Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 492: Undefeated in the east


The name of the man in front of him made Lei Mingkai's eyes constricted slightly.

But before Lei Mingkai could say anything to the name, the white cat zero pose lying on his shoulders was already tense and fluffy.

"Kay! Be careful! This man is dangerous!"

The arched body, the hideous appearance of sharp teeth and claws, is the look of the white cat at the moment.

But Lei Mingkai did not take the white cat's zero warning in his heart.

Because he not only knew that the White Cat Zero's warning was true, but also knew that if the man in front of him wanted to do something, even if it was White Cat Zero and his exhaustion, he might not be able to cause any harm to the man in front of him.

This is not because Lei Mingkai is discouraged by himself, destroying his own ambition and gaining the prestige of others.

But the man in front of him does have such qualifications and strength.

Taking a look at He Meimei, who was standing next to her with her hands on her chest, she was obviously looking on the sidelines and watching the show. Lei Mingkai reached out and patted the white cat zero pose, smoothing the fluff on her body. After that, he took a step forward, stood and held his fist toward the man in purple.

"Lei Mingkai has seen Lord Dongfang undefeated!!"


Lei Mingkai's statement made He Meimei exclaimed.

She didn't expect that Lei Mingkai would suddenly guess the identity of the purple-clothed man standing next to him and being his grandfather.

But the man in purple showed a slight smile, and then returned to Lei Mingkai with the same etiquette.

"Unexpectedly, someone will remember the name I used before. It is worthy of being the world champion of the Gunpla."

Lei Mingkai's expression changed slightly as soon as the words of the purple-clothed man, that is, the Eastern Unbeaten, had fallen, but he soon recovered his calm.

The Gunpla contest he said was probably the world contest that Lei Mingkai participated in in order to become an inspector.

Moreover, after recalling the fantasy game before the start of the competition, Lei Mingkai suddenly felt that the undefeated East in front of him was not a shocking fact that was unacceptable.

"Have Lord seen that game?"

"Yeah! Grandpa went to see it with me. It's right there."

He Meimei nodded, and admitted the matter.

"Yes. I originally watched the game out of curiosity at Domon's suggestion. I was surprised by your performance, especially with the longbow."


This obvious reminder made Lei Mingkai's heart burst.

Although from the tone of Oriental undefeated, it does not seem to have any special meaning.

But from an intuitive level, Lei Mingkai felt that the invincibility of the East seemed to imply something. However, Lei Mingkai couldn't think of it no matter how much he thought about it.

The thinking that Lei Mingkai showed in that moment made Dongfang Invincible nodded slightly.

"Yes. It's not just the longbow. In the finals, the shocking fist you used really surprised me. I don't remember when I received a disciple like you again!"

Lei Mingkai was taken aback by the unbeaten banter of the East, and then he smiled embarrassedly.

If it is true as the East Undefeated said, he had visited the venue in person and witnessed the whole finals of Lei Mingkai, Iori Makoto, and Reiji, then the pirate Gundam's **** form is naturally seen by the East Unbeaten. In my eyes.

"Let the Lord laugh!"

"Hahahaha! It's okay! It's okay! I know the peculiarities of Gunpla's world. So don't care about these details."

The Invincible Dongfang waved his hand and said that it was all right, then turned his head to look at He Meimei.

"Girl. Now you should also have to work."


He Meimei was stunned when she heard the words, and then followed the instructions of the invincible in the east and looked at the girl standing next to Lei Mingkai, but who had been quietly watching the conversation between the three.

It is not difficult for He Meimei to see from the details of the clothes and manners she wears that this girl is probably a woman of royal origin. Coupled with the factor that Lei Mingkai still bears the name of the Queen's Guard Knight Commander, He Meimei finally understood her obligation.

"Lei Mingkai, it looks like you are a knight."

After He Meimei glanced at Lei Mingkai with a smile, she looked at the girl standing beside him.

"Gui'an! I am the daughter of the commander of the Qin Legion, He Meimei, the lord of the City of Stars. Welcome to the City of Stars."

"The City Lord of Stars?!"

He Meimei's self-introduction surprised Lei Mingkai.

Unexpectedly, the city lord of the city of stars turned out to be the girl in front of her with the dual identities of inspector and singer at the same time.

"Is it surprising? The identity of the city lord of the shining star is my part-time job, and I am not responsible for daily management."

He Meimei glanced at Lei Mingkai, seemingly dissatisfied with Lei Mingkai's shock at the identity of the city lord of the city of stars.

"Well, yes! After all, at the very beginning, everyone thought that the position of City Lord of the Star City should be held by Lord Pioneer. However, Lord Pioneer expressed disgust on the spot and was forced to do nothing. , Everyone backed down and handed over the position of city lord to He Meimei."

The story of the undefeated East makes Lei Mingkai feel like everyone is uniting and pitting He Meimei together.

"Forget it! Let's not talk about this for now! Now it is one of the few working hours of my city owner."

He Meimei waved her hand to indicate that these were not the key points, and then looked at the girl in the white gauze dress again.

"Sorry! I made you laugh! I wonder if you are?"

The girl glanced at Lei Mingkai, then in her encouraging eyes, she pinched the skirt and saluted He Meimei.

"I am the current empress of the Wisser Empire, Ethelam Wisser Eleosia. Now I will follow Lei Mingkai, the knight commander of the Britanian Empire, to visit the two nobles!"

"The Visser Empire?! It seems that Her Majesty the Queen has indeed experienced some hardships! But please rest assured! Since your Majesty has chosen to follow our inspectors to the City of Stars, then the safety of your country is also It is guaranteed."

He Meimei raised her hand, and tapped on the projection screen that appeared afterwards, and a faint light fell from the sky and landed in front of Ethelam.

In this glimmer of light, a badge gradually emerged, and until it completely appeared in front of Ethelam's eyes, He Meimei pointed to the badge and gave a general introduction.

"This is a certificate issued by the City of Stars to all countries that follow the Inspector to enter the City of Stars. Starting today, your country will be recognized by the City of Stars and be within the scope of the inspector’s responsibility. To develop. This is the general content of all the regulations issued by our Star City for all countries that follow the Inspector. For the main details, you can learn about it through the badge."


Ateliam looked at Lei Mingkai again and confirmed that Lei Mingkai did not want him to refuse, so he reached out and took the badge in his hand.

That slightly smooth and cold feeling,

Surrounded by the faintly shimmering gold rim,

A cosmic city surrounded by stars suddenly appeared in the center of the badge.

And behind this badge, a name quietly emerged within the reach of Ethelam's eyes.

Visser Empire, the inspector of the Time and Space Administration, Lei Mingkai.

"Lei Mingkai, this is the pass for the country under your command. From the day this pass is issued, you will be fully responsible for every word and deed of the country you are responsible for, that is, the country you are responsible for. If you use your status as an inspector and the resources of the City of Stars to do evil, you will be the first responsible person."

Seeing Ateliam holding the badge in her hand, He Meimei looked at Lei Mingkai again.

But this time, He Meimei's expression was extremely serious, with a certain aura as the city lord of the cosmic city star.


Lei Mingkai, who had no objections, responded bluntly.

But He Meimei seems to have not yet recognized Lei Mingkai's response, and continues to say:

"Five years ago, a newly appointed inspector let the country he leads, using the identity of the inspector and the resources of the City of Stars to attack everywhere, oppressing other civilizations, and even in order to achieve the goal of occupying the important resource galaxy. Crazily emptied the life of a galaxy with the extreme means of slaughtering local civilization."

"Ahem. Girl. Let's stop there! I don't think Lei Mingkai wants to be that kind of person."

Invincible Dongfang coughed slightly, indicating that He Meimei could stop talking.

Although Lei Mingkai, as the inspector, has no problems, the Ethelam standing next to him is still a newcomer who has smeared the city of Xingyao. In this case, these are about Xingyao. City, the shady of the Time and Space Administration Bureau still don't let her know too much.

"Oh. Sorry! I have talked too much on a whim. I was involved in the conquest of that inspector back then, so I couldn't help but say it. Okay! Finally, Your Majesty Ethelam, welcome to Xingyaozhi city!!"

"Thank you very much, Lord City Lord, and Lord Lord for your help! If there is a chance in the future, I hope to invite two adults to our new hometown as guests."

Ethelam bowed slightly and expressed his sincere gratitude.

"Yeah. Girl."

Invincible Dongfang nodded slightly and motioned to He Meimei.

The latter will walk to Ethelam heartily.

"Don't call my Lord City Lord. Just call my name directly. In exchange, I also call your name directly. Okay?"

With a cordial smile on He Meimei's face, the strong affinity radiated from her made the new empress Ethelam nodded.

"Yes. He Meimei."

"You don't need to be so strange. Just call me Meimei. Come on! Isaiah Ram, I want to show you something."

After correcting Ethelam's name again, He Meimei took her hand and led her to the other side.

After the two left, the expression of Dongfang's undefeated expression finally began to change a little.

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