Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 545: Crash, dawn desert

The roar of jet engines swept across the airport. With the permission of the tower, the passenger plane, full of passengers, quickly lifted into the air and headed east.

Amidst this roaring sound, a pair of men and women were standing on the top of the building, watching the airliner that was gradually rising into the sky.

"Sereney. Although I am a little troublesome, I think you promised to be a bit refreshed?"

Edmund, who was also the bodyguard of Serenei when he was out when he was the deputy minister of the Security Division of .S.D, asked a little bit puzzledly.

"What are you referring to? Or, are you curious about what is in this envelope?"

Celene raised her hand and shook the envelope in her hand.

Edmund raised his eyes, looked towards the blue sky, spread his hands, expressing that he was just curious for a while.

"I didn't expect you! When I was so curious."

Cereni put the envelope in her hand into her arms and shook her finger slightly.

"Although this is not a secret, I don't want too many people to know before the mystery is revealed. I'm afraid even the Sass family thinks so."

"The Sass family? It's really a mysterious family."

Edmund didn't get angry when he saw that Serene had rejected his curiosity. He just let out a sigh that there are still unknown families in the world.

"Mysterious? Probably so! But. SD is able to continue many cutting-edge scientific researches because of the help of these mysterious families. Okay! The mysterious Sass family eldest lady has returned, so it should be our turn to work. If you don’t, I’m sorry for the big boss who funded our research."

Lux's journey of tracing people did not expect to end in such a short period of time.

Lei Mingkai, who was sitting in the first-class cabin, turned his gaze slightly, and glanced at Lux who was looking at the white sea of ​​clouds outside the porthole.

At this moment, she seemed to have become a child who was experiencing the sky in the atmosphere for the first time, and she was full of curiosity about the sea of ​​white clouds that only existed at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

Precisely because of this, when I met Yemengarde and Sereni, the posture that Lacus showed was like a dream, not real.

"Kay. What are you looking at?"

Feeling Lei Mingkai's gaze, Lux turned her head to look at Lei Mingkai.

Sure enough, she saw the light of new things in her eyes.

"No. It's just that I'm thinking about something."

"Is it Miss Sereni's business?"

The corners of Lux's mouth were slightly cocked, seemingly satisfied with Lei Mingkai's doubts at the moment.

In other words, Lacus is satisfied that Lei Mingkai, who has been silently protecting herself and taking herself to Scandinavia, will be able to settle any crisis smoothly and will be satisfied when he has doubts.


Lux's careful thoughts made Lei Mingkai see through at a glance.

But he didn't open it up, and readily admitted this.

As expected, the corners of Lux's mouth gradually rose.

She raised her finger and put it to her mouth, posing a secrecy gesture.

"That's a secret! Kay. It's not the answer yet! What's more, that should be just one of my guesses."

"Are you talking about a woman's secret?"

Of course, Lei Mingkai didn't say this sentence, but just nodded, indicating that he already knew it.

Unexpectedly, Lei Mingkai's attitude made Lacus mistakenly think that Lei Mingkai seemed to be angry, and looked at Lei Mingkai cautiously.

"Kay. Are you... angry?"

Lei Mingkai was taken aback, then shook his head and smiled helplessly.

"No. I'm not angry. People always have some secrets, do they? Okay. Things here are over. Next, we are going to Scandinavia. Over there, you have Is there a way to contact the SARS family?"

Lei Mingkai changed the subject without a trace, so that Lux would not continue to dwell on this topic.

"Yeah. Although my memory is a bit vague, I can do it."

Lux smiled softly and said confidently.

"Really? That's okay. According to the distance, we will arrive in Scandinavia in 6-8 hours. Audrey, take a break first!"

"OK, all right!"

After the excitement brought about by the novel sea of ​​clouds experience faded, there was tiredness that followed.

In less than a few minutes, Lacus fell into a deep sleep.

After reaching out to cover the quilt for Lux, Lei Mingkai also began to close his eyes and rest his mind.

I don't know how long it has passed, and Lei Mingkai opened his eyes again with the white cat's zero call.

"Kay, wake up! There is a situation! Look out the window."

Lei Mingkai, who opened his eyes, saw the panicked cabin at the first glance.

Those people who were well-dressed in the past and were called successful people looked out the window in panic, and exchanged their opinions constantly.

But these so-called opinions are more of spreading the panic in their hearts to the surrounding passengers.

"That is... the united earth fighter."

In the distant airspace where flashes were constantly erupting, one by one kept flying past, and the shadow of the battle body of the green MS fighter on the flight pedal deeply pierced Lei Mingkai's eyes.

"This is the combat airspace! What a mess!"

Now Lei Mingkai and the others are only flying on a civilian airliner. Once they are involved in this air battle, it will inevitably end with the destruction of the aircraft.

The panic in the cabin became more and more intense, and when it was about to swallow human intellect, Lux was awakened by the increasingly noisy sound.

"Kay, what happened?"

Holding Lei Mingkai's quilt in both hands, Lacus moved her eyes to look at the panicked crowd and asked.

"The front should be the battlefield between Earth Union and Zaft. This plane should turn to avoid this battlefield. Don't worry! It will be fine!"

Lei Mingkai told Lacus briefly about the matter, and comforted Lacus softly.

At the same time, Lei Mingkai even called White Cat Zero in his mind.

"Zero. Pay attention to the surrounding situation! We must prepare for the worst."

"Understood! Now I am monitoring the cockpit situation. The captain seems to be preparing to bypass this airspace. It's just..."


Lei Mingkai always paid attention to the distant battlefield, for fear that a stray bullet would suddenly fly over and destroy the passenger plane.

"The fuel for this passenger plane seems to be unable to complete the next journey. According to the captain, it would have been refueled at the next airport. As a result, we encountered this battle..."

Before the White Cat Zero was finished, a scream swept across.

At the same time, Lei Mingkai's right hand was even tighter-it was Lacus who reached out and grabbed Lei Mingkai's right hand.

There is no other reason for this scene.

It was two Earth joint fighter planes that had come from nowhere and flew from both sides of the airliner.

Especially when the two fighter planes passed by, the action of deliberately lighting up the missiles hung under the wings of the aircraft even frightened all the passengers.

"Quick! Quick! Change course! That group of **** are here for real!"

The fighter plane showing the missile continuously made warning actions in front of the passenger plane.

Under the flickering of the tracer, the captain of the passenger plane finally made a choice.

Rather than being exploded by missiles here, it is better to try to use the last fuel to find the next airport that can refuel.

As a result, in the eyes of the passengers with extreme panic, the passenger plane turned, and under the "escort" of the two fighters, quickly moved away from the battlefield.

"It's over! Kay. This airliner won't last long!"

After everyone breathed a sigh of relief, the White Cat Zero Style sang the opposite.

"Did you get expelled?"

Lei Mingkai looked at the two fighters that were still "flying" even if they were far away from the battlefield.

It is not difficult to imagine that this passenger plane is being "accompanied" by the fighter, gradually moving away from the original route, and being forced to an unknown destination.

"Audrey, get ready!"

Lei Mingkai raised his hand and patted Lux's hand, then nodded slightly.

Upon seeing this, Lacus nodded in response, and began to pack the few belongings.

Lei Mingkai took advantage of other people's attention and took off the backpack from the luggage locker above his head.

"Go! The two fighters have left!"

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief after the "accompanied" fighter left.

Regardless of the purpose of the fighter's emergence, its existence does make everyone feel a great pressure.

During the hours that the fighter plane "flights", everyone is afraid that a missile launched by it will swallow the passenger plane at any time.


Lux secretly breathed a sigh of relief but saw Lei Mingkai's increasingly solemn expression.

"get ready!"


Suddenly, a violent tremor swept across like a mountain, without giving the passengers any time to reflect it, and rammed the passengers who had not fastened their seat belts and hit the bulkhead severely.

In an instant, screaming again and again, and the dazzling blushing news quickly occupied everyone's sight.

"This airliner is out of fuel! Kay!"

White Cat Zero retracted his gaze from the cockpit, from the two captains who were struggling to maintain the balance of the aircraft that had lost power, and loudly reminded Lei Mingkai.

"Ready! Zero formula!"


At this moment, there are not many choices.

Lei Mingkai, who could only gamble on the white cat's zero-style ability, protected Lux ​​under his body.

"Don't move! Protect yourself carefully!"



In the next second, a huge roar tore everyone's consciousness apart.

The Sahara Desert is the place with the worst climatic conditions on the planet, and it is also known as the "Life Forbidden Zone".

But in this desert with a great temperature difference between day and night, a cloud of sand was lifted up.

"Seb! Can't you hurry up?"

It is not the squally wind on the desert that sets off the sand and dust, but the off-road vehicles galloping in the desert.

And in the front of these off-road vehicles, on the off-road vehicle driven by a middle-aged man with a big beard and scalp, a blonde girl is looking anxiously into the distance-behind the undulating sand dunes. , A jet-black plume of smoke rising into the sky, especially dazzling.

Half an hour ago, the girl's organization suddenly received a piece of information.

A passenger plane of unknown origin suddenly crashed into a desert on the edge of the organization's traditional activities.

In order to find out the facts and save the lives that might still be alive, the blonde girl pulled on the head of the organization, Seb Ashuman, and was able to summon people to rush over in a short time.

Black plume of smoke,

Pungent smell,

Scorching flames,

There was also luggage that was thrown out from the dilapidated cabin and scattered all over the place.

"Quick! See if there is anyone alive!!"

As soon as Seb saw the tragedy in front of him, he immediately issued a rescue order.

In fact, when seeing the passenger plane that could be regarded as completely falling apart, everyone almost subconsciously thought that there might be no lives worth saving here.

However, destiny will always play such a small joke at this supposedly desperate moment.

"Seb! Kagali! Here! Come! Here, there is still alive! It's a man and a woman! Come on! Come and help!"

The desert is hot, but in this seemingly lifeless heat, there will always be a paradise where life can multiply.

"It's really hot in this weather!"

In the house with the back of the small lake, the kettle was humming.

The cabinet next to it was searched by a man with short brown hair and wheat-colored skin.

"Oh! I found it! It's here!"

In that small drawer, a bag of ground coffee was lying quietly there.

As soon as he saw the bag of coffee powder, the man's expression suddenly became wonderful.

However, before he carefully opened the coffee powder and poured himself a cup of delicious coffee, his adjutant Martin Da Costa knocked on the door of the room.

"Is it Martin? Come in!"

While calculating the ratio with a spoon, the man poured coffee powder on the cup, while casually dealing with the adjutant who knocked on the door.

"Yes! It's rude! Captain! Have the latest information."

"Oh? The latest information? Let me guess, is it the group of earth united guys or the group of fools in the Dawn Desert?"

The boiling hot water was rushed into the cup by the man, and the whole room was filled with the aroma of coffee in an instant, making Adjutant Martin involuntarily sniffed.

"Hmm! Hmm! It smells good!"

After the carefully prepared coffee was made, the man turned and returned to his seat, enjoying the coffee slowly while waiting for the adjutant's message.

"No, it has nothing to do with the union of the earth. It should be said that it has something to do with the dawn desert. Three hours ago, a passenger plane of unknown origin suddenly appeared on the edge of the desert and crashed. At that time, our intelligence system had time to detect it. I was taken a step ahead by the Dawn Desert and searched for the crash site of the passenger plane."

"Oh? A passenger plane?"

He put down his coffee and looked at the adjutant.

"So, what do you think the fools of the Dawn Desert will find on the passenger plane? The secret weapon of the Earth Alliance? Or the seriously wounded and dying passenger? Well, no matter which answer, it has been preempted by the Dawn Desert."

Having said this, the man sighed.

"It's really difficult! Haha. Forget it! This time is enough leisure. It's time to move your muscles and bones! Martin, let me know, get ready to go!"


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