Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 781: The Eve of Breakthrough

   Lei Mingkai is based in the busy Ganaku.

   He stared at the people around him who focused on the work on his hands, and did not have the large and small wounds on his body at all.

   There was a bright red trace on the foot, even though it had been wiped off, but it was still eye-catching and dazzling.

   Before Lei Mingkai came to Ganaku, an unfortunate incident happened here.

   A pilot who was lucky enough to be rescued by his comrades from the area full of BETA wreckage, when he was removed from the broken body, he suddenly suffered from unexplained bleeding symptoms and died suddenly on the spot.

   Let those pilots who could save their comrades once again watch a life that shouldn't have died, and die in such a dramatic way in front of their own eyes.

   "Looks like I'm too worried."

   Mina's voice came from the right.

   "What happened just now? I heard."

   Lei Mingkai guessed what Mina was worried about.

   No matter how cruel and terrifying the enemy is, it can't be worth a comrade-in-arms dying in such a powerless and dramatic way on the eve of his imminent salvation.

   This will deal a serious blow to the pilots who gritted their teeth and fought to the end.

   "Well. Yes. I walked around just now. Although everyone's morale is a bit low, it can still guarantee the development of the follow-up plan."

   Mina nodded, then raised her head to look forward not far away.

   There, she parked her love machine—Golden Heresy Tian Mina.

   After staring at the love machine quietly for a while, Mina moved her gaze again and looked at an unusually silent area on the left.

   There, Lei Mingkai’s body, the Lancelot King’s Sword, was parked.

   "To be honest, when you drive this aircraft and appear in front of me, do you know what my first reaction is?"

   Lei Mingkai shook his head, saying that he didn't know.

   Mina smiled softly.

"After the first battle of Yakin Duvy, the pure white lion that crossed the starry sky used an unintelligible force to drag the earth into the era of undeniable Genesis and destroy it in one fell swoop, and left a sign that the footsteps of mankind will never Stop at the guidance of the solar system."

   said, Mina's smile gradually became more mysterious.

   "However, there is only one truth in the hearts of many survivors of Yakin Duvy's battle. A legend that defends against the attacks of Genesis in a stand-alone manner."

   Mina moved his gaze away from Lancelot King's Sword and fell on Lei Mingkai.

   "And this legend is the knight guarding the princess's side, Lei Mingkai, and the legendary body he drives-Liberty Gundam."

   Lei Mingkai was speechless on the spot.

   Although Mina’s narrative gave Lei Mingkai such a light and airy feeling, after thinking about it, I feel that this so-called legend is a bit exaggerated?

  The pure white lion that came across the starry sky?

   What the **** is this?

   "This is pretty good! I didn't expect people in that world to be quite discerning."

  In an instant, the image of a white cat proudly raised his head in Lei Mingkai's mind.

   Needless to think about it, the fellow of Type Zero heard Mina's account and became proud.

   "Zero, don’t you think it’s possible that someone is behind it?"

   "What do you mean? Kay, are you saying that someone is taking advantage of our performance in the first battle of Yakin Duwei to do things?"

   "I feel like this."

   Lei Mingkai is not sure, but there is a faint feeling in his heart.

   You must know that even in the original world line, the wolf combination that ended Genesis is far less exaggerated than Mina's description of Lei Mingkai and Zero's record in the battle of Yakin Duwei.

   Kira on the original world line, when he came back, he made the two parties involved in the battle exclaim "Freedom Gundam", and then quickly led the way.

In contrast, at present, through Mina’s description, Lei Mingkai might as well speculate that if someone secretly contributed to the situation, constantly modifying, legendary, or even mythological Lei Mingkai’s performance in the battle of Yakin Duwei. ···

   Thinking of a deeper level, Lei Mingkai's brows were already deeply frowned.

   "Making God?"

   "It seems that you also thought of that level. But from the information I have so far, this is just an unconfirmed guess."

   Mina's words made Lei Mingkai shook his head.

   "No. Since this is the case, we don't have to worry about this. Now, what we want to focus on is the next path of the heavenly imperial pillar."

   "Yes! This is the last way."

   "Do you regret it? If you insist, reinforcements might arrive."

   "No! This is nothing to regret! Although the Heavenly Imperial Pillar is important, but at the same time when the people are lost, the Heavenly Imperial Pillar is nothing more than the rotten copper scrap floating in space."

   Mina's gaze fell on a heresy that had undergone emergency repairs and finally had the power of World War I once again.

   "The people are the foundation of the country. Otherwise, even with the most powerful weapons and the indestructible fortress, it would be just a joke."

   "For this, you do not hesitate to use the imperial pillar of the sky as a bargaining chip to open the way?"

Mina’s plan is to use the huge quality and excellent defense power of the Heavenly Pillar itself to attract the enemy's attention as much as possible, thereby creating an opportunity for Mina to evacuate the people in the Heavenly Pillar. .

   Frankly speaking, this method is not a good one.

  Especially before Lei Mingkai did not lead the rescue team to intervene, even if the Heavenly Imperial Pillar was used to create evacuation opportunities, I am afraid it would be difficult to succeed.

   There are too many BETA.

In addition, Mina, and even Tianzhi’s imperial pillar lacked BETA’s intelligence, and it is impossible to know where these seemingly huge waves of terrifying enemies come from and how they can influence them. Even interrupted the BETA offensive.

   For everything, Mina can only rely on some of the data sent from the D.S.S.D space station before the loss of connection and some of the images circulated from the joint hands of the Earth to make speculations and formulate strategies.

   "This is the only way. Knight."

   Mina does not regret her choice.

   Even after learning part of the truth about BETA from Lei Mingkai, there is no intention to change this method.

At most, it is to change the goal of the Heavenly Imperial Pillar from disturbing the enemy's sight, attracting the enemy's attention as much as possible, and covering the purpose of the people's evacuation, to finding the influence as much as possible, and controlling the BETA around the Heavenly Imperial Pillar. The black hand behind the scenes, and then use the imperial pillar of the sky as the hole card to fight to the death.

   "This is not a good way!"

   "But this is the most likely way to succeed at the moment. Knight, if the BETA you describe is true and credible, then those disgusting monsters will not leave us calmly waiting for the arrival of reinforcements."

   Mina's words, Lei Mingkai deeply agrees.

   What's more, the detection drone clusters hovering in the cosmic region around the Imperial Pillar of Heaven also happened to send back a message.

   is information about the second HIVE.

   "Never mind! The gift I prepared for BETA hasn't been sent yet!"

   The intense rescue work has come to an end after all.

  Whether it is the wounded who died in the treatment or gained a new life in the treatment, they have become the last footprints of the imperial column of the sky at this moment.

   The clear water washed the black and red blood stains off the hands, staining the entire water tray red, and also made the red pupils of True Asuka itself become blood red and hideous.

   "Thank you! Boy."

   The burly figure stepped on a slightly tired footstep and came to the side of Zhen Asuka.

   Those hands that were also black and red stained with blood also turned on the faucet like a real Asuka, and slowly and forcefully washed the blood stains between the wrists.

   "No! I'm just hitting hands. There is nothing commendable."

   Zhen Asuka shook his head, and didn't take the scene of helping out when he was running around in order to save one more life as much as possible.

   "Young man. Your techniques are so old. I can see that you have worked **** the battlefield first aid."

   In the sound of splashing water, a calm but tired voice tells the scenes that the man has seen.

   "That's the result of practicing hard just to save your life as much as possible when unfortunately injured on the battlefield."

   Zhen Asuka raised his hand and closed the faucet, slightly raised his head and looked at himself in the mirror.

   Those ruby-like eyes are already at a loss.

   This is a scene that will only happen after experiencing life and death personally, and after witnessing life and death.

   "You're tired! It's time to take a rest. Boy."

   A burly figure appeared behind the real Asuka in the mirror.

   is the man who was mistaken for a doctor by Zhen Asuka and dragged him to treat the wounded.

   "Maybe! But now is not the time to rest."

   Zhen Asuka took a deep breath.

   "Doctor, I was very sorry just now! It was because I was anxious and didn't ask why, so I deadlifted you."

   The man shook his right hand, indicating that it was OK.

   "No. It should be. Even if you don't say it, I will run over by myself. UU Reading"

   The man smiled self-deprecatingly.

   "After all, I, an old man who seems useless, also have some useful things that can come in handy."

   "Doctor. You..."

   Zhen Asuka couldn't understand the man's self-deprecating words, but before he could ask, a figure interrupted his words.


   Before the sudden figure could speak, he was warned by the man's gaze, and he was scared to change his mouth immediately.

   "Doctor Yu···Yula. Master Mina has come to inform. It's time."


   The man was taken aback for a moment, and then his complexion became extremely heavy.

   "I see. I'll be there soon."

   There was a moment of silence, and the man looked at the real Asuka.

   "Boy. Thank you for coming here to support us. But please save your life as much as possible."

   The broad palms slapped Zhen Asuka's shoulder heavily.

   "If we can meet again next time, then, I hope we will introduce ourselves and have a pleasant conversation between us."



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