroyed by any attack.


After the sword retreated Dios Curry, the five sword blades of different lengths that served as the mane of the tusking lion Shunidana stood up again, all pointing towards Dios Curry.

"final hit!"

The zero-style low roar slowly sounded.

Lei Mingkai nodded, expressing no objection.

Without his left leg, Dios Curry, who could only rely on the propulsion engine to maintain his posture, undoubtedly came to the end of his fate.

Just one hit,

As long as the tusks Nida launches a destructive slash again, this time, it will definitely not be as simple as destroying Dios Curry's leg.

The murderous aura that suddenly rose from the tusks, Shunida, awakened Lemurina, causing her to subconsciously grab Slein's clothes. Although Slein would not give her any comfort at this moment, the warmth from Slein made her feel at ease.

"Slein. Protect me."

With just such a simple sentence, Slein, who became a puppet, immediately took action.

Dios Curry raised his left hand, and the plasma beam sword in his hand was thrown at Schneida the tusks.

When Schneider the Tusk raised the blade to resist the impact from the plasma beam sword, Dios Curry's left hand did not stop, and directly started the propulsion engine at the elbow.


Under the long tongue of fire, the rocket fisted by the thunder.

The rocket flying fists shot out, taking advantage of the great opportunity that the Tusk Lion's sight was obscured by the dazzling plasma light, and it went straight to the Tusk Lion's forehead.

The next moment, when the rocket flying fist was about to hit the hilt of the plasma beam sword, the plasma beam sword suddenly shut off all energy sources and fell straight towards the ground, brushing past the rocket flying fist coming up from behind. Give up the gap to attack the forehead of the fang lion Shunida.


The dark rocket flying fist was like a sharp shadow, causing Ethelam, who was sitting behind, to let out an exclamation.


At Ethelam's exclamation, Zero-style just smiled lightly, and didn't put the two blows of Dios Curry in his eyes.


Lei Mingkai resonated highly with the zero spirit, and the unique barrier of the lambda drive system blocked the rocket flying fist.


The rocket fist slammed into a sharp wave of ripples on the λ drive screen, but it was unable to tear even a small wound on the λ drive system screen, and even the tussock Schneider was steadily steadily Standing in place, he was not at all affected by the fierce attack of the rocket flying fist.


This was not Dios Curry, nor was it Slein's plan.

The plasma beam saber thrown out first, followed by the rocket flying fist. The two strikes are not

^0^Remember in one second【】

Slein's plan.

Its real purpose is the third blow hidden by it.

Under the orange-red flame, was the huge steel body that galloped rapidly.

It was just a short blink of an eye. Taking advantage of the chance that Shionida the Tooth was attracted by the rocket fist, Dios Curry, driven by Slein, detoured back to the Tooth from the side at high speed. Nida's rear left.

Here, Shunida the Tusk must have a loophole in his defense.

When the hot plasma beam sword tore the air, it was the scorching wind and waves, and it was the terrible scream.

Under this appalling momentum, no one doubted that no one could survive Dios Curry's plasma beam sword.

However, the reality is skinny.

Under Remulina's shining gaze, Slein's rather expensive method was in vain.

As soon as he was about to successfully slash Nida the tusks under the sword, the blade on the back of Nida the tusks turned around, and once again cut Dios Curry’s Plasma beam sword blocked.

"What? This lion can actually see the movement behind it?"

Lemurina's eyes widened, looking at the tusks Nida, who was still in a stalemate with the rocket flying fist.

She didn't believe that Shunida, the tusks, who was fully coping with the attack from the front, would still have the extra energy behind.

"It's still a rookie after all! Slein."

Lei Mingkai looked sideways slightly, looking at the picture that appeared next to his eyes, looking at Dios Curry, who was blocked by the sword of the long-toothed lion Shunida, who was bound to hit, and sighed slightly:

"If it were Slein many years later, it might embarrass me a bit. But now Slein is still too immature!"

A cold light flashed in Lei Mingkai's eyes and he snorted.



At this moment, Schneider the tusks twisted his body, and all the plasma engines on his body burst out pushing away beyond its own limits, abruptly allowing Schneider the tusks to have a rocket flying fist that would stalemate with him. The powerful force of opening.

In the next moment, Senhan's sword light blazed wildly from the tusk lion Shunida.

In Lemurina's eyes, at the moment when the tusk lion Schneider smashed the rocket fist away, he turned into an orange-red storm, knocking Dios Curry into flight like a ball of flame.

In that flash of sword light, Dios Curry flew up with his right leg, which had become fragments.


Dios Curry, who had been hit high, had not landed yet, and when a huge roar sounded, Dios Curry was knocked into the air again.

This time, it was Dios Curry's right hand.

Except for the left hand that has not returned to the body, the current Dios Curry can only be described by a human stick.

Shonida, the tusk lion that exploded with destructive slashes, did not give Dios Curry the time to land. Among the rapidly impacting figures, it was Dios Curry's body that was constantly turning into fragments in the sky.

"final hit."

Among the fragments scattered on the ground was Dios Curry who had lost his head, hands and feet, and even the armor of his body.

Lei Mingkai knew that this was the time to give the final blow.

However, Ethelam, who was sitting behind him, did not speak to stop Lei Mingkai from launching the final blow.

Senhan's sword light quickly gathered at the front end of the tusk lion Shunida, the five blades facing Dioscuri.

This must be the strongest attack of the Tusk Lion at the moment.

In order to avoid future troubles, Lei Mingkai did not want to leave the enemy a chance to survive.


The sword light flashed, and the Tooth Lion Shunida rushed out.

In front of it, after flying to the highest point, Dios Curry turned to fall quickly.

"Wait! Knight Commander!"

In an instant, as the toothed lion Shunida's sword stabbed Dios Curry, Ethelam, who had remained silent, suddenly tried to call Lei Mingkai.

Lei Mingkai didn't pay attention to Ethelam's meaning, but chose to continue with the action that will never cause trouble.

However, just as the blade of the Toothed Lion Schneida broke through Dios Curry's broken armor and was about to pierce Dios Curry's cockpit, a voice suddenly appeared.

"Pure white mountains! Emerald grassland! That is the hometown of our dreams..."

"What? Singing? The princess?"

Failed to call Lei Mingkai, closed his eyes subconsciously, not to see Ethelam, who died tragically under the sword of the tusks lion, opened his eyes and looked forward in surprise-a figure did not know When did it appear on the blade of the toothed lion Shunida.

That looks,

That figure,

It is undoubtedly Princess Victoria, whom Isaiah is familiar with.

Thanks to her, Schneida the Toothed Lion's sword pierced into the cockpit stopped.


He was floating on Senhan's sword, gently singing a ballad that was sung in an unknown language.

Ethelam couldn't understand the words of this ballad, but judging from the feeling of this ballad, it seemed to be a ballad that contained feelings of longing and nostalgia.

"What the **** is this..."

"Shut up!"

The sight in front of her was incomprehensible to Ethelam, but what frightened her even more was Lei Mingkai sitting in front of her.

^0^Remember in one second【】

A horrible aura that made Ethelam's body unable to move was erupted.

Under this breath, Ethelam's body was stiff, unable to move a finger, and she was good at using various etiquette words, let alone uttering words of even one syllable.

Unable to move,

Ethelam, who was unable to speak, could only stare at the knight commander in front of him in horror.

"You...not her!! Shut up!!"

A trace of blood suddenly rose from Lei Mingkai's hands and continued to spread upward along his arms.

It wasn't divided into two strands until it spread to the shoulders.

One stretches upwards along the neck,

One strand spreads downwards, eroding the body and feet as much as possible.

At the moment when Lei Mingkai’s eyes were occupied by the thin blood-red thread, the tusk-toothed lion Shunida, who was like a ball of flame, was actually wrapped in a ball of black, red, black and red, as if it was a flame-like aura. in.

"Roar! Kay! What are you **** doing? Stop it!"

The roar of the toothed lion is painful and even more angry.

This state,

Has appeared before.

But because of the long span of time, let alone Lei Mingkai, I am afraid that even Zero himself has forgotten.

In the knight's duel that determined Lei Mingkai's fate, Lei Mingkai also appeared in the current situation.

In contrast, the two are so similar and so different.

First, under the threat of death, Lei Mingkai took the initiative to survive.

Second, that is now, Lei Mingkai has inspired this situation under the influence of the face that made him feel so kind and familiar, as well as the song.


The horrible, blood-red thread that continued to spread along Lei Mingkai's skin made Ethelam terrified.

But Ethelam, who was dominated by fear, could not even remind him, and even called Lei Mingkai to regain his consciousness.

The singing continued.

Princess Victoria floating on the blade of the sword, undoubtedly appeared in the form of holographic projection.

Therefore, she did not feel the horror of Lei Mingkai at this time in the same way as Ethelam.


Blood red eyes,

Spread by the blood-red thin lines, on the face that looked particularly hideous, there was Sen Han's murderous intent and complete madness.

Under this madness, Schneider, the tusk lion originally wearing orange-red armor, turned into a terrifying beast shrouded in darkness that seemed to be able to swallow everything in the world.

At this moment, the tusk lion Shunafa seems to have become a black The dim light scattered from the broken hole cannot illuminate it at all, and even when it enters around its body, it will be affected by it. Swallow.

As the blade was slowly withdrawn from Dios Curry, the black beast's head was raised, and its blood-red eyes were staring at the figure floating in the air.

"Come back! Go back to our hometown!"

When the singing stopped, Princess Victoria opened her arms to the tusks.


Two steps,

The huge black beast lifted its steps and walked in front of Princess Victoria.

Raise the giant claw,

He slapped Dios Curry on the ground.


Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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