Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 664: The awakened ancient MS

The ancient mobile suit that had slept for hundreds of years was moved from the underground warehouse to the ground by the people of the Tiehua Group.

Nadi, the maintenance man with the name of Xuezhicheng, is leading the personnel around this ancient mobile suit, trying to install the parts placed around it one by one, trying to repair it as much as possible. The level of combat.

   "What a headache!"

   Nadi frowned, holding the tablet in his left hand, and touching the back of his head with his right, looking helpless.

  Although the surrounding ground is full of armor removed from another Graz, but he has only fiddled with mobile engineers, and Nadi, who was temporarily driven by a duck, could not find a starting point.

   "Daddy, don't you know?"

   Takaki commanded his partner to place the last piece of armor that had been removed from Graz, and then moved to Nadi's side.

   Nadi pursed his lips and shook his head in distress.

   "Oh. The only experience in my memory of playing with MS was when I was a kid! From then on, I have always dealt with mobile engineers. This really stumped me."

   After sighing, a trace of luck appeared on Nadi's face.

   "Fortunately, our new boss actually understands the Alaya recognition system."

   Takaki also revealed a hint of fortune when he heard it.

This is the second day after Lei Mingkai invested in the Jagged Group. Lei Mingkai, who had already known that CGS had hidden Barbatos under the ground, opened his mouth and wanted to repair Barbatos and discussed with Olga. Drag Barbatos out to prepare.

   This happened to take advantage of Olga's mind.

   After all, after witnessing the power of Liberty Gundam, Olga, who has known that there is an ancient MS under the CGS base, naturally will not let go of the opportunity to pull this MS out for a try.

   So the two sides hit it off.

   In terms of hardware, the maintenance team headed by Nadi, the maintenance staff of the Tiehua Group, tried to fix Barbatos' possible problems and failures as much as possible.

   As for the software, it was handled by Lei Mingkai, who claimed to be able to prepare and edit the Alaya recognition system.

   Although Olga had some doubts over there, he accepted Lei Mingkai’s suggestion when almost everyone in the Tiehua regiment was only able to kill.


In the eyes of everyone, Lei Mingkai, who is sitting in the cockpit of Barbatos and performing system retrieval and re-editing, is not completely relying on his own ability to deal with Barbatos’ system, or even the newly installed Alaya. The knowledge system is adjusted.

  The white temple hair fluttered in the wind, and the snow-white giant lion was lying on Barbatos’ right shoulder, squinting his eyes slightly.

  From the perspective of others, this strange snow-white lion was just taking a nap on the shoulders of the ancient body Barbatos.

   But in fact, this snow-white lion is relying on his own ability to crack the Barbatos system, and then cooperates with Lei Mingkai to adjust the system and adjust the Alaya recognition system.

   A shimmering light flows through the slender eyes, and the snow-white lion's consciousness gradually penetrates into Barbatos' system as the cracking progresses.

   At the moment when a light breeze rolled up the dust, the snow-white lion came into a deadly darkness.

   "Kay. Can you hear my voice?"

   The snow white lion looked left and right around the darkness, then opened his mouth slightly.

   "Well, I received it. Now the program is being imported, zero formula, you accept it."


   The moment when the snow-white lion fell into this darkness was a signal.

   A chance to re-awaken this old MS, which has been asleep for hundreds of years, and its interior has become a mess.

   The stream of light formed by the data became the brilliance that broke through the darkness, breaking through the air from the top of the snow-white lion's head, starting from the snow-white lion, it swept around like a storm.

In this increasingly fierce storm, countless broken data were discovered from the endless darkness, and under the joint efforts of Lei Mingkai and Zero, they were reintegrated and became the driving force of this ancient MS. The foundation of awakening.

   The Lieyang lifted off quietly.

  According to the original plan, three hours had passed since Olga and the others went out to find a guide who could lead the Tiehua group to the earth.

   Looking at the results of finally installing most of the armor on Barbatos, Nadi couldn't help but wipe the sweat from his forehead.

   "Huh~ It's finally done! Although this is a bit ugly, Takaki, how is it with you?"

  Nadi is responsible for installing the outer armor, while Takaki is responsible for refilling Barbatos’ propulsion engine with fuel.

   "Yes! It's going well here too."

   Takaki raised his right hand and waved, then raised his head to look at Barbatos’ cockpit.

   Three hours have passed.

  Except for Lei Mingkai and the big lion lying on Barbatos's shoulder, no one has been there again.

   I don’t know what's going on there?

   Suddenly, Takaki saw the big lion sleeping on Barbatos’s shoulder and moved.

   It seems that there is already a result?

   Takaki just wanted to speak, but saw the big lion looking down at him.

   Under the gaze of those extremely humane beast pupils with a faint golden light, Takaki shrank his head, retreated to the shadow of Barbatos, and stopped trying to ask the result.


   The sound of the wind rolled up, and the sound of heavy objects fell.

   Takaki didn't dare to stretch out his head to see what was going on.

   "Yo! BOSS. Has this guy's system been completed?"

   Compared to Takaki, who was frightened by a glance at Zero, Nadi was more relaxed.

   When he saw Lei Mingkai jumping from Barbatos' cockpit behind the snow-white lion, he stepped forward and greeted him.

   "Well. It's almost done. The next step is to test."

   Now that all the hardware and software have been processed, it is time to test Barbatos’ restart.

   As the tester who started Barbatos, there is no doubt that it is San Riyue Augs.

   Starting from the early morning, after receiving the mission to test Barbatos' awakening as a test pilot, Sanyueyue stayed nearby and watched Nadi and Takaki spinning around Barbatos.

   As for Lei Mingkai···

   This is not that Sanriyue is not paying attention, but because of the location of Sanriyue, it is impossible to see Lei Mingkai sitting in the cockpit of Barbatos at all.

   "San Riyue. Come here."

   Seeing Lei Mingkai’s call, San Riyue quickly took off the coat he was wearing, revealing the three nano devices under the cervical vertebrae—the Alaya Consciousness System.

   This is also the most important reason why Olga made Mikazuki become Barbatos’ pilot.

"San Riyue! Although the Alaya Consciousness System has been sorted out by the BOSS, we actually don’t know how it is operating. From our knowledge of the Alaya Consciousness System, there will be a wave when this guy starts it. The huge data stream hits your brain nerves. At that time, it may be very painful. After all, this guy is not the simple existence of mobile engineers."

   Seeing San Riyue sitting in Barbatos' cockpit, Nadi couldn't help showing a trace of worry.

   However, Lei Mingkai, who was on the other side, smiled and said:

"No, Nadi. You can rest assured. In fact, when I adjusted the Alaya recognition system just now, I made a series of optimizations for the data flow impact that occurred when the system was connected. I believe that when the system is started. It will not cause much burden to Sanriyue."


   Looking at Lei Mingkai's confident smile, Nadi touched the back of his head, but finally didn't say anything.

   Looking back at San Riyue, no matter how Nadi and Lei Mingkai discussed the moment when the Alaya Consciousness system was started, how terrible data flow would be generated, and how terrible the burden would be on him, they didn't care much.

   What he cares about is to be able to wake up this ancient machine as soon as possible.

   "Well, can I start this guy?"

   "Oh! Oh! Sanriyue, wait. Alaya recognition system is not connected yet!"

   Nadi hurriedly responded, and while speaking, he picked up the connection plug of the Alaya recognition system and connected Sanriyue and Barbatos together.

   "Okay! Alaya recognition system has been connected! Three days and months, you can start."

   Sanriyue nodded, and turned his head to look at Lei Mingkai.

   "Three days and months, you can try! If there is anything wrong, you can stop right away. We will continue to optimize and modify."

   Listening to Lei Mingkai's assurance, San Riyue nodded, then raised his hand and pressed it on the console in front of him.


   The moment the system received the start command, a slight roar followed.

   Then, there was the screen that became brighter, and Sanriyue was swept by severe pain.


   The moment the terrible pain swept through San Riyue's body, San Riyue's thin body was tight.

   But Lei Mingkai, who was standing by and observing, did not see the scene where San Riyue had a nosebleed at the moment when he first connected to Barbatos.

   "It seems that our adjustment was successful."


   After a low painful growl, San Riyue's eyes, which had become a bit fierce because of the pain, fell on the screen in front of her.



   Nadi was a little dazed.

   "This guy is called Barbatos! Father Nadi, and your Excellency, thank you! I seem to be able to start this guy."

   "That's good! Nadi, let's get out of here first, let San Riyue try to start Barbatos."

   "Huh? Oh!"

   The two who walked quickly to the side looked at Barbatos's slowly closed cockpit, waiting for the ancient MS to wake up.

   As the cockpit closed, San Riyue, wrapped in darkness, was both unfamiliar and proficient in uttering new system commands.

   "Start Retina Projection!"

   The moment a green light flashed past San Riyue’s eyes, San Riyue saw the sky, the base that had been renamed Tiehua regiment, and the two standing next to him looking at Barbatos.

   "Father, sir, I can start this guy!"

   As if responding to the words of San Riyue, this ancient MS that had been sleeping for three hundred years slowly took its steps, taking the first step of crossing time and space and regaining consciousness.



   The huge and ancient steel giant walked slowly among the bases of the Tiehua regiment, walking along the training ground over and over again.

   As the walking time increases, Mikazuki seems to feel that she has become more proficient in the control of this ancient mobile suit.

   "Three days and moons, how do you feel?"

   Lei Mingkai’s voice came from San Riyue’s ear.

"In order to prevent the pilot from being overwhelmed by the huge data stream owned by the MS when starting the Alaya recognition system, I have adopted some progressive data release techniques. These skills can follow the pilot's control of the MS. The increase in the degree of data releases the next step of the data flow, thus avoiding the terrible burden of the pilots due to the huge data flow pouring into the brain, leading to accidents."

   San Riyue turned his head slightly, feeling the feeling that Barbatos would also follow his actions and feedback, and he couldn't help but feel a little more comfortable.

   "Really? That's good."

   "But ah! Three days and months. Although this gradual release of data reduces the risk of accidents for pilots due to the burden of data flow, it will also cause the control of the body to lag far behind the original system."

   For some reason, at the moment Lei Mingkai said this, San Riyue suddenly felt that Lei Mingkai seemed to have something in his words.

It’s just that San Riyue, who usually seldom uses his brain, didn’t care much about it. Even after this thought circled his mind, he was directly thrown into the depths of his mind by San Riyue—I don’t know where, maybe I will never see the sky again. In the corner of the day.

   "Really? So, this is also going to be training?"

   Instinctively, Mikazuki said the method he is most familiar Training! "

   Lei Mingkai responded, a smile appeared on his lips.

   And this smile was accidentally seen by Nadi.

   It was a smile mixed with cunning, cheerfulness and so on.


  At this moment, Nadi stepped back three steps, and couldn't help rubbing his sturdy arm with both hands.

   "BOSS, it's a bit scary!"

   But San Riyue, who seemed a little happy because of the smooth start of Barbatos, didn't see this scene. He just agreed casually like the previous Zhaohiro came to him for training.

   "Okay! I don't know how to train? Actual combat"

   "Yes! Actual combat! Just use my Freedom Gundam to have a simulated battle with you and Barbatos that is close to actual combat!"

   The moment the light wind rolled up the dust, a gust of wind mixed with sand happened to rise into the air not far behind Lei Mingkai.

   Nadi, who had retreated for a long distance, had the illusion that he was looking at a fox shaking the legendary Nine-tailed head and showing a sly smile.

   "Will there be nothing in Sanriyue? It always feels like our new boss wants to do something."

   Nadi fought a cold war, then backed up a long distance again, until his spine was blocked by the cold wall, and then stopped embarrassingly.

  :. :

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