Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 746: Barbatos, roll over!

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The battlefield where the steel giants gather is torn apart flesh and blood indiscriminately.

Among the steel giants with badges of different factions, there is no room for flesh and blood to stand up.

No matter who you are, as long as you break into this battlefield dominated by the steel giant, you will inevitably end in a tragic end without a place to bury you.

Moreover, on the battlefield of this torrent of iron and steel, it is showing a tendency to fall.

The Sunderland sent by the rebels who held high the so-called "righteousness" flag actually relied on weird power to suppress the 13th Armored Regiment of the Empire, which was holding its ground firmly.

Even in terms of firepower and equipment configuration, the 13th Armored Regiment of the Empire, backed by the entire empire, has a great advantage.

But whenever the KMF knights of the 13th Armored Regiment plucked up their courage and drove out in groups with the skillful cooperation of their comrades, they tried to fight a counterattack and relieve the pressure on the front. Going up with Sunderland, there is no doubt that the body with the weird device on the torso and shoulders actually killed the well-trained knights of the 13th Armored Regiment of the Empire in one meeting.


Not defeated!

It's a kill!

The commander of the Thirteenth Armored Regiment has witnessed such a strange situation several times.

Every time the imperial knights attacked, they would be counter-killed by the opponent at the moment they were about to kill the opponent.

That weird,

That weird,

While the commander was shrouded in darkness, he couldn't help but give orders to seek help from the imperial capital.

In addition, what he can do is to lead his men and defend the position.

Waiting for the arrival of reinforcements,

Or wait for that moment to come.

Fortunately, destiny did not make a joke in front of the commander who was going to die for his country.


At the moment when those weird Sunderland gathered and were about to launch a large-scale charge, there was a huge roar behind the line.

Like thunder,

It was like the roar that erupted when a huge machine swiftly moved.


When this thunderous roar swept across the sky from far to near, the commander of the Thirteenth Armored Regiment suddenly saw three huge black shadows flying over the front line like thunder, and crashing down in front of the front line.

In an instant, countless dust and debris were exploded.

That huge shock wave not only swept the surrounding sand and dust, but also rushed the front of the strange Sunderland that launched the shock.

In the rolling sand and dust, the size of the three roads is far beyond Sunderland and the size of the KMF that the commander is familiar with. Like the legendary Titan-like steel giant, he stopped in front of the front line in the roar of the engine.

At the same time, an unfamiliar and sweet female voice appeared on the combat channel of the Thirteenth Armored Regiment.

"This is Audrey Britania. Now, by the order of Her Majesty Euphemia, come and support! Who is the commander, please!"

Britannia! ?

In addition to symbolizing the fate of the empire, this surname also symbolizes the existence of the royal family.

In the entire empire, only the royal family can use this name.

But as the commander of the 13th Armored Regiment of the Empire, he had never heard of the princess named Audrey in the royal family.

However, it is a fact that the three iron giants standing in front of the front line like mythical Titans disperse the impact of the enemy.

Given this fact, the commander also subconsciously ignored this doubt.

"Yes, Your Highness. I am the commander of the Thirteenth Armored Regiment of the Empire, Knight Jeno!"

Your Highness.

Since the other party claims to be the one who holds the name of Britannia, there is no mistake in calling it His Royal Highness.

On this point, the dark-haired girl opposite the combat channel would not refute or even clarify.

After all, this face also exists because of this.

"Then, Commander Jeno, please immediately let the knights retreat and rest. Frontline, leave it to our people!"

"What? No! Although your Highness's support is timely, the situation of the rebels is weird! But before I figure out the details of the opponent, I don't think that the reinforcements brought by Your Highness can last for long!"

The commander firmly believes that only those who have experienced fighting against that weird Sunderland force will have the slightest possibility of turning defeat into victory.

However, the black-haired girl denied the commander's ideas.

"No, Commander. We are here for that weird force. Trust us! We are better suited to the next scene than your trivial experience."

Talk about it.

The black-haired girl didn't leave any chance to the commander and hung up the communication.

Later, she connected to the communications of the three airframes that were blocked in front of the rebels.

"San Riyue, Sinoe, Eugene. Report the current situation!"

"Good condition! Nothing abnormal happened! It's just..."

The first person to respond to the black-haired girl was Sanriyue driving Barbatos.


The black-haired girl frowned slightly.

It is a very possible way to use the human-machine combination of Alaya consciousness system to counter the power of GEASS that manipulates the mind.

But no matter how possible the method is, there will be flaws.

"It's just that those little guys seem to have a lot of tentacles, and they look disgusting."

Although San Riyue had seen relevant information about the GEASS troops before setting off, it was a pity that he could never remember that those units were the special GEASS machines that were transformed from Sunderland.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! So those tentacles! No wonder the shadows look a little fuzzy."

Xino yelled again and again when Sanriyue pointed out the tentacles floating on those weird Sunderland.

Eugene, who was half a step behind, also echoed that.

"Really? It seems that the Alaya Consciousness System is indeed capable of resisting the power of GEASS. Then, let's start the action!"

The black-haired girl nodded, then ordered.


San Riyue and the others all responded, and then there was an overwhelming battle.

Barbatos on the third day of the moon,

Sinoe’s Meteor III (Gritz modified),

Eugene's Graz change,

Or wave the mace in your hand,

Or raise the 120mm rifle in your hand,

Or retreat a certain distance and raise a 320mm rocket launcher to provide fire cover for Barbatos who is rushing forward.

This is the squad tactics developed by the Tiehua regiment after entering the formalization.

Although it was just a regular squad tactical formation, it represented the Tiehua regiment gradually getting rid of the lone wolf combat mode of the past.

However, the tactical formation of the squad, which is gradually becoming mature, seems to be a bit of a sledgehammer.

Barbatos, who was in front of the impact, with unparalleled destructive impact as always, waved the mace in his hand, and easily smashed the weird Sunderland in front of him into a terrifying posture of two or three planes with one hammer, and quickly destroyed it. The rebels tried to regroup.

Before the rebels, shocked by the brave Barbatos, hadn’t reacted, they were torn into several areas by a series of flames fired by the following Meteor III, which allowed Graz, who finally launched the fire cover, to calmly lock on. The goal is to play the barrage that determines the direction of this battlefield.




In the sea of ​​explosions set off by the 320mm rocket launcher, Barbatos was filled with fleeting tongues of fire, and the mace wielded in his hand was scattered with pieces of wreckage torn from the weird Sunderland.

The moment the steel giant, like a demon **** who had slaughtered and returned from the endless abyss, stepped on the billowing flames and rushed towards the rebels, the rebels who almost held the victory in their hands collapsed in an instant.


The mace that rolled up the screaming wind brutally smashed the last GEASS Sunderland on this battlefield into a smashing moment, and there was already a terrible screaming phenomenon among the rebels.

"The Devil!!!"

"No!! That's the devil!!"

Don't know who it is,

I can only watch the impossibility just now. The GEASS troops who pressed the 13th Armored Regiment of the Empire, which used to be high in the past, were crushed on the spot by Barbatos’s three bodies from other worlds. NS.

When the original high morale collapsed, it was the panic figure of the soldiers who instinctively chose to escape this battlefield in spite of the danger to their lives.

In an instant, there was a burst of gunshots in the rebel camp—the gunshots heard when the supervising team shot the deserter.

But even with the presence of the supervising team, it is of no avail.

The figure of the iron demon who is holding a mace and walking towards the rebels like a walk from the abyss has become a reminder for them.

"Boom boom boom!"

Meteor III fell behind Barbatos in a leap forward.

Sinoe was surprised to watch the howls in the rebel camp, and then shrugged uninterestingly.

"This is the end?"

"I don't know. But the enemy seems to have lost the power to fight."

Mikazuki tilted her head, then took out a piece of chocolate from the storage compartment next to it, peeled off the exquisite wrapping paper, and ate it slowly-this was still ordered by Lei Mingkai and taken out from the palace warehouse. Special chocolate.

"San Riyue, Sinoe, Eugene. Suspend the attack. Be vigilant and be alert for possible surprise attacks at any time!"

Then, the black-haired girl's voice rang from the communication channel.


I was thinking about making a big fuss, but I didn't expect the enemy to be so unattended.

But think about it.

In addition to the GEASS system, those strange-looking Sunderland can only use the poor 30mm machine gun.

Although the 30mm cannon is quite powerful for the KMF in this world, it is not enough for the MS from another world.

"Commander! Get ready to accept the soldiers! I hope your manpower can handle the next scene."

After sending a message to the commander who just insisted on assisting the attack, the black-haired girl subconsciously raised her head and looked in the direction where the ocean was.

She was sure of the battle situation here from the beginning.

The only one who is not sure is the other side of the ocean.

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