Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 778: Converge



   When the two became the main theme of the moment, everyone had already boarded their love machine, waiting for the moment of attack.

   The external communications connected with the spacecraft are also faithfully relaying the entire process of rushing from the other side of the earth to the back of the earth by the "wind" of the atmosphere.

   "Distance, 3,500. Attention everyone! Start the countdown!"

   This is the spaceship fleet starting from the dominance throne, completing a critical flight and successfully reaching the back of the earth.

   quantity, 10 ships!

   However, these 10 spaceships are not controlled by humans.

   Instead, it is controlled by the AI ​​Sharon Eppe, who has super computing power.

   With the support of its huge and accurate computing power, this extremely dangerous critical flight has ushered in the moment of completion.

"Sharon. After the attack, I will drive the Lancelot King's Sword to attract the enemy's attention. You guide True Asuka, Ray Za Barrell, and Luna Maria Hawke to **** the remaining ships into The imperial pillar of the sky."

   The spacecraft where Lei Mingkai and others are located is the only spacecraft in this spacecraft fleet.

   In addition to being controlled by Sharon, the remaining spaceships are equipped with the Freyja armed forces that were accumulated by the Domination Throne in small-batch production after Nezer and Nina presented Freyja to the empire.

   I have to say, now that the Domination Throne cannot support this operation with ultra-long-range main guns, these Freyja weapons are probably the most powerful trump card in Lei Mingkai's hand.

   Therefore, at the moment when the countdown to the attack was reset to zero, the first batch of Freyja armed strike groups accompanied the attack by Lancelot King's Sword.

   "Understand! The distance is 1500, lock the target! The countdown to the attack is reset to zero!"

   Sharon gave an order.

   "The first batch of Freyja strikes the cluster, launch!"

   The moment when the shadows of the twelve flames from the back of the earth suddenly appeared, it was the moment when Lei Mingkai attacked.

   "Lancelot·Sword of the King, strike!"

   Bright wings stretched out from the wide open hatch, and the surging energy gave Lancelot King's Sword powerful maneuverability.

   was just a light leap. The Lancelowe King's Sword came first, passed the spaceship, and caught up with the first batch of Freyja armed strike groups.

   "Ray Za Barrell. Your task is to **** the remaining spacecraft into the Imperial Pillar of Heaven. Of course, the other party will not trust you easily. How to complete the task is up to you."

   Although this attack was to support the Imperial Pillar of Heaven, now that Lei Mingkai did not take the initiative to reveal his identity, this attack was only a unilateral act.

   Heaven’s Imperial Pillar party probably didn’t know that there would be such a support army bringing 9 spaceships full of Freyja armaments to come to support it.


  Lei didn't talk nonsense, nodded, and immediately began to assign tasks.

   "Luna Maria. Send a communication request to the Heavenly Pillar."

   "Huh? Use Minerva's communication code? Or is it?"

   Luna Maria was taken aback, a little confused.

   "Idiot Luna Maria! Just disclose our identity. If it is Orb's Heavenly Imperial Pillar."

   Zhen Asuka first laughed and cursed Runa Maria, then there was a trace of worry in his eyes, and a trace of sadness.

   It’s just that neither Thunder nor Luna Maria found the slightest strangeness of the real Asuka.

   As for, Lei Mingkai.

   After he gave orders to Lei, he ignored the movement of the trio.

   "An unknown body was found ahead. A fierce battle with BETA is in progress."

   Immediately afterwards, Sharon placed the detected unknown target on the screen.

   Lei Mingkai recognized the real body of the unknown body that Sharon said at a glance.

   "Golden Heresy, Mina? It seems that our luck is pretty good!"

   Lei Mingkai condensed his eyes and moved his hands for a while. The Lancelot King's Sword slightly gathered its light wings, took the initiative to slow down, and broke away from the attack track of the first batch of Freyja armed forces.

   This is a very ordinary greeting.

   With twelve rays of brilliance at a time, the terrifying voice of a huge gap in the BETA army was the main greeting.

   In the shining light, Jin Heresy Mina stood quietly on the wreckage of a corner BETA whose body had been chopped off by half, seemingly amazed, but also suspicious of what happened before his eyes.

   In the blink of an eye, nearly a third of the BETA army, which had caused the Yuzhu of the sky to suffer, was wiped out.

   No matter how Mina guessed, he couldn't see through the truth that triggered the scene before him.

   "This is Knight K! Golden heresy, please answer when you receive it."

  The answer is announced at this moment.

   "Knight K?!"

   This is a code name, and it immediately evoked Mina's memory.

   In her impression, only a man would use such a code name.

   "Kay Britania? I didn't expect you to use such an old code name at this time of long-awaited reunion! Your Excellency Kay Britania."

   There was no hesitation or hesitation. While the memories of the past emerged, Mina uttered the truth behind the sudden communication.

   "Hehe. I didn't expect Patriarch Lund Mina Sahak's eyes to be so sharp that he recognized me all at once."

   Lei Mingkai chuckled, and Lancelot King's Sword passed through countless remains of BETA and came to Jin Hetian Mina's body.

   may be a coincidence,

   may be deliberate,

   The first batch of Freyja armed explosions just disappeared, and the second batch of ten Freyjas immediately exploded.

   The dazzling brilliance is like the slowly rising sun, dispelling all the darkness at this moment, and also stretched the shadow of Lancelot King's Sword extremely long, covering most of the golden heresy Heaven Mina.

   "That...that machine body!?"

  The pure white body, embellished with golden carvings, and the strange body that seemed particularly sacred on the whole made Mina stunned.

   That is not Zaft, nor is it a body that can be produced by the Earth Union.

  From the shape and design style, even the pair of highly impactful light wings, remind Mina of this moment all the time.

   "Unexpectedly, the knight who has been missing for a long time will still make such a big noise when he reappears!"

   Mina, who quickly stabilized his mind, glanced at the BETA army, which had been easily wiped out with most of his troops, and the corners of his mouth cocked slightly.

   "No, this is just a little trick."

   The attack effect of the Freyja armed forces is surprisingly good.

   Lei Mingkai, who originally thought there would be a big battle, eventually realized that he was just walking through the scene.

"little tricks?"

   Mina raised her brows.

   "If this is a small trick, then the Earth United might wish to hold these small tricks in its hands."

   Lei Mingkai felt that there was something in Mina's words.

   After all, this is still a battlefield, and there is no room for unscrupulous chats.

   In the next second, the BETA army that was attacking the Imperial Pillar of Heaven unexpectedly retreated, accelerating away from the Imperial Pillar of Heaven in groups.

   Even if they were chased and obliterated by the mobile suit belonging to the Heavenly Imperial Pillar during the retreat, they couldn't make these ferocious monsters bite back and attack humans.

   "Sharon! Stop attacking!"

   As soon as he discovered the movement of the BETA army, Lei Mingkai immediately issued an order to terminate the attack.

   "Understood! All detection units immediately lock the target, activate the tracking module, and carefully search for changes in the surrounding space."

   Sharon understood what Lei Mingkai meant.

   is nothing more than wanting to repeat the previous scene.

   The BETA army will retreat while HIVE is still alive, and I am afraid there will be unusual changes behind it.

   Then, catching this unusual change is the way to solve the current dilemma.

   As long as you find HIVE, which you don’t know where to hide, and destroy it, no matter how many BETA troops are around you, it will turn into a headless fly that can’t find things, north and south, and let it be slaughtered.


   also cannot rule out the possibility that there will be other HIVEs in the farther and farther universe, even on the ground of the earth, and can affect the BETA operations in the universe.


   Just as they were about to flex their muscles and cover the remaining spacecraft to enter the Imperial Pillar of Heaven, Luna Maria found that the BETA army that had surrounded the Pillar of Heaven impenetrably escaped under the attack of two batches of Freyja armed forces.

   Such a rapid change made her almost unable to react.

   "It seems that our luck is better."

  Lei seemed to be relieved.

However, in this tragic battlefield, the appearance of the spaceship formation led by the trio makes the survivors of the Imperial Pillar of Heaven unable to help but give birth to a bit of hard fighting so far, and they can see the hope of reinforcements coming to life. .

   is too tragic!

   Even with Lund Mina Sahak, Luo and Cong Yunhai and other outstanding pilots fighting on the front line, the loss suffered by Tianzhi Yuzhu is already traumatic.

  The closer you get to the Imperial Pillar of Heaven, the more you can see the broken body mixed with the corpse of BETA.

  Especially in the final defensive circle of Tianzhiyuzhu, almost the heresy produced by Orb was destroyed and exploded.

   Among the wreckage, one can even see a trace of debris floating out of the broken cockpit, as well as blood.

   "This space station is about to end."

   Looking at the wreckage of a heresy floating in front of him, Lei saw a face that had lost his life and died in pain and distortion from the wreckage that was obviously the torso.

   "Then, we ran all the way here, didn't we ran away for nothing?"

   Zhen Asuka opened his mouth and murmured to Then, he seemed to remember something suddenly.

   "That's right! When the Minerva was sailing, I heard a rumor. It seems that there is a space station that is recruiting Orb citizens scattered around the world. Could it be that..."

   "Really, you are talking about the rumored Heavenly Yuzhu?!"

   Apparently, Luna Maria had also heard the rumor.

   "It seems to be!"

   Above, the golden heresy Tian Mina and Lancelot King’s Sword were separated by a hundred meters, quietly watching the scene where the trio escorted the spaceship cluster into the imperial pillar of the sky.

   "Those ship loaded, I am afraid it is not a long-awaited reunion gift, right?"

   Mina said so.

   "No, that is indeed a gift. It is just a gift for BETA."

   Lei Mingkai replied.

"BE···BETA? Haha. It seems that Lord Knight’s experience has exceeded my imagination. Why not go back to the Imperial Pillar of Heaven and talk about it in detail. At the same time, Lord Knight should also come to support the Imperial Pillar of Heaven. Thanks for the action made."

   "Alright! I also want to ask the owner of the family something."



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