Machine Storm

Chapter 542 The End of Nangong

At the same time, Tita led the first team without fighting hard, but got rid of the encirclement and suppression of the giant insects and insect-men. Tita also completely inspired his precognitive powers, decisively abandoned the mecha, and all the mobile suits sneaked into Cape She must stay alive to continue the next mission. If she dies, there will be nothing. As for other things, we will talk about them later. What she is most worried about is Li Hao's situation. The situation at that time was very bad for Li Hao. Romero The power far exceeds that of Fan Liwei's group. It's useless to just worry, the situation is a bit out of control.

The situation of the other four teams is even worse. There have been a lot of casualties. Let alone attacking the base, it is very difficult to protect themselves. The only good thing is that they are all top experts and the drivers are the best at present. The mecha, everyone can only choose to retreat temporarily. There is obviously no chance of winning in a head-on fight. The key is that the core purpose is not to destroy the giant insects and insect people. It is meaningless. What is important is to destroy the base and source. Now they have other plans. The second team, The situation of the third team was relatively tragic. In order to allow the main force to retreat, a small team had to be left behind. Facing the overwhelmingly superior enemy, although a large number of enemies were killed, a heavy price was paid.

The situation in space is far more tragic than that on the ground. All the battleships are locked in a meat grinder battle with the giant insect swarms. Massive space warriors and an even greater number of giant insects illuminate the entire space. The command room Here, the space fortress had just completed a tragic defense battle. The giant insect landing force unexpectedly rushed over. At the same time, they were almost hit by the terrifying energy cannon in the sea again. It was completely different from the energy attack of the giant insect. It was completely different from the energy attack of the giant insect. Humans are somewhat similar, but the opponent's ability to accurately strike through the atmosphere is beyond human at this angle.

Markham and others all looked solemn, the situation was out of control, the landing plan was severely frustrated, all teams were besieged, and the support troops could not provide rescue. The number of giant insects on the ground was still huge, and the damage caused by the space battle was too fast. Well, Li Hao's side... doesn't seem to be going well either. The last information is that he was blasted by the Insect God General Romero. Romero's power is obviously far beyond Fan Liwei and others, and he is already unstoppable. There is another The unfathomable Nangong Aerospace.

And the fleet in space is suffering casualties every minute. Human beings obviously cannot continue to be consumed like this. "Prepare the Janibekov cannon!"

Markham said solemnly that as the commander-in-chief, he could not leave the fate of mankind to luck. Wu Fa and Pang Pai looked at each other. They had no objection. At this point, it was time to make a break. Battle Fortress was another burst. Shaking violently, the giant insects obviously knew that the space fortress was the core of the fleet's command, and launched wave after wave of attacks. The human soldiers also tried their best to resist, and with the attacks of various human missiles and laser cannons, the giant insects were also attacked. They were all perished in the sea of ​​fire, but similarly, the giant insects had no idea what it meant to retreat. At this time, there was no trace of the desire to win of intelligent creatures in their bodies.

Base No. 1.

Nangong Yuhang, who had exerted all his power, was like a god of war, chasing Li Hao and bombarding him wildly. His movements were quite powerful. Base No. 1 was almost reduced to ruins by the two of them. Romero didn't care so much and just gave Polina was in front of the attack, but the other giant insects and insect-men were not so lucky. The two people were almost killed by the ripples of power.

Li Hao completely blocked Nangong Yuhang's attack, and he had no choice but to use such power. He had been resisting this change, and his soul was wandering around, just in his dreams. Li Hao regarded all this as a Dream, when he wakes up from the dream, he lives a normal life. He distinguishes it very well, so he is still a human being.

He didn't know what would happen when the physical body evolved too.

At this time, Li Hao's body is undergoing rapid alienation. Once this process is started, it is irreversible. Li Hao's body is not glowing with golden light. Every cell in his body is gradually turning into golden cells. The cells filled with energy begin to Mutual infection, Nangong Yuhang's attack is very powerful, but it is actually useless. At most, it speeds up the process. This has always been what Li Hao has been evading and resisting. He never wants to mutate, he just wants to be a human being, and Zuo Xiao Tang, Zhou Naiyi, Erya, Boss Wang and so on are the same people. They can be happy, angry, sad, born, old, sick and die, and eat delicious food together. Even if they are injured, even if they are desperate, he is still a person.

Some changes, once started, are irreversible.

But now, he hasn't changed, and what he wants to protect no longer exists.

Li Hao opened his golden eyes, and golden light pierced the sky.


A punch hit Nangong Yuhang, stopping Nangong Yuhang's violent attack. He vomited...a mouthful of blood spurted out. Nangong Yuhang's body suddenly shrank, as if it was about to explode. His brain also felt like he was out of his mind. Hundreds of bullets were ejected from his whole body in an instant. meters, penetrated the walls, and there was another deafening explosion.


Nangong Yuhang's body soared into the sky, sliding out a huge parabola like a cannonball towards Li Hao, "Li~~~~~Hao, die~~~~!"

The right fist condensed terrifying energy, and the giant insects around him were wailing. A giant thunder and lightning struck Nangong Yuhang in the sky. Nangong Yuhang directly absorbed all the power. His body was becoming infinite, and the power of nature flowed along Nangong Yuhang's body. Mel's imperial rune spreads all over his body, he can win, he is the strongest!

He is the only one!

——Fudo Myooh Nine Heavens Thunder Fist!

At this moment, the last cell in Li Hao's body turned into gold. In an instant, the light on Li Hao's body completely disappeared, and even the gold in his eyes completely disappeared. But at this moment, Romero had already knelt down.

Li Hao punched, and in an instant, Kepler's planet seemed to stop rotating.



The terrifying power tore apart the space and shot straight into the sky, followed by an energy hurricane that blasted away indiscriminately.


The entire No. 1 Base collapsed and sank, and the giant insects and insect-men as well as countless experimental products in the laboratory below were all annihilated in the ruins.

Romero helped block Polina at the critical moment. His indestructible second-turn armor collapsed directly in the aftermath of the power, and his body began to crack and was blown away by the hurricane.

After a while, when Romero stood up again, Base No. 1 had disappeared. Feeling Paulina's heartbeat, Romero's eyes showed a trace of tenderness, and he put it down gently. At this time, he saw someone standing in the open space. one person.

Is it a person?

Romero didn't know, but he walked over anyway.

There was no sadness or joy on Li Hao's face. He won. According to BLeem's plan, he finally turned into the body Theseus needed. Only his state can infinitely carry the soul, the infinite microscopic and inner universe. The infinite macro of the outer universe is the same, and theoretically it can also carry huge souls.

Nangong Yuhang was lying on the ground, his body was dilapidated, and he couldn't tell whether he was angry or relieved.

"Do you still want to... go?" Nangong Yuhang's voice sounded intermittently.

Li Hao was silent for a while and nodded, "Maybe we are all puppets and cannot change our destiny at all."

Nangong Yuhang smiled. Yes, who is not a puppet? It is finally over. Nangong Yuhang, who was once a child of the Nangong family and carried all kinds of wills, never knew what and who he was in life.


The crystals on Nangong Yuhang's chest collapsed, and his body quickly crystallized and decayed like a silicon-based creature...

Romero looked at Nangong Yuhang, "I'll take you there."

Li Hao nodded and looked at the sky. The battle was still going on. The giant insect army was not affected at all. This showed that Nangong Yuhang was just a tool and the real enemy was Theseus. Suddenly, Li Hao's body It shook suddenly and was about to collapse.

Romero frowned and quickly held him up, "Are you okay?"

Li Hao waved his hands and smiled bitterly, "I don't have much time."

No one had this experience. Li Hao felt that his body was about to become a bottomless pit, and the golden cells began to eat each other. He could hardly control it, "Romero, if I fail, Djanibekov's cannon will not be able to use it." It works, don’t resist, just leave fire to mankind.”

Romero was silent for a moment and nodded.

Romero swept away a ruins. The teleportation array of the Nimer civilization inside was intact, and an energy channel was opened.

Li Hao and Romero entered. This was where Nangong Aerospace brought Romero. The two of them instantly arrived at the bottom of Kepler from Base 1. What came into view was a shocking scene, a prosperous and technologically advanced underwater city, indicating that a very advanced civilization once existed here.

There is a huge city suspended in the ocean on Kepler's planet, which is far vaster than the earth. The entire city is shrouded in an energy shield. Li Hao and Romero appear in the city.

There is deathly silence here, and there is something weird under the prosperous appearance. There is no sign of life, but you can feel the fullness and terror of vitality. In Li Hao's eyes, there is powerful soul energy floating everywhere, with a hint of weirdness, and a... A suffocating force enveloped the entire city and radiated towards the ocean.

"The city itself is a huge energy absorber. Nangong Aerospace judged that Theseus led his people to the Kepler planet through a unique space jump that was almost mastered by the Nimer civilization, but he did not know what happened. What happened? Theseus absorbed everyone's souls during this jump and turned into a huge and complex life form. In the process, the body should have collapsed and could only be placed in the entire city, sinking. Entered the sea," Romero said, "The last step of the insect-man's transformation was completed here in this divine tower. That place should be where the soul core is stored. Now that Nangong is dead, the technology of the Nimer civilization has also With him died.”

Romero was a little sad. The Nimer civilization was destroyed when it was about to reach its peak. What would happen to human civilization?

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