Machine War: Infinite Frontier

Chapter 381 Newborn Brela

Aeolia and Professor Raphael looked at each other and shook their heads slightly, speechless, but they didn't say much about Xiao Yun's thoughts.

Aeolia said: "Let's confirm the effect of the nanorobots first."

Triscilla glanced at Regeni, who nodded quickly: "I'll make arrangements right away."

Regeni left Xiao Yun and touched his belly and said with a smile: "They are really poisoning each other. Little did they know that my poison is better than mine. My poison is not that simple. This woman is really The test could not detect the quantum virus. I was prepared for a showdown, but I didn’t expect things to go so smoothly.”

Triscilla's eyes lit up a little: "When Grace and Brela were connecting, the nanobots invaded each other's body along the connecting line. When the other party downloaded Brela's Implant chip data and read the memory, it also Download the quantum virus we hidden in Brela's body together with Hanayu's consciousness. After about three hours, Hanayu will be able to connect to Xiaojiu through brain quantum waves, and if anything goes wrong with the connection, Hanayu will also I can transfer my consciousness to Xiao Jiu immediately."

Xiao Yun is quite satisfied with the current situation, but it is unforgivable that Grace, a scumbag, poisoned him so early.

Xiao Yun said to Triscilla: "Now that things are going so smoothly, it's best not to alert the enemy. Our first goal is to find out where Galaxy's main island is and seize it."

Aeolia was not interested in what Xiao Yun wanted to do. Seeing that Xiao Yun himself did not care about his poisoning, he stood up from the chair with a cane and said: "Since everything is within your plan Then we don’t need to worry. We two old men have other things to do so we won’t waste time with you here. Triscilla, you should pay attention to his situation at all times.”

Triscilla bowed slightly: "I know Lord Aeolia."

Xiao Yun also nodded to the two old men and watched them leave. When the automatic door closed, Xiao Yun said to Triscilla: "Go and see how the real Brela is doing now."

Triscilla nodded and followed Xiao Yun through the gate to World No. 2. Not long after, she brought Xiao Yun to a room. In the transparent egg-shaped cabin inside, a blond boy was curled up in the cabin. Completely submerged in the green liquid, with a mask on his face to maintain the oxygen he needed, the body and appearance of this young man were exactly the same as the Brera who was pushed into the incinerator by Xiao Yun just now.

The previous body was Brela's original body, yes, but it wasn't exactly the same. As a completely transformed biochemical robot, it was very simple for Brela to make any changes to his body, such as giving him Change heads or copy a head.

What Grace can do, uploading and downloading the consciousness of biochemical humans, is impossible with the technology of the Celestial Being Organization. The technology in this area is even more advanced than the technology mastered by the Galaxy Ship Group. And now the body in front of Xiao Yun is the real Brera. At least it has Brera's brain and complete memory. It would not be wrong to say that such a Brera is the real Brera.

Triscilla's eyes were always bright and she was communicating with VEDA, while also explaining the boy's situation to Xiao Yun.

"VEDA has been reshaping his body during this period of time. The remodeling of his body has been completely completed through nanobiological cell printing technology and can be activated at any time. However, Brela is now closer than those of the Paw Paw Team. For us change makers.”

Xiao Yun nodded and gestured to Triscilla, who seemed to be motionless but activated Brela inside through VEDA.

There was no special situation or reaction, except that a lot of bubbles suddenly appeared in the egg cabin and the liquid inside began to decrease rapidly. When the liquid was completely drained, the boy's eyes moved and then slowly opened.

From blurry to clearly seeing things, Brela seemed to be down. At first, he didn't have much consciousness. But as his consciousness gradually recovered, after seeing Xiao Yun, his eyes suddenly widened and he immediately began to look around. The situation became alarming.

Xiao Yun raised his finger and pointed at Brela: "Has your consciousness recovered? It seems like you still remember me."

Brela slowly got up and took off the mask after seeing the unfamiliar environment. She tried to contact Grace but got no response at all. She hit the glass of the cabin she was in and said with a slight frown: "This is Where, what did you do to me."

Xiao Yun said: "What have you done? I didn't do anything. I just gave you a new life, but the price is your lifelong loyalty. Although this life may last a long, long time, I believe you should be able to accept it. You can't be used as a tool for anyone. As for tools, I have no intention of treating you as a tool. In addition, I have also lifted the original shackles in your mind and given you new ones. The memories you lost before have probably been restored now. Do you want to recall them first? Your past?"

He didn't react at first, but after hearing Xiao Yun's words, countless memories popped up in Brela's mind under control, and countless pictures and sounds popped out so fiercely that Brela seemed to have seen them. It was like an hallucination. Xiao Yun unconsciously glanced at Triscilla next to him after seeing the painful look on his face as he held his head.

Triscilla shook his head: "It is normal for too many things to come up in the brain to cause some stimulation. His current physical condition is almost the same as that of our reformers, but the brain tissue is still at the level of an ordinary person. Although there are nanobots Coordination is maintained, but it is estimated that there will still be some discomfort for a period of time.”

Xiao Yun nodded and was not in a hurry, just watching Brela, who didn't even have a pair of pants, holding her head in the egg cabin and growling.

After waiting for about two or three minutes, Brela slowly calmed down. She raised her head and looked at Xiao Yun with complex eyes: "Can you give me some clothes first?"

Triscilla opened the magazine, found a set of clothes specially designed for revolutionaries, and threw them to Brela. After Brela put on her clothes, she slowly walked out of it and bent down towards Xiao Yun: "Thank you. you."

"Don't thank me yet. It may be more painful for you to follow me in the future than before." Xiao Yun said to Brela and then said to Triscilla: "Explain the situation to him."

Triscilla's eyes lit up, which stunned Brela who had just straightened up, but soon his eyes also lit up. Countless information seemed to flow in front of his eyes, and he quickly grasped all the current situations. .

Covering her head, Brela looked at her other hand in disbelief: "The pseudo-reformer...another world..."

Xiao Yun clicked his tongue and said: "The pseudo-reformers are really convenient. Even if those people in the Paw Paw Team have been transformed, they still can't reach this level. At most, they can only communicate with each other through brain quantum waves."

Triscilla flicked her hair: "After all, their technological evolution belonging to humans cannot be directly connected to VEDA. It is normal to be different from our native reformers. I am afraid that even true purebred reformers may not have it. It’s so convenient for us.”

"I feel so too."

Brela understood the meaning of the new life given by Xiao Yun. This was a new life in the real physical sense. They directly changed his body. This made Brela's mood extremely complicated, but what really shocked Brela It was still about things in other worlds. It took him a long time to come back to his senses.

"Xiao Yun...Master..."

Brela knelt on one knee with a complicated look on her face, lowered her head like a knight and expressed her loyalty to Xiao Yun: "Master Xiao Yun, I am willing to be your tool."

"Ha." Xiao Yun looked at Brela who was kneeling on the ground and said, "You are very direct. What do you want?"

Brela looked up at Xiao Yun: "I hope you can help me find my sister."

Xiao Yun said with a strange expression: "Is it that simple?"

Brela nodded slightly.

Xiao Yun looked at Brela: "Do you have any clues?"

Brela frowned slightly and thought: "I guess she should be on Frontier now. Grace must know where my sister is. Her purpose is to find orchids."

Xiao Yun asked: "That's all?"

Brela said: "Well, I only know this much."

Xiao Yun pulled Brela up and said, "Do you know the current location of the Galaxy fleet?"

Brela shook her head: "I don't know. If you want to find the Galaxy Ship Group, I can go find it."

"It's okay if you don't know." Xiao Yun patted Brela on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry about it. During this period, you can stay here and get familiar with your new body. I will let you see it soon." Your sister."

Brela nodded, but suddenly felt that there seemed to be something else in Xiao Yun's words, and a flash of surprise suddenly flashed in her eyes: "Master Xiao Yun, do you know where my sister is?"

Xiao Yun said: "Lanhua Li, the girl adopted and raised by Ozma Li, the captain of the S.M.S Skeleton Squad, is your sister. I noticed her very early and sent people to protect her. She is now a contract signer of my agency. The artist will help me make a lot of money in the future, so no matter what ideas Grace has, I will not allow Grace to hurt her. But now Grace thinks you are dead and maybe she is still trying to pass the data. The idea is to resurrect you, so it’s not time for you to appear next to Lanhua. When the opportunity is right, I will send you to protect her. "

Brela held back her excitement: "Thank you, thank you Mr. Xiao Yun."

After repeatedly confirming with Brela, we found that this guy really didn’t know anything. Grace really only used this guy as a tool. Of course, it was impossible to tell him everything, but from Brela’s mouth, she knew that after being raped by Grace, During her time under control, she helped Grace clean up many Galaxy ships, in a physical sense.

There should be many people in the Galaxy fleet who don't know what Grace wants to do, and even Grace and those behind her are not enough to completely control the entire Galaxy fleet. Among them, the new unified army is Grace. It's a hard place to get in.

This is also the reason why vajra will attack the Galaxy fleet many times. Grace and her conspirators want to reduce the power of the new unity and then find an opportunity to control the main island of Galaxy. Her plan is not the entire Galaxy fleet. Everyone has participated, but at this time, probably all the people who were not involved in this plan have disappeared from the world.

No matter what the process looks like, what is certain now is that the Galaxy fleet must be controlled by Grace and her co-conspirators. It is a pity that Xiao Yun cannot take a shortcut and directly learn from Brela where Galaxy is currently hiding, otherwise If so, you can directly bypass Grace and win the Galaxy.

After leaving Brela on the Tianren, Xiao Yun took Triscilla back to World No. 4. Xiao Yun had nothing to do in the factory, so he was sent home.

Xue Lilu probably knew for a long time that Xiao Yun's eyes were shining brightly due to his misuse of experimental products. As soon as Xiao Yun entered the house, Xue Lilu came out to greet Xiao Yun with a curious face. When she saw Xiao Yun's eyes shining now, she couldn't help but He held his stomach and laughed: "You have turned out like this. This is too shameful and stupid. There are such runes like flying birds in your eyes. What do you and your developers think? "

"Are you very good at it?" Xiao Yun took off his coat, threw it on the sofa, sat down, and said to Xue Lilu: "I think it's okay."

"It's quite beautiful." Xue Lilu covered her mouth and couldn't hold back her smile and said, "It just doesn't suit your temperament. If it's night, your eyes can still light up. I don't need to turn on the light and open my eyes." find you."

"Haha." Xiao Yun pulled Xue Lilu to his side and sat down. He raised his hand and touched Xue Lilu's head and nodded: "The fever is gone."

"It's okay." Xue Lilu shook her head slightly and grabbed Xiao Yun's hand. She looked at Xiao Yun's eyes carefully and asked, "Will your eyes be damaged like this?"

Xiao Yun started to talk nonsense: "It's okay. The safety of bionic molecule technology is the most important condition to ensure. Let alone a month, it doesn't matter if it stays on like this for a year or ten years. Did Orchid come to see you today?"

Xue Lilu was not surprised and nodded: "I came here by myself in the afternoon. Grace came over just now and sent her back by the way."

Xiao Yun nodded: "Let's sing together."

Xue Lilu nodded and said with a smile: "Well, Lan Hua is progressing really fast, and there is more and more emotion in her singing now. I think it won't be long before she can become a real singer, but it's strange to say, listen I feel a lot better when I sing in Orchid.”

Xiao Yun unconsciously touched his eyes: "Manager Catherine contacted me today. The departure time has been determined and you can almost start packing your luggage. This time there are many requirements for escorts. The only way is to go there on a battleship."

Xue Lilu raised her head and smiled confidently: "It should be fine. As long as I go there, everything will be back to normal." (End of Chapter)

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