Machine Storm

Chapter 534 Bleem152

Considering the inexplicable fall of the five bases, Jerrys and others predicted that humans would probably be bewitched when approaching Theseus, so they specially made helmets to resist the mental control of such soul ripples, which is essentially hypnosis. Mental control, especially the mental abilities of the golden zone, has been studied before the Apocalypse Youth Class.

The airborne troops need to have mobile suits that at least fully master the red pupil state. Ordinary soldiers cannot participate, and this battle will also mobilize all the pilots of the entire fleet who have reached this level, regardless of air combat or land combat.

The group army will launch the most violent attack to gain combat space for the ground forces.

Li Hao already had two bars and four stars on his uniform. After observing this combat meeting, he actually had no say in formulating such a legion-level strategy. In fact, based on the information and judgment he had, he thought so. , it can’t be dragged down. Before being blocked, he traveled to and from Kepler many times. He knew what was going on underground in Kepler. The number of giant bugs was immeasurable, but the usual giant bugs were not very killing. Unless they invade their territory, they will not actively attack some of Kepler's ground creatures. Li Hao judged that the original Kepler giant worm should be a semi-underground creature, similar to earthworms on the earth, mainly In order to open up the vast underground of Sopula, Theseus gradually influenced and controlled it.

If he continues to consume like this, once a body suitable for Theseus is evolved, the war will be over. It is necessary to give it a try. As for the certainty, he has no confidence. Judging from several reincarnated monsters, he is confident of defeating Nangong Yuhang. I'm still a little confident, facing Theseus... I don't know.

"Let's lay out the specific battle arrangements for a moment. Li Hao, tell us your thoughts on how to ensure the defeat of Theseus." Markham said. Dozens of people in the conference room instantly focused their attention on Li Hao. At the same time, there were also Thousands of people watched through holograms.

On the Tornado, Elena and Ayoyo were also attending the meeting. Everyone had serious expressions. The meaning of this war had changed. The opponent was no longer the so-called giant insect of inferior civilization, but was once ahead of mankind. The ancient civilization, this is a civil war that originated from the earth. What is the relationship between humans and the Nimerians? It is no longer important that they were not created by the Nimerians. What is important is that humans must survive.

And this airdrop of the Kepler project will also lead to a narrow escape.

"Commander-in-Chief, we have a certain degree of confidence in dealing with giant insects or reincarnated people, but facing Theseus, that is an unknown power, and the chance is only about 20 to 30%. I need weapons with high destructive power that can be used at critical times." Li Hao said that at this time, he did not talk nonsense anymore. With his strength and the mecha, as long as he reaches the ground, giant insects and reincarnated people cannot stop him, and even Nangong Yuhang will not be his opponent. He still has this confidence. Yes, but when facing Theseus, he had been in contact with him, and he had no confidence at all in a pure soul confrontation. This is an old monster that has transcended time. There may be certain weaknesses, but any weakness is relative.

Markham nodded, "I'll give you five days to formulate a battle plan."

Li Hao stood at attention and saluted.

Five days later, supplies from the Solar System arrived, along with the newly formed United Fleet. This battle almost wiped out all the resources of the Solar System Alliance, and it must be won.

After the meeting, all major fleets were ready, and everyone realized that this would be a battle that would determine the outcome.

Li Hao's space force and the air force responsible for protecting their space will be the key to this battle. Likewise, there will be a narrow escape from death, or even ten deaths without any chance of survival.

There are more than 5,000 people in active duty and reserve forces with abilities above red pupils, more than 4,000 are participating in the war as pilots, and 1,000 are serving as air force to provide air support.

Teacher Ma participated in the war as an air force. He had to pilot a spaceship. Once it was close to the ground, he needed a golden zone of sufficient strength to resist the interference of Theseus. Ma Long's original intention in participating in this expedition was to mix up information and a better one. I probably never dreamed that the future would be like this, but surprisingly, Ma Long was very calm after receiving the order.

He is recording videos. These will return to the solar system with the supply ship. The soldiers are all doing the same thing. In fact, it is not just the landing force, but the entire expeditionary force. The fear is when they are not participating in the war. Now, Malone can no longer leave. He will fight with his brothers until the end. Smart people like Ma Long know better the consequences of failure in this battle. If they don't fight, what awaits them is the destruction of their loved ones. In a war, everyone has a way out. But not the military.

He is afraid of death, but must fight.

"Manman, when you saw this video, I was already heroic. Well... it's okay to remarry, but don't be too anxious. Let's let your soul wander for a while. Ahem, I'm going too far. You must live happily. ..." Ma Long watched the replay and was not very satisfied. His expression just now seemed a bit artificial. After all, it was his last words and he wanted to leave a good impression.

Zuo Xiaotang was very simple, "...all my collections are given to the children in the orphanage. Just bring them to me to see on the death anniversary every year..."

Li Hao had already transferred all the shares in the pizza shop to the dean before the expedition. It was originally prepared for the young men. They would not be rich and powerful, but they could live a worry-free life. He had nothing to worry about in this battle.

The same goes for Zhou Naiyi, Ao Fei, Robbie and others. Everyone knows the danger of the upcoming battle, but at this moment, they all choose to face it calmly. With such comrades, they will not be afraid.

There are also some that have not been recorded, such as Musashi. He is not worried about his family. The Wu family is not only a family of ancient martial arts, but also a family of soldiers. Since ancient times, the real man has been buried in horse leather. His parents died in the battlefield, and his brother is also in the expeditionary army. He has nothing to fear. , war is his destination, and he has been prepared for it since he was very young.

Makoto Kukai should eat and drink. He is an orphan. As long as he is with Li Hao, he has nothing to miss. Where does Li Hao go? Where does he go? Don't ask who the enemy is or how many there are. , that’s it.

The most dangerous and unpredictable aspect of this battle is undoubtedly the airborne special forces led by Li Hao. They will deal with the enemy's base camp and unknown terrifying creatures.

All the soldiers are divided into five teams. Li Hao’s target is Base 1, Maxis is Base 2, Basta is Base 3, Laika is Base 4, and Asashoryu is Base 5 in Andalus. Except for Li Hao , Others are not easy either. Once they land on the ground, the support of the air force cannot be reached. Everything depends on the special forces themselves. Each team is equipped with small super-volume neutron bombs, and all human elites are invested.

Li Hao was ramblingly recording words for each little preserved egg. He also found that he had so much nonsense and left it for the dean. He was very grateful to the dean on the rainy night for taking him in. He also had a family. If He will still be alive after this battle. He wants to retire from the army and run a pizza shop well. He has experienced all-powerful experiences, but he still likes to deliver food, relaxed and free.

The heavenly message rang.

"Brother Hao, I want to go to the first team!" Musashi said. He received the order and was assigned to the fifth team to attack the Andalus Base No. 5. Musashi became stubborn on the spot. It said that it had been assigned and could not be changed.

"You are following Ao Fei, she needs strong support." Li Hao said with a smile, "I have enough people here."

"I want to go to the first team, and let the others go to the fifth team!" Musashi said solemnly, "Is it my brother..."

"Thinking too much, how can your brother have the time to deal with you? It's safe to be with me. It's not like you don't know my strength. I am stable here. Only other teams need strong support, and you are not an exception." Li Hao smiled and said, "The whole team is from Tianqi, so we should be more familiar with our cooperation."

"Then why is Zuo Xiaotang in the same team!" Musashi is not that easy to fool.

"Well, this means that the distribution is based on need. Brother Zuo's dual personality is his trump card. There must be a reason for everyone's distribution. As a soldier, obey the order!" Li Hao knew that he would be endless if he went on.

"Brother Hao, one more of me is not more, and one less of me is not more. Let me join the first team!" Of course Musashi didn't believe it. The other teams still have a chance of survival. Everyone knows that the first team is the death squad, and it may be necessary. Faced with the real enemy who transformed Van Livett and other monsters, a terrifying creature that humans have never encountered before.

"You kid, do you have to let me tell you? You are not strong enough, and you will be a hindrance if you go. Be honest, obey orders, and don't beep!" Li Hao hung up on Tianxun.

As soon as Tianxun hung up, Zhou Nai came in immediately, "Li Hao, I don't want to go to the Air Force, I want to go to the first team!"

"Squad leader, the allocation of the Air Force is really not my responsibility. You can apply to your superiors. I am a senior colonel. There are so many major generals here. Oh, squad leader, the sky news is here again. I will tell you later." Li Hao I quickly hung up, and then the call started ringing again, so I simply hung up all of them.

Among the main force of the first team, Li Hao only brought Cheng Kukai, Tita, Zuo Xiaotang, Yanpeng and others. The soul strength and ability characteristics of Cheng Kukai and Zuo Xiaotang were very important. Tita... He hesitated for a long time. However, Tita's precognitive ability is needed. Although Shu Naiyi copied it a little, it is of little use in a battle of this level. Maxis and others have to lead the teams separately, and each base needs an absolute strength.

In fact, for him, Kukai Makoto and the others were just in case, and they were not really needed when they arrived at the base. The military prepared micro super neutron bombs, which have the most direct effect on all types of life forms and even soul bodies. The effect was equally obvious in the insect test. His mission was to use this neutron bomb to destroy Theseus's soul support point.

If possible, he would actually like to go alone.

Bleem152: Destroy Theseus and end the Civilization War on Blue Star.

(Dear friends, in the last few hours of March, please support me with a monthly ticket. Update at three in the morning.)

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