Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 824: CPU on Paradise Island

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The confident voice sounded.

The brilliance reflected by the white light falling on the red wine rippled in everyone's hearts with this sound.

This is a victory!

A war that made the Atlantic Federation, which once believed to be the leader of mankind, and even the death businessman Blue Cosmos, who manipulated this behemoth behind, almost considered powerless, finally ushered in the first since the outbreak of the X1 rift crisis. A victory.

This victory came too late!

When he arrives late, he will throw away all the territory within the traditional sphere of influence, and he can only shrink to a small island.

The people sitting on the two sofas kept looking at me and I looked at you, but no one spoke for a while.

"What's wrong?"

The man who occupies the first place alone and slowly tasting a glass of red wine seems a little dissatisfied.

Right now, it is a moment worth celebrating.

However, these allies are grimace.

It's really disappointing!

"You guys, it's really disappointing!"

The man casually placed the goblet on the table, standing up, carrying his hands on his back, stepping forward, walking slowly around the frustrated allies, and then stopped in front of the French window.

"Fortunately, our soldiers did not see your foul face! Your Excellency Drey. Don't you think it is time to fight the **** battle, and finally usher in the moment when the victorious soldier smiles triumphantly?"

The man's voice was steady and powerful, but everyone heard a slight threat.

An unshakable threat to the ruling authority of men.

Everyone exchanged their gazes subconsciously, and finally the person named by the man spoke.

He is a figure in the blue cosmos who has a closer relationship with men.

An old man who has just passed the sixty mark.

"Jibril. Our hometown is already occupied by that group of monsters. Judging from the last communication sent before the last base we left on that land fell, there is no longer any of our compatriots there. It's possible."

"Yes. It is true. Therefore, this paradise island is the last fortress and the last hope of our humanity! Isn't it? Drey."

The man did not turn to look at his allies, but continued to look at the busy command hall below.

Now, it has entered the stage of post-war consolidation.

Believe that soon there will be detailed results sent to him.

no doubt.

This will be an exciting event that can even spread the reputation of Paradise Island to all humans who are struggling to support under the ravages of that group of monsters.

Therefore, under the spread of this prestigious wind, the Paradise Island under the control of Blue Cosmos will surely be able to lead mankind out of the abyss of raging monsters and usher in a new future.

This is what his Jibril must do and must achieve.

"Is it the last hope? Jibril. Although we say so, we don't know enough about the strength of that group of monsters. If we send a message to the world so brazenly, I'm afraid it will be intercepted by the other party?"

"Huh! So what? The strength of that group of monsters is terrifying, but also weird. No one has discovered where they came from, but it is inevitable to concentrate all the troops that should have guarded the entire continent on the Paradise Island here. It's a fortress that the monsters can't shake."

After a pause, the man turned his face and looked at the elderly ally from the corner of his eye.

"Dre. You are tired. You must have accumulated a lot of fatigue during the retreat, and it's time to take a break."

The man's triumphant chuckle slowly sounded.

The allies in Drey's eyes were so strange.

"Relax! Leave it to me here, leave it to us! This victory is just the beginning! Dray, I believe that in the near future, we humans will inevitably return to our hometown and drive out the monsters!"


When the old man wanted to persuade Jibril, he was "guarded" by two powerful guards and sent out of the room.

At the same time, a nervous correspondent also passed them, trotting all the way, and came to Jibril.

"What's wrong?"

This was the last word Drey heard when he was sent out of the room by the "guard".

After a few minutes, the correspondent left the room.

However, compared with the tension before, this correspondent is already relaxed.

Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window again, watching the busy scene of the command hall below, Jibril slowly raised his eyes and looked at the scene on the upper left of the main screen.

That is the picture from the moon.

At the same time, it is also a picture from the Eighth Fleet, the space fleet controlled by the famous general of the Earth Union, Hal Barton.

"This is just a trivial matter. Compared with the fact that you send your proud students, assistants and even the main battleship, the Archangel, to Paradise Island to support, a mere biological CPU is nothing."

After thinking about it, Jibril raised his hand and gestured to the entourage next to him.

"You, come here! The order goes on, that...the biological CPU that seems to be called Stella will be temporarily taken care of by the captain of the Archangel Mariu Ramias."


After the order was over, Jibril turned around and looked at his allies.

"Come on! My friends! Now is the time to celebrate the arrival of victory, isn't it?"

At the same time, on the side of the paradise island, among the huge Ganaku.

The two lines are facing each other.

One is a person wearing a white coat with a spiral logo on the neckline.

On the other side is a crowd led by two women.

Among the crowds on both sides, there are a considerable number of soldiers equipped with guns.

The reason for this scene was a blonde girl who was held in her arms by a woman.

"You guys, it should be enough! The battle is over. Why continue to strengthen!?"

The woman held tightly the blond girl who had passed out into a coma, and stared at the crowd who insisted on taking the blond girl away.

"Now, Stella needs rest, not reinforcement!"

The fierce momentum surged like a tsunami, shaking the crowd in white coats on the spot.

After hesitating again and again, a middle-aged man who was slightly older and seemed to have a certain right to speak came out of the crowd.

"You are the captain of the Archangel, Lieutenant Colonel Mariu Ramías?"


The woman nodded, but her attitude did not ease in the slightest.

"I'm very sorry! Even you, the captain of the Archangel, cannot interfere with our work. This is also a preparation for the next battle! No, Stella was in the fierce battle just now. Fighting consumes too much..."

"I remember you didn't directly address Stella by name, but called her, and called them biological CPUs. Right?"

At this time. The black-haired woman standing next to Maru suddenly interrupted the man.

During the period, a sharp gaze also ran into the man's eyes, almost seeing through the bottom of it.


Biological CPU.

This is what these white lab coats give to the crowd where Stella is.

"Although this is a decision made for the continuation of mankind, your approach is too extreme."

The black-haired woman stepped forward and stood in front of Maru, yelling with force.

"In this war, an experienced pilot can lay the foundation for victory and guide the war to the final victory. It is not here that you call the "biological CPU" the name, and you want to play like a white mouse. !"

"You! Do you want to delay the next battle?!"

The man was pressed by the black-haired woman step by step, approaching the limit.

As a result, there was anger in his eyes, and he stared at the black-haired woman without fear, and even pointed at the blond girl in Maru's arms.

"Is this biological CPU worthy of you? She is just a chess piece that can be discarded at any time! Her role is just before being discarded..."

"Shut up! Doctor!"

At this moment, a cold drink interrupted the man's anger.

The eyes of both sides swept to the direction of the sound.

"I'm Major Zagus. Lieutenant Colonel Mario Ramías, Major Natal Bakilulu, I've heard of two big names for a long time."

The visitor did not pay attention to the crowd in white coats, but when he came, he took the lead to greet Maru and the others.

Such a positive attitude made Maru and the black-haired woman, Zebaki Lulu, exchanged glances.

The wise two already knew the meaning of the man behind the scenes who secretly controlled this paradise island.

So, after Maru handed the blond girl in her arms to someone else to take care of, she and Bucky Lulu returned a salute to the visitor.

"I'm Mario Ramias."

"This is Natal Bucky Lulu."

After a brief greeting, Zagus looked back at the crowd in white coats, and then said.

"The commander has heard that Stella and Lieutenant Colonel Mario Ramías have an old relationship. Therefore, now that Stella, a great hero, has returned victoriously, it is possible for the ensign and the lieutenant colonel to get together. Do you have any questions? ?"

After a moment of silence, the crowds in white coats left one after another, no longer entangled with Maru and others over the issue of Stella's belonging.

"Captain of the Archangel. I hope Stella can come here as soon as possible. Even if she doesn't continue to strengthen, she will at least maintain her current physical condition."

Upon hearing this, Maru glanced at the blond girl who was in a coma and nodded silently.

"When Stella wakes up, UU read and I will ask her intentions."

A turmoil was resolved.

However, in addition to Stella, more biological CPUs were lifted from the scarred body and sent to the depths of Paradise Island.

For them, neither Maru nor Bucky Lulu can do anything.

Being able to bring Stella out was already the limit of their abilities.

After all, the two, and even the biggest backing of the Archangel, is far above the moon.

What's more, in addition to biological CPUs including Stella, they are also forced to flee to Paradise Island under the raging monsters, in exchange for their lives to survive on Paradise Island, and for the chance of blessing, they will voluntarily become another one. The adjusters of this kind of biological CPU.

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