Machine War: Infinite Frontier

Chapter 306 Plans are really not as good as changes

C.C noticed the green particles emitting from the backpacks on the backs of their combat uniforms after the group of them jumped out of the cabin. These particles gave C.C a very special feeling.

"GN particles are consumables with interference effects, but when paired with a special GN capacitor, they can have some anti-gravity effects."

Xiao Yun answered C.C's question casually and began to confirm the distance between his current location and the palace on the heads-up display.

"That's it?" C.C said with some confusion: "It feels like something very special."

"It is indeed a very special thing. GN particles are also a very special medium for spiritual communication. However, our current situation can only display these effects for the time being." Xiao Yun looked up at C.C and suddenly thought of something. : "You should have the ability to communicate mentally. If so, you will feel that these GN particles are special and normal."

C.C shook her head. It was not clear whether she was denying Xiao Yun's statement that she had the ability to communicate spiritually or for some other reason.

After waiting for almost forty minutes, No. 1 brought Lelouch back. Now they are almost three hundred kilometers away from the palace. If Xiao Yun and the others were to just walk, there would be no problem, but for C.C and Lelouch It was a big test for me. C.C was actually fine, mainly Lelouch.

After finding a deserted place and waiting until night, Xiao Yun and the others took action again. They first found a nearby place where people lived, got two cars, and drove all the way to the city where the capital was located.

It took less than four hours to drive a distance of more than 300 kilometers. Using Lelouch's ability, it was smooth sailing and entered the city without any obstruction.

Lelouch opened the car window and looked at the magnificent palace from a distance, with a slightly complicated expression: "The palace is located in that direction, and the surrounding area is heavily guarded. If I continue to use my ability to enter, it will become difficult for me to enter." Very difficult."

Xiao Yun Lulu said: "How is the layout of the palace? Can you determine where the emperor's bedroom is?"

Lelouch shook his head: "I haven't been back for many years. I don't know what the situation is here at all. With your abilities, even if you don't know these situations, it won't be difficult for you."

"Find a nearby place and pull over. No. 1 will stay to protect Lelouch and C.C. The others will follow me."

The car stopped, and Xiao Yun quickly left the car with the three people No. 234. After getting out of the car, the four of them entered the invisible state simultaneously and began to approach the palace. Through the phonon detection system, they could clearly know the existence of any place. No matter how deeply the palace guards hide themselves, they cannot escape detection by Xiao Yun and the others.

Although Lelouch didn't know what was going on in the palace, Xiao Yun simply found the emperor's chamber and got in directly.

Emperor Charles seems to be quite concerned about his own safety. There are many people patrolling and standing guard inside and outside. It is really not easy for ordinary people to sneak in without making a sound, but For Xiao Yun and the others, it was as if they had no defense at all. On the contrary, those purely mechanical things would be a little more troublesome.

As he cautiously went deep into it, Xiao Yun suddenly discovered two figures from the feedback from the phonon detection system. One tall figure appeared to be sitting, while the other looked like a child standing taller than the figure in front. A much lower place.

Not far away from where the two figures appeared, there were dense feedback from more than a dozen figures. Such image feedback made Xiao Yun understand that he had found the right place. After giving an order in the communication, he quickly moved there.

Soon he came to what seemed to be the gate of an audience hall. Xiao Yun also saw several guards guarding the door. Standing in front of him was a man wearing a white uniform and a cloak.

In front of these guards, there were several people wearing completely different costumes standing with their heads bowed respectfully.

The voice of No. 4 appeared in my ears: "BOSS, the target seems to be inside the door. I didn't find any other channels to enter."

Xiao Yun said directly: "We are already at the door. Why don't we go in and see what we can do and capture them."


As soon as No. 234 responded, Xiao Yun suddenly noticed that the man standing in the middle of the gate seemed to be aware of it and glanced in his direction. Then he was held down by No. 2 who suddenly appeared without the ability to resist. The back of his head was pressed heavily and he fell to the ground.

No. 2 subdued the man in the middle who seemed to be the main figure with one hand. He hit his head on the ground and fainted with nosebleeds. He raised his pistol with his right hand and shot continuously at the people in front. At the same time, No. 3 and No. 4 also Appeared at the same time, wiped out the necks of two people with a dagger and a pistol, and cooperated with No. 2 to kill all the other people.

Xiao Yun also turned off the cloaking device and fired two shots to kill two people who were not slow to react and were ready to escape. Everything was over. The soft gunshots brought out some movement in the extremely quiet environment. , but compared to conventional firearms, it is insignificant. Even weapons equipped with silencers are not as good as the silent pistols used by Xiao Yun and the others.

After a person fell to the ground, Xiao Yun also noticed some unusual movements of the two people behind the door. He walked directly to the door without caring about anything else and pushed it open. Suddenly, the two people inside also clearly appeared in front of Xiao Yun. In front of the cloud.

“It really takes no effort at all!”

Xiao Yun couldn't help but smile after seeing the two of them. The curly-haired Emperor Charles stood up from his high chair with a solemn expression, and the little figure below also turned around. He came to face Xiao Yun's direction, with a frown on his face that looked a little impatient.

All plans and unplanned ones will always be broken. Now these two people appeared in front of Xiao Yun and fully explained what it means that plans are not as good as changes, and silence is not as good as movement.

The curly-haired Emperor Charles maintained his majesty and image as an emperor, and shouted in a deep voice: "Who are you!"

Xiao Yun ignored him, and while walking forward, he ordered No. 3: "Go and bring No. 1 and the others over."


No. 3 turned over the person who had been knocked unconscious, forced his eyes open, and then used his GEASS on him. Although he was in a coma, No. 3's GEASS was still effective. He soon saw the person who had been knocked unconscious. The person in control slowly stood up, took the treatment needle handed over by No. 2 and inserted it directly into his neck. The other hand used his other hand to forcefully force his twisted nose. reset.

No. 4 tidied up the area, tore off a piece of the dead man's clothes and handed it to the person being controlled: "You don't feel it?"

"Can block pain."

The speaker was No. 3, speaking with his own body: "It's a bit difficult for me to control two bodies at the same time."

No. 2 nodded: "Leave it to us here."

No. 3 nodded and walked to the side and leaned against the wall and stopped talking. The controlled person wiped his nose with the dead man's clothes and then turned around and left.

Emperor Charles' eyesight was quite good. He noticed what was going on here and understood what was going on. He said in a deep voice: "GEASS, who are you? Tell us your purpose."

"V.V." Xiao Yun came to the small figure and squatted down, raised his hand and pinched the other person's face: "You said it was a coincidence, I was looking for you but I didn't expect you to show up on your own. in front of me."

V.V, who had blond hair, red eyes and was wearing a cloak, frowned and reached out to slap Xiao Yun's hand away, but it had no effect on Xiao Yun's hand.

"You're so naughty." Xiao Yun lifted up V.V's collar and threw it directly in the direction of No. 4 without any pressure. No. 4 didn't even have the intention to catch it and let V.V. After flying for a distance, he fell heavily to the ground and was stepped on by No. 4.

Xiao Yun stepped forward step by step, and the curly-haired emperor slowly sat on his chair again.

"Charles, I'm here to cooperate with you."

"Okay." Charles agreed lightly as he looked at Xiao Yun, who was getting closer and closer, but there was no trace of panic on his face.

Xiao Yun pulled Charles' clothes and asked him to get up. He sat in Charles's seat and looked at him: "Don't ask me what I want to cooperate with you."

Having personally experienced and witnessed the rudeness of the person in front of him, Charles did not reveal the slightest anger or dissatisfaction in his eyes or expression. He was calm and indifferent and still maintained his majestic appearance as an emperor.

Charles snorted as if he was laughing at Xiao Yun's boredom and deliberateness: "No need, the strong will always be strong. Only the strong can decide everything in this world. If you can break into the palace all the way without making any noise, just leave the people outside." Everyone is uniformed, and I am also in your hands to cooperate with you. Do I have any room to refuse?"

"Yes." Xiao Yun nodded lightly and said, "Just like now that I am sitting in a chair that only you, the emperor, can sit on, there is nothing you can do about it."

Charles said calmly: "What do you want to cooperate with?"

"Destroy that thing and completely let GEASS disappear from history." Xiao Yun rested his head on the armrest with his right hand, held the silent pistol in his left hand and gently patted his thigh, saying: "I originally planned to do this. , but since I was so lucky to catch you two at the same time, I suddenly had some new ideas. It would be too wasteful to destroy that thing. "

Yeah, what a shame.

People who have been given GEASS can actually develop their own spiritual abilities. This thing is like a panacea. Although it is not clear whether the developed and activated abilities can still be used after leaving this world, it is like No. 345 originally only had The performance of his ability is very, very weak, far from being usable, but after getting GEASS to activate his ability, it is like he has stepped up several steps.

It doesn't matter even if the activated ability will return to its original state after leaving this world. After all, those who have realized and used this ability will not lose their experience and insights after leaving this world. Maybe they will soon be in 0 The world is truly awakening to its own abilities.

But if the ability to leave this world still exists and is still being enhanced and activated, then the value of all the mess related to GEASS will be too great.

But then again...

"Why didn't I activate the ability that belongs to the knight?"

A question popped into Xiao Yun's mind: "Maybe I can only stimulate the increase instead of creating something out of nothing? Or is my ability just to open the door?"

Xiao Yun does not have an answer to such a question for the time being. He can only find more people to conduct actual tests to confirm the estimate in order to get the answer to the question.

Xiao Yun said that he originally wanted to destroy that thing. As for what it was, Charles understood it instantly. When he heard Xiao Yun say that it was a waste, Charles understood that Xiao Yun wanted to keep that thing again. Charles didn't have anything to say.

Xiao Yun said: "I will consider whether to keep that thing first, but there are some things you can start doing first, such as helping me destroy that little man's sect or Xiangtuan's organization, and my people are also Will get involved.”

"This is the first thing. The second thing is that I want you to give Cornelia in District 11 absolute rights equivalent to your rights in the empire. The third thing actually has nothing to do with me, but if you can With your cooperation, many things will be much easier.”

"Cornelia, District 11." Charles suddenly thought of something and looked deeply at Xiao Yun: "You are that Xiao Yun. I didn't expect you to have such a powerful power. If you are willing to surrender to the empire, I I can give you everything that matches your power, and even make you the king of this empire.”

"You have indeed heard of me." Xiao Yun was not surprised at all and said: "That's right. After all, my daughter obeyed a man who appeared out of nowhere. As a father and an emperor, it would be strange if he didn't know. The king is not the king. I'm not interested at all, let alone being a king. Even if you give me your seat, I'd be a little disgusted."

Charles' gaze fluctuated. He could really see that Xiao Yun was not lying about this matter. He really had no interest in being a king or the throne. His tone of naked disgust made people feel very sad. sincere.

Xiao Yun continued: "Although the identity of the king is somewhat useful, if Cornelia gets the power, the effect is actually the same for me, and as long as you are willing to cooperate, it doesn't matter. I will let Lelouch's ability Cornelia told you, if you don't want to be a puppet, then be more conscious and cooperate with me. Otherwise, although I promised Cornelia that I wouldn't kill you, I also didn't say that I wouldn't let Lelouch control you and become me. slave."

"Of course, even if there is an accident on Lelouch's side, I still have a remedy plan. In comparison, I actually prefer the second plan. I just went out in a hurry and forgot to bring the key things."

"Now I will tell you the last thing I want you to do. Your answer will determine my attitude towards you."

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