Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 894: April city spread by war

"Warning! Warning! Detected the invasion of the BETA Space Force! All staff immediately..."

The moment a sharp warning sound swept the laboratory, it was the moment when the crowd quickly and precisely evacuated the laboratory.

But behind the crowd of people who left their jobs, there was a person standing on the experimental platform for a long time and never left.

"Professor! Professor! Professor William!"

The two young men pushed open the door of the laboratory, calling out someone's name.

"Professor William is there!"

The next second, the taller young man saw the figure standing on the edge of the experimental table at a glance.

Exactly what they were looking for, Professor William.

"Oh. It's you! Why don't you take refuge? The worms have already attacked."

William turned his head and looked at the two young men,

They were the young students and assistants who were matched with him when he was in charge of this sub-project.

"No! We're going to take refuge. But after seeing the professor, you haven't left the laboratory, so we rushed over."

"Yes! Professor, let's take refuge! I heard from people outside that this time, not only the group of bugs attacked us, but also a group of monsters from unknown sources also appeared on the battlefield!"

The anxious words of the students did not cause anxiety in William's heart, on the contrary, his heart was very calm now.

"Really? It seems that my guess and that of the professor are correct. It's about time."

William's words confused the two students for a while.

"Professor, time is running out. Let's go!"

The students were worried about the professor's safety, for fear that he would not be able to get to the refuge facility in time and an accident would occur.

During this time, the students have been impressed by William's knowledge.

Whatever the problem, William can always find a solution.

"Yeah! Time is running out! Let's go!"

William shook his head and stopped looking at his students.

"I'm staying here! It's about time."



Suddenly, a violent explosion occurred in the passage outside.

The moment the terrifying shock wave swept through the corridor, the two students were also dizzy and fainted.

The air is filled with the fiery, unpleasant smell of fire-burning objects,

He heard the sound of the flames sweeping through everything, and the heart-pounding movements that came from the sea of ​​​​fire.

"It's them!"

William was no stranger to this heart-pounding movement.

Because, he was also a member of the study of these movements.


A group of monsters from the outer universe!

A monster that will only devour all living things and all material things.

William's eyes looked through the flames and saw the two students who were still worried about him just now, and urged him to rush to evacuate.

At this moment, William remembered what Durandal said that day when he found him.

"William, to what extent do humans have to evolve to be considered powerful?"


Humans have been evolving since their birth.

In the wild period, the initial period of civilization, the period of civilization explosion, the morale of civilization was at its peak, and the footprints of human beings went from the wild continent to the broader new continent, to the deep blue sea, and even to the boundless and deep space.

But are these evolutions the ultimate human evolution?

William believes, and firmly believes, that this will never be the final evolution of the human race.

"Professor, this may be the opportunity you're talking about!"

William withdrew his gaze, ignoring the flames that had occupied the entire passage and spread into the laboratory.

All he cares about now is the vacuum chamber behind the multiple layers of sealed glass.

There, there is a batch of medicines that have just been offline.

A batch of medicines that embodies William's lifelong efforts.

"it's time!"

The flames behind him were extremely hot.

It was hot enough to make the white coat on William's body turn brown, giving off a burning smell.

Moreover, the two students had already been swallowed up by the flames, and could no longer see their appearance clearly, only the figure that kept twitching in the flames until it was dead silent.

The heat of the flame made William feel a pain, but he didn't respond.

His hands were extremely steady, he took a bunch of keys out of his pocket, jumped out a key, and inserted it into a certain slot on the test bench.

The flames have lit William's white coat.

In the blink of an eye, William was ravaged by flames all over his body.

In the firelight, William's eyes were fixed on the key inserted into the slot.


The sound of the key being in place was the last sound William had ever heard in the world.

In the space domain where he is located, the flames of war are raging.

One of Zaft's warships was pierced by laser beams from the terrifying big eyeballs, causing terrifying explosions.

"Don't back off! Don't back off! It's by our side! Never let this **** bug rush into our home!"

From the blue Zaku Phantom-Slash came Yitzhak's classic irritable voice.

"Hey! Itzhak, don't worry! Watch out for those big-eyed monsters' lasers!"

As Izagu's deputy, Diego, who was driving the black Zaku Phantom-Flame, kept persuading Izak not to rush forward recklessly.

"Shut up! Brother Diego! Now is not the time to calm down. Those bugs ran out of nowhere and ran directly towards the city of April! In this situation, can you still linger?"

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Itzhak's eyes widened, and his tone was very anxious.

Diego sighed helplessly.

The current situation is indeed not optimistic.

Before half an hour, a small force of BETA had passed through Zaft's line and successfully landed on colonial satellites such as April City.

Although there are a lot of guard troops stationed on the colonial satellite, the current situation is that Zaft's defense line is constantly infiltrated.

If we continue, I am afraid we will only face a more terrifying situation.

"What are you thinking? Why don't you kill more bugs with me!"

Itzhak's roar pulled Diego's thoughts back.

Right now, there really isn't much to do.

"Yes! You attack, I support! Itzhak."

"Humph! That's how it should be! All members of the Meier team listen! Follow in my footsteps! Defend to the death!!"

Within the city of April, shrill explosions shook the inner air of this colonial satellite.

The high temperature brought about by the scorching flames disturbed the ecological balance system of the colonized satellite.

In an instant, the torrential rain fell, and it was the figures of people running towards the shelter in panic.

Also, that broke through the many obstacles inside the colonial satellite, and the monster figure appeared in the city.


Huge and hideous body,

Ugly and scary silhouettes,

And the cruel, brutal means of killing,

They are all telling the human beings in the colonized satellite a terrible truth.

The enemy is here to kill.

It is the slaughter of human beings!

"no, do not want…"

"Quick! Run!"

"mom, Mom, Mom…"


panic sound,

Cries resounded over the city of April City.

"Little, miss! We must leave here immediately! BETA has invaded the interior of many colonial satellites including April City!"

The head maid, incarnated by Yermengard, knocked on Lux's door anxiously.


Lux was startled and then asked.

"Did BETA launch a general attack?"

"It's not clear yet! But the only thing I know is that half an hour ago, BETA suddenly appeared in the L5 universe and launched a violent attack. The current battle situation is very critical! Zaft is deployed in the L5 universe. The fleet in the domain lost nearly half."

Yermengard briefly informed Lux ​​of the information he could gather so far.

Lux pondered for a while, then nodded and accepted Yermungad's request to evacuate.

"Okay! We'll evacuate now. But what's going on with Speaker Durandal?"

Yermengard, who had left the room with Lux, said as he walked.

"Before the BETA invasion, Durandal appears to have left the Supreme Council after receiving an urgent report from that secret laboratory. We have yet to know his whereabouts."

"Well, I see! Now, let's evacuate first..."

For the current situation of losing Durandal's whereabouts, Lux did not blame Yermengard.

After all, this is Durandall's home ground.

Especially after Durandal successfully implemented the destiny plan, the strength of the Klein faction was greatly affected.

If it weren't for the fact that Lux's sister-in-law, Clea Klein, had returned as Lux at that time, I'm afraid there wouldn't be much of a Klein faction now.

Evacuation was quick.

Lux, Yermengard and his party soon arrived at the port.

Mayu has been waiting here for the arrival of Lux and the others.

"Mayo. Don't you need to fight?"

Lux was a little surprised by Mayu's appearance.

"No. Lord Lux. Combat is a must. But now, I must **** you to safety before continuing to fight."

Mayu did not act alone, but only after receiving a communication from someone would she leave the battlefield, rush to the port, and wait for the evacuation of Lux and others.


Lux's eyes narrowed, and she had an answer in her heart.

"Okay! Let's go!"

But before taking a few steps away, Lux heard a commotion not far away.

Looking up, the crowd was arguing about the commotion of boarding and evacuating.

"what happened?"

Lux was surprised.

According to the evacuation process, this situation is impossible.

Moreover, Lux clearly saw that in front of the crowd, there were obviously many more spaceships parked in the port.

"They are D-class residents."

Yemengarde immediately understood the reason from the documents waved in the hands of the crowd.

"Miss Lux. These spaceships are only eligible for B-class residents. D-class residents do not have this authority."

"How could this be?! Durandal's destiny plan has reached such a level?!"

Lux was shocked.

This is something that has not been mentioned in the information about the fate plan that has been collected so far.

From the point of view of the destiny plan, the so-called class division is only based on the individual's genetic ability to carry out work, marriage and other life divisions, but it has never appeared in the plan. In an emergency, high-level people have the priority to evacuate.

"This is the plan of fate! Miss Lux."

Yemengard sighed.

Although these divisions are not officially made public or even advocated, they are secretly obscured and even indulged in these man-made divisions.

"Mayu, keep up!"

The next moment, Lux said with a serious expression.

"Yes! Lord Lux!"

Mayu was shocked and immediately followed.

The crowd is still surging,

Still frantically scrambling to get on the ship.

In a crowded crowd, if you are not careful, you will be squeezed and fall down.

"Why don't we board the ship! We are citizens too!! Why don't we board the ship!!"

"Quick! Get me on board! What the **** are you doing! I'm a Class B resident!!"

In the crowd, a middle-aged man suddenly appeared waving the certificate in his hand.

When the soldiers guarding the boarding passage saw it, they immediately let go.

But as soon as the crowd saw the soldiers finally let go, they rushed up, ignoring the shouts of the soldiers, in order to board the spaceship as soon as possible to escape this **** on earth.

The scene was once in chaos.

The middle-aged man who was waving his credentials just now was nowhere to be seen.

Some are the crowds scrambling for the first place and the screams that were pushed to the ground and trampled by the crowd.



A burst of gunfire shattered the madness of the crowd, and also pulled back the shattered rationality of the crowd.

"Go back to me! Those who are not B-level residents, leave here for me! Otherwise, I will kill you according to the relevant regulations of the destiny plan!!"

The commotion of the crowd caught the squad leader's attention.

After being instructed by the squad leader, the soldiers raised their guns and aimed at the crowd.

"Back off! Back off! Back off for me! Elsewhere, there are more shelters and ships! Get me out of here!"

The squad leader kept shouting, trying to get the crowd out of the port.

However, even facing the muzzle of the gun, these people holding the so-called D-class residents were reluctant to leave.

Seeing this, a fierce light flashed in the team captain's eyes, and once again raised the muzzle and aimed at the crowd.

This time, he will not show mercy!

"Stop me! Are the guns of the Zaft soldiers aimed at citizens?!"

Suddenly, a loud shout interrupted the team leader's actions.

"La...Miss Lux!!"

The squad leader looked in panic at the woman who had stopped him.

"I'm Lux Klein! During my absence, when did Zaft's soldiers turn their guns on the citizens they wanted to protect!"

Lux's face was frosty, and her sharp gaze almost pierced the team leader's heart.

"No, no, I, I'm not! I, I'm just, I'm just implementing the relevant regulations of the destiny plan!!"

When it comes to the destiny plan, UU reading www. The confidence of the team leader seems to have become sufficient.

"According to the destiny plan, the spaceships we are protecting are escape spaceships for B-class residents. And these residents are just D-class residents. There is no right to board these spaceships at all!"

The words of the squad leader gradually became stronger, and the momentum became stronger.

In contrast, the crowd who heard the squad leader's explanation also shrank back.

This scene made Lux see it, but it was painful in her heart.

When did the citizens protected by Zaft's military personnel need to look at and verify the so-called genetic grade certificate? !

At this moment, Lux, who has always been eloquent, lost the idea of ​​arguing.

"Yemengard, is there still room for our ship?"

Yemenga was stunned for a moment, then glanced at the crowd.

not much!

About a thousand people.

This amount, for that ship, is simply not enough.

But that ship is very sensitive in the current situation.

Although Lux didn't look back at herself, Yemengarde could feel Lux's determination.

"Yes! Lord Lux. There is still room for our ship. It's just that we don't have enough manpower to guide the crowd on board."

"Then let that tiger figure out a way!"

Ye Mengjia was stunned for a moment, and then showed a helpless wry smile.

"Yes! Miss Lacus!"

The so-called tiger is naturally the man known as the "Tiger of the Desert".

I believe that with his ability, he can naturally complete the small task that Lux instructed! Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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