Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 89: Tango (4,000 words)

   Commercial Street.

   Although it is not a weekend, it still looks very popular. The people who travel through it are stylishly dressed, young and young men and women. Among them, Lei Mingkai and Euphemia, who are also stylishly dressed, are one of them.

   Lei Mingkai's gaze wandered around the commercial street and found that among the men and women who came and went, there were people like him.

   "Kay, that's it?" Euphemia also noticed the existence of those people.

   "Well. It's a reserve team. The same as us." Lei Mingkai retracted his gaze, so as not to stare for too long, causing them to notice the situation here.

   "Youphi, leave them alone. Let's go our own." Lei Mingkai stretched out and took Euphemia's hand, mixed into the crowd casually, and walked into the commercial street.

   And Yufimiya was also stopped by Lei Mingkai's abrupt hand in hand, quietly squeezing the right hand holding Lei Mingkai, and following Lei Mingkai step by step.

   "Yufie, have you been here with Marida?"

   After walking out of the commercial street for a while, Lei Mingkai was surprised at Euphemia, who was still silent to this day. You know that shopping should be a girl's nature.

   Although this commercial street is not very prosperous, it should have quite a good attraction for Yuphemia, a princess who stays in the deep palace all the year round. However, the princess must remain silent.

"Ah? No, no, it's not." Euphemia was taken aback, and quickly waved his hand. After looking around, his eyes lit up, and he pointed to the crowd not far away and said, "Kay, look! Over there! Something fun seems to have happened!"

   Lei Mingkai looked at Euphemia’s fingers and found that it was a shop with the sign of “Sato Model Shop” surrounded by the crowd. Judging from the reaction of the crowd who kept whispering, it seemed that something interesting was happening.

   "Would you like to go over and take a look? Yuffi?" Lei Mingkai glanced at Yufimia, who was eager to try, and asked softly.

   "Hmm!" Euphemia nodded.

   Since Euphemia awakened here, Lei Mingkai had some faint feelings. The Third Queen of the Britanian Empire is gradually disappearing, replaced by Euphemia, who has become more and more lively.

   Lei Mingkai was in front and Euphemia was behind, and the two of them forced a way out of the crowd with Lei Mingkai's strong physique.

Of course.

   Lei Mingkai squeezed through the crowd forcefully, naturally, scolding was indispensable. But when the people around saw the pink girl hiding behind Lei Mingkai, who had an aristocratic atmosphere in her every move, only a few murmurs left her anger and gave up.

   Soon, the two people who passed through the crowd came to the clearing where the crowd was paying attention. Looking around, Lei Mingkai was stunned for a moment and then smiled knowingly.

   "What else did I say? It turned out to be Gunpla against."

   In the next second, Euphemia, who was protected by Lei Mingkai in his arms, pointed to the two-meter-high blackboard behind the Gunpla battle platform and said: "Kay! Look at that blackboard."

"Together with your partner, drive a Gunpla model to complete a dance, and accept evaluations from all audiences. The highest rated person can get a limited edition Xiongba Gunpla model. (Note: There is no mandatory requirement for dance type and difficulty.) "

   After reading the text on the blackboard, Lei Mingkai blinked, thinking that this was an event held by the store to gather popularity. Although the reward is not very generous in the eyes of most people, among the Gunpla fighters, it is an irresistible temptation.

   After all, he is the invincible and cute bear tyrant.

   That cute look, even women who are not Gunpla fighters will like it.

  No, when Lei Mingkai and Euphemia watched the prompt text on the blackboard, a couple of men and women had already stepped onto the Gunpla battle platform.

   "The rules are very simple. As long as you drive the Gunpla model Flash Gundam and Nobel Gundam to complete a dance of your own choice, and get the highest evaluation from the audience, you can get a limited edition Gunpla model bear fighter."

   The owner of the model shop nodded towards the pair of men and women, then moved away and guided the pair into the driving position.

   "Are you ready?"

  The model shop owner confirmed again.

The audience around    also applauded at this moment. Lei Mingkai and Euphemia also applauded together, cheering for the brave couple.

   The young man who seemed to be a Gunpla fan and his girlfriend who was standing across from him glanced at them, and then nodded to the model shop owner.

   "Then, let's start!"

   "The battle begins! Exercise mode! Field, grassland!"

   As soon as the Gunpla battle system was activated, the light emitted by the familiar Pallavsky particles instantly filled the audience. Immediately afterwards, following the young man's low voice prompt, the model shop owner skillfully turned on the speaker.

   The explosive music immediately bombed the audience.

   "Is this going to dance hip-hop?" Lei Mingkai subconsciously said when he heard the rhythmic electronic music.

   "Hip-hop? What kind of dance is that?" Although Euphemia received the most rigorous court dance education, he knew very little about street dance from the folks. After all, as the noble royal family, even if the thousands of selected dance teachers knew the existence of street dance, they would not be bold enough to hand over the street dance that seemed to be rebellious in the eyes of the nobles to the third emperor.

"Well, you can think of it as a collective term for a number of different kinds of dances that were born in the folk and based on different street cultures or music styles. Look, they have started." Lei Mingkai briefly explained, then Immediately Euphemia focused on the opposite platform.

   With the sound of extremely rhythmic music, the Flash Gundam and Nobel Gundam placed in the center of the battle stage also moved under the control of the little couple.

   It's just that, compared to the man's skilled manipulation, the woman's manipulation seems a bit strange.

   I saw Nobel Gundam under her control, just after completing the first dance movement with Flash Gundam, he clicked and fell to the ground, his limbs still shaking.

   After many struggles to no avail, the woman turned around and ran away in a fit of anger, causing the young man to chase after her and to please her again and again. This scene caused a lot of onlookers to laugh, but they also succeeded in attracting the little lovers who were watching to give it a try.

   Suddenly, Lei Mingkai was looking at the farce made by a pair of young lovers on the battle stage, only to find that Euphemia was pulling the corner of his clothes.

   "Kay, why don't we go up and try?"

   Lei Mingkai was taken aback, and subconsciously asked: "Yufie, have you tried Gunpla against?"

   Euphemia nodded, smiled and said: "When I went out with Marida, we tried it before, and it should work."

   Looking down at Euphemia's eager expression, Lei Mingkai suddenly remembered that in Lelouch's original plot, Euphemia once drove the amphibious KMF body Portman to attack.

   Although there was no battle, it was enough to be able to drive Portman through the woods in a short time and find the Suzaku who was confronting ZERO at the time. It was enough to prove Euphemia's talent.

   "Well, let's try it!" Lei Mingkai nodded, as if suddenly remembering something. "Yufie, have you decided to do that dance? Judging from the performance of those people just now, the two Gunpla models seem to be a bit wrong."

   Euphemia's eyebrows were slightly furrowed, and after thinking for a while, his eyes lit up. "Right! Tango!"

   "Tango?" Lei Mingkai was puzzled and looked at Euphemia with some surprise. "Yufie, have you learned tango? Will the court dance teacher let you learn this?"

   Euphemia chuckled and said slyly: "I learned it secretly. But I never really tried it."

   Lei Mingkai glanced at Euphemia speechlessly, and suddenly felt that Euphemia in front of him seemed more like an ordinary girl.

   "Okay! Let's go! My Royal Highness."

   At the same time as making a decision, Lei Mingkai also took a step forward, left the crowd, and turned around to send out an invitation to Euphemia.

   As soon as the two approached the Gunpla battle platform, the surrounding audience suddenly lit up.

   Among them, many people recognized Lei Mingkai as the culprit who squeezed the crowd forcefully just now, and also recognized Euphemia as the girl I felt so sorry for.

   For a while, those who were expecting Lei Mingkai to make a fool of himself couldn't help but smile with schadenfreude.

   "Which music do you want to choose?" The model shop owner saw the beautiful combination of Lei Mingkai and Euphemia, and he couldn't help but feel good, and asked in a good manner.

   Lei Mingkai and Euphemia looked at each other, and Lei Mingkai nodded. "a step far."

   The owner of the model shop was taken aback, and he didn't believe what he heard. "A step away? This is Tango, right?"

   "Yes. Tango." Lei Mingkai confirmed.

   "Okay! I look forward to your performance." Seeing that Lei Mingkai and Yufimiya were determined, the model shop owner had no choice but to say anything, so they turned to choose the music Lei Mingkai they wanted.

   "Youphi, don't be afraid of wrong steps! Tango has no wrong steps, just like life." Lei Mingkai whispered in Euphemia's ear when Euphemia was sent to the Gunpla driving position.

   "Well. I will follow your footsteps." Yufimia nodded obediently.

   "Are you ready?" the model shop owner asked.

  Music, ready!

   Lei Mingkai put his hands on the control ball and said loudly: "Let's start!"

   The next second, the violin rang.

   This violin symphony, which is obviously different from the music chosen by all the young couples before, immediately aroused the exclamation of all the audience.

  On the field, Flash Gundam and Nobel Gundam slowly approached in the violin music.

   With every step taken, Lei Mingkai's heart becomes steady.

   Nobel Gundam's movements are a bit trembling, but overall, it is considered stable. It can be seen that Euphemia has indeed tried Gunpla against.

   "If there is a sister, will there be a sister?" Lei Mingkai smiled lightly, Flash Gundam raised his hand and held Nobel Gundam together.

   Nobel Gundam’s left hand rested on Shining Gundam’s right shoulder, and Shining Gundam’s right hand gently supported Nobel Gundam’s back. The two Gundams were tightly attached to each other at this moment.

   At this moment, the tone of the violin changed, Flash Gundam stepped forward with his left foot, and Nobel Gundam's right foot stepped back at the same time.

   The first step is perfect.

   Lei Mingkai cast an appreciative look at Euphemia, and then continued to guide Euphemia to control Nobel Gundam's next move.

   With the guidance of Lei Mingkai and the awakening of Euphemia’s memory of self-taught Tango in the early years, the movements of Flash Gundam and Nobel Gundam have gradually moved from being unfamiliar to being proficient.

   Moreover, their speed and tacit understanding exploded to a new level when the piano sound joined the tango music.

   No wrong step!

   No matter what steps Flash Gundam takes, Nobel Gundam still shows perfect tacit understanding.

   go sideways, turn left 90° and step,

   Make progress before turning left,

   or reverse,

   is so perfect.

   was so perfect that all the audience could not believe that this is what the Gunpla model can make.

   Even the model shop owner who knows the status of Flash Gundam and Nobel Gundam opened his mouth in disbelief, and his face was full of surprise.

   The performance of Lei Mingkai and Yufimiya made the little lovers who had failed their previous attempts but were unwilling to leave. Regardless of whether they feel unwilling to their failure in their hearts, but now, some people have done what they couldn't do. How can this not surprise and excite them!

   But, as soon as Flash Gundam and Nobel Gundam twisted once again, they let go of their arms, and there was a crisp sound.


   Nobel Gundam's left hand suddenly broke The unprepared Nobel Gundam fell to the ground severely and rolled several times in a row.

   This sudden change interrupted this beautiful and moving music like a thunder that suddenly exploded.

   "What's the matter? How could Gunpla break so easily?"

   In an instant, the knowledgeable audience seemed to see through.

   And Lei Mingkai also set his sights on the owner of the model shop. Lei Mingkai, who had already known that he had a clue, had a rather bad look.

   The fine sweat quietly climbed on the forehead of the model shop owner. He watched and listened to more and more audiences discovering the discerning voices and unkind gazes. He was anxious and raised his right hand and shouted: "Number one! This couple is number one! Does anyone have an opinion?"


   The audience is silent!

   Just when the model shop owner could barely bear the pressure from the audience, applause rang out.

   Everyone applauded for the victory of Lei Mingkai and Euphemia, and at the same time they sent waves of admiration and blessings. This made Euphemia's face flushed.

   But Lei Mingkai and Euphemia, who are taking over the limited edition Gunpla model Xiongba from the owner of the model shop, did not know that a young man and woman were smiling slightly, separated the crowd, and disappeared into the street.

   "Ling. You seem to be very happy!"

   "Is there? You must have read it wrong! Carmon, have you prepared Julia's gift? You know, she is still thinking about the 13th year, and you forgot to come back for her birthday!"

   "Ah! Julia is only fifteen years old! Why do you hold such a grudge? I am her father!"

   "Hehe, who knows! Women are sometimes stingy!"


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