Machine War: Infinite Frontier

Chapter 371 Dream Team

At noon, a communication was sent from the New Integration saying that the carrier ships prepared for them had been arranged, and Regeni was asked to arrange for the transfer of their combat forces as soon as possible.

The ship prepared by the new integration for Dawn PMC is just a standard ordinary battleship, and it is also the standard battleship of the 25th Fleet. It is naturally good in terms of performance. In all honesty, it is definitely better than the Archangel. It is an excellent battleship with higher performance, but the Archangel has a halo bonus. The performance of this kind of battleship in the original drama is really unsatisfactory, so it gives people a very rubbish feeling.

But in fact, as a civilization that has spanned the Milky Way, how can the space battleship they built really be so vulnerable? In terms of parameters and performance alone, the Archangel is indeed far behind. A pinpoint defense system has already left the Archangel behind.

The New Integration only borrowed one ship for Shuguang PMC. It was fully equipped and went out with a bag. The only thing Xiao Yun and the others needed to do was to drive the machine over there and they didn’t have to worry about anything else. However, they lent such a ship to Shuguang PMC. There is also a fee, which will be deducted from the original employment fee.

But after this operation is over, the ship will most likely be sold to Dawn PMC.

Xiao Yun, Cong Yunzai, Kira, Preia, Hallelujah, Mu, plus enhanced people Clote and Shani, eight people and eight VF-25s, and they are VF-25s that have been armed and modified. , this is simply a fantastic combat team. The remaining four Xiaoqiang, including Stella who was not assigned to VF-25, will also drive VF-171 equipped with SP super backpack to participate in this battle.

The United Army requested a combat force of no less than thirty VF-171s. Xiao Yun also fulfilled this condition and brought some more people from World 2. The number was not large, so there were only seven or eight people who could add Stella. There were already about ten of them, and it wouldn't be a big problem for Steve and the others to support them.

When Regeni arranged for everyone to move from the factory, the final work on Luo's side had not yet been completed. It was only around three o'clock in the afternoon that the last few VF-25s were hurriedly delivered to Xiao Yun.

As soon as the three black, black-red and white-green machines were delivered to Xiao Yun, he knew which one was his. Needless to say, it was definitely the black machine. The backpack was thick and huge, and all the backpack components were covered with The bright black muzzle, and at a glance, there is something like Latias among the elf, and the wheel-shaped object is the same as Arceus. It is really a cohesive and incoherent thing, which is not what Luo will consider now. The other two small beam rifles used by the Titan were also welded to the original cannon. The body revealed a strong temperament of a waste dealer.

However, it does not matter whether the body used for combat is temporarily prepared or not. What is important is whether it can meet the needs of use. The appearance is not important. Anyway, there is no need to consider aerodynamic issues when fighting in the universe.

Eight dragoons, two beam rifles, one beam shield, two beam sabers, plus half the number of missile pods compared to the original, there is nothing to be picky about this firepower configuration.

Except for Xiao Yun's body, almost everyone else's body has this configuration. Only Hallelujah, Shani, and Clotte are armed slightly differently. Their bodies do not have dragoons but are enlarged. Missile pods and firepower output and the pursuit of more extreme speed.

When the fleet set off, Xiao Yun just sent a text message to Shirley Lu, and received a reply from Shirley Lu in just a few seconds: "Be safe, I'll wait for you at home."

"The FOLD jump is about to begin. All crew members please immobilize their bodies immediately...and pilots please board the plane immediately and prepare."

As the announcement sounded in the ship, Xiao Yun and others also got on their own aircraft and fastened their seat belts. Xiao Yun, who had already experienced a FOLD jump, was still very curious about the current situation after the jump started. As for the Kira people who had experienced this kind of process for the first time, they looked at the current situation in surprise.

Everyone's current situation is as if their souls have been separated from the body. There are even afterimages and overlapping images of the body. Even the sound is slightly affected and distorted in this space. Mu stretched out his hand and touched it curiously. The afterimage of myself was empty, and I couldn't help but feel that it was quite interesting.

During the communication, Mu's avatar appeared on the communication screen of Xiao Yun's body: "How long will this situation last?"

Xiao Yun shook his head: "I don't even know the distance and I don't know how long it will take."

Mu shrugged: "Okay."

Kira's voice suddenly appeared: "Disappeared."

Cong Yunyun is very experienced in this: "This abnormality will be more obvious only during the stage of jumping in and out of FOLD, and you will be able to move freely after that."

"Notify everyone, everyone is ready for battle, the briefing has been issued."

Xiao Yun looked up inexplicably, and then opened the communication to contact the bridge. When he saw the person appearing on the communication screen, he raised his eyebrows slightly: "Why are you here? When I heard the voice, it was yours. "

"Of course I am assisting you." Catherine said calmly: "The combat power carried by this ship is all from your Shuguang PMC. Of course, you need to find someone familiar with you to contact you. Now is not the time for small talk, reconnaissance The team has found two of Galaxy's ships and are currently at war with Vajra. I hope you can show your worth and complete the mission to rescue our compatriots from Vajra."

"Don't worry, I won't let you spend your money in vain." Xiao Yun made an OK gesture towards Catherine and hung up the communication. After reopening the communication, he said to the others: "I kept a low profile. I didn't expect that woman to be here." On the ship."

Mu asked: "Does low-key mean that we don't try our best? Who is this woman?"

"Catherine Glass, the management officer of the ship group, is the daughter of the president of the ship group." Cong Yungui explained to everyone: "This management officer has the identity information of all of us, but are you here smuggled in? It’s a formal procedure, so it’s best not to appear in front of her. Wear a helmet and don’t let her see your appearance. Xiao Yun will take care of it.”

An unhappy voice suddenly sounded: "It's really troublesome. Wouldn't it be better to just kill her?"

Xiao Yun said with a smile: "No, Xilin, you are starting to be naughty again. It's rare to take you guys out for a spin so that you can release your desire to fight. Don't do anything wrong and cause trouble for me."

Xilin puffed his lips: "I know, the target is the alien insect swarm, right?"

Xiao Yun said: "Yes, although you need to keep a low profile when inside the ship, you can do whatever you want as long as you don't hit your own people during the battle. With your abilities and combat AI assistance, it is easy for you to operate these transforming fighters, right? , and you don’t have to worry about being shot down in the battle. I brought Xiaojiu with me and put it on my body. Xiaojiu will keep a synchronized link with you, and your consciousness will be automatically uploaded after the body dies.”

Xilin was very unhappy: "Hey, it's really convenient. They treat us like a death squad, don't they? Damn it."

"Then don't die." Xiao Yun said again: "Steve, remember you are just trying to get people killed. Don't rush to the front as soon as you get the upper hand. Just protect the ship and the fleet and carry out coordinated defense. Don’t worry about other people’s orders.”

"I know BOSS."

After a period of sailing, the strange vision appeared again, but the difference from before was that the process seemed to be reversed. The afterimage that appeared slowly began to overlap with the body, and everyone could feel it. He broke through a slight layer of resistance.

"The de-fold is successful. There are no abnormalities in any part of the hull. The response of DULFIM and KAITOS is confirmed at location 02 directly ahead of the ship. It is fighting vajra. Everyone at Dawn, our first task is to rescue the surviving ship but we also need to collect data on vajra. This S.M.S will also participate in this operation.”

Xiao Yun chuckled: "I know the fleet of three battleships, one is our Dawn, one is S.M.S., and the other one is the soy sauce New Integration, right? But I can only say that I tried my best to collect them. How much information you get is none of my business, so don’t waste time and start the attack process.”

Catherine gritted her teeth and felt that something was wrong between herself and this guy, but after hearing Xiao Yun's words, she still arranged to start the attack process.

As the lifting platform rose, the black fighter plane driven by Xiao Yun was slowly sent to the ejection platform outside the carrier. With the various movements of Xiao Yun's hands, he started the body, pushed the operating lever and stepped on the pedal at the same time. Next, the black fighter plane rushed towards the battlefield at extremely fast speeds accompanied by the projection.

After the aircraft took off, the dragoon parts that were originally folded up above the aircraft body without affecting the parking were fully unfolded, like a peacock spreading its wings, and now it really turned into Latias with Arceus wheels. .

Mu Ye rushed out in his fighter plane and followed Xiao Yun closely. He glanced to the left and said, "That battleship looks interesting."

Xiao Yun also turned around and took a look, and said with a smile: "S.M.S.'s MACROSS-class battleship is a deformable battleship and is quite powerful. There are also military contractors on the opposite side, so don't lose to them."

Kira smiled bitterly and said: "This is my first time flying a fighter jet to fight in the universe. Mr. Xiao Yun, you will make me feel more stressed."

A group of fighters took off one after another. Led by Xiao Yun's black VF-25, several other VF-25s and a dozen VF-171s quickly rushed towards the battlefield, while the remaining Steve and others also flew The fighter planes attacked, but they stayed near the ship and did not move forward.

The S.M.S fleet flying towards the battlefield ahead was also discussing the fighter formation on their right.

In the green reconnaissance fighter, the little Luca Angelo stared at his screen and said: "Captain, this is the Sugon Industrial formation, a combat formation with VF-25 as the main force and VF-171 as the main force."

Michelle, the pilot of the blue fighter, smiled frivolously: "Their equipment looks very different from ours. Is it the new equipment of LAI? Luca, when there is new equipment, you don't give it to us for use immediately. Instead, you give it to these people?"

Luca quickly said: "No, this is the new weapon system Dragoon developed by Dawn Industry. I don't know the status of the weapons of this new equipment, but I know that they made it temporarily for this operation. Yes, I didn’t expect the degree of completion to be so high.”

"Okay." Captain Ozma Li said in a deep voice: "Now is not the time to talk nonsense. Do your best and don't get distracted in the battle. The enemy is coming!"


"Xiaojiu, I leave the control of the Dragoon to you, VT. Pay attention to the body posture adjustment and pin-point defense system."

"Understanding Xiao Yun."


Xiao Yun, assisted by two major AIs, was now very swollen. When he saw Vajar, who was fighting with two battleships, he used his strength to rush towards this side. Xiao Yun did not retreat but accelerated his speed towards the front of the swarm. Rushing up, the first wave of attacks is missile coverage.

Others also followed Xiao Yun's movements and accelerated forward to disperse. Densely packed missiles with white trails rushed towards the insect swarm in front, while countless biological missiles and biological rays released by the insects on the other side also headed towards the insect swarm. Covered by the aircraft they were driving.

As soon as he entered the fighting state, Kira's eyes changed color, and the expression on his face became calm. Together with Preia, he accelerated from behind Xiao Yun to the position directly in front, and then used an even faster speed. Keep rushing forward.

The dragoons of the two machines popped up instantly, flexibly interspersed among the firepower of the insect swarm, and relied on the three-stage deformation adjustment to avoid the insect swarm's attack. They passed through the gaps in various attacks while operating densely packed weapons. Countless rays of light were shot forward.

In the blink of an eye, countless rays of light accurately hit the incoming biological missiles, immediately creating a spreading 'sea of ​​fire' in the universe, helping others clear their way forward.

Xiao Yun, on the other hand, led the others through these explosions and rushed into the frontmost battle circle smoothly.

Michelle fixed the machine body on a meteorite. He just raised the long-range light sniper rifle and saw this gorgeous picture. He couldn't help being shocked and stunned: "What is this!?"

The expression on Luka's face was also very astonished: "Dragoon, as expected from the data analysis, the effect of this weapon in the hands of people who can use it flexibly will be very terrifying, but I didn't expect that even missiles can do it Fighting? It is not easy to target biological missiles flying at such speed in the universe. The pilots of these two aircraft actually intercepted all the missiles. It was simply too powerful. "

But this was not what shocked them the most. Xiao Yun, Kira, Preia, and Mu rushed all the way to the two Galaxy battleships and then transformed at the same time. Missile Gatling Cannon Beam Rifle Dragoon began to fire with full firepower. Directly covering the insect swarms around the two battleships, the violent firepower produced by the four machines turned the innermost war zone into a world covered with light almost in an instant. The attacks launched by the ultra-high-frequency dragoons were It fell on the bugs like rain, making it impossible for these bugs with high mobility to dodge.

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