Machine Storm

Chapter 390 Why does Brother Zuo treat me as a fool?

On the third day of the top eight battle, there was another game that was almost forgotten. The final card of TAS was the Wailing Team vs. the Super Star Team. The heads-up match between the two sides ended with a score of 3:2. The Wailing Team entered the team battle with a one-point lead. Yintai Dumela demonstrated incredible abilities in actual combat, directly attacking the pilot and defeating Pegrosa, one of the Seven Big Dippers, in a duel. Then he repeated his old tricks in the team battle and punished Pegrosa again. Lothar tried his best but was still unable to do anything. In this way, Yintai Dumela hit three and led the Wailing Team to the quarterfinals, while also retaining the fire for TAS.

After the game, everyone also realized that Dumela's superpower should be very suitable for this kind of battle. It can directly and effectively attack the pilot and imprison the pilot's movements. If it cannot be broken, Yintai will be invincible.

At the same time, the battle for the top eight also brought out the trump cards of many pilots, making the battle unprecedentedly fierce.

The third day ended perfectly and many records were broken. On the last day, the same heavyweight decisive battle will be staged. The North Carolina Rose and Sea Dragon teams will appear on the stage. The opponents Langsha and Fanluo will not be easy to pass.

Even the strict squad leader rarely relaxes at night. The game ends tomorrow and the lottery ceremony will be held that night. There will be four days of repair time. Tonight is a natural holiday. There are loose ones in a team and there are tight ones, but today's Dasheng made Zhou Naiyi want to take a rest, and the four girls definitely wanted to go out and hang out.

Makoto Kukai and Huo Ying were playing games at the station. They had no interest in going shopping or anything like that. Musashi... was training, saying it was to maintain muscle activity. After not fighting for a day, his hands were itchy.

Mr. Li has disappeared a long time ago, and he can finally go on a date with Ayouyou.

Ma Long took Zuo Xiaotang out to go out with his girlfriend and his brother. It was completely two different feelings. Teacher Ma’s eyes never stopped along the way and he was so excited. I have to say that the quality of the moon is very high. It’s dazzling to see, and a master photographer can definitely show off his skills.

Zuo Xiaotang had been watching the sky news, and Ma Long noticed, "Who are you waiting for?"

"Ah, no, it's the kids."

Ma Long smiled half-heartedly, as if he was asking, why should Brother Zuo treat me as a fool?

Zuo Xiaotang blushed and scratched his head in embarrassment, "Ma Long, do you chase girls?"

Ma Long was stunned, "What? Damn, I have a goal???"

Zuo Xiaotang nodded, and Ma Long was happy, "Brother, you have asked the right person now. I, Ma Long, am not bragging. In this area, my status is similar to that of Brother Hao in Tianqi."

"No, we haven't reached that point, and we haven't interacted too much. I just want to leave a good impression on the other party." Zuo Xiaotang also went all out and asked for advice humbly. It can be seen that victory brought him unprecedented courage. .

"First of all, be unconditionally confident. Remember, never show that you are not worthy of her in front of a girl. As long as you show any feeling of cowardice or cowardice, remember, the key point is feeling. As long as you give a feeling like this, she will Just filter you out, you have no sense of mystery, and she has no desire to challenge, the better the girl, the more so!"

"...Well, my conditions..." Zuo Xiaotang said softly.

"Brother, remember, the conditions are only one aspect. No matter how strong you are, no matter how good the conditions are, if your inner needs are exposed, she will still take advantage of you. There are many straight men, but straight women are rare animals," Teacher Ma said with great interest. Besides, your status as the main sniper of Tianjing Jiwu is no longer what it used to be. You need to become stronger and fiercer. You must give her a feeling that is different from others. You are you, unique, and you must be brave enough to challenge!"

Encouraged by Ma Long, Zuo Xiaotang's eyes shone.

"After talking for a long time, who is that person?" Ma Long asked curiously.

"That... Amrita, Hailong's Amrita," Zuo Xiaotang mustered up his courage. In battle, he admired Li Hao, and emotionally, he believed in Ma Long, "Huh? Teacher Ma, Brother Ma, you go Where can you teach me?"

"Brother, I am asking you to challenge, not to make you wish..."

On the other side, Li Hao was also helpless. He wanted to date Ayouyou, but why were there so many huge light bulbs?

Dita held Ayouyou's arm, "Why do you look so reluctant, agree to treat me to dinner, and then forget about it?"

"No, it's a small matter. The question is, Tita, as the captain of Tianxing Jiwu, don't you go back and summarize?"

"Haha, you are still the captain of Tianjing, and you went out on a date right after the fight?"

Li Hao wanted to hit someone, but Tita was his biggest financial supporter, so he couldn't offend anyone by offending her.

Ayouyou on the side gently pulled Li Hao's hand, but it was cut off by Dita, "Here, don't pull it, my aunt said, authorize me to supervise it with full authority!"

Tita, who had taken Shang Fang's sword, was extremely successful. Li Hao gritted his teeth, "Tita, do you know that I have several ways to prevent you from knowing what happened?"

"Oh my god, Ayouyou, look, he's exposed his true nature. I heard that people in Tianqi call you the Great Demon King. I still don't believe it. It turns out that evil is your true nature!" Dita said exaggeratedly, "It sounds so exciting, you come!"

Li Hao shuddered, "Who gave you such a middle-class and shameful nickname? It's all rumors, I'm just saying it casually!"

"There are no outsiders here. I'm really curious. How did you beat them before? Or tortured and abused them? What were Maxis and Laika like before?" Tita was like a curious baby.

Finally Ayouyou pulled Dita away, "Cousin, please pay attention, this is my boyfriend!"

"Stingy guy, we grew up together, what are you afraid of if you use it!"

On the last day of the quarter-finals, the pride of the earth, North Carolina Rose, came on the stage. They faced Team Fanluo led by Zhu Hongye. They were ranked sixth in this year’s mid-season tournament. No one dared to take Team Moon’s quality lightly. On paper, North Carolina was strong. Karosei is stronger, but everything becomes clear as long as it is dragged into a team battle.

The two sides are also relatively familiar with each other. Before the game, the Fanluo team must have done detailed information collection on the North Carolina game, but the variable this year is the golden zone.

Another arena is also popular. Team Hailong will face Team Langsha from Mars. Will Moon add another spot or will Wolfsha win the respect? Sha Po Lang Dragon Boat Festival must have had enough energy. If Romero is eliminated, if he Reaching the top eight will greatly improve his personal status and the status of the Langsha team, especially since there is currently only one Mars seat in the top eight, which is when a hero is needed.

Before the game, Mars was still relatively optimistic. After all, Langsha is one of ROM's signatures, and Hai Long's big change will definitely cause problems in tough battles. When will a team make a big change?

Of course, they felt that there was no hope. Although they defeated Abyss in the last round, the Martians never felt that the TAS team had any quality.

The two sides started the battle amidst the roar of cheers from supporters. North Carolina Rose's supernova Nighteye participated in the vanguard battle. It was definitely a bold choice for a newcomer. Facing Van Luo's vanguard Ross Sarson, Nighteye She chose the Night Saber, showing her absolute strength. The training from the Nangong family and the Ye family gave her an absolute advantage on the battlefield. Coupled with her superb Liu Xin Wu level fire ability, she could easily take down the power. The vanguard battle also gave North Carolina Rose an advantage. There was no problem of stage fright or lack of experience for newcomers in the competition, but Ross Sarson was unable to resist.

Nighteye's good start also sounded the clarion call for North Carolina's victory. In the second game, vice-captain Victoria appeared. As the number one sniper in the USE division, she was not afraid of close combat before the golden zone appeared, shooting. With her skills fully developed, Victoria also has the stealth ability to directly snipe her opponents.

In the third game, Zhu Hongye couldn't help but come on the stage and wanted to reverse the situation, but he was not facing Chao Qinglong, but Lu Gang, the heavily armored warrior from North Carolina Rose and the captain of the fifth hunter team.

Thunder Guard faced off against the Thunder Fire Fighters. This was obviously not a Tianji horse race, but a North Carolina race showing their super strength. Last year, they were just lucky to be away from the championship. After holding back for a year, all the players were very excited about the championship. The desire has become extremely crazy. Zhu Hongye has the fire power of Liu Xinwu level, but when he encounters the ice power of Liu Xinwu level, Lu Gang's Thunder Guard shows an ice meteor hammer, pulling at a constant distance. The live hammer exploded the opponent's thunder and fire fighter, and the fire ability was completely defeated by the ice ability.

North Carolina Rosie strongly extinguished the ambitions of the Van Luo team before the game and showed its strong strength to win the championship. In the last game of North Carolina Rosie, substitute Alfonso came on the stage. Facing the demoralized Van Luo, Al Fang Suo also won easily, and North Carolina once again ignited the confidence and passion of the people on the earth.

You can always trust Asashoryu, which has become the most popular saying today.

There was also a one-sided situation on the other battlefield, but it was not against Lang Sha. The vanguard warrior Li Xiangshan came directly on the scene and actually caught Lang Sha's Dragon Boat Festival.

Others don't know what level Hai Long is. How could Duanwu, who was born in Tianqi, not know that? He didn't care much about what happened back then, and he didn't know how much strength these confinement nuns had recovered. However, for the sake of safety, Duanwu decided to use more tricks and go to the vanguard himself. Strongly seize the rhythm of the battle to ensure that you enter the team battle.

As a result, he met Li Xiangshan.

This battle was the most stalemate in the entire competition. Dragon Boat Festival showed off its Heavenly Wolf Spirit, which integrated with the Blood Sacrifice Genesis, and produced the strongest beast-type fighter performance in this S competition, with strong winds and cold ice. Ability, speeding up oneself while stagnating the opponent, it is simply crazy, a deadly hell spiral almost broke through Li Xiangshan's defense, Li Xiangshan is worthy of being the last heavy weapon of the moon, Tianpu Oceanus played steadily, and also showed Liu Xinwu's tiger soul. , played the best defense, and faced the Dragon Boat Festival's desperate fight, they used the Heaven's Punishment Fighter to fire a mighty sky cannon with a horizontal frame of more than 50 meters, and with the blessing of thunder and lightning, the Blood Sacrifice Fighter was blown to pieces Scumbag, it took thirty-eight minutes to play Li Xiangshan's most powerful game in this S competition.

Falling down in the Dragon Boat Festival also meant that the Wolf GG was defeated. Then Anrita, Klein, and Davari appeared one after another, and they all won the game easily. Klein was a little resistant in the second game, but in the Under Lain's strange high-speed attack, it ended in just a few minutes, and what followed was a devastating blow. Cillian obviously had no intention of showing up and took away the game directly.

Outside anchors and experts agreed that in the face of a strong team like Langsha, Hailong still showed its trump card. Li Xiangshan is still the mainstay of Hailong, and he is also very precise in tactics. He boldly let Li Xiangshan play as the vanguard and seize the opportunity. Dragon Boat Festival, as an old rival, Dragon Boat Festival was completely defeated this time. Not only was it a major personal failure, but it also caused Wolf Sha's morale to fall directly to the bottom. The subsequent games could not be said to be very exciting. It felt like the team members were not interested in playing, and their skills and He was killed by the Hailong team members before he even showed his abilities.

This has also brought Li Xiangshan's reputation to a very high level. Originally, many people on the Moon thought that Li Xiangshan was going to retire this year. Coupled with Hai Long's big changes, they all felt that he was marginalized. Unexpectedly, Hai Long had done some tricks. , showing weakness to the enemy, and played a very good role in the battle for the top eight.

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