Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 760: The status quo, a signal for help!

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This planet where humans were born and nurtured civilization is no stranger to humans.


When one day, after experiencing an unheard of, unseen, and unimaginable disaster, human beings who have experienced the struggle between life and death accidentally raised their heads and looked at the broken starry sky, but they were shocked to find the sky above their heads. Above the broken starry sky, there is another earth! !


Not an illusion!

It's not even the crazy consciousness that human beings have after experiencing terrible disasters!

It is a phenomenon that really exists.

The Britanian Empire, the imperial capital of Pandoragon.

Lei Mingkai and He Meimei, who had rushed back from the Pacific, came to the meeting room together before they even had time to breathe, and joined Yufimia, He Nana and others.


The audiences at this time are not a good place to discuss the various visions that are happening at this moment.

Because before Lei Mingkai and He Meimei rushed back, Euphemia gave an order to temporarily set the meeting place as a temporary rescue location.

In other words, the section of the road from the gate of the palace to the audience will become a temporary rescue and resettlement site under the order of Euphemia.

This is also a helpless solution.

Even after the battle was over, Marianna's commotion before her death still caused the vast majority of Britanian people to fall into a conscious coma, and they were unable to regain consciousness.

Among the imperial capital Pandoragon, only one-third of the permanent population can be awakened after the battle.

Not to mention, other cities in the mainland of the empire.

"Sorry! This is our fault! Now, maybe we can make up for one or two."

Before Lei Mingkai could speak with Yuphemia to exchange the current situation, a phantom figure suddenly appeared behind Lei Mingkai.

"It's you!!"

Lei Mingkai looked back and found that it turned out to be a collection of consciousness in the image of a girl with shoulder-length short hair.

"Don't be surprised! The world is still in the fuzzy zone between illusion and reality. My appearance is just a trivial stroke among these absurdities."

Facing the girl's explanation, Lei Mingkai did not pursue too much.

After all, what is happening now is absurd enough.

It was so absurd that even if something mess happened again, Lei Mingkai estimated that he would be able to accept it calmly.

"You are a collective of consciousness born in the human subconscious? A god?"

After Yufimia took a look at the shoulder-length short-haired girl, she nodded slightly.

Although the words sounded like inquiries, Euphemia had actually confirmed the identity of the girl.

"We are not gods. We are just beings born occasionally."

What Lei Mingkai didn't expect was that the girl sighed and revealed a sense of powerlessness.

This is very different from what happened before hiding behind Mariana and making waves.

"Don't be surprised! This is our result! We will be responsible."

After all, when the GEASS logo appeared on the girl’s forehead, radiance burst out from the girl, swarming out of the audience, and quickly centered on the palace, toward the imperial Pandora. As the Britannia Empire spread everywhere.

That is the brilliance of consciousness!

Whenever a ray of brilliance passed by, Lei Mingkai could clearly feel the various emotions behind that brilliance.





All the positive and negative emotions possessed by human beings lie in this.

This should also be the root cause of the birth of the girl.

I don't know how long it has passed. As the dazzling brilliance of consciousness gradually faded, the girl's gaze went from Lei Mingkai to Euphemia, and finally stayed on He Meimei for a while.

"This is the first time we have met! A distinguished guest from another world."

"In theory, this is indeed the first time I have met! I am He Meimei. I don't know what to call you?"

He Meimei nodded, glanced at Lei Mingkai, and after exchanging glances with Euphemia, she added.

"Or should you call you by the name of a god?"

The girl shook her head slightly.

"No. We are not gods. Now we are just helpless people falling into the water. Let's call us Aurora! In addition, there should be more than half of the population of the Britanian Empire now. Wake up, please make arrangements as soon as possible!"

"Thank you very much! So, let's move on to another place now!"

After the shortage of manpower was alleviated, Euphemia and others were finally able to allocate some energy to deal with the visions above their heads.

After changing from the meeting to the palace where Yufimiya lived, Yufimiya exchanged glances with Lei Mingkai as soon as she sat down on the main seat.

"Now, please exchange the information you have!"

"Everyone, let me do it first!"

As soon as the two sang and played together, they took the initiative in their hands.

Although the means are obvious, everyone disagrees.

As the lord of the empire, Euphemia and Lei Mingkai do have this right and obligation.

"A few days ago, the rebels led by Mariana started a war of rebellion that had a far-reaching impact on the empire. Although not long ago, the rebellious leader Mariana had already broken the law, but its impact has caused irreparable influence on the empire. loss."

"On this point, the responsibility lies with me!"

As soon as Lei Mingkai finished speaking, Aurora immediately took the responsibility.

Aurora's altogether caused an uproar in the crowd.

Except for Euphemia and Shamna, the two CODE holders who were able to get in and out of C, no one else could believe that the real culprit that caused Mariana to lead the remnants of the sect to set off a war of rebellion that burned the empire would be like this. Appeared swaggeringly here! !

Moreover, judging from the attitudes of Euphemia and Lei Mingkai, neither of them seems to have any intention of pursuing them.

"Your purpose is to get the guarantee of continuity when the world changes suddenly?"

The petite He Nana suddenly pointed out Aurora's purpose.

"Yes. Guests from another world. This is our collective decision. Judging from the recent development, this is the top priority choice. However, what we didn't expect was that in the world of C The man who caused a shocking change still has a back hand, almost obliterating our existence."

"Isn't stealing chickens to lose rice? Besides, my name is He Nana."

After He Nana smiled, she raised her head slightly, seeming to mock Aurora.

"According to her, this may be the cause of all these changes, but it is no longer important. What is important is that according to the real-time monitoring of the Throne of Domination, this country has now been separated from the original world. Came out, and was thrown into an anomalous space under the influence of unknown forces."

He Nana glared at Aurora and continued:

"At the same time as this anomalous space appeared, several continental plates of unknown origin and no corresponding data could be found in the central database of the Domination Throne also appeared one after another, and bordered the continental plate where this country is located."

"Nana. Since we can detect the continental plates of unknown origin that border here, can we detect the situation there?"

He Meimei raised the question.

This is also the question of Euphemia, Lei Mingkai and others.

"I will answer this question! After all, I am monitoring all this happening in the audience."

A stream of light descended from the void, and the figure of Weier Weian also appeared beside Lei Mingkai.

"When those continental plates appeared, I activated the various detection instruments of the Dominion Throne to detect the continental plates. However, I found that no matter how I mobilized the detection instruments on the Dominion Throne, I could not realize those unknown origins. Exploration of continental plates."

"Then, the continental plate we see is an illusion? Is it included in these illusions?"

His Royal Highness the blonde princess, Ethelam stepped forward to talk and raised his finger to the window.

I saw that above the sky, a scarlet star was rising impressively.

"That... Is that Mars?!!!"

Above the night sky, the crimson symbol is Mars, the planet that humans call the magical planet.

However, the sky above the Britannia Empire should have been shattered. How could it be possible to see exactly the same astrology as before?

Vier Weian and He Nana looked at each other, and He Nana's turn was the voice.

"Let me explain this! Everyone, what you are seeing is not an illusion. Although the detection equipment on the Throne of Domination cannot detect those unfamiliar continents, there happens to be a set of new spaces on the Goblin that have just been installed. Detection instrument. And it just detected the culprit that caused the failure of the detection instrument that ruled the Throne."

He Nana raised her hand and clicked repeatedly in the air, and a series of holographic projection screens appeared in front of everyone.

"Although from the perspective of human senses, this shocking change seems to be over. But judging from the data obtained by the detection instrument, this shocking change is just a step up. The proof is to let the ruler dominate. The shielding force field where most of the Throne's detection instruments fail."

As the roads are marked as "unknown", the signs of "unknown" gradually occupy the holographic projection screen, and the mystery shrouded in those unfamiliar continents has also lifted the veil of mystery.

"These force fields are very well hidden! Not only do they have a high level of information shielding performance, they also have the power to block anything that wants to pass through the force field and reach the other end."

Speaking of the back, the holographic projection screen in front of everyone also played an image of a probe satellite launched from the Domination Throne, trying to pass through the invisible force field to reach the other end to detect the situation, but was crushed by the force field on the spot.

Such a difficult force field is really rare.

"Is this not bad or good news?"

Lei Mingkai pondered for a while and gave a wry smile.

Since they can't detect the situation of those unfamiliar continents, it may also mean that civilizations on those unfamiliar continents may also encounter the same problem.

"It is indeed possible."

Weier Weian took the topic and continued:

"However, compared to the thorny unfamiliar continent, the starry sky above us seems to have begun to change. The most obvious thing is that Princess Athelam also pointed out just now. The planet called Mars is not only getting more and more serious. The ground is bright, and it may even further shorten the distance to the earth."


Ethelam was taken aback, and subconsciously exclaimed.

"You mean Mars is drawing closer here? How is this possible? This will cause gravitational disasters."

"No. Common sense says that this may indeed cause disaster, but in this weird space, the physical rules we perceive may have changed. Therefore, no matter how weird it is, it is possible to happen."

He Nana sighed and raised another topic.

"This is the current situation for the time being. Detailed data, we still need further monitoring. But before that, I am afraid that we have to deal with some things. Sister Weier Weian, do you think so?"

After hearing this, Valiant nodded solemnly.

"Kay, Your Majesty Euphemia, just now, the Throne of Domination has detected two distress signals. One is from a distress signal that is close to the mainland of the Britannia Empire and hundreds of nautical miles east of the Pacific Ocean. The other is a distress signal. It is a signal for help from a certain airspace above the starry sky with coordinates close to point L1."

"Sign for help?"

Lei Mingkai and Euphemia looked at each other and nodded together.

"Let it out!"

"Then, let's play the first signal for help!"

A golden light flashed in Vier Weian's eyes, and there was a noise, but Teresa, who had been listening without speaking, was suddenly unable to sit still and played with it.

"Help! Help! This is the son of the assault landing submarine Danu belonging to the Mithril Western Pacific Team. I am Captain Richard Madokas. The ship is under attack by unknown enemies. The situation is urgent! The situation is urgent! Please come and support now! Please support this ship now!!"

"Lieutenant Colonel Madokas?! How come? He...he obviously didn't come here with me?!"

Teresa was stunned, seemingly unable to accept the authenticity of this request for help.

But the next second, a picture taken by an orbiting reconnaissance satellite made Teresa have to accept this fact.

On the dry seabed,

The son of Danu, the assault landing submarine designed and manufactured by Teresa herself, was lying there with bruises.

And around it, a bunch of weird and ferocious beasts are frantically rushing towards the son of Danu.

"Captain Teresa, Avalon will leave it to you! Let's go! Xia Yufang, Xia Yulan, each of you lead a team of guards to follow Teresa to rescue the son of Danu."

The resolute and resolute Euphemia did not wait for Teresa to speak, but immediately gave the order.

Not only gave Avalon to Teresa, but even Xia Yufang, who had always been her shadow guard, assigned Xia Yulan to Teresa.

Teresa's eyes twinkled, and she bit her lip slightly, and no matter how many words she said in her heart, it only turned into a firm knight's salute.

"Yes! Your Majesty!"

Seeing the twin sisters who had been very low since they became Euphemia's shadow guards, followed Teresa and left, Lei Mingkai once again turned his attention to Vier Weian.

The latter also tacitly released the second distress signal.

This time, Lei Mingkai and Lux ​​were surprised.

"This is the assault landing ship Minerva belonging to Zaft! This ship encountered a surprise attack when it was ordered to protect the frontier research station of DSSD. The friendly forces accompanying this ship have been wiped out, and this ship is also in a very dangerous situation. All the friendly forces who heard this request for help, please come and support this ship immediately! This ship...this ship is keeping the truth about the X1 rift!"

"I am Talia Kuradis, the current captain of the Minerva! I take the honor of a soldier as a guarantee! This is the key to the survival of mankind! All friendly forces who hear the signal for help must come to support this ship!! !!!"

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