Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 754: Giant of White! Dark lightning!

   The GEASS wings of light that lay across the sky suddenly shattered.

   Among the many fragments like stars, the eternal being penetrated by the sword in the lake has a new change.



   The holy gold-rimmed silver-white armor seemed to have suddenly come to life, becoming more and more active.

   is like a monster about to wake up, frantically breaking the chains that bound it.


   Seeing that icy armor was surging like a living creature, the Tooth Lion Zero Style did not hesitate, and immediately jumped on it, trying to tear it apart completely.

  At the same time, the flame sword driven by Lei Mingkai waved the sword in the lake again and rushed up, launching a pincer attack with the Red Lotus Tusk.

One after the other,

  The flaming lion claws,

  The blade of light shining with the radiance of destruction,

   played a prelude to the destruction of the eternal.


   The claws of the red lotus tusks,

   The light blade of the flame sword was blocked at the moment when it was about to touch the eternal.

   was blocked by the fragments scattered by the cracked GEASS light wing.

   "Give me the power to break the world!!"

   At this moment, before the Red Lotus Tusk and the Flame Sword could react, Marianna's inhuman voice exploded again from within the Eternal.

   is accompanied by the surging turbulence of the golden-rimmed silver-white armor blasting room, which is a large burst of bright red spraying towards the sky.

   is just a blink of an eye, a bright red mist that is rich enough to make humans with less psychological endurance nauseous on the spot has already wrapped the eternal in it.


   Seeing this, Lei Mingkai decisively adopted a conservative strategy of keeping a distance and watching the changes.

   Everything in front of me is really weird.

   "Is it really alive?!"

  Zero-style looked at the churning **** mist in surprise.


   Before Lei Mingkai had time to doubt, a sudden voice denied this hypothesis.

   "No. It's not me, we caused it."

   In the cockpit of the Flame Sword, an illusory figure quietly appeared, wandering around Lei Mingkai for a long time.

   "Marianna, has gotten rid of our control. Now she is just an undead who is unwilling to fall into death."

   Hearing the words, Lei Mingkai sneered.

   "That's what you mean when you are off?"

   Facing Lei Mingkai's ridicule, the illusory figure did not waver, let alone showed obvious fluctuations, and some were magnanimous.

   "Yes. It is our fault! But, all this is for survival."


   It is a pity that Lei Mingkai’s question cannot be answered.

  Because the blood-colored fog that envelops the eternal shrank suddenly, the journey of where it came from and where it went from was completed in the blink of an eye, returning to the original starting point.

   It's just that the eternal one who took the blood-colored mist group back is no longer the steel giant in the gold-rimmed silver armor before.

   Instead, a huge figure with a slightly fat body, white all over, and a scarlet mask without any pattern on the face.

   This scene shocked Lei Mingkai.

   If there were seven more eyes on the red mask, it would be a reappearance of a certain famous scene.

   High in the sky, the moment the white giant completely inhaled the last trace of blood mist in his body, he slowly raised his right hand, and with the sound of gusts of wind and thunder, he patted the Red Lotus Tusk Lion.


   Such a monotonous attack will not be seen by Zero.

   But at the moment when the huge palm fell, a strange force came first, and it pressed heavily on the body of the red lotus tusks, almost making it impossible to escape from the shadow of the huge palm.


   At the moment of life and death, behind the tusks that changed from the red lotus tusks form to the azure gull form, was blown up a terrible water column as high as one thousand meters.

   The instigator was the huge palm that almost shot the red lotus tusks lion.

   "What kind of ghost power is this?"

   Looking at the thousand-meter water column that was slapped by the white giant's palm, Zero Type suddenly exploded.

   "That is not the power of fragments. It is not the power of C's world."

   The answer does not require Lei Mingkai's explanation.

   The illusory figure lingering in the cockpit of the Flame Sword took the initiative to tell the truth behind the white giant.

   The blade of light cut by the sword in the lake was blocked by the white giant raising his hand.

   The blade of light that can easily melt the steel armor can't break through the giant white hand without any armor protection at all.

   "Did you run away?"

   The deadly brilliance erupted by the Blade of Light is uncertain, Lei Mingkai coldly said a possibility.

   "No. That's not a runaway! It's just power from another world!"

   The illusory figure sighed quietly.


   A terrifying, inhuman howl interrupted the sigh of the illusory figure, and brought a fatal crisis to the head of the flame sword.

  Perhaps because it was unable to kill the flame sword and the hunting gull tusks in a short time, the white giant actually produced a new change.

   In the fierce high-altitude wind, the huge white back surging continuously, it seems that something is breaking through the restriction, wantonly proclaiming its own existence to the world.

   "Hey... Hey... Puff... Wow..."

   The sound of broken bones resounded across the sky,

   Bloody springs gushing out, scattered in bursts of dazzling blood rain, a huge and hideous bone wing with a wild aura is displayed in front of Lei Mingkai and Zero.


   Bone wings ran across the sky, and several light spots erupted from the bloodshot wingtips, and in the blink of an eye they swept across the sky, sweeping towards the flame sword and the hunting gull tusks.


  The light spot strikes so fast that it has no time to avoid the flame sword and the hunting gull tusks, so they can only open the force field of the λ drive system in place.

   The power of the light spot does not seem to be terrible.

   just rely on the power of the lambda drive system to resist it.


   This does not seem to be the white giant's ultimate move against the Flame Sword and the Gull Tooth Lion.

   is more like delaying time.

   The brilliance of the force field of the λ drive system just disappeared, and the bone wings tearing the back of the white giant changed again.

   The blood-stained bone wings broke apart, revealing the light and shadow beneath the white bones.

   That is the brilliance of gold with red.

   That is the light that makes people extremely disturbing.


  Bone wings changed drastically, and the white giant roared in pain, seeming to vent his unwillingness to the world and fate!


   Above the sky, the dazzling brilliance of the lambda drive system burst out again.

   is the flame magic sword to activate the glory of the sword in the lake with all its strength!

   Like the brilliance of the little sun, the blue lightning came first, rushing out from the right side of the blazing sword, and hitting the white giant once again, incarnate the red lotus tusks again, waving a sword light against the white giant.

   It is not difficult to see that the zero-style plan is to attract the attention of the white giant as much as possible to create an attack opportunity for the flame sword.

   is like the scene before.

   Hundred-meter lightsaber crossed the sky, slashing towards the white giant like Mount Tai.

   Shockingly, thunder exploded.

   Under the sword light that destroys everything, Lei Mingkai didn't feel the sensation of hitting any objects.

Do not!

   It wasn't that it didn't hit the object, but the lightsaber of the Flame Sword was absorbed by the strange scarlet mask of the white giant.


   As if unable to absorb all the light blades of the Flame Demon Sword, and exploded by the terrifying power transmitted from the blade, a crack was exploded on the surface of the Scarlet Mask.

   And this crack is a sign of the disintegration of the Scarlet Mask.



   is just a few breaths of effort, and the blood mask is occupied by spiderweb cracks.

   Then, it shattered.


   Under the broken mask, there is a hideous and hollow face.

   The scream that swept across the sky from under this face instantly pushed back the Flame Sword and the Red Lotus Tusk.

   Among them, Lei Mingkai, who was driving the Flame Sword, even subconsciously covered his forehead, his face was enduring something in pain.

   "Kay! Concentrate!"

   Seeing that the situation was wrong with his soul-connected Zero Form, he acted decisively to protect Lei Mingkai's spirit.

   But, there are people who are faster than it.

   That is the illusory figure that has been hovering in the cockpit of the Flame Sword first to provide protection to Lei Mingkai.

   "Knight, join hands with your partners to fight the enemy!"

   When the illusory figure stood in front of Lei Mingkai, the terrible fluctuations that impacted Lei Mingkai's spirit suddenly reduced a lot.


   With the assistance of the illusory figure and Zero Form successively, Lei Mingkai was able to quickly recover, and once again looked at the white giant intently.

Do not.

   The current white giant should be called Mariana.

   At the same time that the blood-red mask shattered, the white giant's face changed rapidly, and in a short period of time, it became Mariana's appearance.

   It's just that those eyes are just endless holes and deep gloom!

   Under the hollow is that crazy grin.

   "The world... shattered!!"

  The huge Mariana stretched out her hands toward the flame sword.

   However, Lei Mingkai and Zero who reacted quickly took a long distance again.

   This is not to fear the white giant.

   But above the sky, there is another change.

  While the white giant waved his hands, the bone wings on his back were also completely shattered, revealing light wings with bursts of light as the main body.

   Yes, at the moment when the light wing completely tore the bone wing, a dark thunder appeared on the sky without warning.

   I saw the dark thunder tearing through the sky silently, and locked the white giant at the moment it suddenly appeared.

   "No!!! No! That is!!! That is!!!"

   The breath of death fell from the sky, firmly pressing on the white giant.

   Almost at this instant, the pitch-black thunder flew across the sky and pierced the white giant's heart.

  In an instant, the dark thunder that pierced the white giant's heart turned into a dark spiral spear! !



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