Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 764: Lead the snake out of the hole

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Under the flying flags, there are vigorous and well-dressed guards.

Today is the day for the reserve selection of the Royal Guardsmen.

Originally, according to past practice, the reserve selection should only be held on the third weekend after the beginning of the spring.

However, due to the days of the last reserve selection, the imperial knight commander had to temporarily delay until the imperial knight commander returned to start again due to the fact that he went out to perform the task.

"Actually, you don't need to care whether I can attend the reserve selection."

Lei Mingkai, who walked to the aisle leading to the venue, nodded to the guards saluting on both sides and sighed helplessly.

To be honest, the staff of the Knights of Guardians headed by Veretta seemed to be very concerned about whether Lei Mingkai could attend the reserve selection.

"No! Your Highness. If this is other time, I, we will have some arrangements. This time the selection is very important to the Guardian Knights."

Veretta, who was half a step behind Lei Mingkai, spoke with a serious expression about the thoughts of himself and the entire staff.

"Because this is the first public selection of the Guardian Knights?"

In fact, the selection of the Guardian Knights has been carried out at least three times.

However, the first three selections were conducted by a team of staff led by Veretta, and qualified personnel were transferred to an unknown valley located in the depths of the empire, leaving Qi Ligu, Feyana, and Titanic. The three of Asia started further training.

There are no major problems with such a process.

Even under the training of the Qi Ligu trio, there have been several casualties, but that is still within a tolerable range.

Moreover, with the support of the powerful medical technology provided by the city of shining stars, the number of real deaths during the training has been maintained above the number of 1.

Looking back now, that may be an unfortunate thing.

Due to operational errors, the reserve member was bombed back to the atomic state on the spot.

Thinking of some details in the report, Lei Mingkai couldn't help sighing.

"Yes. The first three closed selections have enriched the backbone of the Guardian Knights. The next step is to start an expanded selection."

Upon hearing Lei Mingkai's sigh, Veretta knew Lei Mingkai's thoughts at the moment.

"So, is there a chance?"

During the conversation, the two had reached the end of the road and stood in front of the gate of the selection venue.

Veretta raised her head to look at the gate guarded by the knights of the Guardian Knights, and nodded slightly.

"Yes. Because of this, there is such an opportunity."

Lei Mingkai looked at the knights saluting him, nodded slightly, and smiled:

"Then, you can't let them wait long!"

The busy preparation class is spinning around the body that is about to participate in the reserve trials.

In less than half an hour, these Lionheart Knight training models used for reserve trials soon appeared in front of many high-level knights including Lei Mingkai.

By then, driving these Lionheart Rider training reserve knights will become the focus of attention of the senior management.

Of course, the winner of the trials can be promoted to become a full member of the Guardian Knights.

However, even if the outstanding reserve members fail in the trials, they may be taken to the next reserve location, and then they may become official members of the Knights.

Of course, the former is a fixed result under the rules of victory, while the latter is more a secret circulated by reserve members.

In the end, there are many real elements in this, I am afraid that the members of the reserve who circulated this statement do not have much hope.

Rather than pinning their hopes in the murky statement after failure, the reserve members believe in their own strength more.

As time progressed, the reserve members who were waiting for the start of the trials also took actions, most likely to concentrate their minds, adjust their physical conditions, and reach the highest level sufficient to win the victory.


Or meditate,

Or holding the hilt of the sword, sometimes holding it tightly, sometimes loosening it,

Or adjust breathing, trying to concentrate the body's strength,

Among these people, there was another figure that seemed a little out of place.

The surrounding reserve members are taking the methods they are familiar with to concentrate and adjust their physical functions, but he sits on the bench casually, holding a water bottle in his hand, watching all the actions of the surrounding reserve members boredly.

"Why work so hard? Obviously you all have to be eliminated?"

Under the short brown hair, there are purple eyes that look indifferently at everything in front of them.

"Hey! Rollo. I really envy you! You must be a member of the Guardian Knights."

Just as the figure boredly watched the actions of the people around him, a somewhat rough sound came.

Just at the moment when the voice sounded, a pair of indifferent purple eyes suddenly lit up with a radiance.

In the next moment, a big hand magically took a shot from his side and hit directly on the bench.


The moment the missed palm hit on the icy bench, there was a muffled noise that attracted everyone's attention.


The instigator was stunned, glanced at the figure who shouldn't be sitting on the left side of the bench, and laughed behind him.

"As expected of Rollo! Rollo who can always avoid all attacks when we can't detect it!"

The loud laughter caused by the rough voice made the boy known as Rollo frowned.

"Jie Nuoqing. If I were you, I wouldn't waste time on these things. Now, there is only less than five minutes before the start of the trials."


Everyone, including the owner of the rough voice, exclaimed, and subconsciously looked at the timepiece on the wall.


"not good!"

"Quick! Get out and line up! The trials are about to begin!"

After a tumultuous noise, there was only a young man named Rollo left in the entire lounge.

He raised his head and glanced at the clock on the wall, but did not get up and follow the crowd.

It was not until the hour hand walked one more circle that there was a faint sound in the room where only Rollo was left.

A slightly sharp male voice.

"Rolo. Why not go out?"

The boy didn't answer, he just picked up the water bottle and took a sip, then put down the water bottle and said:

"Boring! This is just a farce. It doesn't make any sense at all."

"Significance?! No meaning?!"

Unexpectedly, the boy's words aroused the anger of the sharp voice hidden on the side.

"Shut up!"

But before the sharp voice began to yell at Rollo, the figure hidden in the shadow suddenly froze.

As if his time still stopped, he didn't notice that Rollo, who should have been obediently staying in place, had already left the room.

It wasn't until the moment the door closed that the stiff body and paused thoughts resumed activity.

"Rolo!! You..."

When the angry voice sounded, it stopped abruptly.

Then, the sharp voice cursed with hatred.

"Damn Rollo! Why can he get such a gift!!"

When the scorching sun was in the sky, the flags were hunting, and the horns rang through the sky, an energetic reserve member in a driving suit lined up in a phalanx and stood in front of the stage, accepting from Lei Mingkai and others. Review of many high-level knights.

"Huh? There seems to be one missing person?"

Lei Mingkai sitting on the stage saw sharply that there seemed to be a small gap on the edge of the square.

After Veretta, who was standing next to him, made a gesture, one of his subordinates walked up quickly.

"His Royal Highness, please order!"

"Whose position is there? Why hasn't it appeared yet?"

Veretta reached out to the gap, and asked.


Seeing the gap, the subordinate's expression instantly became exciting.

It was shocked at first, then a burst of anger, and finally a look of helplessness.

That wonderful change of expression made Lei Mingkai a little interested in the person who caused a gap in the entire square and failed to appear.

"Don't panic. You just need to tell me who it is. I don't intend to hold any of you accountable."

Of course, before understanding the situation, Lei Mingkai still has to let his subordinates take a reassurance.

"Yes! Thank you very much, Your Highness! Well, that is the position of the reserve knight Rollo."

After getting Lei Mingkai's promise, the confident subordinates quickly told the truth.


The familiar name made Lei Mingkai suddenly realize.

"Really? You can go down and get ready to start. This is just a small matter."

"Yes! Your Highness!"

Looking at the slightly flustered back of his subordinates, Veretta frowned, seemingly puzzled.

"His Royal Highness, don't you hold that reserve member accountable? On such an important occasion, something happened late."

"be late?"

Lei Mingkai smiled indifferently, and then motioned Veretta to look at the other side of the venue.

"Look! Isn't that just being there? Now we are one minute away from the start! Strictly speaking, this has not yet been defined as being late."


The young man with short brown hair and purple eyes that looked at everything in the world indifferently was walking into the venue slowly, not caring about the surrounding gaze, let alone the cursing of the knights who acted as the leader, not in a hurry. He walked into the venue at his own pace and stood in his place.

Then, he raised his head and looked at the high platform where there were many high-ranking knights watching.

He saw the man next to the graceful female deputy head on the high platform.

He is his mission goal!

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