Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 725: Hammons again

In the dim world covered by the blizzard, a river of red light was tumbling endlessly.

It seems to be rolling up heavy waves, turning this blizzard-swept world upside down.

Amidst the faintly suppressing the whistling sound of the blizzard, there was also a burst of explosions that shook the sky.


A flash of cold light swept across the ice and snow, and it caused a series of explosions and roars.

It's Bluman!

It was the sound of death made when the small black MA with electronic pupils with red rays was cut off.

These bursts of sound come and go, endlessly.

When the momentum was at its strongest, even the blizzard was suppressed by this movement, which shocked the humans watching the battle.

"Hey! Eugene. Didn't I remember someone said the cat and mouse? It seems that it is really the same thing now..."

Sitting in the warm cockpit, Sinoe couldn't help but swallowed his saliva, staring wide at the Red Lotus Iron Lion that had rushed into the Bruman army and was upset.

"That's not a cat! That's a lion! A lion! Sinoe!"

Although Eugene felt the same way, he did not dare to admit it in the communication channel.

God knows whether Lei Mingkai, who is driving the red lotus iron lion, is staying on the communication channel.

Sino was taken aback, and then he understood what Eugene meant.

However, he still couldn't help muttering.

"Let the size down a bit, isn't it just a cat and a mouse?"


Two unparalleled blades followed the red lotus iron lion with their front paws, seeing the Bruman servant army blocking the front as if there was nothing, one to blow one, one pair to split one pair, one group to chop Burst a group.

The place where the Red Lotus Iron Lion passed is the remains of Bruman's servant army after being chopped up.

Above it was ignited flames that waved the flag for the unstoppable red lotus iron lion.

"Kay! How long are we going to play here? Although it's refreshing to play casually, the number of these little things will make me exhausted!"

From the powerful assault at the beginning, to the fight like entering a man's land, and now a little bit crooked, Zero Form can be said to have tried the taste of being caught in a crowd of tactics.

Although these Bruman servants are not enough to see, their number is indeed extremely scary.

In the previous round of assault alone, even if the zero formula was not calculated, it was roughly estimated that he had already killed no less than three-digit careful MA Bluman.

But even with that amount, it couldn't make the red river of light in front of the Red Lotus Iron Lion a bit dim.

"hold on!"

Lei Mingkai has been observing the movement in the deepest part of the red light river.

It is impossible for such a large number of small MA servants to be left here.

No matter how powerful the programs that control these small MAs, there must be a core program responsible for issuing orders after all.

And this is exactly what Lei Mingkai wants to find.

Don't look at the red lotus iron lion making a lot of jubilation, but in fact there is no movement in the deepest part of the long red river.

He was not at all shaken by the metal ruins behind the Red Lotus Iron Lion, which was being swallowed by flames.

"No way! Zero style, let's rush in!"


It has to be said that Lei Mingkai's decision is in line with his zero mind.

The invigoration brought about by rushing to and fro in the periphery of the red long river just now made Zero feel crooked.

If you want to completely let the zero-style vent the suffocation that can't be done during this period of time, it must be a stronger and more exciting enemy.

As a result, the red lotus iron lion that was impacting among the Bruman's servants made a sudden move, and then even before the surrounding Bruman's servants hadn't reacted, his body twisted, his limbs and back The small plasma propellers rushed into the deepest part of the red river of light, bursting out at a powerful speed enough to leave the surrounding Bruman servants behind.

With such a rush, this seemingly endless red river suddenly exploded.

Originally, no matter how the Red Lotus Iron Lion rushed, it would only shake the periphery of the Red River of Light, and the core force at its deepest point was still as solid as a rock.

However, the red lotus iron lion made such a charge, and the whole red river began to churn.

Whether it’s the Bruman’s servants behind the Red Lotus Iron Lion, the Bruman’s servants on the left and right, or even farther, the Bruman’s servants deeper in the red river of light will exert their strength at the same time, with their own strength. Rushed to the red lotus iron lion at a fast speed.

"Oh? Sure enough, there is something weird in there!"

The anomaly from the surroundings made Lei Mingkai more certain of his speculation.

"Rush over?"

Zero is eager to try.


The answer is obvious.


There was a roar.

The red lotus iron lion's temple hair, which resembled a golden crown, immediately unfolded, and stretched backwards a golden hair that was also golden, slender, and extraordinarily soft, that could flutter in the wind.

With the undulating body of the red lotus iron lion running at high speed, the golden hair fluttering in the wind is even more flickering. A layer of invisible screens suddenly appeared on the red lotus iron lion. In front of him, all the Bruman's servants who were blocking the road were crushed and exploded.




A series of sparks, the explosion closely followed the footsteps of the red lotus iron lion, all the way to the deepest part of the red light river.

Regardless of the number of Bruman's servants on the road and the stubborn resistance, in front of this invisible screen, it is just a fragile thing like a chicken and dog, and it can't stop the red lotus iron man. Lion's footsteps.

It was just that within a few minutes, a road of flames with the red lotus iron lion as the arrow appeared, and a road leading to the deepest part of the red light river was opened.


Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in front of Lei Mingkai's eyes.


Without hesitation,

Did not hesitate,

At the moment when his eyes caught the flash, Lei Mingkai issued a warning to his partner on the spot.


The red lotus iron lion in response to the roar immediately lowered its head, and the moment the invisible screen became bright and visible, the flash of light flashing in the depths of the long red river came and bombarded that layer directly. Becomes bright and visible on the screen wall.


It was a beam of horrific energy reaction, exuding terrible heat.

Wherever it went, even the blizzard that was enough to freeze the creatures rushing into this world had to retreat.

In an instant, the buzzing sound accompanied by the beam became the protagonist of this world, and also drowned the location of the Red Lotus Iron Lion.


This terrifying beam did not get the results it should have.

Because that bright and visible screen actually blocked the beam of light that erupted from the depths of the river of red light.

He didn't let him advance even the slightest distance.

The air is shaking,

The roar of energy response is even more roaring,

But the screen wall is still strong.

No matter how the enemy that launched this terrible attack on the other end of the beam was excited and squeezed the energy that he possessed, it would not be able to defeat the barrier that stood in front of the Red Lotus Iron Lion.

Even with the passage of time, the light beam directly hitting the screen wall seemed to have a new movement.

However, this is not the movement that is about to penetrate the screen, but is guided by certain characteristics of the screen, and twists toward the two sides, distorting most of the energy that hits the screen directly to the red lotus iron man. Lion on both sides.

When the red lotus iron lion competed with this beam, the Bruman's servant army, who was thrown behind by it, finally chased up, but unexpectedly stepped onto the back of the previous Bruman, and was twisted by the road. The energy beams on the left and right sides of the Red Lotus Iron Lion exploded into the sky on the spot.

"Chance! Zero formula!"

The pressure brought by the beam gradually reduced, and Lei Mingkai decisively pushed the putter directly to the limit.


The flying golden hair stretched out even more publicly and more gorgeously, and the red lotus iron lion's limbs renewed their strength, charging like a cannonball against the oncoming beam of light.


At the same time, the sword blades on the left and right front paws of the red lotus iron lion swung out even more, and they gathered in front of the cloth that was blocked by the light beam and slowed the assault speed, again trying to block the red lotus iron lion’s advance The army of Luman's servants chopped into several pieces, and suddenly lost the ability to intercept the Red Lotus Iron Lion.

The dazzling light bursting out of the beam gradually disappeared,

The terrible high temperature that made the blizzard had to retreat to three houses quickly cooled down,

Facing the blizzard that gathered again, the Red Lotus Iron Lion who broke through the encirclement of Bruman's servants finally broke through to the front of the target.

That's an old friend!

Even if the body was mainly painted in white not long ago, it has become shrouded in a strange pitch blackness, but Lei Mingkai still recognized the frame with a slight open jaw, revealing the energy that has not disappeared. Spark's MA.

"Kay! Be careful! This big bird seems a little different!"

As soon as they meet, the zero-type intuition makes it subconsciously remind it.

"Yeah! Understand! This guy may have been eroded by the abyss."

The zero reminder seems to be verifying Lei Mingkai's speculation.

The remarkable appearance change is very similar to the erosion of the abyss that Lei Mingkai is familiar with.

Combined with the inky black bow angel who had appeared to hinder him twice before, MA Hammons might have been turned into an abyss.


With a slap, the Red Lotus Iron Lion, who slapped Bruman who was rushing to the front, raised his head and provoked the dark MA Hammons.


As if provoked by the red lotus iron lion, red light appeared everywhere in the dark MA Hammons, and the lines were outlined, which looked extremely strange.

In the next second, the pointed head of the pitch-black MA Hammons suddenly raised, as if the moment when the sky was crying, it rose into the air and quickly opened the distance from the red lotus iron lion.

"No! The big bird is going to run!!"

Before Lei Mingkai could speak, Type Zero was about to jump up, preparing to forcibly photograph the pitch-black MA Hammons from the sky.

As a result, before the red lotus iron lion jumped up, the pitch black MA Hammons actually took the first shot, and once again shot a beam of light, blasting the red lotus iron lion condescendingly.


Like just now, this beam did not hit the Red Lotus Iron Lion, and was blocked by that layer of screen.

But because of such a delay, the Red Lotus Iron Lion lost the opportunity to stop the pitch-black MA Hammons in time, allowing it to fly high, hovering over this battlefield, while commanding the surrounding Bruman servants. Unfolding the siege of the Red Lotus Iron Lion, while waiting for the opportunity to launch the beam cannon, looking for the flaws in the Red Lotus Iron Lion.


The sword light is vertical and horizontal, and the Bruman's servant army who is not afraid of death has already fallen under the sword of the red lotus iron lion in a number close to four digits.

But they still flocked to the Red Lotus Iron Lion without fear, in order to allow the pitch-black MA Hammons hovering over this battlefield to create a chance to defeat or even kill the Iron Lion.


Type Zero let out a growl.

"It's great to fly! Kai, blow up that **** bird!"


Lei Mingkai has no nonsense.

The inexhaustible small MA Bluman not only annoys Zero Style, but also makes Lei Mingkai feel a headache.

No matter how many frames are blown, the vacancies can always be filled in time.

It seemed that from the beginning, those vacancies had already been arranged, and all that was waiting was the attack of the Red Lotus Iron Lion.

The wind howled,

When the blade moves with the wind,

The red lotus iron lion sprinted around the place for a few laps, and the figure suddenly stopped. He lowered his body, exerted strength on his limbs, leaped up, and leaped over the surging black Bruman's head. After steadily landing on the shimmering screen that appeared at his feet, he jumped again, using the shimmering screen that appeared under his feet as a stepping stone repeatedly, and rushed towards the dark MA Hammons.

The zero hand not only caused the Bruman's servants below to crash on the spot, but also made the pitch-black MA Hammons hovering in the sky almost unable to react.

Fortunately, the order received by the Dark MA Hammons was to obliterate all the enemies who came.

The astonishing move made by the Red Lotus Iron Lion was only to make the pitch black MA Hammons pop up an unresolvable warning and it was immediately covered by the priority attack program.


The brilliance of the beam cannon tore through the sky, broke through the blockade of the blizzard, and rushed to the red lotus iron lion that rushed to the sky with the screen as a step.

This time, the Red Lotus Iron Lion did not take the blow hard, but stepped on the screen to avoid the shot axis of the beam cannon in time to avoid the blow.

"Cut! I still like to play yin!"

Seeing that the beam of light that broke through the air made a gap in the Bruman's servant army below, Zero resolutely gave up the movement method of stepping on the screen with its feet, and adopted the movement method that it was not accustomed to.


A deep roar suddenly sounded from the back of the red lotus iron lion, and countless light particles emerged from the void. With the red lotus iron lion's back as the center, a pair of lights and shadows with similar outlines quickly gathered.



Immediately afterwards, a sound that seemed to be something cracking sounded, a pair of misty and brilliant wings suddenly appeared on the back of the Red Lotus Iron Lion, and while fanning, led the Red Lotus Iron Lion to avoid following closely. And the attack.

In an instant, a meteor suddenly appeared in the sky above the beam, and directly knocked the pitch-black MA Hammons from the sky in an unreasonable manner.


The shock wave caused by the heavy object hitting the ground drove the nearest Bruman's servants swaying, not forming a formation.

In the center of the shock wave, the Red Lotus Iron Lion raised its front paws and slapped it at the pitch-black MA Hammons that was under him!

"It's great to fly!!"


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