Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 667: Old friends get together

After lunch, the base of the Tiehua Group was still full of enthusiasm.

But in this hot spot, some people feel extremely cold because of this, as if they are in the cold deep sea, unable to move at all.

The pure white lion lay quietly not far away, and the huge lion heads as large as two Todo Mirconan were facing Todo Mirconan. And on this terrifying lion head, the pair of beast pupils were slightly narrowed, eyes flashing from time to time, staring at Todo and Mir Connan.

It does not eat people.

But when this huge and terrifying lion stared at him, the fear that erupted from the depths of his genes had already taken over Todo Mirconan's body that was not spineless at all.

He was able to start from early in the morning and persist until now because he knew that the lion in front of him would not kill him in one bite.

"O... Head!!! Head!!! What the **** is going on?"

Todeau's fearful voice came out of the room, causing everyone who was guarding outside to snicker involuntarily.

Under the guidance of Lei Mingkai, Olga and others naturally defined Todo Mirconan as an inner ghost.

Lei Mingkai was not only happy to see the result, he even persuaded the Zero Form to cooperate with him in such a threatening drama.

"Your Excellency. I think it should be almost time!"

Olga exhaled and looked at Lei Mingkai who was sitting on the edge of the table and paddling with the tablet.

"Well, it's almost there."

Lei Mingkai looked up at the time, and it was indeed almost the time.

If Zero is allowed to continue in this way, the patience of Zero will be consumed by Todo Mirconan's backbone first.


A snapping finger sounded, and the huge pure white lion slowly walked out of the room.

The pace like a stroll in a leisurely courtyard,

That majestic appearance,

Let Olga and the others, who saw this pure white lion, let out a surprise.

"Okay! I'll leave it to you here! I'm going to pick up Lux and the others."

Olga nodded and said loudly:

"Leave it to us here! Your Excellency."

Seeing a person and a lion in the distance, Olga suddenly felt strength pouring up from the depths of his body.

"Okay! Everyone, let our Mr. Inner Ghost see what it is like to betray us!!"


Lei Mingkai didn't care how Olga and the others tossed the Neguitodo Mirconan, who was broken by Lei Mingkai in advance.

What he cares about now is that in the early days, under the leadership of Mikazuki and Bisquet, Laks went to the farm run by Bisquet's grandmother Sakura Pretzer, and Gudilia and the others.

"Kay. Is there anything out there that you care about?"

When the farm came to CGS, Lei Mingkai and the others had seen it from a distance.

To be on the safe side, Type Zero has also tried to sense signs of life activities around the farm.

As a result, the zero formula got a trivial answer.

"Yeah. It's something I care about."

Although the operator of the farm is an old grandmother, what happens on this farm in the next period of time may make some changes in the next itinerary.

For this reason, Lei Mingkai had to go there in person.

This is not only to grasp the development of the situation, but also for the safety of Lacus.

Time advances according to the original law.

With the start of Lacus, Gudilia and others helping out on the farm, time has passed a long way.

"Miss Lacus, and Miss Gudilia, you can come here to take a break! My grandma prepared some refreshments to treat everyone!"

The Pretzer family, also Bisquet’s most cherished baby, Kutcher and the Kraka twin sisters are calling everyone to come and take a rest.

Although he didn't help with farming for a long time, Gudilia, who hadn't been in touch with many agricultural aspects, was already a little out of breath.

But with the help of the maid Fumitan, Gudilia, who was able to sit down and rest inadvertently, could still hold a basket full of food steadily, and returned to this place surrounded by the joy of the twin sisters. When Lacus on the edge, she couldn't help but feel a little discouraged.

From seeing Lux, Gudilia felt an unprecedented sense of frustration.

This is not the frustration encountered in the career.

It's the frustration encountered as a lady.

Whether it is appearance, temperament, conversation, or even help now, Gudilia has personally experienced the gap between herself and Lacus.

"Miss? What's the matter? Are you tired?"

Gudilia's strangeness was seen by Fumitan.

The maid who watched Gudilia growing up quickly understood Gudilia's thoughts.

"Miss. Actually, you don't have to care about these things. You are you, Lacus Klein is Lacus Klein. In my opinion, Miss and her, Lacus Klein are not in the same world. people."

Surprisingly, Fumitan, as a bystander, uttered the insurmountable gap between Gudilia and Lux.


Gudilia didn't seem to have listened much to Fumitan's words.

"Yeah. Fumitan. I know. It's just..."

Gudilia nodded, her hands tightened involuntarily, and the thumbs of her left and right hands were also unconsciously churning.

"It's just that there seems to be an attraction in her that I can't refuse, and it always makes me want to get close to her inadvertently."

Fumitan was silent.

Because she didn't know how to answer, or how to stop Gudilia.

"Why? Is there something on my face?"

After putting the basket in her hand aside, Lacus pulled Kutcher and Kraka with her left and right hands, and walked to the edge of the table.

Strange to say.

As soon as they saw Lux, the twin sisters seemed to fall in love with Lux.

In just a few short words, the twin sisters spent more time around Luxe than their brother.

This also made Bisquet, who was surrounded by her twin sisters, a faint sense of loss.

"No! Sister Lux's face..."

"On the body..."

Twin sisters, you say, I say.

"Sister Lux's face, nothing on her body!"

"Really? Thank you very much Kutcher and Kraka!"

Lacus nodded and smiled, each reached out and touched the twin sisters' small heads, and then coaxed the twin sisters to find Sakura Pretzel, and sat down opposite Gudilia.

"Gudilia, you seem to want to talk to me?"



Unexpectedly, Lux would open the topic so straightforwardly.


Gudilia, who was flustered by Lux's sudden attack, waved her hand again and again, and then subconsciously looked at his maid Fumitan.

Unexpectedly, Fumitan's face was as usual on the ground.

It seems that Gudilia can't help anymore.

Seeing this, Gudilia, who couldn't help but become depressed, looked a little frustrated.

But in the next second, Gudilia suddenly raised her head and looked at Lux.

"That, that. Miss Lux. I don’t know if you think what I’m doing now can be successful? No! No! This is not just success or failure, but whether it can make this thing meaningful and able Let them...regain hope of life."


Lacus looked along Gudilia’s gaze, and just saw the two teenagers, Mikazuki Augs and Bisquet, who each poured the corn from the small basket that hung on the waist into the bigger basket. Griffin.

In order to survive, he did not hesitate to fight with his own life, successfully underwent three Alaya Consciousness operations, and survived.

A teenager who is willing to become a member of the CGS Junior Soldiers so that his grandmother and twin sisters can earn living expenses.

In Gudilia's eyes, these two teenagers may be one of the roots of the philosophy she insists on.

Lux groaned for a moment, and did not speak for a while.

Because she knew that Gudilia, who was called a revolutionary girl by the people of this planet, had a fatal flaw from beginning to end.

Even if Gudilia insisted on the road that has the idea of ​​greatly increasing the economy of Mars, but there is no matching guardian.

"Gudilia. Your thoughts are good. However, no matter how bright the prospect is, when encountering a powerful threat, it is just a spectacle."

Lacus did not comment too much on the meeting where Gudilia became famous during the First World War, but gave such a short comment directly.



Gudilia didn't think of this aspect at all.

Is it her own thinking defect?

Or was it the deliberate act of the black hands behind the scenes that pushed this revolutionary girl onto the stage?

Lux didn't know.

But judging from the clues she knows so far, Gudilia's fame was not due to her alone, but a powerful force behind her secretly promoting it.

"Yes. Threat."

Lacus nodded and picked up the tortilla on the plate.

"Before coming here, I used to go to the slums of Cressey. There, this piece of tortilla can last a person for three days. Imagine that such a piece of tortilla appeared in the hands of a thin teenager. At that time, how would the hungry people around you react?"

This question made Gudilia stunned.

That's right.

When she was young, the sight of Gudilia who was lost in the slums once witnessed was quickly revived in Gudilia's mind following Lacus's questions.

That cruel,

That's terrible,

That scene like purgatory on earth,

Even after many years, it is still so clearly visible.

"Miss Lux..."

Gudilia moved her mouth, but couldn't say anything to justify herself.

"Oh? Beautiful words on his mouth, but no courage to match it? Gudilia Lanna Bernstein, who is called a revolutionary girl by the world, is nothing more than that."

Suddenly, an unfamiliar and high male voice rang, awakening Gudilia who had fallen silent.

"Who are you?"

Before Gudilia could react, Lacus stood in front of the table and looked at the young man with short black hair, black hair and some shining eyes faintly between her eyes.

"Haha! Don't be nervous. I'm not malicious!"

The sudden young man moved his gaze left and right, calmly glanced at San Riyue and Bisquet who were surrounding this side, and calmly raised his hands to indicate that he had no malice at all.

Even, as if to reassure everyone, the young man said a name.

"If you are not at ease, I can sit here and wait, waiting for the knight to arrive."


Bisquet and San Riyue looked at each other, confused.

But Lux had already understood that the other party was coming for Lei Mingkai.

"Kay comes over here, it will take some time."

"Oh, is it? Then, I'll wait."

After all, the young man sat down generously with the corn stalks spread on the muddy ground, not paying attention to the slight muddy water.

Seeing that the young man was indeed waiting for others, Lacus also breathed a sigh of and then found a reason to call San Riyue and Bisquet back, posing as we are here. Enjoy afternoon tea and watch how long you sit on the mud.

Seeing this, the young man shrugged his shoulders and closed his eyes.

It wasn't until the sound of footsteps on the corn stalks came that the boy slowly opened his eyes and looked in the direction of the sound.

"Long time no see! Lord Guardian Knight."

The sound fell, and the pure white lion jumped out of the cornfield and fell heavily in front of the young man.

A burst of sewage mixed with corn stalk fragments and mud suddenly splashed high and went towards the boy.


A faint light flashed, and the sewage that was enveloping the boy disappeared, leaving only the boy's brilliant smiling face.

"Long time no see! Lelouch."

A figure jumped from behind the pure white lion and stood in front of the boy.

"Haha! Long time no see! Lei Mingkai. I didn't expect to see you here!"

"Me too!"

The two people who were also born in the same world have met again in the present that has crossed countless time and space.

This made Lei Mingkai sigh again, but he was also wary.

"Then, since you are here, the battle not long ago ended under your influence."

"Then, if you appear here, it is because of the meteor shower that appeared on Mars before."

As soon as they met, they only uttered a short sigh, and the two directly exposed each other's details.

"Are you still looking for Nanali?"

"It seems that you have never lacked a pink princess by your side! Lord Guardian Knight!"


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