Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 771: Shadow

   Royal carriage.

   This important ritual on important diplomatic occasions in the past was abandoned when Yufimiya was enthroned and was rarely used.

   so that in the eyes of some nobles and nobles who pay attention to tradition, this empress, who has gradually shown a strong hand, is also increasingly rebelling against the tradition of the empire.

But on this day when they were increasingly rebelling against tradition, the nobles who woke up from the shadow of the assassination that enveloped the imperial capital suddenly found a carriage with the imperial royal emblem hanging under the guards sent by the Royal Guards. The ground drove along the main road of the imperial capital towards the distant imperial palace.

  In an instant, the surprised nobles looked for answers from their own news channels.

   The result is frustration, but it also seems to be filled with a glimmer of hope.

   That is a diplomatic ambassador from the Abro Economic Circle.

   In this moment when the imperial capital is getting more and more gloomy, I was summoned by the Queen who sat high on the throne, and still used such a traditional, yet extremely swaggering way to inform the world.

   "I am afraid that from now on, the entire imperial capital will be disturbed by such a small carriage!"

  The slender hand lowered the curtain covering the window, and Lacus, who withdrew his gaze from the outside world, also looked at Gudilia, who was sitting on the opposite side, looking a little nervous.

   "What? Goodelia. After not seeing you for a while, you have become a little hesitant."

   Gudilia, who was a little embarrassed, folded her hands, twisted her fingers slightly, and subconsciously glanced at the sister He Meimei who was sitting next to her, and asked quietly:

   "Master Lux, thank you very much for your help! I was able to take me to meet your Majesty, but I don’t know Master Lux, how about this incident..."

   Looking at Gudilia who was embarrassed, Lacus couldn't help but chuckle.

   It seems that the assassination of the prince affected not only the interior of the empire, but also other foreigners who came to visit the empire.

   This may be an accident.

   But, it is indeed a necessary accident.

Lacus, who left the throne of the dominion, did not go to the palace for the first time. Instead, as the Abro diplomatic mission, she approached Gudilia, who was restless in the embassy, ​​and invited them to the palace. .

   On this basis, he told Olga to let his subordinates free time to a limited extent.

   Olga was puzzled about this.

   In his opinion, after such a serious assassination incident, the martial law in the imperial capital may continue for a while.

   Under this level of relationship, their unrelated diplomatic missions should put aside their minds and wait for the next step in the embassy.

   Olga's choice was not at fault, but a little frustrated.

   This does not meet the immediate situation, nor does it meet the expectations of the queen, nor does it meet someone's ideas.

   It’s just that, puzzled, Olga still thought for a while and accepted Lacus’s suggestion.

   So, after Gudilia boarded the royal carriage carrying Lacus and the sisters of He Meimei, the diplomatic tour group headed by Sino quickly obtained permission to go out.

   "Are you talking about the assassination of Kai?"

   When Lacus mentioned that incident, she did not reveal the anxiety that Gudilia expected, but made it incredibly relaxed.

"um, yes."

   Gudilia was stunned, and nodded subconsciously.

   "I have heard about Kai's assassination from Meimei. However, I don't think Kai is the kind of person who can easily be assassinated by despicable thieves."

  Lax’s words revealed a strong trust in Lei Mingkai, and Gudilia didn’t know what to say for a while.

   "Miss Gudilia. You want to say that if Lei Mingkai was not injured or even killed in the assassination, then what happened to these Royal Guardsmen standing on the street?"

  At this time, He Meimei broke the thoughts in Gudilia's mind.


  Gudilia nodded instinctively.

   Unexpectedly, when she nodded her head like this, He Nana who was holding Maowawa would make a complaint.

   "Teacher, didn't you say that Gudilia had been with you for a while? Why didn't you even see this?"

   "Huh? Teacher?!"

   Looking at the surprise on Gudilia's face, Lux smiled softly.

   "Well, Mimi and Nana used to study with me for a while."


   Gudilia's doubts deepened.

   From the outside, Lux is only 15~6 years old at the moment, and He Meimei is the same.

   At such a close age, would Sister He Meimei be called a teacher?

  He Meimei and He Nana will naturally not answer this question deadly.

   On the other hand, Lacus gently shifted the topic away.

   "Look! We are at the palace. If we have any questions, we can talk about it after seeing the queen."

   The huge palace gate slowly opened.

   The guards lined up on both sides of the road stood straight, showing the most proud and confident attitude in front of visitors.

   This is a small demonstration.

   Standing at the end of the road, among the crowds in the vast Royal Plaza, there are more Her Majesty the Queen wearing a crown, and the Second Queen of the Empire who is wearing a uniform and temporarily taking over the Royal Guards.

   Watching the slowly approaching carriage, Cornelia, the second queen of the empire, moved her lips and looked at her sister, Yufimia, the current empire, but she never said a word.

   "Emperor sister. If you have something to say directly. There are no outsiders here."

   Yufimia naturally noticed her sister's gaze.

   And, behind her mouth, the entourage standing behind them all backed a few steps together to make a private space where the royal sisters could talk.

   Cornelia hesitated, but still sighed.

   "Although I didn't think there was anything before, don't you think there are more people?"


   Euphemia was taken aback, then chuckled a few times.

   "Really? I still think it's a bit lacking."

   "Yufie, you..."

   Before Cornelia had finished speaking, a stream of light descended from the void, and a dreamlike figure immediately appeared beside Euphemia.

  Pink long hair, but rolled up high and put on a Chinese-style cheongsam, Vier Weian came here to greet that one with Euphemia.

   "Yufie, she is here!"


   The imperial carriage blatantly walked on the main road of the imperial capital, and the waves it caused became more and more rolling.

   "What does the Queen want to do? Instead of ordering a thorough investigation of the assassination, she swaggered to receive the diplomatic mission?!"

   still that dim room,

   still those three people,

  The topic still revolves around the assassination of Lei Mingkai.

   It’s just that there is indeed a slight change in the atmosphere between the three this time.

   "Are you scared? Or maybe that cute little guy was not caught?"

   Ms. Red Skirt shook the fan in her hand and said with a slightly raised corner of her mouth.

   In her opinion, this irrelevant, yet extremely swaggering movement of Her Majesty the Queen is nothing more than a stern demonstration.

   "Is it possible for Rollo to be lurking somewhere in the palace?"

   Asuka Kameno made a hypothesis.

   If Rollo failed to assassinate Lei Mingkai and was not caught, and instead lurked in the palace, then the sudden swagger of the queen might be able to explain it.

   "You mean the Queen wants to use herself as a bait to lure Rollo into the bait?"

   The man standing in the shadow sneered.

"Joke! Her Majesty the Queen rebelliously seized the power of CODE from her Majesty. Naturally, she would not be afraid of Rollo's GEASS. Even if the GEASS owned by Rollo was terrible, it would not be able to affect the Queen who possessed the power of CODE. ."

   After a pause, the man sneered again:

   "We must know that our Queen is not an innocent, cute, weak, weak woman, but an "Iron Lady" who kills her father and seizes her throne!"

   "Then what do you think the empress did for? If you don't order a thorough investigation of the assassination, but simply arrange the Royal Guard Knights inside and outside the imperial capital, what is this for?"

   The woman in the red dress shook the right hand of the fan and asked a rather sharp question.

   "Wait. Her Majesty is waiting. Like a puppet, like Schneizer sitting on the prime minister of the empire, waiting."

   What the man in the shadow said made Asuka Kamen a little puzzled.

   "Wait? What are they waiting for?"

   "Of course I am waiting for an opportunity for the event to change!"

   The man in the shadow sneered again and again.

"Although this is a safe and feasible method, the queen has missed a great opportunity to wait like this. Originally, we were worried that Rollo's assassination would lead to a bloodbath by her Majesty against all the nobles of the empire. . UU reading"

   "However, we have overestimated Her Majesty's determination and toughness. But this is also inevitable! Even when her Majesty is still alive, it is difficult to impose strong bloodbaths on the increasingly bloated and intertwined nobles of internal factions."

   "If this is the case, don't we take the initiative?"

   Ms. Red Dress narrowed her eyes slightly, as if she was dreaming about something.

   "No, not really! We have not yet known whether Rollo is alive."

   Asuka masked man interrupted the fantasy of Ms. Red skirt.


   The next moment, a voice appeared, but the three of them were first taken aback, and then they bowed to the ground with their faces full of surprises.

   "No need to worry about this! Rollo, my loyal servant, he is still alive! Somewhere in the palace!"

   "Your Majesty! Have you fully recovered?!"

   The man kneeling in the shadow raised his head in surprise and looked in the direction of the sound, but he could only see a figure like an iron tower in the darkness.

   is as stalwart as the figure standing on the supreme throne.



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