Machine Storm

Chapter 75 The Shield-Stepping Flying Overlord Spear!

Because of the current situation, it is impossible to prevent it by relying on defense. The Tiger Shield is already a bit tattered, and it will definitely collapse if this continues.

"For the puppet, he can only wait for Salas to make a mistake in his movement, or his physical strength decreases and his movements slow down. But even so, there is only one chance to blitz. Even if it hits, they will both die. Of course, in theory, the result is only One in 10,000 chance." Huo Man's face gradually turned rosy, because his assistant told him that his current paying fans are growing linearly, and his satisfaction is also improving. As long as the puppet becomes GG, there will definitely be rewards from the boss. .

Thinking that his little sweetie will return to his arms again, the fire man's face becomes even more rosy. Yes, the nightmare will eventually end, and the man of Mars will surely rise!

"The only possibility left is to attack or even throw a Blitzkrieg gun." Feynman said with concentration.

Arz was speechless. They were all dragged here by Feynman, and they wanted to see the hologram, so they just watched it, but it happened to be like this.

"You know, the puppet knows it, and Salas also knows it. From the moment he came up, he fired randomly, making the puppet think he was attacking from a distance, and then suddenly attacked with a wave of laser guns that knocked out the key, and then he knew his city. How can you give me a chance now?"

"His strength lies in creativity. Many of his attacks are not necessarily dodgeable even if others think of them." Feynman shook his head gently. He wanted to see what this blitz would be like.

"Feynman, wake up. Salas knows the ultimate distance of Kaihu's Ultimate Blitzkrieg. Throw... To be honest, if this is going to be hit, Salas really doesn't deserve his mark. "Alz firmly didn't believe it. In the past, when everyone was fighting puppets, they wouldn't take it too seriously or care too much. Fighting also has a rhythm. It would be difficult to tighten up suddenly when it is loose at the beginning, but the current opponent does not Maybe you take it lightly, but accidentally it becomes the background wall.

In the battlefield, Kaihu's tiger shield has been deformed visibly, and it may be destroyed at any time if it continues. This narrow terrain leaves Kaihu little room to dodge, and almost entirely relies on the defense of the tiger shield, while Sarah Si's attacks are also quite precise, almost all hitting an area of ​​the tiger shield, achieving their effects in the shortest time.

The puppet began to move back and forth faster, and he couldn't hold it in any longer. The more impatient the puppet, the more stable the shadow warrior on the opposite side. It must be said that after the battle for so long, Salas's operation showed no signs of weakening.

"We Martians have a saying, you can question the talent and skills of Oni Wuzong, but you don't have to worry about their physical fitness. This is the basic foundation for getting started." At this time, Huo Nan had recovered his aura, and even he could see the puppet's in a hurry.

At the corner of the traverse, one round of shooting was completed, and the Shadow Man changed positions again, and at this time, Kaihu jumped forward.

"Kaihu finally dared to leave the tunnel. This was a life-threatening blow. The Shadow Man opened the distance and fired back with laser. Kaihu was forced to defend. Fortunately, he stood firm. The Shadow Man pulled away instantly, and at the same time Kaihu made a sudden advance. He was going to risk his life... Kaihu threw the tiger shield that was about to break. He thought he was crazy. Kaihu rushed forward. Shadow Man had already predicted that he gave up the attack and moved quickly. Shadow Man was going to return to the corridor. , a wise decision, Kaihu stepped on his shield, and the Overlord Spear took action..."


Huo Man's explanation came to an abrupt end. Shadow Man was directly shot down by the Overlord Gun, but Kaihu also fell towards the magma at the same time.


The Overlord fighter jet that fell in mid-air suddenly turned around and pulled back its carbine.


The titanium gun was stably inserted into the stone pillar. The huge Overlord fighter pulled it with one hand and stood lightly on the titanium gun, which was only equivalent to a thin horizontal bar.


With a flick of the ball, the Overlord fighter flew back to the stone pillar without stopping. Like a spiritual bird, the huge Overlord fighter lightly clicked on the stone pillar and jumped back to the corridor several times.

The ordinary sound of the Shadow One struggling to fall into the lava could be heard in his ears.

Puppet wins.

Huo Yun Jiwu, who was still in a state of excitement just now, who was cheering loudly for Salas, fell silent. The only sound left was his heavy breathing, which he had to suppress with all his strength.

In the live broadcast room, Huo Nan's face became as pale as it was during the two Battlestars just now, and seemed to be a little whiter and tenderer. His right hand seemed to be pressing his left hand hard, and his hand was shaking.

Kill replay is given to:

Kaihu, who had never dared to set foot on the stone pillars, attacked. Salas's judgment was correct. He could just return to the corridor. Once he reached this position, Kaihu was completely finished. Of course, he was fully focused on guarding against Kaihu's final desperate pursuit. So after jumping two stone pillars in a row to open a distance of more than ten meters, Kaihu would never be able to catch up.

However, Kaihu did not pursue Salas along his movement route. Instead, he threw the tiger shield directly through the stone pillar. At the same time, Kaihu roared and struck directly, slowing down his movements. The rapid attack gave people a sense of surprise at this moment. With a feeling of lightness, the last attack came first, a tower was placed on the tiger shield, and the second stage of the attack was used to break out. The Overlord Spear had already shot out, and the shadow warrior who had made a completely wrong judgment was hit by the Overlord Spear's extreme distance in mid-air. Suddenly, he fell down the stone pillar.

——Shield-stepping Flying Overlord Spear!

Salas was shot down, but Kaihu could not climb the stone pillar. The two mechas fell at the same time. Salas did not give up. The moment he was shot down, the laser was aimed at Kaihu.

The falling armored tiger fighter did not panic at all. The mecha paused and the engine roared, providing a pause of a few tenths of a second. The mecha leaned back to avoid the laser, and the titanium gun penetrated the stone pillar sharply, and then pulled it with one hand. The huge armored tiger fighter mounted the titanium gun, and then jumped on it nimbly...

Looking at this light pace, especially the few steps jumping on the stone pillars, it seems that what I see is not a heavy armored tiger, but a light mecha.


Sarath was kicked out.

Huoyun Jiwu was still silent, and an inexplicable pressure shrouded everyone's hearts. This was simply a monster...

In the Tianjing Jiwu EMP Hall, there was a roar of people and another carnival. This situation happened in many USE military academies.

"It's terrible." Feynman said softly. If he was a little unwilling to lose at first, today, he feels that the opponent did not use his full strength at all.

Alz was also speechless. He was really imaginative. They thought he was going to use his shield to interfere with Salas, but unexpectedly he was using it as a footrest. Salas completely misjudged it. In fact, the shot didn't have much power. But all it takes is to hinder Salas. Of course, Alz does not deny his opponent's operation.

"You really have imagination when it comes to adapting to situations." Alz smiled.

But there was no trace of relaxation on Tita's face. She glanced at Feynman, who also became even more silent.

"What's wrong with you two? Why are you so serious? His skills are good, but he has a specialization in the art..."

"Alz, you don't understand." Feynman said softly.


Arz directly patted Feynman heavily on the shoulder, "What the hell, we're just watching a game. The atmosphere is so depressing. I know he's very strong, but what's your expression like that?"

Tita took a deep breath, "This may be the most terrifying opponent we have ever encountered. If he participates in S11, he will be a serious problem for our NUP. His personal strength is the most terrifying level I have ever seen. This This battle is not about imagination at all, he did not use his full strength at all."

Alz was stunned, "?"

"Did you see the final operation? This kind of lightness and agility is the ultimate in heavy armor. He can lift it with ease. If he wants to use the heavy armor like this, it shows that the pilot himself has a terrifying core strength. This is a combination of all the strength of the whole body. A terrifying warrior who has been tempered to the extreme, he can step on the pillars from the very beginning. This terrain is not difficult for him at all, he just wants to see the level of his opponent." Tita said softly.

"The center of gravity of heavy equipment is the most stable, but it is dangerous in this kind of terrain. To use the Armored Tiger to this extent, I can't imagine what this person's body is like, and the person who shot down Salas With that shot, he didn't use all his strength to shoot down Salas. The titanium gun was inserted into the stone pillar all right. Look at the shot that was inserted into the stone pillar. It was sharp, fast, powerful and methodical. This man controlled the situation with a condescending dominance. ." Feynman said.

Of course Arz knew that Tita and Feynman were not people who talked freely, but what they said was too exaggerated.

"Doesn't he have any weaknesses?"

"Perhaps, long-range attack is a possible weakness. Generally, people who have trained their bodies to this level will have poorer remote control. This is also a flaw of USE."

Huo Nan covered his forehead and felt a little dizzy. It might be too late. He needed to rest. As Huo Nan stood up and was about to leave, he was stopped by Zhuang Zhou.

Zhuang Zhou said nothing, but his eyes said everything.

The fire man smiled awkwardly, his hands shook again, and he gritted his teeth tightly. He knew that so many people were watching.

Ten spaceships took off, each one carrying his soul with it...

"Xiaozhuang, I'm a little unwell. You can continue alone later. This is also a good opportunity to practice your interpretation skills."

Then Zhuang Zhou hurriedly logged off without waiting for a word. If he came a few more times, his heart would burst.

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