Machine War: Infinite Frontier

Chapter 329 Gaining Experience

Xiao Yun noticed the look in Lelouch's eyes when he left. The look was full of curiosity, confusion and even some suspicion. But the doubt was not about the authenticity of Xiao Yun's words, but about something else. There was something more mysterious, but Xiao Yun just smiled and didn't take it to heart.

The first batch of death row prisoners sent by Cornelia had almost a hundred people, plus the second batch of less than a hundred people from the tripartite alliance, the total number was more than a hundred. According to the GEASS ability, the more you use it, the more you will grow. With the faster characteristics, these two hundred people are equivalent to adding a lot of experience points to Lelouch.

But this is not enough to take Lelouch's ability further. After all, his ability can only be used once by each person, and there is no way to gain experience repeatedly.

But Xiao Yun is different. His ability can be used on one person repeatedly, which means that he can use it on the group of death row prisoners sent by Cornelia infinitely until he has no experience.

However, Xiao Yun still had to make some more preparations before he started. At least he had to lock and stabilize the person before letting these death row prisoners swing back and forth in all kinds of madness, chaos, and different emotional extremes.

According to the development level of GEASS, one eye is controllable - one eye is uncontrollable - both eyes are uncontrollable - both eyes are controllable. Now Xiao Yun and Lelouch have only reached the second stage. The first three stages are all usage abilities. It would be enough if there were enough, but at the last stage when Xiao Yun could control his eyes, he had no clue.

The reason why he took Lelouch with him was that he wanted Lelouch to clear up the wasteland first, and then he would watch from behind to see how Lelouch made his abilities controllable, so that he could have a target to refer to.

When Lelouch came back again, his face was already full of exhaustion. Even if he stared at people for a long time, he would still be tired. After he came back, he sat down directly, covering his sore right eye and looked at Xiao Yun: "Things I've done it, now it's your turn."

Xiao Yun didn't even look at Lelouch. He pressed his ear with the index finger and thumb of one hand and raised his other hand to signal to Lelouch not to panic, as if he was listening to something else. He waited for a while before speaking: "As long as the place is found, the emperor will appear at the ruins of Shengen Island sooner or later. Those who have been contacted are asked to remain silent for the time being and wait for the next order."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Yun took out the headphones from his ears and looked at Lelouch: "Are you done?"

Lelouch looked calm: "Well, that group of outsiders have been controlled according to your order, and I also used my ability on the other group of death row prisoners."

Xiao Yun was a little curious: "Does the other eye feel anything?"

Lelouch may have guessed that Xiao Yun wanted him to take the first step in seeking the truth. Now when he heard such a question from Xiao Yun, he just snorted: "It's not enough."

"That's not enough for more than two hundred people?" Xiao Yun shook his head and said: "Okay, I will ask Cornelia to prepare more death row prisoners for you. You just don't go out and stay here these days. Do you want to Just ask anything and I will tell you everything I know.”

Lelouch had many questions in his mind, but right now he was most concerned about only one: "What happened to Nunnally."

"Nunally." Xiao Yun laughed and said, "Sure enough, everything in the whole world is more important to you than your sister, right? I don't know the situation particularly clearly, but I can give you a rough summary. Now, Nunnally’s eyes are normal, but she has been affected by GEASS, so she can’t open them.”

"Nunnally has a very special ability. A person without GEASS has an extraordinary sixth sense. I'm afraid her qualifications are even higher than yours."

"That's not what I want to know." Lelouch stared at Xiao Yun and said, "Is it the emperor who controls Nunnally? Who is the person you are talking about?"

Xiao Yun spread his hands: "Of course it's your mother."

Lelouch's face suddenly became astonished: "Wha...what? Impossible, how could it be my mother?"

Xiao Yun said: "Your mother is also the holder of the GEASS ability, and the contract partner is C.C."

Lelouch was shocked, and turned his head stiffly to look at C.C who was reading a book nearby and was not in the mood to get into the conversation.

Perhaps feeling Lelouch's gaze, C.C said without raising his head: "Xiao Yun is right, Mariana has the GEASS I gave her, and Mariana is not dead and is still alive. Some kind of Still alive in a sense.”

Looking at the disbelieving look on Lelouch's face, Xiao Yun said: "I'm not kidding you anymore. Although your mother is alive, she has no body. Her abilities are related to the soul and she is not qualified enough, so her abilities are relatively weak. When she was alive, she had no ability at all. I couldn't use my abilities until I died, and then I activated my abilities and possessed my soul into another person. You have also seen this person, the little dwarf who is now the Knight of the Round Table in District 11."

Xiao Yun gushed: "Don't ask why I know so many reasons, but I know you just want to ask why. I can only tell you what happened. Your mother had known that someone was going to assassinate her and let her go in advance. Cornelia left with her guards. The Clovis you killed was a good brother who always wanted to find his younger siblings. "

"Don't talk about this anymore." The expression on Lelouch's face sank and he said, "Besides, you don't have the ability to resurrect him. This is one of the things you promised me."

"Okay, okay." Xiao Yun shook his head and said, "Then I will continue. Nunnally was a witness when your mother was killed. Charles and Mariana wanted to exercise Nunnally's sixth sense and improve her qualifications. At the same time, It was also to protect her that I applied GEASS to her and turned her into a blind person. If I want to restore her eyes, just use the GEASS Eliminator on her. "

"As far as I know, the eyes are like this, but the legs are different. But it doesn't matter. As long as the door disappears, I can open the door and go back. Then I can send you a better treatment cabin. This kind of treatment cabin can restore and treat even broken limbs. Nunnally's legs are nothing special. Also, you and Nunnally have been undergoing transformation since they were embryos, so that you can achieve extremely high potential from birth. I don't know the purpose. You can ask it yourself when the time comes. ”

C.C raised his head and glanced at Lelouch, but said nothing more and then looked at Xiao Yun: "You know too many things."

Xiao Yun stretched out a finger and shook it gently: "It's not that I know many things, but that these things are too deeply connected with you and C's world. C's world is the root of this world, and you C.C. I am a CODE capable person. All I know are these related things. Just like the door next to us now, it will appear near the most valuable things in the world. The ruins on Shengen Island may be what the door considers valuable. thing."

Lelouch said solemnly: "There is more."

Xiao Yun curled his lips: "What else? I don't want to be a fool who instigates the relationship between your mother and son in your eyes. I just know what happened, but Charles must know that Mariana is not dead. Your situation includes you and The meeting of C.C was probably in their plan all along, but they didn't expect that so many unplanned things suddenly happened. At this time, they must be still trying to make up for it and continue to complete their plan, but Lelouch. "

Lelouch frowned slightly: "What."

Xiao Yun said: "If you confirm that your parents are people who pose a threat to this world, confirm that they only use you and Nunnally as tools, and confirm that you are just their pawns, how will you choose to treat them."

Lelouch stood up and said expressionlessly: "It's nonsense. I have personally experienced the cold-bloodedness of the royal family. I have long given up any hope for the royal family. Even my mother, in order to protect Nunnally, No matter who has their purpose, they will never succeed.”

These words were a little jumpy. Xiao Yun touched his hair in confusion, while C.C was a little strange: "You believe what he told you so easily?"

Lelouch glanced at Xiao Yun: "I feel that his way of doing things is not enough to deceive me on this kind of thing. Although he is also very shameless, he is not a villain."

"Nervous." Xiao Yun curled his lips and said: "Anyway, I will gather them all together and bring them to you. Then you can ask him whatever you want to know. But Charles's purpose is Killing gods is to eliminate doubts and barriers between people.”

C.C said softly: "But according to the speculation and calculation of the sect, in the end, all people in the world will be integrated into one and completely destroyed. Isn't the barrier between people the same as the single soul of human beings?" Well, this has shaped countless different individuals around the world to create such a splendid world now. For them, God is the barrier of the soul and heart, and it is also the foundation and origin of this world. It is also the world of C, which will The only result of all these killings may be the destruction of the world."

Xiao Yun was a little surprised: "C.C, you have grown a lot."

"I have been reading a book too." C.C smiled slightly and raised the book in his hand, saying: "But these were told to me by people from the sect. After I returned to leading the sect, I found that many people inside were also suspicious. The necessity and serious consequences of this matter.”

Xiao Yun looked at Lelouch and said, "So how do you feel now when you have two parents who want to destroy the world?"

Lelouch's expression was complicated and he didn't want to pay attention to Xiao Yun. He also saw that Xiao Yun seemed to know a lot, but he only knew some superficial things. He didn't seem to know the core of the matter, and he was not sure what Xiao Yun was. I don’t know if it’s true or if it’s disguised.

Lelouch stayed temporarily, while Xiao Yun asked the obedient little boys to build a prison cage for him using local materials, and then began a new daily experience-earning task.

There were a lot of people on death row in District 11. Cornelia sent more than 500 death row prisoners to Xiao Yun to provide Xiao Yun and Lelouch with experience.

With so many people gaining experience and it being such a high-intensity process, Lelouch's GEASS ability development speed is also quite terrifying. In addition, he consciously allowed himself to improve Lelouch's eyes after using GEASS hundreds of times in a row. Finally entered the third state.

Xiao Yun, on the other hand, kept brushing again and again, making the people in the barrier feel as if they were living in a ghost land and hell every day. There were countless howling ghosts and wolves every day, which was very annoying.

C.C felt incredible when looking at this situation. What Xiao Yun is doing now is really refreshing her outlook on life every day. There is really no GEASS ability user in history who would be so messy and think of using Using this method to rapidly grow GEASS's capabilities is simply treating people not as humans but as pure tools.

Seeing so many people sentenced to death row by Britannia sinking in pain every day, C.C felt a little unbearable. Even a ruthless middle schooler like Lelouch felt that what Xiao Yun was doing was basically An inhuman torture.

Hearing all kinds of ghost cries and howls again inside the barrier, Lelouch with bright eyes came to the bedside with a look of disbelief on his face: "Does this guy really have no feelings at all? Doesn't he have a heart? Like this The sound is so annoying.”

Lelouch frowned slightly, put on his clothes, put on his special glasses, and went out. He happened to see Suzaku Shumu coming out of the kitchen carrying a plate.

Shumu Suzaku smiled and said hello to Lelouch: "Lulu, the noise outside has made you take a rest."

"Suzaku..." Lelouch looked at the innocent smile on Shumu Suzaku's face and was a little stunned: "You..."

"What's wrong?" Shumu Zhuque looked strange. He looked down at the plate he was holding and said to Lelouch with a smile: "Master Xiao Yun has been talking over there and is very thirsty. I came here to prepare some tea for him. In the past, if you were hungry, there was food in the kitchen, so it was no problem for you to cook it yourself.”

"No, there's no problem." Lelouch shook his head quickly, but looking at Shumu Suzaku's strange behavior, he was a little confused: "You... outside..."

"Are you talking about those people?" Shumu Zhuque was silent for a moment, and then said: "They are all death row prisoners. People who have committed the most serious crimes will be executed soon even if they don't go through what they are doing now. I know they They are all Japanese, but they are even more sinners. I know what Lelouch wants to say, but I don't mind at all, because these people all regretted their crimes in front of Lord Xiao Yun, and before they died, they could Feeling that they can see the good times they want most, it might be kind to them to let these people die in happiness."

Lelouch's head was full of questions, thinking that the person in front of him might be a fake Shumu Suzaku.

Seeing Lelouch's appearance, Shumu Suzaku shook his head and said: "You have never gone there to see it, right? If you come with me, you will know that Master Xiao Yun is actually very kind except for his excessive methods of dealing with his enemies. "(End of chapter)

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