Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 575: The eve of the Victorian offensive and defensive war!

The housekeeper and the maids were separated from the left and right of the dining room, with their eyes closed and silent, standing there like a stone man, waiting for the master's new order.

As a housekeeper with standardized actions and perfect performance, Uzmi slowly put down the tableware in his hands, raised his eyes, and looked at the distinguished guests of Ashar's house tonight.

"I don't know if the dinner tonight is to the two people's minds?"

Hearing this, Lux gently put down the tableware, revealing a decent smile.

"Dinner tonight is very good! Are you right? Kay."

Lei Mingkai, who was sitting next to Lux, smiled and shook his head.

"Audrey, you are embarrassing me too much. For me, the food on the table is no different from the food outside. They are just filling food."

"Hahahaha! Your Excellency Kay is really funny."

Lei Mingkai's words did not embarrass Uzmi, on the contrary he smiled heartily.

"Yes! For us humans, food is just to fill our stomachs. However, with the development of society and the improvement of productivity, human beings who are able to eat their stomachs have begun new pursuits and new tastes."

As he said, Uzmi raised his finger and pointed to the dazzling array on the dining table, which was enough to fill the stomachs of ten people at ordinary times, but at this moment, it was to entertain Lei Mingkai and Laksy carefully prepared food.

"Therefore, driven by this desire, mankind with more and more materials has begun an endless pursuit of productivity."

As soon as Uzmi said this, Lei Mingkai and Lux ​​exchanged glances secretly.

It seems that the theme of this dinner tonight is about to begin.

Lei Mingkai moved his gaze to look at the seat where someone should have appeared, but now there is no one.

I'm afraid, for dinner tonight, Uzmi even banned his daughter, Kagali, from appearing.

"Yes! More fragrant, sweeter, more exciting, and more choices are the most direct feelings that mankind pursues in food. However, under this pursuit, mankind has been able to develop more productivity and more The driving force of many new continents."

Lacus accepted Uzmi's words.

Uzmi looked at Lux after passing the white mask on Lei Mingkai's face.

"Yes. Miss Audrey is right. Because of this pursuit, mankind can continue to pursue more aromatic and sweeter food under the protection of the continuous development of new productivity and the discovery of the new world."

"However, this seemingly endless pursuit of mankind has buried hidden dangers in the future that are enough to destroy itself."

At this moment, Lei Mingkai and Lux ​​had understood what Uzmi meant.

However, Lei Mingkai and Lacus did not have much interest in the idea of ​​Uzmi hiding in the depths.

"Before that, continue to increase productivity until it is enough to smooth out hidden dangers. Maybe this is a solution, isn't it? Prime Minister Uzmi."

Lux smiled softly.

Those smiling eyes made Uzmi unable to see the depth, let alone the scene hidden behind the smile.


Uzmi smiled immediately.

"This is probably because I'm a little unreasonable. Now humans have already set foot in the universe. Under that vast sea of ​​stars, there are always materials that can be provided for us humans to use in the long years, right?"


Lei Mingkai reached out and picked up the wine glass, raised it towards Uzmi and said:

"Prime Minister Uzmi. We might as well cheers to the future of mankind!"

Lacus smiled sweetly and raised the glass in the same way.

"Cheers to the future of mankind!"

Uzmi's eyes fluctuated slightly, but the smile on his face was three-pointers thicker.

"Yes! Let us toast the future of mankind!"


When the three cups touched together, it also represented the end of the dinner.

After dinner, under Uzmi's repeated retention, Lei Mingkai and Lacus both declined Prime Minister Ober's retention on the grounds that Keliya still needed to take care of them.

Seeing the car slowly driving out of the prime minister's residence, Uzmi sighed secretly.

In the dinner just now, Uzmi's talk about food was not casual, but rather profound.


If Lei Mingkai and Laksy had answered another answer at the time, Uzmi would have no hesitation in handing out an olive branch to Lei Mingkai and Laksy, inviting them to join in and insist on maintaining their own neutrality and not participating in anything. A meaningful war, let alone the third camp that persecutes any party.


It's just that the two of them are very keen on this intuition.

Uzmi knew that Lei Mingkai and Lacus had already made corresponding countermeasures to deal with their invitations when they borrowed questions to play, and even...

It may be threatening.

However, Uzmi couldn't make such a policy of intimidation.

This is not only about Uzmi Nala Asha's personal reputation, but also about the image of Obu as a whole.

"Daughter of the Sahak family, luck is really good!"

Tomorrow is the day when the Scandinavian diplomatic envoys leave Orb.

After leaving the prime minister's residence, the car carrying Lei Mingkai and Lacus slowly drove onto the roundabout highway and drove along the coast to the area where the Scandinavian embassy is located.

Looking at the moonlight and starlit sea outside the window reflecting the night sky, Lacus couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Just now, when Uzmi sent out the invitation, Lacus was indeed heartened.

If you can get the right to speak in the third camp, with the help of the most powerful country's Orb, Lacus's next road may become smoother.

However, as a price for a smooth road, Lux inevitably has to pay some price.

For example, confess his identity and make a guarantee in the name of Klein to fight for more benefits for Orb in the future drastic changes in the world structure.

In this way, what is the difference between himself and the photocopier who replaced him under the control of the mysterious forces?

"Lux, are you still thinking about what was just now?"

"Yeah. Some."

Hearing Lei Mingkai's question, Lacus nodded slowly.

"Actually, you don't need to care about Lux. Uzmi Nala Asha may not think of a deeper level. Just now he secretly extended an olive branch to us, just because of the situation in Scandinavia. Changes, and actions taken by you, Audrey Sass's sudden appearance."


Audrey Sass.

This is the identity of Lux in the eyes of the public now.

The second daughter from the mysterious Sass family.

Under the aura brought by the Scandinavian prime minister’s family,

Under the name of the mysterious and never revealed second daughter of Sass,

Lux, in the form of Audrey Sass, will naturally receive most of the attention from the third camp country.

Thinking of the key point, Lux shook her head slightly, and a wry smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

She should have kept a low profile, investigating her who took the name of Lacus Klein, but inadvertently once again became the focus of the third camp country.

"This is something I didn't expect, isn't it? Kay. Sometimes, I feel like if I was taken off the Klein surname, what kind of person would I be?"

The moonlight sprinkled by the crescent moon above the night sky became fragmented on the sea, just like the state of mind of Lacus at this moment.

"What kind of person would it be?"

Lei Mingkai smiled softly.

"Actually, I think if Lacus you don't have the surname Klein, you will probably become more like an angel."


Lacus was taken aback for a moment, and it was a little unexpected that Lei Mingkai would use this word to describe her.

"Yes, angel. An angel who descended into the mortal world and brought people the song of hope."

When he said this, Lei Mingkai's face was serious, so serious that Lacus couldn't believe Lei Mingkai's words, and subconsciously thought that this might be Lei Mingkai's flattery.

Unfortunately, when Lacus just wanted to speak, the driver heard a word.

"Your Excellency Kay, Miss Audrey. There seems to be someone waiting for us in front."

"Waiting for us?"

Upon hearing this, Lei Mingkai and Laksz were surprised.

Amidst the sound of waves hitting the shore,

Above the waves of the night wind,

A dark sports car was parked on the large observation deck that was specially built in the front.

And beside this dark sports car, under the dark hair that was being rolled up by the night wind and dancing in the night sky, was the clear and serious face.

Lund Mina Sahak.

She unexpectedly appeared in front of Lei Mingkai and Lux ​​after returning from the banquet.

In this way.

"It seems that Prime Minister Uzmi's reception is very good. The expressions of the two look very good."

Watching the car carrying Lei Mingkai and Luxi stop not far away, watching Lei Mingkai and Luxi get off the car one after another, Lund Mina Sahak standing in front of him gently With a smile, he greeted the two of them as if they were meeting old friends.

"I don't know what it is for Miss Sahaka to stop us halfway at this time?"

Lei Mingkai looked around, and the white cat zero form hiding in the dark also reported that there was no confidence in anyone except Lund Mina Sahak and Lei Mingkai's side.

"It's just that I'm a little bored at home. Come out to breathe, and come by the way to meet friends who are about to leave Orb."

Lund Mina Sahak smiled, took a step forward, and walked in front of Lux.

"I feel very sorry for what happened on that small island! Miss Audrey Sass."

"No. It was just an accident!"

Lux shook her head, but Lund Mina Sahak rushed to answer.

"Actually, there is no need for us to see things like this. Your Excellency Kay, Miss Audrey, you can call my name directly, Mina. In exchange, I also call you two by name, how about?"

"fair enough."

Regarding Lund Mina Sahak's request, Lei Mingkai and Lux ​​would naturally not refuse.

With the permission of the other party, shortening the name of the other party appropriately may be an opportunity to close the relationship.

"Then Kay, Audrey. I wonder what plans the two will have after they leave Orb?"

Lund Mina Sahak has no politeness, but goes straight to the topic.

Lei Mingkai and Lux ​​exchanged glances.

"Prepare for Keliya to start a comprehensive diagnosis and medical treatment."

Lux's answer was Lund Mina Sahak's expected answer.

However, she was not satisfied.

"Audrey's decision is taken for granted. Just, how about you Kay?"


Lei Mingkai's eyes collided with Lund Mina Sahak's eyes in the night sky.

In this instant, Lei Mingkai had already had eye circles. The woman's eyes had already fallen into the farther future.

"Yes. Don't you think we may have opportunities for cooperation in the future?"

Lund Mina Sahak smiled slightly, raised his right hand, and pointed to the west in the face of the night wind sweeping from the sea.

At this moment, Lund Mina Sahak’s gaze seemed to have crossed the ocean, and even across the continent between Ob and the destination that Lund Mina Sahak was gazing at, falling on Above the far end.

The west.

That distant continent.

Lei Mingkai understood.

It was the offensive and defensive battle at Victoria Airport.

"Indeed. Maybe we will have a chance to cooperate."

"Not maybe! Kay."

Lund Mina Sahak told a secret gently.

There may not be a secret that many people know temporarily except for the high-levels of the Earth Union.

"The third offensive and defensive war at Victoria Airport is about to begin."

"What? The Earth United attacked Victoria in advance?"

Lei Mingkai was shocked, but he soon understood.

Lei Mingkai may be the key to making the Earth United daring to advance the third offensive and defensive war at Victoria Airport.

The Archangel and Assault Gundam landed in the Alaska headquarters smoothly.

Lei Mingkai even left the Earth Union headquarters and handed over the OS programs used by natural persons to Earth Union.

When the two are added together, the impact has already begun to take effect.

The pitch-black assault that appeared in advance is one of these effects.

Thinking of this Lei Mingkai sighed secretly in his heart.

Unexpectedly, my little butterfly actually set off a storm of gradual development and growth.

"So, the one going to Victoria Airport will be your brother Lund Gina Sahak?"

As soon as Lei Mingkai said this question, Lund Mina Sahak sneered.

"No. It was not Lund Gina Sahak who went to Victoria Airport, but I, Lund Mina Sahak."

After a pause, Lund Mina Sahak said again:

"It's a pity! Although Kay may have other expectations for my Fool’s performance, I have already executed my Fool! The communication was disconnected for 18 hours. According to the information recovered from the small island, they only needed less than ten hours to replace the original body with a photocopier under their control."

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