Machine Storm

Chapter 638 The Dragon Chief of the Dragon Alliance

Ning Long, Olivia, and Helena stand together. They really have their own merits. Ning Long has an elegant and refined temperament, and Helena is noble and generous. Although Olivia is petite, her aura is not weak at all. The unique style even attracts more attention. The proportions of the haenyeo can only be described as extraordinary. Haosen and Defatandis have also become foils. This is Ning Long's territory, and she presides over it.

Ning Long was the only one left on the stage. Instead of wearing the robe of the Judgment Hymn, Ning Long put on the star dragon robe unique to Casting Star. The pattern was of a huge divine dragon hovering in the Milky Way.

Ning Long, who was standing in the center, smiled brightly and said, "Thank you all for coming. I think you all know something about it. The main reason for inviting you is to join the Star-Forging Dragon Alliance."

As soon as the words came out, everyone present was very excited, including Olivia and others. This is not about Ning Long, but that everyone present has the qualifications to contact the Star Casting Dragon Clan. This is the Star Casting Dragon Alliance. They will gain the friendship of the Dragon Clan, and they will be able to cooperate in depth when they reach a certain height in the future.

"I would like to inspect the situation of the Judgment Hymn on behalf of the Star Casting Dragon Alliance. Master Chief Dasha and others are unable to attend the scene in person because they have missions. I will contact them later," Ning Long said. "First, let me introduce you to the Casting Star." The situation of the Star Dragon Alliance is for your reference. The Cast Star Dragon Alliance has a history of thousands of years. In the early days, it originated from the friendship between the dragon clan and the heavenly beings. The comrades who fought side by side have continued to this day and have become a part of the chant. A special alliance, of course everyone knows about this, and many people are curious about the criteria for joining the Dragon Alliance. There are also rumors that this is a privileged organization of the Dragon Clan. I want to clarify here that this is not a rumor."

Everyone was stunned, this...

Ning Long smiled and said, "This is indeed a privileged organization, but it is not from the Dragon Clan. The Star Casting Dragon Alliance has been given a special mission. The criteria for our selection are chant warriors with dimensional power. Everyone present, realize, Or you may not realize it yet, but your body has accepted the dimensional power, which can be simply explained as everyone is the chosen one.”

There were whispers at the scene, "Your Highness Ning Long, what do you mean by this? What is the divine choice? Who is the god? Is it the Dragon Clan?" Kendi, the star master sergeant from Galastan, asked.

"Of course not. Our Dragon Clan is just one of them. God is a general term. Although we all belong to the big family of the Galaxy Civilization, their respective cultures and developments are very different. In the Galaxy, there is some kind of powerful The power has always affected our development process, through the form of dreams, or other forms, including some known powerful forces and unknown ones."

Ning Long spoke very slowly, which was an opportunity for everyone to ask questions.

"Your Highness Ning Long, what is known and what is unknown?" Olivia asked.

"When individual souls are powerful enough to a certain extent, they can master the rules of dimensions and directly transmit soul signals and power. Some of these individuals have been discovered and become known, and there are more powerful ones that have not been discovered and are called unknown. This It is not a single direction, it has existed sooner or later thousands of years ago. The dragon clan will be more sensitive in this regard. We have also been tracking the power that affects the development of our Galaxy Alliance, and the Star Casting Dragon Alliance was established for this." Ning Long replied.

This was the first time for most people in the venue to hear Lenovo Ning Long's words, and they seemed to be aware of them to some extent, but they didn't realize there was anything wrong with it at the time.

"The transmission of dimensional power can be very clear or subconscious, but we dragons can all sense it to some extent." Ning Long said.

"Your Highness Ninglong, that means the source of the power is uncertain, and it is beneficial to us to be unable to distinguish it?" Demarke Feng asked, coming from the Feng family, one of the seven elders of the Ozil Empire.

"Yes, it is beneficial to individual strength in the short term, but the source is uncertain. Some powerful void creatures can also achieve similar effects. In the long-term erosion, they will mutate and eventually become controlled by the void. Infected people, this is actually what happened to the ghost race mutation mission handled by Master Chief Ganymetis last year," Ning Long said. "The same was true for the mission Master Chief Helena faced some time ago. The power of the void is not only the birth of Void creatures are also eroding our world, and the Dragon Clan and the Star-Forging Dragon Alliance are the defenders of order."

Many people present heard about it for the first time. Most people thought that the void creatures were monsters that appeared out of nowhere and were destroyed. It seemed that the Star-Forging Dragon Alliance was not all good.

"Of course it does not mean that everyone present will be contaminated by void creatures. The possibility is very small. The control of power is mainly the will of the individual soul. Join the Star Casting Dragon Alliance, and the dragon clan will face it with everyone, grow together, and protect our The Galaxy Alliance will not be infected by the void. Of course, this is not mandatory. Everyone can choose. Similarly, the agreement will only officially take effect when everyone reaches the Anthem Master Chief." As he spoke, Ning Long's star quickly unfolded, and with the flash of light Move, everyone received an agreement.

"These are the rights and obligations of joining the Star-Forging Dragon Alliance. Let's take a look at it first and don't make a decision in a hurry."

Makoto Kukai and Robbie looked at Li Hao. They also had this kind of power. The process of "asking for gods" was also an application of dimensional power in the eyes of the Dragon Clan.

When it comes to vital interests, everyone takes it very seriously. Generally speaking, it's okay. The terms are not complicated and are very broad. That means that the Dragon Clan will provide help to everyone and hope that everyone can unite as one if conditions permit. Clear away the threat of the void.

It goes without saying what potential help the Star Casting Dragon Alliance can bring. If you join, you will become a friend of the Dragon Clan. At the same time, those who perform well in the Star Casting Dragon Alliance will be given the title of hero. Becoming a hero will get greater support. , will also gain a transcendent status in the Star Alliance.

Of course it is very difficult to get the title of hero.

Everyone quickly understood after reading this. It would be a fool not to join. There are almost no restrictions. Even if you are invited to fight against the void, it is not compulsory. The Dragon Clan has always been generous, and the things are explained clearly. As for destroying the void creatures, Saint Song himself also wants to do this, but now he understands the danger of the void better. It is not a simple natural threat in the universe, but this thing has existed for so long, and it has not done anything to the civilization of the Galaxy Alliance. Who cares? this.

As for dimensional power, even the Dragon Clan has not figured it out. Its existence is reasonable. Everyone present has a sense of destiny. Of course, looking at so many people, how far they can grow in the end depends on their destiny. Of course, there are also A small requirement, that is, at least the level of Master Chief.

After Li Hao finished reading, his eyes lit up and he glanced at Cheng Kukai and Robbie. Although they were only at the Song Warrior level, once they signed the contract of the Dragon Alliance, they would no longer be bound by the original civilization!

Makoto Kukai hasn't realized it yet, but Robbie has already seen it, his eyes are blazing. What troubles them in the major chants is not the improvement of power, but the suppression of the Covenant order. If they want to change, they have to join other empires and become Citizens of other countries have no other way. Many lower civilizations also have this, but Maxis and others will never do it. Unexpectedly, the turning point is here. Li Hao's eyes changed when he looked at the dragon girl. It seems more friendly.

Ning Long waved to the mechanical tribe standing in the corner, "Kasika, you are the representative of the Anthem Center. Please complete the docking of the contract. If you agree, please sign it. If you don't agree, you can leave, because of the follow-up matters. This is an internal event of the Dragon Alliance, and I hope everyone will keep silent about what happened today."

The Casting Star Dragon Alliance does not want to do things behind the back of the chant, nor does it want to fight against the chant. All actions are in cooperation with the chant, and it is precisely because of this that it can continue to grow. But as Ning Long said, the Casting Star Dragon Alliance Only warriors related to dimensional power in hymns from various places will be accepted.

There is an insurance here, that is, if it is infected and mutated by void creatures, the harm caused to ordinary lives is relatively small, but once a chant warrior, especially a high-level chant warrior, is very dangerous.

Kasika confirmed with everyone present one by one and left a note in the Judgment Hymn. The mechanical tribe moved very quickly. Li Hao and the others joined without hesitation. This kind of good thing is particularly needed for them. And it’s true that not all hymns are available. This is not an unshirkable obligation of the Dragon Clan. Only the top hymns of each civilization will appear.

The character of the Dragon Clan is not like that of the Machine Clan, which must be meticulous. They do their best to obey fate, and everything is determined.

Everyone present joined in. When the contract was signed, there was naturally a feeling of great pride. This was equivalent to being on the line with the Dragon Clan. Li Hao, for example, became a member of the Dragon Clan immediately after reaching the level of Master Chief. There will be an additional dragon icon on the introduction of Li Hao's Hymn, and it will be lit up. Since Makoto Kukai and the others have not yet reached the Master Chief, they will also have icons, but the icons are dark, which also means preparation.

"Welcome to join the Star-casting Dragon Alliance. I am Ning Long. I am very honored to fight side by side with you in the future!" Ning Long opened his arms, and there was a burst of applause and cheers. Among many civilizations, the Dragon Clan has the strongest appeal. And it is the only thing that links all civilizations together.

Facing everyone's applause, Ning Long bowed and thanked, "Everyone, we belong to the Judgment Department of the Dragon League. According to the structure of the Dragon League, I serve everyone as an officer. I need to choose three captains, and then select one from the three captains. Chief, that is, the Dragon Chief of the Dragon Alliance Judgment Department, Helena Star Master Chief is one of them, and also represents the Judgment Anthem. The remaining two candidates are Defatandis Cthulhu Star Master Chief and Hao Mori Yimogu Star Master Chief is pre-selected in accordance with the rules of the Dragon Alliance and with reference to the ranking of Master Chiefs. Any member on site can challenge, and the winner can directly become a candidate."

The main meal is here, and Olivia is really tempted. If it weren't for the ruling that the water was too muddy, she would definitely challenge it. Whether she is the captain of the Dragon Alliance is very important to the aristocracy. Helena cannot move. It's not because she is strong, but because she represents the Judgment Anthem. This is the territory of Judgment. Challenging her is tantamount to slapping Judgment in the face. Only those who have no brains would do this. The rest are Defatandis and Hausen. , one is second in the Suzaku War Zone ladder, and the other is first. Obviously there are no other factors, and this position is inevitable.

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