Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 696: Ideal of freedom

"The Machine Lion Roars (

Advocating resistance from the company, from the African Union, and even from Galalhorn’s exploiting leader Nabona Mingo’s death was announced by the news broadcast from Dort 3, the entire Dort The colonial satellites have all exploded.

Some people gloat.

Some people cried bitterly.

Even more people, full of anger, led like-minded partners into the company’s warehouse and drove out the MS stored in the warehouse, shouting to avenge Nabona Mingo and to fight for the future for their children and grandchildren. What's more, let the good-looking slogans of those big people who stand on high places all day, exploit them, and treat them as worthless, out of the colonial satellite.


The massive laborers did not know that someone had been waiting for a long time on the periphery of the Dortmund colonial satellite group.

In fact, from the moment Nabona Mingo began his activities and became the leader of the struggle for the colonial satellites of Dortmund, the surveillance and even the push from Galalhorn has never been absent.

For nothing else.

For, this is the moment.

Use various means to attract a large part of the rebels who hate Dort, hate the African Union, and even hate Galalhorn itself, and then kill them all in one fell swoop.


Now, the time is right.

Arian Hurd fleet, flagship.

When the MS who robbed Garralhorn deliberately staying in the colonial satellites of Dort, as soon as the laborers of the armed spacecraft appeared, the radar of the entire fleet immediately locked them to death.

At the same time, pieces of information have been gathered into the flagship of the Arian Hurd fleet.

"Report! The rioters have successfully robbed us of the various types of armed forces left on the colonial satellites. Now they are attacking the guards set up by Dort on the colonial satellites in a dense formation. Please give instructions!"

The long-term plan finally ushered in the moment of realization.

The commander of the Arrian Hurd fleet nodded slightly, and then waved his right hand to give orders loudly.

"The troops belonging to the Arrian Hurd Fleet are obliged! Now, the culprits who dragged the colonial satellites of Dort into the abyss of riots can no longer hold back their arrogance! Trying to give us, our control of the highest level of force in human society! Larhorn challenged! So, there is only one thing you have to do!"

"That is to make this group of arrogant people regret living in this world!!"

"MS troops! Attack!"

With an order from the commander of the Arrian Hurd Fleet, the Graz troops, who had been on standby, accelerated on the spot and rushed into the alert circle of the colonial satellite group of Dort.

At this moment, not only the warning system of Dortmund’s colonial satellite group, but even Spiner Mandy and the laborers in the armed airship who drove the looting found the oncoming MS army.

The meaning of the dense light spots extinguished most of the angry workers on the spot.

"That...that is the Aryan Head fleet of Galalhorn!!! How could it be possible!! How could Graz of Galalhorn appear here?!!!"

The densely packed light spots are undoubtedly the main MS Graz used by Galalhorn.

Its firepower, armor, and even maneuverability are beyond Spina Mandy's level.

Even, in a sense, the angry laborers are far inferior to the well-trained and calm MS pilots to which Galalhorn belongs.


Those workers are not incompetent.

Otherwise, even with Galalhorn behind the scenes, it would be difficult to get things done.

"Calm down! We still have weapons in our hands! Aim! Attack! Let the **** of Galalhorn taste our power!"

The same idea,

The same action,

Repeatedly in the hands of the workers.


When the first fire group lit up in the cosmic domain to which Dort 3 belonged, Gudilia, who was standing on the bridge of Yuhuo, could not help but clenched her hands, tightening her strength, and the snow-white skin followed. It became extremely bright.

"Gudilia. What is your ideal? Or, what has supported you until now?"

Lacus' eyes gradually tightened from Gudilia's, but she withdrew from her painful hands, looking at Gudilia's eyes and asked.

Gudilia didn't speak, but bit her lip and looked to her side subconsciously.

But now Gudilia lost the figure who had been standing there.

And the owner of that figure is now standing farther away-in a corner that is almost imperceptible, watching all this in silence.

He neither opens his mouth to support Gudilia nor expresses remorse for what he has done or almost done.

"Gudilia. The object of my inquiry is not someone else. It's you, Gudilia Lanna Bernstein!"

Lacus had noticed Gudilia's little movement early on.

From the time she knew Gudilia, while inseparable from the maid Fumitan, she also relied on Fumitan.

If the maid Fumitan treats Gudilia with all his heart, it is not a bad thing.

But the bad is bad. From the very beginning, Fumitan was sent by the man behind Gudilia Lanna Bernstein's life that was hidden behind the scenes.

Therefore, Gudilia, who is heavily dependent on Fumitan, is nothing more than a puppet before she has a clear idea of ​​her own.


Fumitan's betrayal caused Gudilia to be dealt a blow.

Perhaps, she didn't know that after losing Fumitan's constant support, she seemed to be lost and helpless as if she had lost the lost girl who guided her forward.

"What's wrong? Is this the revolutionary girl who is regarded as hope by the Martian people?"

Lux pressed on step by step.

Lux became more aggressive, but strangely, no one on the bridge opened up to stop Lux.

Because Lei Mingkai had already left the bridge earlier and was ready to attack.

In order to support Lei Mingkai,

In order to ensure that the fishing fire could be preserved in the next battle, Olga and Eugene had to make every effort to prepare all available methods.

For this reason, Olga and the others did not have the mind to pay attention to Lacus's step by step against Gudilia.

"People of Mars..."

Lacus pushed each other step by step, and Gudilia took a step back subconsciously.

But at the moment when her footsteps fell, Gudilia thought of the orphans on Mars, the tragedies on earth she had witnessed.

"No! I have always acted for the suffering and oppressed Martian people. This is not the idea, thought, or even purpose that anyone gave, or even forcibly instilled in me."

Gudilia gritted her teeth, and came to mind that she was lost in the slums when she was young.

Witnessed a child who was obviously younger than her, but starved to death because he didn’t get any food,

Even the sweets given by her hand almost became a scene of accepting from her, Gudilia Lanna Bernstein’s kind children were beaten to death on the spot by other children hidden in the shadows.


If it wasn't Fumitan...

In an instant, the memories of the slums in Gudilia's mind pointed to someone like a ghost.

A person who has always followed her and supported her, like a family member.

Fumitan Ademos.

"Fumitan. When I was a child, I went to the slums and you were all guided by you, right?"

The maid standing in the corner raised her head slightly and nodded blankly.

"Yes! That was an action based on Nobilis Gordon's instructions."


The maid's confession made Gudilia a bitter smile, a bit of a bitter smile mixed with helplessness.

However, when he turned his head and looked at Lux, the bitter smile had long since disappeared, replaced by a serious and strong face, and those bright eyes with firm belief.

"Lax Klein. Maybe I want to understand now! In this world, not only people on Mars are suffering, but here, there are also people who are oppressed and exploited just like the Martian people."

Gudilia's voice became sharp and loud.

"If, if, I turn a blind eye to all this and don't take any action that I can do, maybe I will no longer have any qualifications and face to meet the Martian people who pin their hopes on me."

Looking at Gudilia's determined eyes, Lacus suddenly smiled.

"Really? Then, please don't forget what you just said."

Then Lux stepped back and stood beside the automatic door.

"Gudilia. It's a good thing to have a firm ideal, but if you don't have enough power, the ideal you insist on is nothing but empty talk! Fortunately, you have enough power to realize your ideals. !"


As soon as Lacus finished speaking, a camera held by the pure white lion's claws appeared in front of Gudilia.



The Graz forces belonging to the Arian Hurd fleet attacked fiercely and deadly.

The well-trained Gryz pilots are far beyond the imagination of the laborers in terms of attack formation and offensive methods.

Even workers who claim to be skilled in the construction of Dortmund’s colonial satellites and small planetary blasting operations can hardly hold on to several more rounds in front of these Graz pilots.

"Do not!!"

"Go to die! Go to die!!"

The one-sided massacre finally calmed down the angry workers.

But what's the use?

Workers who have calmed down have to face a more cruel reality.

Whether they gritted their teeth and turned around with Graz's troops, or turned around and ran, they just ushered in a common final ending.

"Da da da da!"

The Graz troops sent by the Arian Hurd fleet used three aircraft as a team, constantly attacking the already fragmented formation of the laborers, in order to find the laborers as much as possible and escape to Dort 3 more smoothly. path of.

If this was the conscience of the pilots of the Graz force, it would be a big mistake.

They are just enjoying this cat-and-mouse-like rolling "performance"!

If this battle ends too quickly, then it means that Galalhorn's so-called suppression is just a show.

"Huh. Time is almost! It's time to close the net!"

Estimating that the attack time had already passed a lot, the commander of the Arrian Hurd Fleet raised his left hand, ready to let his subordinates issue a general attack order.

However! !

The accident happened suddenly.

A faintly invisible light suddenly appeared from the shadow of Dort 3.

With a thunder and thunder, Graz, who was chasing after a crippled Spina Roddy, had lost the ability to fight again, cut into two pieces.


Graz, who was disconnected in an instant, was just spread by the pulsating electric spark, and the tragic explosion followed.

In the glare of the fire, the labor pilot who had managed to escape from the death sickle stared blankly at the scene in front of him.

The pair of brilliant light wings unfolded with the explosion of Graz.

"That...that is..."

As the beautiful brilliance of the brilliant light wings occupies the eyes of the labor pilot, the owner of this pair of brilliant light wings-Freedom Gundam has already rushed into the battlefield in front of Dot 3.

"A one-sided battle? Just to my liking!"

The screen in front of him kept showing the logo of Spina Roddy being destroyed, and the distress signal that was constantly received.

As soon as the uninvited guests rushed into the battlefield appeared, they immediately attracted the attention of a nearby Graz team.


The pilot of Graz, who was solved by Freedom Gundam just now, seems to have a good relationship with the captain of the Graz team.

As a result, a scene that can be regarded as the enemy's extremely jealous at the meeting happened.

"Da da da da!"

In a blink of an eye, the Graz squad, which was eyeing Liberty Gundam, decisively launched an offensive formation with an offensive formation of one, close and two distances.

"Da da da da da!"

I saw those two using the 120mm short rifles in his hands, keeping the mid-to-long range firepower suppressed by Graz, constantly centering on Liberty Gundam, launching a strong containment for his captain-the Gray who wielded a large halberd. The Shield Soldier type creates opportunities for close combat with Freedom Gundam.

As the saying goes, an inch is long and an inch is strong.

With a large halberd in his hand that is far longer than the attack distance of the two swords in the hands of Freedom Gundam, and the tacit cover from his subordinates, this squad leader driving the Graz shield soldier feels that he has mastered the victory no matter what. key.

On the surface, the rapid and short bursts of two Grazes occupying mid-to-long distances really compressed the freedom of movement of Gundam ~ ~ had to face attacks from mid-to-long distances at the same time. Also forced to cope with an attack from the Graz shield soldier.

"Da da da da!"

In the barrage fired by the 120mm short rifle, the Graz Shield Soldier had a chance. Taking advantage of the moment when Freedom Gundam was restrained, he waved his large halberd and went straight to Freedom Gundam’s back. Those pair looked weird to them. In the center of the light wing.

This blow is bound to end this battle, and it is bound to be a blow to the demise of this weird body that appeared suddenly!



The final blow that the Graz team imagined did not happen.

Because, at the moment when the large halberd in the hands of the Graz Shield Soldier was about to touch the back of Freedom Gundam, a sword light came first, and lightning flashed across the chest of the Graz Shield Soldier.

The next second, when the brilliant wings of light bloomed again, it was the moment when three deadly and beautiful sparks bloomed again on this battlefield.

" could it be possible! A Graz team was solved in an instant?! How could it be!"

CIC's incredible exclamation sounded from the bridge of the Arian Hurd fleet flagship.

At the same moment, a signal for forcibly intervening in the live news channel of the Dortmund colonial satellite group appeared.

"I'm Gudilia Lanna Bernstein! Now, speak to everyone in the Earth circle! Everyone in the Earth circle, can you hear me?"

"I want to tell everyone a truth, a truth hidden by Galalhorn!"

Wearing a red dress with long blond hair in a shawl, a serious-looking girl looked at the camera without fear, and even said her identity to everyone on the opposite side of the camera!

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