Machine War: Infinite Frontier

Chapter 322 Prepare for Action

A week has passed since the barrier appeared. Both sides of the barrier are peaceful. No one inside has come to deliberately provoke the people outside, and the people outside have not tried to break into it. The two sides seem to have reached some kind of tacit understanding and parted ways. Pay close attention to doing your own thing both internally and externally.

But what this tacit understanding brings is greater pressure on the shoulders of both parties. People on both sides know that this so-called tacit understanding cannot last long, and they also know that the other side is making preparations to completely defeat their side.

The people outside were busy building the wall, and the people inside were not idle either. After the rush of the first day, the people inside had accepted the reality, calmed down, and continued to implement the original plan step by step.

At first, they did not dare to close the energy shield directly. Instead, they chose to dig a tunnel from inside and began to clean up various explosives and ignition materials around the energy shield. They seemed cautious at first, but gradually they saw the outside. After the people didn't respond at all, they became bold. While destroying the communication devices of the various machines left inside, they left the KMF mechas left inside to clean up the explosion facilities and recover things that could be used. And transport the useless things away.

After continuous work to clear away the things around the energy shield, they used the collected things to strengthen the dug underground passage and use it as a passage inside and outside the energy shield. There was no thought of closing the energy shield at all.

In this way, this place seems to be divided into three layers: outer, middle and inner. The outer layer is outside the barrier, the middle layer is outside the energy shield inside the barrier, and the inner layer is inside the energy shield. The middle place suddenly becomes The same place as the buffer zone.

After the people inside learned that people outside had the ability to open holes in the barrier, they immediately adopted such a posture and once again turned on the optical camouflage to prevent outsiders from seeing what was going on inside. , but there are also many people outside the energy shield who are placing more and more things and starting to establish peripheral camps.

They advance steadily and step by step, doing their own things according to their own rhythm and not paying attention to the outside world. The barrier was created in the beginning to gain the initiative for them, but now the purpose of the barrier is purely to delay time, and it is also a kind of confrontation. Protection for those on the outside rather than protection for those on the inside.

Cornelia would ponder for a long time while listening to the reports on the scene every day, and she was becoming more and more worried about the current situation, but seeing Xiao Yun wandering around every day without arranging anything or doing anything made her feel upset. A frizzy feeling of having entered menopause early.

Seeing Xiao Yun coming back with a fishing rod and a bucket again, Cornelia almost couldn't help but break Xiao Yun's fishing rod. She suppressed her anger and asked angrily: "How long has it been since you were still like this?" Be careless, can you do something serious every day besides fishing, watching TV and playing games?”

"Endocrine disorders are so angry?" Xiao Yun glanced at Cornelia up and down, smacked his lips at her slim figure and said, "Isn't it a good idea to do serious business in broad daylight now? She is so good and fun-loving, etc. I’ll make sure you feel comfortable both physically and mentally tonight.”

The expression on Cornelia's face froze instantly, and she was so angry that she couldn't help but clenched her fists and tried to crack open Xiao Yun's head to see what was growing in his brain.

Xiao Yun placed the fishing rod slightly away from Cornelia, found a place to sit down, and then said to Cornelia: "Why are you so anxious? It's not that I don't do anything, but I do do everything now." No, you think I don’t want to kill everyone inside quickly? That’s not because I’m weak.”

"You have also tried it with someone. No matter what kind of attack is hit on the barrier, it will have no effect at all. What's the use if I open a hole and go through it? They only need to guard the hole where they can only get a few people in at a time. They can pass through it." It's not just killing indiscriminately, they are killing indiscriminately when they come out. You have to understand that the existence of the barrier has now become something to protect us. The only function for them is to defend us from covering firepower. "

Cornelia said solemnly: "Then we can't just watch them clean up the explosives outside. Now maybe they can turn our KMF into their war tool, just according to your standards Let’s see, once those people can fully utilize KMF for their own purposes, nothing will be able to stop their attack.”

"It's not that easy." Xiao Yun shook his head and said, "They don't have industrial production facilities. At most, they have some ready-made portable modules for logistics combat. It takes a few days to improve the KMF and then create a suitable cockpit again, unless they make it out of thin air. Creation, of course, does not rule out that they can improve KMF into an unmanned driving mode, which is even more likely.”

Cornelia was also very angry when she mentioned this: "You knew that something like this would happen, but why didn't you detonate it while they were handling the explosives? This is simply an act of collaborating with the enemy. I even doubt that you are one of those people who prepared the explosives in advance." An undercover agent sent to our world!"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Xiao Yun directly pulled Cornelia into his arms and said, "There is nothing to worry about. If the sky falls, there will be no one tall enough to crush you. What they are doing is nothing to us. We have no choice but to wait for death. It is good to maintain this tacit understanding now. We are waiting and they are waiting. Most of the supplies brought by those among them are food. They are waiting for follow-up support and we are also waiting. While we are waiting for the completion of the high wall and the new machine, now is not the time for us to engage in a decisive battle.”

Cornelia pushed Xiao Yun away, looked straight at him and asked, "When will it be decided?"

"It's almost there." Xiao Yun let go of Cornelia and said: "As long as the C.C. side is finished and the research department's new body is manufactured, I've been saying that the advantage lies in my words until now. That’s right, the advantage is still on our side.”

Cornelia was still worried: "But those KMF..."

Xiao Yun pinched Cornelia's face: "I want to leave some opportunities for them. You are also a commander on the battlefield. You don't need me to teach you about this kind of thing? Leave those who have only empty airs. They also allocate some manpower to the machine to find ways to turn those things into their combat tools. They may also be confused as to why we were so kind and didn't detonate those machines. After the psychological pressure is high, we will become more cautious and cautious in doing things, even if They won’t act rashly if the opportunity is presented to them.”

"The purpose of leaving those things behind at that time was to scare them so that they would not dare to act rashly. Now if they think those things are useful, let them use them. Anyway, the main battlefield of this conflict has never been military warfare. Their current situation It’s like picking up money but there’s no place to use it, and who said if you don’t detonate it now, you won’t have the chance to detonate it again?”

Seeing Xiao Yun's confident look, Cornelia suddenly became suspicious: "What are you planning on?"

Xiao Yun said: "GEASS is the key factor that determines the winner of this conflict. However, GEASS can only affect people but not artificial intelligence. Those explosives detonated outside cannot affect the inside. They may not even know who they are yet. There is already a mole inside, and it only takes a few more sparks to detonate it completely.”

At this time, Gilbert suddenly walked in. As soon as he saw Xiao Yun sitting and Cornelia sitting on his lap, he lowered his head slightly. There was some dimness in his eyes, but soon he After adjusting his mood: "Your Highness, Mr. Xiao."

Cornelia glanced at Gilbert and stood up, then said in a deep voice: "Sir Gilbert, do you have anything to report to me?"

Gilbert said: "Your Highness, I just received news that the main high-level officials of the EU and another empire had secret meetings with unknown people. The intelligence department speculated that those people who ran away from Shigen Island ran there. Two countries.”

"What!" Cornelia's expression changed slightly, and she said coldly: "Weren't we already arranged a complete blockade of Gen Island in advance, why would such a situation still occur? Have you properly screened the numbers on the island? "

Gilbert's head lowered: "I'm sorry, Your Highness."

Cornelia waved her hand and said angrily: "Go and find out the identities of those people. We must use the intelligence agencies and intelligence personnel of the entire empire to completely find out the identities of the people who met secretly between the two parties!"

"Yes, Your Highness." Gilbert responded quickly and said, "Your Highness, I have something else to report."


Gilbert said: "The covering modules that District 11 wasted no time in constructing have been completed. Now we can start the installation after the first high wall on Equation Gen Island is completed. It is expected that the entire system will be installed tonight." The barrier on Root Island is completely covered.”

Cornelia nodded slightly: "I understand, go ahead."

After Gilbert left, Cornelia looked at Xiao Yun, who had been silent just now, and asked: "What if the other two major forces really come into contact with outsiders? Why are you not worried or surprised at all? "

"I feel it's normal for someone to run out. Of course there's no need to be surprised." Xiao Yun shrugged and said, "I would be surprised if these people were really surrounded by us like fools, but I guess there aren't many who ran out." Personally, now that they have arrived at the two major forces, it is like a fish that has entered the sea and cannot be caught. Moreover, the two major forces may not necessarily hand over the people to us. We must first get them and Only evidence of those people’s cooperation will do.”

"Anyway, be careful. If these people really run away, they can run back again. It may be difficult to do many things, but they can still easily do some damage to us."

Xiao Yun stood up: "I'm going to ask C.C when she can get it done. We have to speed up here. We can do something tonight by taking advantage of the opportunity to cover the barrier."

A few hours later, C.C took a helicopter under the protection of No. 1 and arrived at the aircraft carrier where Xiao Yun was stranded during this period. After a few days, C.C changed his hair back to its original green, wearing a white dress from After getting off the helicopter, he looked at Shikinejima in front of his sight.

No. 1 followed C.C with a box, and when he saw Xiao Yun, he shouted BOSS to Xiao Yun.

Xiao Yun ignored C.C who seemed to be in a daze and said to No. 1: "There is something I need you to do."

"BOSS, please give me your instructions."

Xiao Yun said: "Use your GEASS to determine how many hostile people there are on the island and among all the surrounding troops."


Xiao Yun said: "Let No. 2 accompany you. If you find any situation that can be solved, you can solve it yourself. If you are not sure, let me know if V.V has been settled."

No. 1 said: "It has been placed. No one else will be able to find him."

Number 2 was called and Cornelia's adjutant Andreas was called over. Andreas personally took the two of them to confirm the situation.

The GEASS ability of No. 1 can sense which people have hostility in their hearts. The range is very large. Overall, it can sense not only hostility but also the ability to identify friend and foe. It can also transfer hatred towards others. He can open shields on himself, and he looks like a provocative MT with the ability to open shields and a living map.

It would be interesting if this ability went wild. All the hatred within the scope of the GEASS ability would be forcibly concentrated on him. Is this what it means to be the enemy of the whole world?

No. 1 really made a lot of discoveries after going around this circle. He caught a lot of problematic people and also met those people who were sent out to conduct intelligence investigations on the island before the barrier was opened. He did not take any rash actions and informed me. After Xiao Yun, with the help of 3, 4, and 5 who rushed over to support, they successfully captured this team of only two people, and the whole process was very easy.

No. 1 stepped forward and forced the shield to open: "Come here!"

The others swarmed in and easily resolved the battle, no more difficult than killing a chicken in the market.

Not long after, Lelouch was also picked up, and he threw a GEASS directly at the two of them, turning the two fierce men who were unyielding one second into obedient puppies the next second, destroying everyone they knew. Everything was said in one go.

No. 1 and others did not dare to neglect and quickly sent the news to Xiao Yun, and Lelouch was naturally brought aboard.

"The Federation? That knight in white was sent by the Federation to be a peacemaker?" Xiao Yun was really surprised by the intelligence they brought back on the 1st, and said incredulously: "The truce between the resistance and TMC was also mediated by the Federation. Well... It's not a surprise, but the Federation has already extended its hand. This is too fast. Sure enough, the power of the Federation cannot be underestimated. Even if it does not directly manage these border areas, everything is still there. under their control.”

Now even if he knows that the Federation has reached out, Xiao Yun will not be afraid at all. He can do whatever he needs to do without affecting him at all. As for those people inside who are waiting for follow-up support, it can be confirmed even without asking. .

Xiao Yun opened the box brought by No. 1 and C.C. He took out something like a headband and threw it to No. 1 to No. 5 respectively: "This thing is a GEASS eliminator, which can prevent you from being affected by GEASS. But It is only valid for users, so be prepared to take those two people in with me at night." (End of Chapter)

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