After studying hard all the way, although Malu and the others are not as convenient as these would-be revolutionaries, the process of hard work is not in vain. They have learned a lot about the basic situation of this world. At least normal communication does not involve some very biased communication. There will be no problem with the topic.

Xiao Yun's eyes never moved away from the things outside the transparent reinforced glass of the passage after he came out of the connecting bridge, and Ma Liu who followed behind was also looking in the direction where Xiao Yun's eyes were looking.

"Is that the battleship that will be given to me to command next?"

"Yes, I didn't expect it to arrive so soon." Xiao Yun noticed the Orb emblem that had been painted on the outer armor of the battleship: "It seems that it took more than a day or two to arrive, but I don't like this color."

Ma Liu chuckled from behind and said: "Perhaps it can be changed to the same paint color as the Archangel. Then you should get used to it."

Xiao Yun touched his chin: "It doesn't matter, but I suddenly have some new ideas."

Malu: "???"

Xiao Yun said: "How about the Galaxy Diva? I happen to have two Galaxy Diva in my hand. How about painting them in very gorgeous colors? One of the parts on the front of this ship is the main gun and the other is the Gnaku. I think it's very beautiful." The Naku is too small. I think it would be more suitable to replace it with two Gnarkus. One can be used as an MS Gnarku and the other as a fighter Gnarku. The main gun can also be moved to other places so that it can be held in the hand without any problem. Meaning, why does a warship need to hold a cannon in its hand? It can be placed on the shoulder. "

Ma Liu shook his head: "The variable-form battleship is really new."

"It's best not to give it up." A man rushed out from behind and grabbed Xiao Yun. He pointed at the huge battleship outside and said, "With such a big thing and such a terrifying workload, we might all be exhausted." It can’t be done to the extent you said!”

Xiao Yun glanced at Billy, who was desperately hoping to stay calm, and said, "I think you underestimate yourself too much. You have to believe that you can do it."

Billy smiled bitterly: "It's hard for me to believe in myself at this time."

Aeolia quite agrees with Xiao Yun's idea: "I think it is feasible and more practical. If a battleship does not have more loading capacity, it can only be regarded as a carrier ship at best."

Xiao Yun gave a thumbs up to Aeolia. He suddenly realized that Aeolia seemed to be a typical big-is-good kind of person. Not to mention the Ptolemy, it was just a transport ship. In Heavenly Man, There is no such thing as a battleship sequence internally, and the Ptolemy has never been included in the battleship sequence.

Only the Tianren is an extremely huge real battleship. It is ridiculously big and has complete functions. The key is that the number of units it can accommodate is not even mentioned. Hundreds of mobile suits can be put in it easily. It is a complete A strange man who has mastered the power of uniting people in numbers.

When they walked out of the connecting bridge, Regeni, Cong Yungui and Luo were already waiting at the door. Regeni was stunned when he saw a group of people following Xiao Yun and Aeolia.

Regeni quickly bowed and said hello: "Lord Aeolia, I didn't expect that you would also come here."

Aeolia smiled faintly: "Even I occasionally want to see something different, Regeni. From now on, we two old men will have to trouble you to take care of her."

Regeni nodded heavily: "Lord Aeolia, I will definitely take good care of you two."

Cong Yungui and Luo also said hello to everyone, and those who wanted to change did not need any additional arrangements. They knew where to go to settle themselves first, and disappeared in the crowd after queuing up. In front of them, the members of the Archangel behind Ma Liu were jealous.

Luo looked at the many people on the Archangel and rubbed their heads, laughing: "Don't be anxious, we will go directly to the battleship next, but the dormitories prepared for you here are also ready, and we still have It is more important to be familiar with the situation of the battleship first.”

Malu nodded. Aeolia also wanted to go over to see the situation of the battleship first, so everyone moved to the port channel and entered another connecting bridge and then walked into the battleship.

At this time, there were more than thirty Proto-Reformers in the battleship, cooperating with the members of the small and medium-sized Wangwang team to conduct a thorough inspection of the entire ship. Xiaojiu was also transferred to this ship and was given a special position on the bridge, link control. Controls all system functions of the entire body.

While visiting the ship, he asked Cong Yungui next to him: "When did the ship arrive?"

Cong Yun impeached: "Ten days ago, we have been inspecting the entire ship since it was delivered to us. It is almost over now and no problems have been found. The ship is very clean and nothing that should not be found is found. Team Paw Paw... I said you haven't thought about changing their name."

Xiao Yun waved his hand: "There is no need to change the name of the Paw Paw Team. It is very good and special. Xiaobai will be their symbol from now on."

Mu jumped out of nowhere and complained: "A wolf with glowing eyes? Hi, Ma Liu."

"Mu." Ma Liu smiled at Mu.

Xiao Yun turned around and asked, "Why are you here?"

Mu Tan spread his hands: "After all, this is where I will fight from now on. I have to get more familiar with this ship. The results after getting familiar with it can only be said to be very powerful. Compared with this ship, the Archangel is simply awesome." Not even qualified to carry shoes.”

Ma Liu said reproachfully: "If you say this, Archangel will make Mu cry."

"Haha, just kidding." Mu Gan laughed and said: "But to be honest, the performance of this ship really leaves the Archangel far behind. The main gun is also capable of destroying asteroids with one shot. Although the Archangel The positron cannon of the USS is also very powerful, but it is still far behind in comparison, but the ganaku is too small. The ganaku is like a transformed shield and is only suitable for use by transformed fighters. I think it is a mobile suit. It’s hard to put it in.”

Xiao Yun glanced at Billy: "What am I saying? Two ganakus are necessary. We are mobile suit pilots, not fighter pilots."

Regeni said: "Master Xiao Yun, I have already taken it upon myself to contact the manufacturer of this ship and ask them to customize a new type of Gnaku for us. It should be delivered to us in about a month. As for We originally discussed that the main gun on the right hand should be connected to the new Gnaku. After all, the ejection requirements of MS are not as high as those of fighter planes, so we can modify the new ejection slot by ourselves. "

Billy put his arm around Regeni's shoulders: "Well done."

"No, order an extra main gun and hang it directly on your shoulder."

Regeni said: "I understand."

Aeolia knocked on the floor with his crutch: "Let's study it first. There are still many areas worth studying and improving on this ship. Don't blindly exhaust the transformation potential of this ship. It will make it a mess and even restore it. If you can’t do it, you don’t need to worry about it. The configuration of the solar furnace is also necessary.”

Xiao Yun pouted: "Listen to you, I only ask for one person who can pretend to be powerful."

"You don't need to worry about these things." Aeolia glanced at Xiao Yun and said, "With so many of us here, are you still worried?"

He still has a better attitude towards the old man. Xiao Yun shook his head: "No, no, how is it possible? Who doesn't know that as long as I carry out the instructions, I will definitely be the one who is more at ease than the person involved. I completely believe in your ability."

The blank gazes of a group of people suddenly glanced at Xiao Yun.

Xiao Yun looked at Luo: "By the way, we brought a lot of miniaturized solar furnaces this time. Think about what to do with them."

Luo said energetically: "You can continue to rest assured that our equipment has been delivered one after another. Now the factory has the ability to independently build and transform the body and equipment. Now that there are so many people helping me, I believe that the design of the new machine will be completed soon." Can take it out.”

Aeolia threw something to Luo, who hurriedly took it and looked at Aiolia with a confused expression: "Mr. Aiolia?"

"All the data of VEDA." Aiolia, like Xiao Yun, admired Luo very much: "When you made Xiaojiu before, you didn't copy the data of VEDA, so I will make it up for you this time. With this information, I believe you can complete the design and development of new machines faster.”

Luo held tightly what Aeolia gave him and nodded heavily: "Thank you."

Aeolia said: "Let's get started. This world shouldn't be too peaceful, otherwise we wouldn't go there again and again to bring people over. Solve all problems as soon as possible and be able to solve them when we encounter them. I, The old man will also try his best to help you."

"The immortal old man." Xiao Yun rolled his eyes, and Aeolia left as if he had not heard Xiao Yun's words.

Ma Liu looked at Xiao Yun and smiled helplessly: "Then I have to get familiar with the ship first."

"go Go."

After everyone had basically left, Regeni said to Xiao Yun: "Sir, the boss behind S.M.S. also contacted me while you were away. I took it upon myself to make advance preparations for the surgery."

Xiao Yun shook his head: "It's okay, Triscilla is here too, just leave this matter to him."

Regeni nodded: "I have one more thing to tell you. Miss Xuelilu's physical condition seems to be a little bad during this period. She has had several high fever symptoms in more than 20 days. There are also some symptoms in the ship group. V-type infection has begun to appear. Sir Xiao Yun, please be careful."

Xiao Yun frowned slightly: "Where is Orchid Li, have any insects appeared during this time?"

Regeni said: "Yes, but they were all small-scale encounters and there were no large-scale attacks. Everything was normal on Lanhua Li's side, because after performing on stage at Miss Sherry's concert, she Some new songs are slowly coming out, and a movie that I participated in was released a few days ago, and I am the second female lead in it.”

Regeni said with a strange expression: "But there is another thing. A Geraldian troop stationed on a certain planet mutinied. What is difficult to understand is that the reason for their mutiny was just because they wanted to let Sherry Miss Xue Lilu went to have a concert, and because of your relationship with Miss Xue Lilu, the ship group hopes that we will escort and protect Miss Xue Lilu’s safety.”

Xiao Yun groaned: "Have you conducted a physical examination on Xue Lilu?"

"No." Regeni shook his head and said, "Miss Sherry seems to be very resistant to physical examinations. There is no way I can force Miss Sherry to do the examination."

Xiao Yun rubbed his temples: "According to the current situation and progress, how long will it take to complete the entire transformation of the battleship, including the rolling off of the new aircraft?"

Regeni frowned slightly and began to calculate. As a proposed reformer, he could also borrow Xiao Jiu's computing power to calculate, and quickly gave Xiao Yun a rough answer: "It will take at least a month."

Xiao Yun pondered for a moment and nodded lightly: "If you have time, if you really can't, you can entrust Xinxing Heavy Industries to help deal with some non-critical areas."

"I see."

Xiao Yun had no intention of continuing to wander around the ship. He stopped and said to Regeni, "Also, please ask S.M.S. or the ship group to put a stage on the ship."

"Sir, are you talking about the stage system?" Regeni said: "It seems that most of the ships in this world will be equipped with this system, especially the MACROSS-level battleships. Every one of them will be equipped with this system. This world attaches great importance to singers. It is indeed a bit beyond imagination. He has completely regarded the singer as a strategic weapon. Mr. Xiao Yun has the vision and ability to directly hold the two singers in his hands. With just two people, we, Shuguang Heavy Industries and PMC, will definitely be able to Soon take your place in this universe.”

"Haha, you made me very happy." Xiao Yun laughed and patted Regeni on the shoulder: "Okay, I'll leave this to you. I'll go back and take a look first."

Xiao Yun left the port and got on the car home, his brows slightly wrinkled: "Fever?"

When Xiao Yun returned home, he met Xue Lilu, as well as Grace and Lanhua Li who were taking care of Xue Lilu here.

Xue Lilu was leaning on the sofa with an ice pack on her head. When Xiao Yun came in, she didn't even notice it but closed her eyes.

It was Grace and Xiao Yun who greeted Xue Lilu before she hurriedly sat up and hid the ice pack.

Xue Lilu looked at Xiao Yun with a smile on her face. She pretended that nothing happened and wanted to stand up, but suddenly she staggered and was directly hugged by Xiao Yun.

Feeling the familiar chest, Xue Lilu raised her head and smiled at Xiao Yun: "You're back!"

"Yes." Xiao Yun nodded and said helplessly: "Why don't you go to the hospital if you are sick?"

Xue Lilu was a little surprised: "You know?"

Xiao Yun said: "You are surrounded by so many people I sent to protect you every day, how can you not know that you are sick? I know exactly what medicine you take every day."

The smile on Grace's face remained unchanged, but her eyes flickered.

Xue Lilu shook her head: "It's okay. Maybe I'm just a little too tired during this period. It's not a big deal. I can get better by taking some medicine and don't have to go to the hospital. And now I don't have time to go to the hospital to waste time."

Xiao Yun asked: "What about the mutiny of the Gerardi troops? The fleet has found you and I hope you will go over?"

Xue Lilu nodded slightly: "Well, if I could solve the problem in the past, of course it would be the best in the past. This is one of the few things I can help you with now."

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