Machine Storm

Chapter 401 Experience Pack

Life and death battle between Tita vs Asashoryu.

Another competition was equally intense. After the defeat, Team Carmela sent out another pioneer, Pablo, while Team Galaxy sent out their heavy-armed warrior Daya Mendoza. Team Galaxy was determined to enter the fourth quarter. A strong will will lead to victory.

Pablo chose the Thunderfire Fighter, while Daya Mendoza showed Boxing Fighter Zero.

Boxing Fighter Zero

Configuration: super heavy load 140 tons

Nuclear fission four-engine titanium gauntlet double-chain Brontosaurus cannon electromagnetic gravity cannon.

Boxer Zero is an upgraded version of Boxer 100. It has upgraded the engine model. The twin engines are no longer able to keep up with the times for the Titan Soldier. At the same time, it has reduced the tonnage, further improved the suppression of heavy equipment, introduced electromagnetic guns, and strengthened In terms of dominance, compared to Deep Sea Fighter which focuses on defense, Boxing Fighter Zero emphasizes offense.

There is another interesting thing here. Daya Mendoza is a boxing enthusiast and won the WWA boxing championship in his spare time. With his tough style and superb skills, he is the most popular person in Galaxy Academy besides the God of War. .

In the support of the audience, Daya Mendoza did not disappoint the fans' expectations. He punched Pablo hard and fully utilized the tonnage of the mecha. The sudden explosion made it impossible for Pablo to use his skills. , to be precise, his technical level crushes his opponents. Pablo's Liuxinwu-level fire abilities and mental blasts have no effect on Mendoza. This is why the Titan Soldier is compared to other mechas. One of his major advantages was that when Pablo wanted to distance himself, he was hit by the electromagnetic gravity cannon and was directly pulled by gravity. Then Mendoza's set of combination punches directly blasted the Thunderfire fighter into scrap.

With accurate predictions and powerful abilities, he was able to handle the whole game with ease. His golden zone was only used for defense. Considering Mendoza's thunder power, he was obviously conserving his strength.

The Galaxy team also won 3-0. The key is that the atmosphere of the entire team is very relaxed, with strong confidence from top to bottom, and Carmela has been forced to the cliff. The last game of God of War Maxis vs. Tianji Star lycra.

In the fierce battle for the semi-finals, both the North Carolina Ross team and the Galaxy team showed their kingly style. Now it’s up to the final battle.

There was silence in Tianxing Jiwu's war room, and Alz was holding his head in annoyance. Before the game, they didn't think they would have an advantage, but there was still a chance to enter the team battle, but they were beaten to the ground. Ta patted Alz hard and smiled slightly, "Why are you frustrated? It's not over yet. Let me go and meet Chao Qinglong!"

Tita appears proudly, and she wants to give it a try, even if her opponent is Asashoryu.

On the guest stage, Arths also waved his hands to cheer for Tita. Led by Arths, the Moon people present also cheered. North Carolina has always been an important opponent of the Moon on the way to winning the championship. It will be the same this time. I hope they The encouragement can bring extra luck to Tita. Tianxing Academy is now called Lucky Star Academy, maybe there will be a miracle!

"Is this the North Carolina race? There are no flaws at all. It's a solid horse." Ma Long's scalp was numb when he saw it. Not only did he win, but he also won with a lot of money. He could face any sudden moves of his opponent. He calmly found the best way to crack it. He even wondered if he was dreaming. He was actually in the top eight. He quickly took a photo and posted it on WeChat. Grandma, I am so awesome.

Sheng Man on the side also felt her boyfriend's roller-coaster emotional changes, didn't seem to be bad, at least he was optimistic.

"North Carolina Rose has the strength to be a champion. It's really strong. Now Tita can only give it a try." Zhou Nai cheered up. Tita's full performance also had great learning significance for her. She also wanted to know , What did Li Hao do in exchange for Tita? Tita is not Ao Fei, so it is impossible to help for free. The moon people are about transactions. If you learn the other party's ability, you will definitely ask for more.

Zhou Naiyi looked at Li Hao, who was sending a message. Zhou Naiyi couldn't help but joked, "Not seeing each other for a moment is like three autumns?"

"Ah?" Li Hao was stunned and waved his hand, "No, I want to talk to my friends about something."

This made Zhou Naiyi feel embarrassed, "Ahem, I'll just say it casually. Everyone expects you to explain it after the game. This kind of battle is very helpful to us."

"Okay." Li Hao turned off Tianxun. He was communicating with Kevin about the situation of Kepler. The news from Base 5 has not been transmitted to the solar system, and I am afraid it will not be transmitted. The base was seriously damaged and the ground facilities were basically destroyed. , but everyone in the underground laboratory survived, and some important research materials were also preserved, which is a blessing among misfortunes.

The top leaders of the alliance have also paid enough attention to it, which is why Wufa, Laglang, and Anlize have all left the moon and rushed back to the alliance headquarters. At the same time, the remaining four bases have entered martial law.

The survivors described the monster in detail, and the alliance wanted to re-evaluate the dangers of Kepler development.

"They are all so powerful," Musashi said. "The other side's fight is also very fierce. I feel that the Galaxy's side may be a little more powerful."

He can deeply feel the strong foundation of these colleges. It did not happen overnight. It is really the efforts of countless people that have created such a strong and stable team.

Makoto Kukai smiled, "Actually it's not bad, we are stronger!"

"Ah Hai, you should be more cautious. At this point, there is no weak person." Zhou Naiyi said.

The battle environment of Asashoryu and Tita - Kepler Jungle.

Tita chose the signature Athena, while Asashoryu chose the night saber.

"Kyuzuryuu is a bit crazy. He did not choose Creed, the signature dragon king, but used Night Saber, which has been very popular recently." Fire Man smiled, "The overall strength is much ahead, and Kuzuryuu has also begun to recover."

"Asashoryu is good at many types of mobile suits. When facing Yaoying, the Night Saber is a good choice, not just the Dragon King fighter." Kuangwu Master said, "Now for North Carolina Rossai, it's a matter of playing it safe. Winning this game is extremely important.”

This year, North Carolina's luck has finally improved. It won't be too much before reaching the semi-finals. It has enough cards to stay healthy and fight through the semi-finals. The championship is just around the corner.

Dita's eyes narrowed slightly. In fact, he wanted to fight the Dragon King Creed. The Dragon King's fighter was slightly less flexible than the Night and was more suitable for Yaoying's performance. Of course, it would be better if Asashoryuu was willing to look down on her.

Two mobile suits parachuted into the Kepler Jungle, and Tita was also filled with excitement. At this time last year, she was extremely frustrated. When the team entered a desperate situation, she herself also lost morale and was directly defeated. This year she faces the same situation. situation, she will not back down again.

The Hunter members at the scene were all very calm. As the second-in-command of the Hunter, Asashoryu was actually very good at using all types of mechas, including snipers. In order to understand the specific situation of mechas, he was the leader of all mechas in the four major alliances. Ku's mechas are all familiar to him. In terms of talent, Asashoryuu is S-level, but he doesn't care about it.

The Sword of Oath popped out, and Tita in the Dawn Fighter had completely entered the state. The cowardice and helplessness in her heart last year completely disappeared. Facing a powerful enemy, she gradually became excited.

Perhaps, this change was brought about by Li Hao. After facing Li Hao, she was able to look at her own shortcomings calmly. Only by facing herself squarely could she face the enemy.

Chao Qinglong's Night Fighter also has huge oppressive power. The blood moon is still unsheathed, but the entire mecha is like a sharp sword, full of murderous intent. Facing this kind of power, he waved his sword of oath, and the red flames Enveloping the Dawn Fighter, the next moment the engine roared, Tita rushed towards the Night Fighter, and the Sword of the Army killed the Night Fighter with the power of lightning.

Dang Dang Dang...

There was a series of explosions, and the Night Fighter's defense was as solid as a mountain. The scabbard was constantly waving, keeping up with the speed of the Dawn Fighter.

As a spectator, I always felt that the opponent was just like that, and his technical moves were just like this. However, when we actually fought, we found that it was not the case at all. Asashoryu's defense was full of strong confrontation, and he kept up with the speed and accuracy. The strength and strength were just right, completely covering his technical movements.

Dita and Li Hao have fought against each other many times. She knows that Li Hao is strong, but she doesn’t know where his strength lies. Anyway, he loses for no apparent reason. But Asashoryu is so powerful that she feels very clearly that the opponent is using technology, strength, speed, and golden zone. Even full mental control.

After a series of blocks, the Night Fighter made a sudden sweep and swung out its right arm. At this moment of counterattack, the Yao Shadow Fighter retreated and at the same time pushed out its arm shield and was sent flying more than twenty meters. Of course, Tita had already taken it. The power is completely removed.

Chao Qinglong looked at Tita, "Let me see what you learned from your second brother."

No matter which war zone he was in, everyone knew that Asashoryu was withdrawn, or arrogant, and that kind of aloofness was innate.

"Then it depends on whether you have this ability!" In terms of quarreling, Dita would not be convinced. She could feel Chao Qinglong's contempt, as if Li Hao was not worthy of fighting him unless he passed her a few moves.

Chao Qinglong's pupils shrank, and the night fighter planes suddenly dispatched, stomp, tap, tap...

The violent movement was full of pressure, and the Yaoying fighter also accelerated and rushed forward. With a lightning attack, the Yaoying fighter carried a red light and gave out the Athena lightning thrust. Chao Qinglong was not used to his mistakes, and the blood moon came out. The sheath is taken straight to the middle and slashed out with one strike. The Sword of Oath may be able to cause some damage to the black night, but the blood moon can take away the shadow with one strike.

When the Dawn Fighter was swept away, the Dawn Fighter bounced up lightly. After landing, it made a quick assassination from the bottom lane. It was accurately blocked by the Night Fighter again. It turned over and pressed down with a heavy leg. The engine of the Dawn Fighter roared and circled close to the ground. The night fighter came with a flash of light surrounding the assassination.

Miso miso miso......

A series of sounds breaking through the air, and the night fighter jets flashing continuously, stunned all attacks to fail. The blood moon slashed out again, and the Yao Ying fighter pulled away in a flash. With a bang, the night fighter disappeared, and appeared in Yao Ying's body the next moment. forward and punched out.


Yao Ying defended himself and was directly thrown away. Before he could escape, the Night Fighter was approaching again. A low-altitude flying kick directly sent Yao Ying flying out again. Chao Qinglong did not pursue him again. He wanted to know Tita What can she bring to the table? This woman doesn't look like an experience pack, she is a bit useless.

The Yaoying Fighter finally managed to control the mecha, and Tita was beaten so hard that she felt a little dizzy. She was over the top, too over the head!

"Player Tita is very agile, but she is facing the top Kuzuryuu in the mecha world. Her technical characteristics are completely understood, and the chance is not great. North Carolina is only one step away from entering the semi-finals for three consecutive years. It’s just one step away.” The Kuangwu Master said it was quite conservative.

"Kangwu, keep it low-key, this is a beating. Tita's attack is almost like scraping. The pilot's duel is not so tactical, it's just a competition of personal strength. Compared with last year's arrogance, Asashoryu is a little more calm and patient this year. , is indeed a strong contender for this year’s championship.”

Tita gritted her teeth, the golden zone exploded, and she entered Liu Xinwu. This feeling was too uncomfortable, just like when she fought against some weak opponents in a training match. The opponent's technical movements and thoughts were clearly clear, as well as their strength and mental strength. They are all down a level and have been properly educated, but she used to be the one standing on top, but now she has become a small target for experimentation.

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