Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 912: Floating missiles make their debut

"Where did it go?"

Ren's eyes swept across the surveillance screen all over the sky quickly, but he couldn't find any trace of Cauchy Gundam from the radar scan results displayed above.

The only thing I got is that the concentration of Minovsky particles is increasing at an extremely fast rate, which has blocked all communication in this airspace.

Even Ren, and the three Gustav-Carls following him, can only communicate by relying on the contact communication system.

Such a strange situation was a fierce battle for Renn, a MS pilot who was a test pilot.

And the same is true for the remaining three Gustav Karls.

At this moment, the three Gustav Karl pilots, who had far more battlefield experience and fighting experience than Rennes, also subconsciously moved closer to Penelope Pegasus.

It seemed like a long time ago, but it was actually a very short encounter, and the chase had already exposed a fatal problem.

If you cross out the Penelope Gundam, which has the same performance, and rely on six Gustav Karls to fight against the strange Cauchy Gundam, it may not fail miserably.

But now, in the current situation where three Gustav-Carls have been shot down by each other successively, only three Gustav-Carls that can only rely on flight pedals for air maneuvering cannot play any role.

I am afraid that at some point, it will become the key point of Penelope Pegasus.

They are very clear about this.

Lei Mingkai is also very clear.

It's just that Lei Mingkai doesn't want to target this vital point yet.

There is no reason for him.

He still needs to tame the "spirited" "Thousand Miles Horse" of Cauchy Gundam!

Lei Mingkai firmly grasped the left and right spherical control rods with both hands, ten fingers quickly pressed the buttons on the spherical control rods according to a certain pattern, and his eyes were fixed on the various objects passing by the screen in front of him. item value.

In the torrent-like data, what was displayed was one after another of abnormal values.

It was the abnormality that occurred at the moment when Cauchy Gundam broke the speed of sound and broke Mach.

This is because of some conflicts caused by the driving skills forged by the two pilots on the battlefield and fighting with the enemy.

In this regard, Lei Mingkai has long expected.

He already knew that Hathaway's driving skills weren't as wild as his.



Whether it is from the world of Soth mechanical beasts,

Or the knight K trained from the knight system of the Britannia Empire,

Lei Mingkai's driving path is that of a high-speed assault pilot.

In the past, the machines that Lei Mingkai could drive, or were driven by Lei Mingkai, were not as deeply branded as Cauchy Gundam's personal imprint.

However, it is also inevitable!

Just like the relationship between Yuan Zu Gundam and Amuro, the relationship between Cauchy Gundam and Hathaway is generally close, so close that they are all one, and they are the swan song of a piece of history.

"Kexy Gundam! From today onwards, I will be your pilot. And you, will be my partner!"

Following Lei Mingkai's actions, the abnormal data that swept across the screen like a torrent changed from dazzling red to normal green.

At the moment when all the abnormal data were repaired, Cauchy's body was shocked, and it suddenly jumped into the sky from the flying attitude of flying close to the sea surface in a manner of pulling up at a near right angle.

The powerful overload brought by this moment instantly pressed Lei Mingkai into the driver's seat.

Even with the offset of the special mechanic uniform, Lei Mingkai still felt the oppression caused by the terrifying overload.

"Guo... it really is a fierce horse!


The corner of Lei Mingkai's mouth twitched, but a fighting spirit ignited in his eyes.

With a slight push of his right hand, the small screen in front of his thigh immediately displayed the words "floating missiles" ready.

"Good weight!"

Suddenly, Lei Mingkai's spirit felt a heavy pressure.

Is it gravity?

Or is it the impact of Cauchy's high speed towards the sky at this moment?

But Lei Mingkai didn't care.

At the moment of mental agitation, Lei Mingkai decisively pressed the button to launch the missile.

"Go on! Floating missiles!


In the dark night, a few lights passed by.

Although it is small, it is still captured by the infrared radar carried by the body.

"There is a situation!"

Ren's eyes moved, but he did not act recklessly.

The three Gustav Carls that were defeated in succession had already proved to Rennes the results of reckless action.

Then, in order to complete the task, and to find out the true face of Cauchy Gundam, Ren had to force himself to calm down.

Under the control of Rennes, Penelope Pegoda sent a brief signal to his teammates by flashing the lights of his electronic eyes.

"Try carefully!"

The pilots of the three Gustav Karls knew it.

With Penelope Gundam in the lineup, the three Gustav Carls also summoned up their courage again, carrying the remaining flight pedals from a high altitude to flank the fire around them.


Or are the enemies mocking them?

They didn't know, the only thing they knew was that at the moment when they started to act, the flames moved violently and spread out in the three directions of east, west and south.


Gustav Carr's pilots were stunned, and suddenly felt a headache.

It was obvious that it was to lure them away and defeat them alone.



Just then, a beam of light ripped through the night sky, illuminating the airspace in front of Gustav Carr.



The beam precisely hit the fire that was flying towards the east.

At the moment when the fireball exploded, the same consensus rose in the hearts of everyone.



That's bait.

Then, the next ones are west and south.

Simple elimination is often the most effective.


Another beam.

Penelope Pegasus strikes again.

Only, this time, its attack failed.

Do not!

is lost!


Ren, who released the fire button, was stunned, and then his eyes became sharp.

Since it can avoid Penelope Gundam's attack, there is a high probability that it is the enemy itself.

In the high-altitude gust of wind, Penelope Gundam chased the firelight that Ren had identified as the enemy's main target in cruise mode.

Followed by the three Gustav Karls.

Whether it's Rennes or Gustav Carl's pilot, they seem to have already thought that the fire that can constantly dodge maneuvers under Penelope Gundam's shooting is the enemy's body, and it is Cauchy Gundam. .

The so-called bait is nothing more than the smaller and smaller flames that were blown up by Penelope Gao before and flew straight to the south.

Just relying on the chip on the missile, it is impossible to avoid the shooting from the latest MS controlled by humans!

There is no doubt about this!



As if to verify his own conjecture, Ren still did not forget to attack the fire that he had identified as the main body of Cauchy Gundam.

"So flexible!"

As the distance shortened, Ren felt the more flexible the fire, as if he had life.

Until the distance between the two sides was close enough for Penelope's electronic eyes to completely capture the true body of the fire, Ren's heart was alarmed.

"not good!

This is the bait!

! "


The communication channel occupied by the Minovsky particles could not transmit Ren's voice at all, and could not transmit his voice to the ears of his teammates.

Gustav Karl, who is far slower than Penelope Gundam, has just caught up with Penelope Gundam's rhythm.



high in the sky,

The beam of light fell like a torrential rain, shrouding Gustav Karl in it.

In the blink of an eye, the light from behind made Ren subconsciously control Penelope Gouda to turn around.

And what greeted him was the scene where the three Gustav Karls and their flight pedals all penetrated the beam.





Three bright and dazzling light **** suddenly exploded, shaking Ren's heart and hurting Ren's eyes!


That's right!

It's all bait!

Whether it's west,

Whether it's south,

Or the firelight being chased by him is all bait!

It's all that **** bait!

been played!

Rain Aim, played by Mafuti!


In the roar of the explosion, there was a trembling sound that shook the soul.

It's a Minovsky aircraft!

Penelope Pegasus pulled out the beam saber and waved towards the upper left, a silver-white figure suddenly broke through the billowing flames and rushed to Penelope Pegasus, with the faint green light in his hand and Pene Rope Gundam's beam saber collided fiercely.



This is the first time that Ren-Aim has been so close, and UU reading has so clearly seen the face of the new MS that Mafti regards as his ace.

That face is very similar to Gundam, but there are differences.

"It's just a mere imitation machine!


Ren roared.

But in the next moment, he was almost defeated by the severe pain from the depths of his mind.

In the collision of the Minovs particles, the turbulent energy torrent was spreading violently around the two bodies with the two bodies as the center.

It was a scream of energy,

It is a kind of tweet from the depths of the soul.


! "

Ren raised his hand and covered his head, but was blocked by the solid helmet.

An anger from nowhere came out of thin air, driving Ren to remove the obstructing helmet in one fell swoop.

"who is it?"

"Who the **** is talking in my head!


"answer me!

! "

In the angry cry of Rennes, the beam sabers in the hands of Kesi Gundam and Penelope Gundam were still fighting together, and the torrent of energy that erupted from the two was still tyrannical, as if the path was constantly echoing in Ren's mind. the sound of.

Just when Ren was in extreme pain and his eyes were red, another voice appeared.

"It seems that you haven't fully adapted to this power! Ren-Aim."


The voice did not answer Ren again,

Because, it was the missile that filled the sky that answered Ren.

"Ren-Aim. If you can survive under the floating missile, just catch up!" Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!

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