Machine Storm

Chapter 442 The luckiest thing

A preview was given on the big screen, and Zuo Xiaotang appeared on Tianjing Jiwu's side.

No one was too surprised. The one who was most certain to regain the tactical focus at this time was Zuo Xiaotang.

Team Galactic's response was Jiejie.

Combat environment - arena.

The two snipers were fighting hand to hand. Judging from the previous performance, both of them were top-notch.

"Both of them chose the Shadow Hunter Apollo. They both have a good understanding of the performance of the mecha. Of course, the proficiency of the Jie Jie should be better."

"Zuo Xiaotang's on-the-spot response is outstanding."

"The ice power of the Jie Jie is a melee nemesis. I don't know if it will perform well against snipers."

"Both sides have opportunities. Both of them are attack-oriented types."

The two of them, as classic shadow-hunting users, finally met. Jiejie had been waiting for such an opportunity. The arena was the most unsuitable terrain for sniper mechas, but at the same time it was the most testing of basic skills.

Shadow Hunting Apollo

Configuration: medium-sized mecha, 75 tons

Three-engine nuclear fission drive, Shadow Demon heavy sniper, two arm-mounted shock bombs

Two Shadowhunting Apollos appeared, and the countdown began, 10...9...5...

The engines of the two mechas were ready and the battle began.

Boom boom...

The two Hunter Shadows took action at the same time. Jiejie chose to rush in, while Zuo Xiaotang chose to go to the right side. The two Shadow Shadow snipers attacked almost at the same time and dodge at the same time.

The next second, Zi Zi's two arm-mounted shock bombs were directly blasted out. The golden zone burned wildly and soared directly to Liu Xinwu. Zuo Xiaotang immediately dodged and fired two of his own shock bombs.

At the same time as Zuo Xiaotang's blitz attack, the Shadow Hunter fighter plane not only failed to dodge in advance, but instead rushed directly towards Zuo Xiaotang's Shadow Hunter fighter plane. It blitzed at the same time, and the two detonation bombs almost missed the mecha. , Zuo Xiaotang immediately felt that something was wrong. The other party didn't want to fight with him at all, but wanted to get all in!

The demonic shadow raised his hand and fired. Even if it was interfered by the opponent's explosive bomb, Zuo Xiaotang was still quite confident in his marksmanship.


In the flames, there was an explosion, and the two mechas rolled to the ground at the same time. At this time, two empty blast bombs also exploded at the edge of the arena.

The flames dissipated, and a Shadow Hunter stood up.

Team Galaxy wins!

The scene was stunned for a moment, followed by countless lunar spectators who immediately burst into wild cheers. They were really frightened by Zuo Xiaotang. This damn fat guy is too difficult to deal with, and he is the best at fighting back. He is already known as S11 He is the number one sniper. People from all war zones think that his basic skills are as high as the ceiling. However, his abilities are of limited use in the sniper position. Even if he has such a powerful and matching ability like Vulcan's Guma, They could only lose. This battle was really uncertain. Before the battle, most people thought that Zuo Xiaotang had at least a 60% chance of winning. As a result, less than a minute after the battle started, the game was over?

The replay of the kill shows that Jiejie's tactics are to attack with all his strength, while Zuo Xiaotang's style of play is to integrate offense and defense, that is, to find opportunities to counterattack while dodging. As soon as Jiejie's shock bomb was launched, Zuo Xiaotang's first reaction was not to fight desperately. It was to dodge, and Jiejie predicted this, so as soon as the shock bomb was fired, he approached with all his strength. He predicted that Zuo Xiaotang would use the shock bomb to block him at this time, and attacked in advance so that Zuo Xiaotang's shock bomb would be missed. So little by little, everything failed. Zuo Xiaotang's reaction was very fast. Although he was interfered by the opponent's explosive bomb, the magic shadow shot was completely intuitive and very accurate.

However, at this time, the lonely shadow-hunting Apollo was using super superb reverse thinking. He flashed a hovering shot as if he was stepping into the void.

Tenshin-ryu - Flying Spear!

From the beginning of the battle, Jie Jie has been giving the intention to close in on the all-out attack. At the most critical moment, Jie Jie used one hand to hover, which was steady and ruthless. There are two crucial details here. The blitz hover is a highly difficult move. , one will be out of shape if it is not good, and the other will overwhelm the opponent's prediction. Jiejie believes that even in this situation, Zuo Xiaotang can still seize his blitzing position and make a precise sniper under the interference of the shock bomb. If Zuo Xiaotang was not so confident and fast, his move would be very dangerous.

Sometimes when dealing with such top snipers, being slow is more lethal than being fast. Of course, this environment is limited. When two snipers meet in the arena, they are both in a hurry.

"Zuo Xiaotang is slow on the outside and anxious on the inside. Jieji is anxious on the outside, slow on the inside, with a perfect rhythm and extremely well-prepared tactics!"

"This is the background and plan. It reveals Zuo Xiaotang's character thoroughly. He likes to pull things too much, and he won't make desperate plans until the last moment. He was caught by Galaxy's tactical team."

"The terrifying Galaxy Team, I dare say, they have rehearsed countless times before the game, and they do it in one go and smoothly!"

The tactics of Team Galaxy in this battle are very clear. Don’t get involved with Zuo Xiaotang. This person is very good at finding opportunities. In terms of basic skills, Jie is really inferior. They actually know the opponent’s level very well at this level, so they must look at their personality. Find loopholes on the Internet, and then designate corresponding tactics to amplify and eliminate the loopholes.

This is Zola's targeted plan. There is also a personality factor in it, that is, Zuo Xiaotang has been extremely confident since he had low self-esteem. He will definitely be a little blind in his victory along the way, trusting his own judgment too much, and Zuo Xiaotang must be afraid of it. It's the ice ability of Jiejie. Tianjing Jiwu's tactical target is probably to figure out whether Jiejie has any ice ability hidden in his ultimate move. This is normal thinking. This is why Zuo Xiaotang chooses to distance himself, and this Shi Jiejie acted out what the other party was thinking, and every step he took was to strengthen Zuo Xiaotang's hint to him.

In fact, Jie Jie had no intention of using any ice ability at all. In this kind of battle where life and death depended on one shot, the most fundamental thing was marksmanship.

Another core point is that snipers are the best way to target Zuo Xiaotang's ability to move across a wide range of teleportations. The activation of that ability requires time and prediction, and in the case of short-range sniping, there is no space or leeway. If you use it forcefully, you will be shot.

Don't be intimidated by appearances, look directly at the essence, this is the understanding of Team Galaxy.

On the contrary, Tianjing Jiwu went astray on his own.

The cheers at the scene were getting louder and louder. This is the home court of Galaxy, and Team Galaxy did not disappoint the fans' expectations. Facing the dark forces, they showed their kingly style, Musashi fell, and the magical Zuo Xiaotang also Falling down, the situation is definitely good for Team Galaxy.

The initiative is still in the hands of Team Galaxy, and Tianjing Jiwu once again wasted an opportunity. What's even more difficult is that Zuo Xiaotang created too many opportunities along the way. His fall has greatly affected Tianjing Jiwu's confidence. It was also a heavy blow.

Zuo Xiaotang, who returned to the war room, was also very frustrated. The previous victory really made him too relaxed. He did not expect that his opponent would be more decisive and direct. At this moment, he had replayed the battle several times in his mind. The opponent was fully prepared. Completely grasped his style of play and personality.

The atmosphere in the war room was a bit heavy. Everyone looked at Li Hao. Tianjing Jiwu was now quite dangerous. "First sister, it's time to let them try our tactics."

Everyone was stunned. Zuo Xiaotang also raised his head and looked at Li Hao with a confused look. Zhou Nai nodded and stood up. She was not absolutely sure, but she never evaded challenges. She hoped Zuo Xiaotang would Being able to win the battle was not beyond Li Hao's judgment in the end. Looking at this battle, she also admired them. They deserved to be Team Galaxy.

At this moment, she was leaning towards Li Hao in her heart, which would leave Makoto Kukai a chance to avoid Maxis. However, during the preparations in the past few days, Li Hao had discussed with her that this might happen, and she She was opposed to taking the third game, but Li Hao was very insistent.

Zhou Naiyi really didn't know what else to do, or if Li Hao really had confidence in himself.

Li Hao sent Zhou Naiyi out and patted Zhou Naiyi's shoulder gently, "Sister Yi, believe me, you will definitely win!"

To say he is confident is to lie to himself. Zhou Naiyi knows exactly what kind of opponent he is facing, "Li Hao,"


"Being able to fight with you is the luckiest thing in my life."

As soon as Shunai appears on the stage, no matter who the opponent is, he will not hesitate once he has made his decision. From the moment the New Tenkyo Kibu Team is formed, this team is not the personal team of Li Hao and Makoto Kukai, but a big family. A win is a win where every team member works together.

This is the happiest.

Regardless of victory or defeat, she will not be afraid, let alone retreat!

"Tianjing Jiwu's third contestant is here, Zhou Naiyi!" the host said loudly, with a hint of surprise in his voice.

Immediately, the whole audience was whispering, and some anxious earth viewers were already scolding. No matter what the situation, there is no time to go to Makoto Kukai. To be more decisive, it is time for Li Hao to go.

Winning one will at least seize the initiative and win, and also establish information for the team members. At the same time, there are two games later to ensure that Makoto Kukai avoids Maxis. Although Makoto Kukai may not win, the chance of winning is still quite large. It's better than this, right?

Zhou Naiyi is the most unstable among the remaining players, except for Milk Dragon. He is a good teamfighter and has clear ideas, but the pressure is too much when attacking difficult situations.

Tianjing Jiwu decided to walk a tightrope as always.

There is no doubt that what Team Galaxy has prepared for Shu Naiichi is Vega. Both parties are the vice-captains of the team. Vega is a user with super powerful fire abilities and has the ability to defeat opponents invisibly. At the same time, Liu Xinwu, Weijia's ability can definitely suppress Zhou Naiyi, and his ability to fight hard, Weijia is the mainstay of winning championships and Maxis' right-hand man.

As soon as this lineup came out, Tianjing Mechanical Martial Arts Academy fell silent.

"As expected of Mujiang, he is very good and very pretentious. I like his usual style!" The fiery Teacher Huo cheered loudly in the live broadcast room.

"Is there a possibility that Team Galaxy chooses to use Vega to fight Zhou Naiyi? This is also Tianjing Jiwu's tactic." Kuangwu Master said,

"Is there a possibility that you are joking?" Huo Nan said, "Mujiang's self-confidence will definitely pay the price. He seems not to understand who he is facing. This is NUP's proud Galaxy Battleship. Zhou Naiyi There is no chance, she is the weak link of Tianjing Jiwu, she is a typical system warrior, her personal ability is not outstanding!"

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