Machine Storm

Chapter 244 Is there really a god?

Of course, this can only be done for a while. Ma Long is actually complaining out of habit, so he still has to sign when he should.

Both Shunaiichi and Musashi signed it immediately. Musashi probably thought that dying in battle is the highest honor for a soldier. Of course, normal people's minds cannot accept his idea.

"Principal, we will definitely complete the mission and enter the S competition!"

Zhou Naiyi seemed much calmer and had overcome her fear of giant insects. Zhou Naiyi had overcome her own psychological barrier. She was really no longer afraid of death or anything like that.

Everyone signed one by one, and Long Danni put away the commitment letter, "I tried every means to find out the content of this mid-season tournament," and glanced at Li Hao, "I don't know if Li Hao is a prophet or a mistake. I will definitely use it this time. When we arrived at the giant insects, although the military department didn’t say anything, some of the giant insects were transported away.”

"Haha, this is a good thing, we are already one step ahead." Huo Ying smiled widely, revealing his white teeth that were contrary to his skin.

"Huo Ying, don't be too happy too early. As far as I know, the top teams have already started in this regard. I don't know the specific progress. Li Hao, you were once a member of the Apocalypse Junior Class. I heard a rumor that in Have you already started at that time?”

Everyone suddenly looked at Li Hao and nodded, a little confused. How old were Li Hao and the others at that time? ? ?

"The golden zone may have appeared a long time ago, but the gap has not been widened because of the problem of usage. But this year is different. The weapons of all mechas will be replaced with new weapons that incorporate K23. Please be prepared." Long Danni said, "You guys go back first, while Li Hao stays."

After the others left, there was a silence in the principal's office. Long Danni looked at Li Hao with a different kind of pressure and confusion in her eyes.

Li Hao felt a little guilty inexplicably. Could it be that the team had spent too much money recently? Should he give up a little?

"Li Hao."

"Yes, Mr. Principal!" Li Hao was a little panicked. Generally, a big shot would start with this kind of momentum because he had discovered his own problem.

"Do you have any issues with Chao Qinglong?" Long Danni suddenly asked.

Li Hao was stunned for a moment, not knowing why.

"The news I got is that North Carolina Rose, headed by Asashoryu, combined with Oakman, Dome, Jiyingdao, Sea Shark, Kalf, six of the top ten have formed the North Carolina League, and they want to dominate the mid-season. ." Long Danni was very repulsive to this kind of thing, a typical civil war expert.

Li Hao breathed a huge sigh of relief. He was scared to death and thought something big had happened.

"Do you have any idea?"

"Report, I don't have any ideas." Li Hao told the truth.

"Then why is one of the tasks of the North Carolina League to eliminate Tianjing!" Long Danni said in a deep voice. This is the fundamental reason why she is under great pressure. With Tianjing's current strength and training status, although Tianjing cannot enter the top ten, the remaining The six spots listed below are definitely up for grabs. If you are regarded as a thorn in the side by a behemoth like the North Carolina League and get stumbled during the assessment, who can you talk to for explanation?

Seeing Long Danni's unkind expression, Li Hao was a little confused, "Is there some misunderstanding?"

"I don't care what misunderstandings there are between you. Tianjing Jiwu must enter the S competition this time. I won't hide it from you. Once you are eliminated, you will be replaced by a new principal. At the same time, the team will be disbanded and labeled as a failure. It will definitely not be an honor for you and your team members." Long Danni opened the skylight to Li Hao and spoke frankly, "Li Hao, you have strength and wisdom, but don't be in a daze all day long, cheer up, and learn to Fight back!”

"Don't underestimate the enemy!" Long Danni added.

"Yes, principal, I understand. I will do my best and be more serious." Li Hao tried his best to keep his eyes open. Teacher Ma said that this would appear more sincere.

Long Danni looked at Li Hao trying to convince herself and didn't know what to say. Wasn't what she said serious enough?

The words were in place, and Long Danni couldn't continue to say anything. She was originally full of confidence in this expedition, but the message the teacher personally sent her was nothing more than a blow to the head. This kind of mid-season offense and defense The alliance is definitely not joking. A behemoth like North Carolina Rosser can crush Tianjing, plus five of the top ten, and the teacher made it clear that the opponent must eliminate Tianjing. This There is definitely a deep hatred. In the entire Tianjing team, only Li Hao has the possibility to interact with Chao Qinglong. They are both members of the Apocalypse Youth Class.

But why, Li Hao seems to have something unspeakable. Is it related to the accident that year?

Li Hao left the principal's office and breathed a sigh of relief. Damn, he was scared to death. He actually had a headache. Principal Long always threatened him and thought he had been discovered. In order to save money, he took a sidestep and cut off his usual meals. The money has also been reimbursed, okay, okay.

Jaris is going back to the Academy of Sciences. The mid-season competition is not open to the public, but he will definitely go to cheer for the S game. Before leaving, although Li Hao was unable to treat Jaris to a meal due to various things, he I still have to give it to him.

"Second brother," Jerrys asked after everyone else had already gotten on the bus, "There is a question that has been bothering me for a long time. Can humans really come into contact with high latitudes? If so, what will we face in the first step? What, or what, is our biggest obstacle?”

Seeing that Li Hao didn't speak, Jerrys smiled and couldn't help scratching his head, "Haha, it's just my imagination. I always feel that if such a person really appears, it must be you, second brother. But if there is such a person, wouldn't it be the same as the second brother? He’s like a god.”

"Okay, you brat has been thinking nonsense all day long, and you are still a representative of the Academy of Sciences. What nonsense are you talking about? Enjoy your life more, get in the car quickly, everyone is waiting for you, um, I owe you food, next time."

Jerrys got into the car at the driver's urging and waved to Li Hao before leaving. Li Hao smiled and whispered three words.

Jaris was in a state of confusion when he got into the car. He didn't hear the sounds around him at all, as if he was in a daze. Although Li Hao's voice was very soft, he still heard it. Just as he had always guessed, the one who restrained mankind was The tyrannical, unmatched power or energy is dark matter.

The world seems to have nothing to do with him. Dark matter... Dark matter, which accounts for nearly 96% of the universe, is actually the first step for humans to enter higher dimensions.

After the ecstasy, there is boundless despair. What's the use of knowing this step?

Jerrys seemed like a child who found the key to the treasure. After facing the crazy joy of the infinite treasure, he discovered that it was the moon in the well, which was filled with a huge emptiness and longing... For a long time, Jareth's heart started beating. stand up.

Second brother...could it be?

If he takes this step, how can fragile humans survive in the face of destructive dark matter?

Is there really a god in this world?


Time passed day by day, and after learning about the cruelty of this mid-season competition, Tianjing Jiwu also entered full combat readiness. For everyone in Tianjing, the result this time is the difference between heaven and hell, especially the freshmen. It was originally a first-rate team, but it is very likely that it will become a second-rate team after the mid-season. Malone and others have felt this.

As the mid-season is approaching, all kinds of news are flying around the four major federations. Of course, this stage is the essence of the internal process of each federation. Whenever there is a year that is about to win three consecutive championships, it is a big year, and it also means that the most powerful The defending champion, and the opponent who bottomed out and went all out.

On the USE side, the military compared the previous six dragons and gave the new five tigers, and the five tigers compared with the old dragons.

Kurtis from Dome Royal Military Academy, Cang Miyada from Jiyingdao Military Academy, Luo Dongsheng from Sea Shark Military Academy, Kiran Rao from Indira Military Academy, and Usiya from Samode Military Academy.

The new Five Tigers are born as supernovas. In the past two years, they have excellent overall results in internal tests, and their EMP scores are also among the top ten. This is also for the Six Dragons, where fame is greater than their strength. For example, Robbie in the Six Dragons has some strength, but It doesn’t matter how powerful he is, but he is very fierce, dares to fight, and is good at talking. In a generally depressed situation, he gives people a very happy attitude, which is why he is highly praised. In fact, his results are just like that. , the EMP score seems to have only reached 3000 points.

Kurtis of the dome is the most popular one recently. Currently in USE, he is second only to Asashoryuu who is the leader of the six dragons. To Kurtis, except for Asashoryuu, everyone else is garbage, and so is Kurtis. The leader of the supernova star cluster, with an emp score of 3600, and the current No. 1 battlefield on Earth.

Jiyingdao's Aang Miyata is a member of the USE Tiandao Project. He is a second-year student with a tolerant and low-key personality. He is the best in Supernova in his first grade. This year, Jiyingdao has added strength and is also one of the most promising teams in the military. EMP 3520 points, Earth War Zone NO.2.

Luo Dongsheng from Haisha, a member of the USE Tiandao Project, a third-year student, a master in the golden zone, an EMP score of 3500, and No. 3 in the Earth's theater.

Kiran Rao's Indira Military Academy is ranked 11th this year. He is a member of the USE Tiandao Project and has broken through his physical limits. His EMP score is 3480 points, NO.4.

Samode's Usiya, the only girl in the new five, is ranked 15th in Samode Academy this year, but this 15th place was achieved by Usiya, with an EMP score of 2320 points, NO.6.

Of course, there are famous masters who don't care much about the EMP score, but everyone has to admit that this score is achieved by real effort. It is absolutely impossible without strength. As for fame, isn't the competition coming?

The outside world is hyping up the change of era between the old dragon and the new tiger, and they also hope that USE's new strong players will have the spirit of a tiger, and the tiger will be invincible when it comes down the mountain.

This mid-season competition is also an opportunity for the new five tigers to replace them. Times always move forward, and a new generation replaces the old.

Different from the uproar of public opinion, Kurtis, the leader of the new five tigers, has no idea of ​​challenging Asashoryu. This time, the North Carolina League and Dome are also participating. His goal is to defeat Asashoryu with one person. Asashoryu has reached a level that cannot be matched by manpower. level, but other old dragons can indeed be replaced. As for Tianjing Jiwu, he doesn't know why someone would be stupid enough to offend Asashoryu. They are so stupid that they can just solve it incidentally. This is also the internal consensus of the North Carolina Alliance. This time The S game will be Asashoryu's peak year. Outsiders only know that Asashoryu lost to King Maxis last year, but they don't know that Asashoryu fought with injuries, and Asashoryu has never explained that this year's Asashoryu Asashoryu It has reached the Great Consummation, and the mid-season is just a small test.

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