Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 645: Gentle night

CE46 years.

A man who was extremely disappointed with the dullness of his own son, even dissatisfied, took a child back from the universe.

A clone created by Yulian Xiang, the top human geneticist at the time, under heavy investment.

From the beginning, he did not have a name.

I just know that since he was taken back to the earth from the universe and entered a certain luxurious castle, he was locked in the castle by someone and lived a life of isolation from the world.

every day,

Every hour,

every minute,

Before him are always the piles of books that are taller than his young body,

Lessons that will never be completed,

Homework that can never be finished,

And that one with a lot of hard work, full of expectations, but with a faintly disappointed face.

"who is he?"

Children from the universe don't know.

The only thing he knows is that he might become this person's successor someday in the future.

Perhaps it is that you will become "self" in the future.

"Kang Dang!"

The sound of a broken teacup shocked the child who was studying the book in his hand attentively.

"Too slow! Too slow!"

Originally sitting on a chair, the usual man suddenly broke the teacup in his hand for some reason. Amidst the words of dissatisfaction, he got up and walked quickly to the desk, looking down at the puzzled picture. Immature faces.

"why why!!"

The man's gaze swept across the cover of the book in the kid's hand.

He knows that this book is undoubtedly a heavenly existence for ordinary children.

but! !

but! !

Now, the children in his eyes are not ordinary children!

It is a clone created by human's top genetic technology based on his genes! !

In other words, the child in front of him is himself! !

Obviously, in the same growth period, I can easily complete the integration of the knowledge contained in this book.

But this clone from itself can't do this!

Even half of the knowledge of this book has not been learned! !


The clone created by spending a lot of money and using a period of means turned out to be...

It's such a situation? !

What's the difference between this and his mediocre waste son! !

"Your Mightiness."

Seeing those eyes that were full of anticipation in the past, but now gradually losing patience, the child yelled a little timidly.

"Shut up!"

The man sneered coldly, his eyes sharp!

"Listen! You must complete the task of reading this book before dinner!"

After the man left this sentence coldly, he left.

But the child knows that if he can't complete the task before dinner, he won't be greeted by something as simple as starving.

The heavy wooden door slowly closed, isolating the child from the world once again.

Although the room is magnificent, it is so daunting.


The child who was overwhelmed by the piles of books asked questions like men.

But what the child wonders is why he has to suffer such harsh and terrible encounters.

The child does not know the answer.

The only thing he knew was that dinner was to stay away from him after all.

And, that face that was extremely disappointed, became particularly distorted and terrifying.

"Why? Why? Obviously it is in my own genes, it is clearly my half-length, why!!! Why can't I reach my level!!! Why!!!"

Among the terrible punishments, the only words that can be remembered in the child's mind are the words that they do not understand, but subconsciously remember.

The darkness came as expected.

But the child was already unable to return to the desk.

I can only lie on the ground and quietly look at the wooden door that has been closed again.


The pain caused by the punishment of not being able to complete the task tore the child, but it ignited the flame in the child's heart-the flame of hatred.

"Why? Why do you do this to me!!"

There was a scene in his mind that he had been locked in this room since he came to this castle.

Without any joy,

There is no hope,


But it is the fear and hatred that brings all the pictures together.

The moon was high, and a small figure quickly passed through the long corridor.

Apart from the slight sound of footsteps, there was the sound of a trace of liquid flowing.

Then, the fire that swept through all soared into the sky to see off the little figure who was heading towards the strange outside world alone.


As soon as the reminder of the shuttle boat sliding into the maintenance tunnel of Genesis sounded, a pair of silver mask was also picked up by a pair of faintly withered hands, concealing the face that was beginning to wrinkle.


Under the blond hair, the silver mask slowly lifted up.

"I didn't expect that in this moment, I would think back to the memory of the year. Hey! It doesn't matter! This is just a last reminder! Is it! Al da Flagg!"

Cruzer unfastened his seat belt and glanced casually at the screen next to him.

On the screen, it happened that the Oracle Gundam was besieged by Gates, and then blew up at the moment when the timing program returned to 0, dragging most of the Gates into the moment of Huangquan.

"Huh! Sure enough, are there only these methods? Those two women."

With regard to the existence of Mia and Erik, Cruze noticed something wrong after the Silverwind incident.

It’s just that after observing that the presence of the two will not cause any hindrance or threat to his actions, even Kruze even more venomously sees that the purpose of the two seems to be to revolve around Aslan Sara At the time, Cruze knew that they were hiding secrets that he didn't know.

But in the final analysis, it is nothing more than a woman who has been dazzled by love!

The final judgment, let's begin! !

Anxious footsteps echoed in the silent passage for a long time.

After finally stopping the Covenant Gundam, Kira panted slightly, and ran to the ward where LH033 was located along the route in the memory.

As a result, just after turning a corner, I saw a gray figure lying on the side.

When Kira's eyes touched this figure, Kira was stunned.


Without hesitation,

Didn't feel unfamiliar either,

Just the moment his eyes fell on that figure, Kira recognized LH033.

"how come?"

"How could this be? That woman promised to make you better! Why did it become like this?"

Quickly stepping forward and holding LH033 in his arms, Kira saw the face of LH033 that had lost the rosyness of the past, leaving only the pale and gray face.

No matter how Kira called, LH033 never responded to Kira, and did not show a smile that made Kira feel at ease as before.

"No! No! I can't let you die like this!"

The moment Kira hugged LH033, her face suddenly became more anxious and panicked.

LH033's body is so light that it has no weight at all, as if the weight of life had disappeared from LH033's body before Kira came here.

Kira, worried about the situation of LH033, ran to the medical center he remembered quickly, getting faster and faster, so fast that even Kira had never imagined that he could have such a fast moment, but there was only one thought in his mind.

That is, let LH033 live.

"That woman, that woman with the same looks as Lacus definitely be able to keep Lacus alive!!"

Suddenly, several white shadows appeared in front of Kira's eyes.

From the back, it seems to be a medical expert who was involved in the treatment of LH033 before.

"wait wait wait!"

Kira hurriedly said, trying to stop the medical experts who had been evacuated along the escape route, but was unable to stop them.

Anxiously, Kira's speed accelerated by three points, and before the next corner, he caught up with the medical experts.

"Doctor! Please! Help her!"

Kira, who suddenly pulled the way, shocked the medical experts, but after listening to Kira clearly and seeing the figure in Kira’s arms, the medical experts stepped back together. Looking at each other.

The gentle middle-aged man couldn't help speaking until he couldn't stand the short hair in the middle under Kira's almost pleading words and gaze.

"Sorry! We can't keep her alive. Because this is no longer what we can do."

"What?! No, it's impossible! Didn't you treat Ra... for her before?"

Kira couldn't believe what she had heard, and begged again and again.

"Feel sorry!"

A trace of unbearable flashed across the faces of the medical experts, and in the end, it was the gentle middle-aged man who spoke.

"That's not a cure! It's just hanging the life of this young lady! From the day she was sent here, we knew that she would not live long."

"Do not!!"

Kira could not accept this fact.

But the begging words had not been spoken yet, but there was a slight pulling sensation from his collar.

"Enough...Enough...Kee...Kira...Enough is enough!"

"Lux?! You are awake!"

Kira was surprised to watch the girl in her arms wake up, and quickly looked at the medical experts with hopeful eyes.

"Enough! Kira. Enough! Let's go! Don't embarrass them."

Although LH033's voice was still very small, it gradually became smoother.

Kira showed a slight hesitation.

He knew that if the medical experts were to leave like this, LH033 would undoubtedly die.

"Kira. Let's go! Covenant Gundam is still there? Take me away!"

LH033 saw Kira's hesitation, so he begged to speak out.

Kira, who couldn't bear to refuse LH033, gritted his teeth, nodded in the end, and turned and left under the stunned eyes of the medical experts.

There was nothing to say all the way, only the roar that constantly echoed in the passage, and the red light that flickered back and forth.

In addition, Kira and the gray girl in her arms were left.

At the end of the passage, the broken covenant Gundam was waiting there quietly, waiting for the appearance of Kira and the girl.

"It's miserable!"

LH033 lifted his head slightly from Kira's arms and looked at the body that was completely different from the Covenant Gouda in her memory.

The blood red armor with strange beauty in the past is so broken at this moment,

The pair of sharp and sharp horns were even broken, leaving the head armor torn by cracks.

"Well, it's fine."

Kira responded softly, then looked at the girl in her arms.

"Lux, shall we go back?"

go back.

For the two of them, this word may represent the abandoned colonial satellite where the two stayed before LH033 became ill.

"No. Kira. I..."

Before LH033 finished speaking, Kira knew what the girl thought.

"Well, let's go! It's time to let these things come to an end."

With a light kick under Kira's feet, the two of them flew towards Covenant Gundam in microgravity, towards the cockpit that was already open to them.

"Kira. It's great to see you again!"

LH033 raised his head and looked at Kira who knew that the next action would be dangerous, but still acted without hesitation.

"Yes, me too."

The Covenant Gundam, which was activated again, rushed out of Yakin Duvy, and also saw the scene where Genesis completed the replacement of the mirror, and also saw the scene where the temporary combined fleet of the Three Ships Alliance and the Eighth Fleet merged with Freedom Gundam. .

"Kira. We want to stop Genesis, no, we want to stop Lau Lu Cruz. Just now, he killed Speaker Sara and took the code card of Genesis. Now I am afraid that he has escaped into Genesis and changed it. The target of Genesis."

LH033 told Kira to know the rumors he had heard.

"Well. I know. There are some things, maybe me, we can do it."

After Kira nodded silently, he drove the Covenant Gundam straight to Genesis.

Fortunately, with the alliance of the Three Ships Alliance and the Eighth Fleet, the battle in the cosmic domain around Yakin Duwei gradually subsided, and this gave Covenant Gundam the opportunity to go to Genesis at full speed without hindrance.

"Kira. Don't you regret it? Obviously you still have so much time."

LH033 asked softly as he watched the countless war remains passing by around the Covenant Gundam.

"No. I just want to do what I can do, what I want to do. Lux. Don't care about me! This is my choice."

Kira smiled softly, looking at the gradually clear Genesis in front of him.

"Furthermore, even if I chose to stay with Yakin Duwei just now, I'm afraid you can't even activate Covenant Gundam. Can't you?"

Hearing Kira's words, LH033 showed a weak smile.

The pain of tearing from the inside of the body gradually made LH033 unable to hold on any longer.

If, not for LH033 staying in Kira’s arms at this moment, I am afraid that as early as in the silent passage, LH033 would have been...


At the moment when his consciousness gradually blurred, Kira's voice made LH033's collapsed consciousness slightly cheered up.


"Well, didn't we agree to give you a name before?"

"Yes. Kira, did you think of it?"

For some reason, when the name was mentioned, LH033's eyes seemed to begin to condense again.


In front of me, is the Genesis that is already in my eyes.

Kira smiled softly ~ ~ Xiao Ye. When I saw you for the first time, I felt that with you by my side, no matter how terrible the night was, it wouldn’t be terrible anymore. "

"Sao Ye? It seems a very good name."


At this moment, it lights up quietly from the depths of Genesis.

LH033, no, the smile on Xiao Ye's face is gentle and moving.

"Kira, let me sing for you!"

"Waiting for you in such a silent night,

Regain the smile that I forgot at that time..."

In the dazzling light, Xiao Ye's singing made Kira firmly push the putter, causing Covenant Gundam to rush up toward that brilliance.

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